Globalist Mayday Leftists Whine About Immigration Control


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
What could have been more predictable ? Oh yes, there they were. Tens of thousands (nationwide) of looney leftists, spouting their dopey INTERnationalism, in the streets against president Trump’s sensible nationalism, and immigration control.

There they were, blustering in favor of having their jobs taken away from them, having their economy pillaged for $133 Billion/year, having their wages reduced, and losing Billions$$ of tax dollars, and the services they could have provided.

But then, these globalists are programmed to ignore national borders, and see the whole world as one big nation. So all the jobs they’re losing, economy damaged, wages reduced, and services lost, they don’t see as being theirs, as part of their national home.

On a smaller scale, that would be like seeing their home as belonging to everyone in the town they live in. So maybe they should be inviting all the homeless people there to enter their always-open front door. They should let everyone saunter in and use the bathroom, the shower, help themselves to the refrigerator, their beds and pillows, and share the TV remote control equally, you think ? This would be consistent with their idea of their national home not belonging to just them (and all Americans), and allowing others (anyone) to share it with them.

And I guess they aren’t fazed a bit by any thoughts of resource quantity. Like how much fresh water is available per capita. (at the time of this writing, we’re having water restrictions imposed all over Florida). Quantity, to these folks, seems to be a nonexistent concept. Problem for them (and all of us) is, it’s a very REAL thing, and which has devastating consequences when ignored.

Consequences like traffic congestion, pollution, waste disposal, power failures, gasoline and oil shortages, additional crime, hospital and school overcrowding, more crowding and stress on recreational facilities and government services, etc.

And since these energetic do-gooders are out in the streets running amok, apparently they aren’t the ones who have been sidelined with immigration-related DISEASES. Entero Virus 68, dengue fever, Chagas, Tuberculosis, measles, leprosy, whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever, and even bubonic plague all making a comeback in the USA, thanks to the internationalism and unrestrained immigration these fools support. And let’s not forget Ebola, which our ex-globalist president thought was OK to let into the country.

Lastly, I wonder if these internationalist freaks are equipped for taxi riding >> with an app in the smart phones that can instantly convert foreign language speech (from 70+ languages) into American English.

Oh! Did I say “American” ? How nationalistic of me.
Has anybody here been hit by the immigration-related DISEASES ? >>> Entero Virus 68, dengue fever, Chagas, Tuberculosis, measles, leprosy, whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever, bubonic plague, Ebola.

Tell us about it.

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