Global warming?

We already know the wingpunk neo-cons are fucktards, and I am an independent non-partisan.

All the wingpunks got ahold of this bullshit tree-ring study, which shows, what we already knew, not only were the Medieval and Roman Warming Periods warmer than we are, but also the Minoan Warming and the usual Holocene maximum were warmer than we are.

But that will change, in a geologic instant. CO2 is at 400 ppm and accelerating, up, while temperature is being forced UP, to an acceleration of warmth, since CH4 and more CO2 are out-gassing, from warming lands and waters.

CO2 normally peaks at 280 ppm, to turn down, forcing a gradual cooling, over about 100,000 years.

But noooo. Humans forced that up, with cars, chainsaws, and factories, so temperatures will RISE. They won't stop, for anything, except for a drastic re-greening, which is enough, to save enough human habitat, to continue the re-greening, until the CO2 clears, in a few hundred thousand years.

Or, the planet will go to hell, and most or all humans will die. Climate change following warming will include more of any variation, heat, storms, floods, sea level rise, oceanic acidification, droughts, desertification, wildfires, and extinctions.

You keep copying this shitty link. I keep replying to it. My typing is getting faster.
It seems wingpunk fucktards kept posting the exact same shit, in different thread groups of USMB, and ranting, about "liberals."

Eat shit, Scum Puppy. You punkass neo-con bitches don't have legitimate issues or media, to post.
It seems wingpunk fucktards kept posting the exact same shit, in different thread groups of USMB, and ranting, about "liberals."

Eat shit, Scum Puppy. You punkass neo-con bitches don't have legitimate issues or media, to post.

This one was first...go suck off yoda you freak.
I was wondering when someone was going to post that.

I think I'll wait until the 'auditors' check it out first. tree rings are a pretty crappy temp proxy that are affected by a lot of other factors besides just temperature.

on the other hand, this study falls more in line with the other proxy reconstructions that show temperature has been falling for the last 8000 yrs (while CO2 has been rising)
We already know the wingpunk neo-cons are fucktards, and I am an independent non-partisan.

All the wingpunks got ahold of this bullshit tree-ring study, which shows, what we already knew, not only were the Medieval and Roman Warming Periods warmer than we are, but also the Minoan Warming and the usual Holocene maximum were warmer than we are.

But that will change, in a geologic instant. CO2 is at 400 ppm and accelerating, up, while temperature is being forced UP, to an acceleration of warmth, since CH4 and more CO2 are out-gassing, from warming lands and waters.

CO2 normally peaks at 280 ppm, to turn down, forcing a gradual cooling, over about 100,000 years.

But noooo. Humans forced that up, with cars, chainsaws, and factories, so temperatures will RISE. They won't stop, for anything, except for a drastic re-greening, which is enough, to save enough human habitat, to continue the re-greening, until the CO2 clears, in a few hundred thousand years.

Or, the planet will go to hell, and most or all humans will die. Climate change following warming will include more of any variation, heat, storms, floods, sea level rise, oceanic acidification, droughts, desertification, wildfires, and extinctions.

You keep copying this shitty link. I keep replying to it. My typing is getting faster.

The Romans drove SUV's and used chainsaws...who knew?

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