Go ahead GOP. Defund Planned Parenthood. Show American women how much you care.

They do breast exams and arrange for mobile mammogram services at their clinics.

Planned Parenthood and Mammograms
So do all the hospitals. PP is not needed for that.

How many hospitals exist in poor areas?

Several. I live in one of the poorest states in the USA. And the hospital I work for has at least a dozen large medical centers across the state...as well as urgent care facilities and other medical buildings. And we are not the only major hospital in the state.

And yet you complain about healthcare costs going up when you want to eliminate a major provider of healthcare to the poor and impose that burden on the most expensive provider in the entire system instead. PP is 60% funded by donations. How many hospitals receive their funding from donations, if any?

I would rather those funds go to help fund Obamacare since folks were forced to sign up and pay for it. Why shouldn't women go to the better doctors and services available to them?

PP can continue relying on donations to service the women who choose them.

Women do now have other choices available to them. Once given that information why would they chose PP when they can visit their own OBGYN that has their complete medical history on file?

How many OBGYN's work in poor areas? Enough to provide the same range of services as PP does?
So do all the hospitals. PP is not needed for that.

How many hospitals exist in poor areas?

Several. I live in one of the poorest states in the USA. And the hospital I work for has at least a dozen large medical centers across the state...as well as urgent care facilities and other medical buildings. And we are not the only major hospital in the state.

And yet you complain about healthcare costs going up when you want to eliminate a major provider of healthcare to the poor and impose that burden on the most expensive provider in the entire system instead. PP is 60% funded by donations. How many hospitals receive their funding from donations, if any?

I would rather those funds go to help fund Obamacare since folks were forced to sign up and pay for it. Why shouldn't women go to the better doctors and services available to them?

PP can continue relying on donations to service the women who choose them.

Women do now have other choices available to them. Once given that information why would they chose PP when they can visit their own OBGYN that has their complete medical history on file?

How many OBGYN's work in poor areas? Enough to provide the same range of services as PP does?

What? You didn't do the stats on that while you were shoving the ACA down everyone's throat?

Why you wanting to denying women the best care possible?
How many hospitals exist in poor areas?

Several. I live in one of the poorest states in the USA. And the hospital I work for has at least a dozen large medical centers across the state...as well as urgent care facilities and other medical buildings. And we are not the only major hospital in the state.

And yet you complain about healthcare costs going up when you want to eliminate a major provider of healthcare to the poor and impose that burden on the most expensive provider in the entire system instead. PP is 60% funded by donations. How many hospitals receive their funding from donations, if any?

I would rather those funds go to help fund Obamacare since folks were forced to sign up and pay for it. Why shouldn't women go to the better doctors and services available to them?

PP can continue relying on donations to service the women who choose them.

Women do now have other choices available to them. Once given that information why would they chose PP when they can visit their own OBGYN that has their complete medical history on file?

How many OBGYN's work in poor areas? Enough to provide the same range of services as PP does?

What? You didn't do the stats on that while you were shoving the ACA down everyone's throat?

Why you wanting to denying women the best care possible?

There was no care at all prior to the ACA.

But no surprise that you have to lie about that.

What else do you have?
And, it's your words that only depraved people are working in these positions. That's not all what I said.

Actually those are your exact words;

Surely, you don't deny that there are depraved people walking among us, who would do anything for a dollar.
Unfortunately, these people work in positions where they are respected for helping the less fortunate, while at the same time, they are helping themselves to amass a fortune from the innocent.

How do you know for a fact that people inside PP are not profiting from the sale of baby parts?

Because that is a violation of the law that I have quoted earlier in this thread. The onus is on you to prove that is happening. And no, the malicious videos do not prove that it is happening.

The videos have caused PP to be under investigation.

Because they are malicious lies that also duped a great many other people too.

"No one is amassing a fortune at the expense of the less fortunate." That's a very inane statement.

And yet those are your very own words that I was exposing;

Unfortunately, these people work in positions where they are respected for helping the less fortunate, while at the same time, they are helping themselves to amass a fortune from the innocent.

I'm not confused because I don't listen to overwrought, overbearing know-it-alls who think one size fits all.


I understand that you need to do whatever to hold onto your belief, but I don't have to be used by you to support your ego.
If you need to be out front waiving a flag for PP, then do what your heart dictates, but stop stepping other people's beliefs to power through.
Everyone has the right to think as they believe, and not your or anyone else should be able to strong arm them into believing and embracing your views.
Fast Facts: U.S. Abortion Statistics | Fox News

If, as you say, abortions are paid in full by contributors who donate to PP, why then are subsidies given?
Who pays for PP's exorbitant staff salaries?
"69% of all women who obtain abortions have incomes below 2 times the poverty level." Do you find this statistic to be justifiable?
Where does sex education come into play?

My source was the respected nonpartisan Guttmacher Institute.

Anything that is provided via partisan sources like FauxNoise is less than credible IMO.

To answer your questions;

1. Taxpayer subsidies to PP are for the healthcare services such as papsmears and mammograms. Please note that it is illegal to use taxpayer funds for abortions. None of the taxpayer funds are used for abortions. That money comes exclusively from donations by supporters of PP.

2. Who says that they are "exorbitant"? FauxNoise? How do they reach that conclusion?

3. What needs to be justified about factual data. Go to Guttmacher and look at how they compile their data. It is all open and above board.

About the Guttmacher Institute

4. Sex education tells you about contraceptives. If you can't afford them the education is meaningless.

I've been taught to listen to all sides of an argument and then make a decision as to where you stand on the issue.
As I've said previously, I'm pro-choice because I think people should make their own decisions and choices concerning their lives, but they also should be held accountable for their choices and any repercussions that may follow.
"4. Sex education tells you about contraceptives. If you can't afford them the education is meaningless"
Admittedly, I find the #4 statement to be utterly unintelligent because you are limiting sex education to the act of copulation only, and to say that a person unable to afford any type of birth control nullifies sex education is off the charts for me.
PP does not offer mammograms, but they do offer services to women and men who otherwise might not have another source in their community, and they are to be commended for efforts.
Surely, you don't deny that there are depraved people walking among us, who would do anything for a dollar.
Unfortunately, these people work in positions where they are respected for helping the less fortunate, while at the same time, they are helping themselves to amass a fortune from the innocent.
The recent videos showing PP scheming in the shaded areas were upsetting to say the least, and people should not turn a blind eye because it's the politically correct thing to do.

Let me repeat what I heard you saying.

You were duped by the videos into believing that only "depraved people" are working in these positions so that they can take advantage of the less fortunate in order to help "themselves to amass a fortune from the innocent".

As someone who claims to "listen to all sides of an argument" why have you allowed yourself to be deceived by only one side and why are you ignoring the facts on the other side?

Here are some of the facts you might not be aware of;

1. The videos were deliberately and maliciously edited to deceive and inflame people about PP.

2. The videos falsely implied that PP was "profiting" from the illegal sales of baby parts.

3. The videos have not withstood independent scrutiny.

4. No one is amassing a fortune at the expense of the less fortunate.

What does it tell you about the anti-rights zealots who made those videos that they had to "bear false witness" in order to deceive you?

Abortion is an unfortunate fact of life and death. No laws banning abortion are going to stop them happening. They have been around for as long as recorded history and probably longer.

What we have today are standard protocols that must be adhered to. If they are being violated then hold those who violated them accountable.

But to deprive women at and below the poverty level without access to abortion services and other healthcare services is despicable and un-American. To do so on the basis of vile duplicitous canards spewed by anti-rights zealots is downright cowardly.

Their agenda is to impose a theocracy on this nation that would be worse than Sharia.

As an American I will stand against them and for the less fortunate and the unfairly impugned PP employees who have been besmirched by these scummy zealots.

See, I can use inflammatory language too.

Does that leave you confused?

Or do you want to take a step back and just look at the facts instead.

PP provides many services for those who otherwise don't have access to them. The extremist right has an agenda of doing what it can to harm the less fortunate in this nation. Damaging PP is part of that agenda.
Abortion is murdering your baby....don't rationalize it by saying its a fact of life and death. The rest of your post is just as factual.

Murder is a legal term that refers to someone who is a separate individual with a legal birth certificate.

A fetus does not have a birth certificate and therefore does not fall under the same legal definition except in a few very rare instances.

Yes, the potential life of the fetus is terminated by the abortion. That happens millions of times every single day all around the world and they are called spontaneous abortions. Sometimes they happen early and sometimes they occur later but they are just the same as far as termination of the life of the fetus as an induced abortion.

Now are you going to file murder charges against all of the women who have spontaneous abortions too?

Because that is the exact same thing so don't try and rationalize it and say that it isn't.

Should every woman have to take a pregnancy test every month and if she miscarries you will file 2nd degree murder charges against her and send her to prison for life?

Is that what you are advocating?

"A fetus does not have a birth certificate and therefore does not fall under the same legal definition except in a few very rare instances."
What are those rare instances?
And, it's your words that only depraved people are working in these positions. That's not all what I said.

Actually those are your exact words;

Surely, you don't deny that there are depraved people walking among us, who would do anything for a dollar.
Unfortunately, these people work in positions where they are respected for helping the less fortunate, while at the same time, they are helping themselves to amass a fortune from the innocent.

How do you know for a fact that people inside PP are not profiting from the sale of baby parts?

Because that is a violation of the law that I have quoted earlier in this thread. The onus is on you to prove that is happening. And no, the malicious videos do not prove that it is happening.

The videos have caused PP to be under investigation.

Because they are malicious lies that also duped a great many other people too.

"No one is amassing a fortune at the expense of the less fortunate." That's a very inane statement.

And yet those are your very own words that I was exposing;

Unfortunately, these people work in positions where they are respected for helping the less fortunate, while at the same time, they are helping themselves to amass a fortune from the innocent.

I'm not confused because I don't listen to overwrought, overbearing know-it-alls who think one size fits all.


I understand that you need to do whatever to hold onto your belief, but I don't have to be used by you to support your ego.
If you need to be out front waiving a flag for PP, then do what your heart dictates, but stop stepping other people's beliefs to power through.
Everyone has the right to think as they believe, and not your or anyone else should be able to strong arm them into believing and embracing your views.

Fascinating that you lack the honesty to admit that I was quoting your own inanities.

Instead you just make up even more of them.


Did you know that your beloved zealots are under investigation for committing IRS fraud now?

They even used illegal forged drivers licenses as ids when they went to PP.

Looks like I am not the only one who has seen through the deception and is exposing this criminal gang.

Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS Donors

Here Are The Fake IDs Anti-Abortion Activists Used To Film Planned Parenthood
My source was the respected nonpartisan Guttmacher Institute.

Anything that is provided via partisan sources like FauxNoise is less than credible IMO.

To answer your questions;

1. Taxpayer subsidies to PP are for the healthcare services such as papsmears and mammograms. Please note that it is illegal to use taxpayer funds for abortions. None of the taxpayer funds are used for abortions. That money comes exclusively from donations by supporters of PP.

2. Who says that they are "exorbitant"? FauxNoise? How do they reach that conclusion?

3. What needs to be justified about factual data. Go to Guttmacher and look at how they compile their data. It is all open and above board.

About the Guttmacher Institute

4. Sex education tells you about contraceptives. If you can't afford them the education is meaningless.

I've been taught to listen to all sides of an argument and then make a decision as to where you stand on the issue.
As I've said previously, I'm pro-choice because I think people should make their own decisions and choices concerning their lives, but they also should be held accountable for their choices and any repercussions that may follow.
"4. Sex education tells you about contraceptives. If you can't afford them the education is meaningless"
Admittedly, I find the #4 statement to be utterly unintelligent because you are limiting sex education to the act of copulation only, and to say that a person unable to afford any type of birth control nullifies sex education is off the charts for me.
PP does not offer mammograms, but they do offer services to women and men who otherwise might not have another source in their community, and they are to be commended for efforts.
Surely, you don't deny that there are depraved people walking among us, who would do anything for a dollar.
Unfortunately, these people work in positions where they are respected for helping the less fortunate, while at the same time, they are helping themselves to amass a fortune from the innocent.
The recent videos showing PP scheming in the shaded areas were upsetting to say the least, and people should not turn a blind eye because it's the politically correct thing to do.

Let me repeat what I heard you saying.

You were duped by the videos into believing that only "depraved people" are working in these positions so that they can take advantage of the less fortunate in order to help "themselves to amass a fortune from the innocent".

As someone who claims to "listen to all sides of an argument" why have you allowed yourself to be deceived by only one side and why are you ignoring the facts on the other side?

Here are some of the facts you might not be aware of;

1. The videos were deliberately and maliciously edited to deceive and inflame people about PP.

2. The videos falsely implied that PP was "profiting" from the illegal sales of baby parts.

3. The videos have not withstood independent scrutiny.

4. No one is amassing a fortune at the expense of the less fortunate.

What does it tell you about the anti-rights zealots who made those videos that they had to "bear false witness" in order to deceive you?

Abortion is an unfortunate fact of life and death. No laws banning abortion are going to stop them happening. They have been around for as long as recorded history and probably longer.

What we have today are standard protocols that must be adhered to. If they are being violated then hold those who violated them accountable.

But to deprive women at and below the poverty level without access to abortion services and other healthcare services is despicable and un-American. To do so on the basis of vile duplicitous canards spewed by anti-rights zealots is downright cowardly.

Their agenda is to impose a theocracy on this nation that would be worse than Sharia.

As an American I will stand against them and for the less fortunate and the unfairly impugned PP employees who have been besmirched by these scummy zealots.

See, I can use inflammatory language too.

Does that leave you confused?

Or do you want to take a step back and just look at the facts instead.

PP provides many services for those who otherwise don't have access to them. The extremist right has an agenda of doing what it can to harm the less fortunate in this nation. Damaging PP is part of that agenda.
Abortion is murdering your baby....don't rationalize it by saying its a fact of life and death. The rest of your post is just as factual.

Murder is a legal term that refers to someone who is a separate individual with a legal birth certificate.

A fetus does not have a birth certificate and therefore does not fall under the same legal definition except in a few very rare instances.

Yes, the potential life of the fetus is terminated by the abortion. That happens millions of times every single day all around the world and they are called spontaneous abortions. Sometimes they happen early and sometimes they occur later but they are just the same as far as termination of the life of the fetus as an induced abortion.

Now are you going to file murder charges against all of the women who have spontaneous abortions too?

Because that is the exact same thing so don't try and rationalize it and say that it isn't.

Should every woman have to take a pregnancy test every month and if she miscarries you will file 2nd degree murder charges against her and send her to prison for life?

Is that what you are advocating?

"A fetus does not have a birth certificate and therefore does not fall under the same legal definition except in a few very rare instances."
What are those rare instances?

I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood? Ben Carson

A rare salient point (at least on the surface). Probably should have thought about that before all of the BS restrictions GOP governors installed.

Explain to me which "BS restriction" rendered Obamacare null and void in the areas of STD testing, birth control, and abortion, requiring us to continue throwing taxpayer money at Planned Parenthood.

That's assuming this is actually an attempt at a valid observation, rather than just another ignorant squawking point on this week's memo.
I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood? Ben Carson

A rare salient point (at least on the surface). Probably should have thought about that before all of the BS restrictions GOP governors installed.

What BS restrictions?

Aisles being wide enought for two gurneys to go through. The number of parking spaces in the parking lot. A post TV Ultrasound. Forcing the mother to listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Anti-Abortion Leader Admits Clinic Restrictions Are Not About Safety

Not hearing a single thing that makes Obamacare invalid for the same shit Planned Parenthood does. I am, however, deeply impressed by your concern for women's health and well-being evidenced by your antagonism toward requiring "reproductive health clinics" to operate like real health clinics.
Several. I live in one of the poorest states in the USA. And the hospital I work for has at least a dozen large medical centers across the state...as well as urgent care facilities and other medical buildings. And we are not the only major hospital in the state.

And yet you complain about healthcare costs going up when you want to eliminate a major provider of healthcare to the poor and impose that burden on the most expensive provider in the entire system instead. PP is 60% funded by donations. How many hospitals receive their funding from donations, if any?

I would rather those funds go to help fund Obamacare since folks were forced to sign up and pay for it. Why shouldn't women go to the better doctors and services available to them?

PP can continue relying on donations to service the women who choose them.

Women do now have other choices available to them. Once given that information why would they chose PP when they can visit their own OBGYN that has their complete medical history on file?

How many OBGYN's work in poor areas? Enough to provide the same range of services as PP does?

What? You didn't do the stats on that while you were shoving the ACA down everyone's throat?

Why you wanting to denying women the best care possible?

There was no care at all prior to the ACA.

But no surprise that you have to lie about that.

What else do you have?

Medicaid has always offered care.
And, it's your words that only depraved people are working in these positions. That's not all what I said.

Actually those are your exact words;

Surely, you don't deny that there are depraved people walking among us, who would do anything for a dollar.
Unfortunately, these people work in positions where they are respected for helping the less fortunate, while at the same time, they are helping themselves to amass a fortune from the innocent.

How do you know for a fact that people inside PP are not profiting from the sale of baby parts?

Because that is a violation of the law that I have quoted earlier in this thread. The onus is on you to prove that is happening. And no, the malicious videos do not prove that it is happening.

The videos have caused PP to be under investigation.

Because they are malicious lies that also duped a great many other people too.

"No one is amassing a fortune at the expense of the less fortunate." That's a very inane statement.

And yet those are your very own words that I was exposing;

Unfortunately, these people work in positions where they are respected for helping the less fortunate, while at the same time, they are helping themselves to amass a fortune from the innocent.

I'm not confused because I don't listen to overwrought, overbearing know-it-alls who think one size fits all.


I understand that you need to do whatever to hold onto your belief, but I don't have to be used by you to support your ego.
If you need to be out front waiving a flag for PP, then do what your heart dictates, but stop stepping other people's beliefs to power through.
Everyone has the right to think as they believe, and not your or anyone else should be able to strong arm them into believing and embracing your views.

Fascinating that you lack the honesty to admit that I was quoting your own inanities.

Instead you just make up even more of them.


Did you know that your beloved zealots are under investigation for committing IRS fraud now?

They even used illegal forged drivers licenses as ids when they went to PP.

Looks like I am not the only one who has seen through the deception and is exposing this criminal gang.

Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS Donors

Here Are The Fake IDs Anti-Abortion Activists Used To Film Planned Parenthood

I'm not here to make you look good.
Why are you so fearful that other people have different views than yours?
If you need to twist and turn in order to make yourself feel more comfortable in your own skin, then by all means get into your positions, but don't expect everyone else to mimic you.
It's so disgusting.

don't even talk about a woman's right to her body.

that is a living human in her that has no voice. How anyone can defend that, but cry for a lion is beyond me....

I bet the left would be screaming at the top of their lungs if it was animal fetuses( all types of monkeys and apes) being aborted for their medical tissues. All in the name of curing human diseases and regrowth of lungs, hearts.

They do, actually. You ever hear lefties screeching and caterwauling about animal research testing?
It's so disgusting.

don't even talk about a woman's right to her body.

that is a living human in her that has no voice. How anyone can defend that, but cry for a lion is beyond me....

I bet the left would be screaming at the top of their lungs if it was animal fetuses( all types of monkeys and apes) being aborted for their medical tissues. All in the name of curing human diseases and regrowth of lungs, hearts.

They do, actually. You ever hear lefties screeching and caterwauling about animal research testing?

That was the whole point.
I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood? Ben Carson

A rare salient point (at least on the surface). Probably should have thought about that before all of the BS restrictions GOP governors installed.

Explain to me which "BS restriction" rendered Obamacare null and void in the areas of STD testing, birth control, and abortion, requiring us to continue throwing taxpayer money at Planned Parenthood.

That's assuming this is actually an attempt at a valid observation, rather than just another ignorant squawking point on this week's memo.

It's not :)
Bush is going to end Medicare and Social Security and he and Scott Walker want another war on day one ...what is not to like .....
and Tyrone do not forget that Jeb! also says to work harder longer hours and retire at 75 ...its the Patriotic thing to do ....
What's really interesting is that those comments by Jeb appeal to poor right wingers. It gives them some imaginary characters to look down on.
If, as you say, forced births are being cultivated by folks who are mindlessly detached from objective reality, describe the folks who would rather abort a potential human life existence . What is their objective?
It is being done by individual women each one of whom I suppose would have her story and rationale for terminating the pregnancy...
Bush is going to end Medicare and Social Security and he and Scott Walker want another war on day one ...what is not to like .....
and Tyrone do not forget that Jeb! also says to work harder longer hours and retire at 75 ...its the Patriotic thing to do ....
What's really interesting is that those comments by Jeb appeal to poor right wingers. It gives them some imaginary characters to look down on.

People are living longer and enjoy better health. Seniors are opting to work longer. Several work at the hospital I do. You saying old folks can't be productive?
Bush is going to end Medicare and Social Security and he and Scott Walker want another war on day one ...what is not to like .....
and Tyrone do not forget that Jeb! also says to work harder longer hours and retire at 75 ...its the Patriotic thing to do ....
What's really interesting is that those comments by Jeb appeal to poor right wingers. It gives them some imaginary characters to look down on.

People are living longer and enjoy better health. Seniors are opting to work longer. Several work at the hospital I do. You saying old folks can't be productive?
Pity the brick layer who must work until he's 75 ... and longer hours, too. :rolleyes:
I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood? Ben Carson

A rare salient point (at least on the surface). Probably should have thought about that before all of the BS restrictions GOP governors installed.

What BS restrictions?

Aisles being wide enought for two gurneys to go through. The number of parking spaces in the parking lot. A post TV Ultrasound. Forcing the mother to listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Anti-Abortion Leader Admits Clinic Restrictions Are Not About Safety

I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood? Ben Carson

A rare salient point (at least on the surface). Probably should have thought about that before all of the BS restrictions GOP governors installed.

What BS restrictions?

Aisles being wide enought for two gurneys to go through. The number of parking spaces in the parking lot. A post TV Ultrasound. Forcing the mother to listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Anti-Abortion Leader Admits Clinic Restrictions Are Not About Safety

Manual Vacuum Aspiration:within 7 weeks after last menstrual periodDilators (metal rods) are used to stretch the cervical muscle until the opening is wide enough for abortion instruments to pass through the uterus. A hand-held syringe is attached to tubing, which is inserted into the uterus. The fetus is suctioned out.
Heartbeat stops and all is well.

A former friend of mine has had four abortions thus far. She couldn't afford to be pregnant because her boyfriend would leave her. Let's no think of her as being frivolous and uncaring, let's think of her as contributing to the cure of diseases, that way we can all sleep well.

But by all means let's paint all women with the same brush.

Not all of us. Just your particular subset.
I'm enjoying how this PP thing is ripping the GOP apart. It's such sweet irony, to see their bestest plan backfiring on them. Half of the Republicans are hysterically screaming to defund PP, and the other half is getting cursed at by the crazies for not being totally insane.

While the democrats rip apart the babies

20,000 children will die today around the world that YOU can save.

If you were pro-life you'd be devoting your entire life to saving THOSE babies, whom you CAN save right now.

You don't because you don't believe in the sanctity of life.

Why aren't you saving them?

So the argument for 'christians' is "if no one else is doing anything then neither do I".

LOL If you follow Christ, you do as he did or would do and you don't demand anyone else does it. You just do it because that is who you are.

Or you don't do it because you aren't.

Can you prove I don't do part to help the poor outside being forced to pay my taxes?

And again. What are you doing to save the down trodden?

Killing as many of them as possible in utero, apparently.

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