Go ahead GOP. Defund Planned Parenthood. Show American women how much you care.

not a damn fetus

you were a "damn fetus" once. By the way, it IS a human life.
Are you sorry you were ever born?
Is a fertilized chicken egg a chicken...

Yes it is. Just like a tadpole is a frog.

A Human life (I would like to think) would be more valued and relevant -

They're more concerned with Cecile the Lion than people... they're all NUTZ.
And look who is nutz cause he has Cecil in a post...
Bush is going to end Medicare and Social Security and he and Scott Walker want another war on day one ...what is not to like .....
and Tyrone do not forget that Jeb! also says to work harder longer hours and retire at 75 ...its the Patriotic thing to do ....
What's really interesting is that those comments by Jeb appeal to poor right wingers. It gives them some imaginary characters to look down on.

People are living longer and enjoy better health. Seniors are opting to work longer. Several work at the hospital I do. You saying old folks can't be productive?
Pity the brick layer who must work until he's 75 ... and longer hours, too. :rolleyes:

So folks past retirement shouldn't be working?


Force retirement for all the assholes in congress and on the supreme courts over 65.

The gig is up.
They could just be advisers?
Human terms for stages of HUMAN life.
You were just as much a HUMAN when your mother's egg and father's sperm joined as you are now.
That is you.
And now, you are here.
Where are all the babies murdered by the OT God? The flood killed many times that number of babies and pregnant women..But justify your position with a God that murders........

If God commands it, it is good and perfect.
Who are WE to question God?
We do not get to play God....
You don't have to obey God or follow Him, but one day, you will be judged by Him.

Fact? Don't you mean fairy tales and bullshit for weak minds? Please give us some "proof" of your God.

Are you an Atheist?
No, he's Indian...

that's nice to know....
Where are all the babies murdered by the OT God? The flood killed many times that number of babies and pregnant women..But justify your position with a God that murders........

If God commands it, it is good and perfect.
Who are WE to question God?
We do not get to play God....
You don't have to obey God or follow Him, but one day, you will be judged by Him.

Fact? Don't you mean fairy tales and bullshit for weak minds? Please give us some "proof" of your God.

Are you an Atheist?
No, he's Indian...

that's nice to know....
You just never know when it will come in handy to know...
If God commands it, it is good and perfect.
Who are WE to question God?
We do not get to play God....
You don't have to obey God or follow Him, but one day, you will be judged by Him.

Fact? Don't you mean fairy tales and bullshit for weak minds? Please give us some "proof" of your God.

Are you an Atheist?
No, he's Indian...

that's nice to know....
You just never know when it will come in handy to know...

M'kay... TPOM
Bush is going to end Medicare and Social Security and he and Scott Walker want another war on day one ...what is not to like .....
and Tyrone do not forget that Jeb! also says to work harder longer hours and retire at 75 ...its the Patriotic thing to do ....
What's really interesting is that those comments by Jeb appeal to poor right wingers. It gives them some imaginary characters to look down on.

People are living longer and enjoy better health. Seniors are opting to work longer. Several work at the hospital I do. You saying old folks can't be productive?
Pity the brick layer who must work until he's 75 ... and longer hours, too. :rolleyes:

So folks past retirement shouldn't be working?


Force retirement for all the assholes in congress and on the supreme courts over 65.

The gig is up.
If they feel like working they should have a choice ...it should not be forced by a choice on whether to eat or not................
There is a reason why the word "fetus" exists...same for the word embryo and Blastocyst....

Human terms for stages of HUMAN life.
You were just as much a HUMAN when your mother's egg and father's sperm joined as you are now.
That is you.
And now, you are here.
Where are all the babies murdered by the OT God? The flood killed many times that number of babies and pregnant women..But justify your position with a God that murders........

If God commands it, it is good and perfect.
Who are WE to question God?
We do not get to play God....
You don't have to obey God or follow Him, but one day, you will be judged by Him.

Fact? Don't you mean fairy tales and bullshit for weak minds? Please give us some "proof" of your God.

Are you an Atheist?

The hospitals also have mobile mammogram programs. I know... I work for one that offers them.

So you just show up in a poor neighborhood unannounced and offer free mammograms to any woman who walks by on the street?

Or do you arrange to do so via a clinic like PP?

I am told that PP does not do mammograms, do you have evidence that they do?

They do breast exams and arrange for mobile mammogram services at their clinics.

Planned Parenthood and Mammograms

Yeah, sometimes...

From your link
Women can’t walk into a Planned Parenthood clinic and get a mammogram on the spot. The clinics don’t have mammography equipment.

It's interesting they give exact number of “breast exams/breast care” - 747,607. Can they be that accurate with number of provided mammograms? Sure, they can. Lemme guess. Zero.
Oh my, those who hate Planned Parenthood are now experts on the working of it.
Such ignorance is appalling.

"You're not an expert" is not synonymous with "You are incorrect".

Such ignorance IS appalling.
I agree. I'm all for back street abortions.
Go for it.

Abortion will still be legal. Those who wanna kill heir babies will still be allowed to do so legally. However, they won't be allowed to demand Taxpayers pay for it.
I agree. I'm all for back street abortions.
Go for it.

Abortion will still be legal. Those who wanna kill heir babies will still be allowed to do so legally. However, they won't be allowed to demand Taxpayers pay for it.

I think killing is killing.
You should not be legally allowed to kill any human life.
This country is sick in that way......... plus now recognizing "gays" as "spouses".
If I could talk my husband into moving our of this god-forsaken country, I would.
I agree. I'm all for back street abortions.
Go for it.

Abortion will still be legal. Those who wanna kill heir babies will still be allowed to do so legally. However, they won't be allowed to demand Taxpayers pay for it.

I think killing is killing.
You should not be legally allowed to kill any human life.
This country is sick in that way......... plus now recognizing "gays" as "spouses".
If I could talk my husband into moving our of this god-forsaken country, I would.

"Thouest must not allowst thy door to hiteth thou where thy Good Lord splitest thou"
Letter to the Assholians 5:32

I agree. I'm all for back street abortions.
Go for it.

Abortion will still be legal. Those who wanna kill heir babies will still be allowed to do so legally. However, they won't be allowed to demand Taxpayers pay for it.

I think killing is killing.
You should not be legally allowed to kill any human life.
This country is sick in that way......... plus now recognizing "gays" as "spouses".
If I could talk my husband into moving our of this god-forsaken country, I would.

"Thouest must not allowst thy door to hiteth thou where thy Good Lord split thou"
Letter to the Assholians 5:32


Even *I* laughed....
I agree. I'm all for back street abortions.
Go for it.

Abortion will still be legal. Those who wanna kill heir babies will still be allowed to do so legally. However, they won't be allowed to demand Taxpayers pay for it.

I think killing is killing.
You should not be legally allowed to kill any human life.
This country is sick in that way......... plus now recognizing "gays" as "spouses".
If I could talk my husband into moving our of this god-forsaken country, I would.

"Thouest must not allowst thy door to hiteth thou where thy Good Lord split thou"
Letter to the Assholians 5:32

wait till she reads Fallopian 666...
I agree. I'm all for back street abortions.
Go for it.

Abortion will still be legal. Those who wanna kill heir babies will still be allowed to do so legally. However, they won't be allowed to demand Taxpayers pay for it.

I think killing is killing.
You should not be legally allowed to kill any human life.
This country is sick in that way......... plus now recognizing "gays" as "spouses".
If I could talk my husband into moving our of this god-forsaken country, I would.

"Thouest must not allowst thy door to hiteth thou where thy Good Lord split thou"
Letter to the Assholians 5:32

wait till she reads Fallopian 666...

that was funny too.
I guess God granted humor to Heathens!!! LOL!!!
America's debate on abortion is a dialogue of the deaf. The two sides talk past each other and no compromise is possible because Republicans focus exclusively on the fetus and Democrats focus exclusively on the woman. There is no resolution to the conflict. You can't work out a compromise on murder, which is what pro-lifers think abortion is. State by state we are inching back to the pre-Wade arrangement whereby abortion is discreetly available to women who can afford the steep price.Poor women will have to chose between the orphanage and the coat hanger. The conflict is getting smaller because abortion rates are dropping steeply and first trimester remedies such as Plan B are becoming more widely available.

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