Go ahead GOP. Defund Planned Parenthood. Show American women how much you care.

America's debate on abortion is a dialogue of the deaf. The two sides talk past each other and no compromise is possible because Republicans focus exclusively on the fetus and Democrats focus exclusively on the woman. There is no resolution to the conflict. You can't work out a compromise on murder, which is what pro-lifers think abortion is. State by state we are inching back to the pre-Wade arrangement whereby abortion is discreetly available to women who can afford the steep price.Poor women will have to chose between the orphanage and the coat hanger. The conflict is getting smaller because abortion rates are dropping steeply and first trimester remedies such as Plan B are becoming more widely available.
America's debate on abortion is a dialogue of the deaf. The two sides talk past each other and no compromise is possible because Republicans focus exclusively on the fetus and Democrats focus exclusively on the woman. There is no resolution to the conflict. You can't work out a compromise on murder, which is what pro-lifers think abortion is. State by state we are inching back to the pre-Wade arrangement whereby abortion is discreetly available to women who can afford the steep price.Poor women will have to chose between the orphanage and the coat hanger. The conflict is getting smaller because abortion rates are dropping steeply and first trimester remedies such as Plan B are becoming more widely available.

I think it's gonna become more of a State by State issue. Some States will allow Abortion, and some won't. If you wanna kill your baby, you'll have to go to a State that allows that. That's the direction i see this issue going. States are beginning to assert their power & authority more & more.
America's debate on abortion is a dialogue of the deaf. The two sides talk past each other and no compromise is possible because Republicans focus exclusively on the fetus and Democrats focus exclusively on the woman. There is no resolution to the conflict. You can't work out a compromise on murder, which is what pro-lifers think abortion is. State by state we are inching back to the pre-Wade arrangement whereby abortion is discreetly available to women who can afford the steep price.Poor women will have to chose between the orphanage and the coat hanger. The conflict is getting smaller because abortion rates are dropping steeply and first trimester remedies such as Plan B are becoming more widely available.

How about deal with being pregnant for 9 months and give it up for adoption to people that WANT a baby.
Not much to ask to save a human life.
America's debate on abortion is a dialogue of the deaf. The two sides talk past each other and no compromise is possible because Republicans focus exclusively on the fetus and Democrats focus exclusively on the woman. There is no resolution to the conflict. You can't work out a compromise on murder, which is what pro-lifers think abortion is. State by state we are inching back to the pre-Wade arrangement whereby abortion is discreetly available to women who can afford the steep price.Poor women will have to chose between the orphanage and the coat hanger. The conflict is getting smaller because abortion rates are dropping steeply and first trimester remedies such as Plan B are becoming more widely available.

How about deal with being pregnant for 9 months and give it up for adoption to people that WANT a baby.
Not much to ask to save a human life.

Are you claiming that you could find 1+ million qualified couples willing to adopt a newborn each and every year?

And then there is the steep price of adoption.

Makes the "baby parts" seem cheap by comparison. ;)

And for the dullards and lackwits that last sentence was a joke!
America's debate on abortion is a dialogue of the deaf. The two sides talk past each other and no compromise is possible because Republicans focus exclusively on the fetus and Democrats focus exclusively on the woman. There is no resolution to the conflict. You can't work out a compromise on murder, which is what pro-lifers think abortion is. State by state we are inching back to the pre-Wade arrangement whereby abortion is discreetly available to women who can afford the steep price.Poor women will have to chose between the orphanage and the coat hanger. The conflict is getting smaller because abortion rates are dropping steeply and first trimester remedies such as Plan B are becoming more widely available.

How about deal with being pregnant for 9 months and give it up for adoption to people that WANT a baby.
Not much to ask to save a human life.

Are you claiming that you could find 1+ million qualified couples willing to adopt a newborn each and every year?

And then there is the steep price of adoption.

Makes the "baby parts" seem cheap by comparison. ;)

And for the dullards and lackwits that last sentence was a joke!
If the government would get the fuck out of adoption you would easily get that number

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
America's debate on abortion is a dialogue of the deaf. The two sides talk past each other and no compromise is possible because Republicans focus exclusively on the fetus and Democrats focus exclusively on the woman. There is no resolution to the conflict. You can't work out a compromise on murder, which is what pro-lifers think abortion is. State by state we are inching back to the pre-Wade arrangement whereby abortion is discreetly available to women who can afford the steep price.Poor women will have to chose between the orphanage and the coat hanger. The conflict is getting smaller because abortion rates are dropping steeply and first trimester remedies such as Plan B are becoming more widely available.

How about deal with being pregnant for 9 months and give it up for adoption to people that WANT a baby.
Not much to ask to save a human life.

Are you claiming that you could find 1+ million qualified couples willing to adopt a newborn each and every year?

And then there is the steep price of adoption.

Makes the "baby parts" seem cheap by comparison. ;)

And for the dullards and lackwits that last sentence was a joke!
If the government would get the fuck out of adoption you would easily get that number

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Once again you expose your ignorance.

States regulate adoptions and only if you want to adopt a child from another country does the federal government become involved.

The cost of adoption have very little, if anything, to do with the regulations and is mostly just a matter of supply and demand.
Now that individuals are mandated to purchase health insurance and that insurance covers things like b/c, abortion, mammograms, etc., tell me why PP needs to exist? Answer: it doesn't. It needs to be gone, especially in light of the Nazi-like atrocities that have been uncovered about their selling of dead-unborn-human-parts.

I'll tell you why.

A case went to the supreme court that challenged whether all the states have to join the exchanges and expand medicaid. The supreme court ruled that the states don't have to join the exchanges or expand medicaid if they didn't want to. So something like 34 states didn't.

That means they didn't expand medicaid so that more people could qualify for it and they didn't create their own exchanges.

That means in 34 states many low income people were denied being able to get medicaid and insurance at a lower price.

That means millions of people don't have obamacare and don't have insurance.

Where are they supposed to get health care? PP helps fill that gap. People who live in red states need low cost health care because that's the only way they will get any health care.

PP offers a wide range of services that millions would otherwise not receive.

Abortion is only 3% of their business and it's against the law for federal tax dollars to be used on abortions. So if you defund PP the abortions will continue but millions of people will then be without health care they need.

Planned Parenthood had to separate the medical health services from the abortion services so that they could continue to receive federal dollars.

Planned Parenthood has s separate fund anyone can donate to that the money is only used for abortions. Private people who believe women should have a choice and control their own bodies send money to that fund. I'm one of them. I've been sending them money for the abortion fund since the bush boy years. I also send them money for their education fund that helps educate people on sex and planning their family instead of unplanned pregnancies.

I have a feeling that the truths I just wrote above went over your head and you will never, ever believe the truth. All you care about is the lies you've been told. You also only care about being able take freedom from people and force your beliefs on everyone else. Guess what? That's not what America is about. Everyone has the same freedoms you have and you have no right to take those freedoms from anyone.

why do left-winger hate women and think all women are so helpless and stupid that their highest priority is to get the government to subsidize their sex lives??

Why do right wingers think that men are so stupid and helpless that they have been subsidizing old men's sex lives?

Tax dollars pay for penis pumps, viagra and just about all medical forms that allow an otherwise impotent man to have sex.

So if you are really honest here you would be screaming from the roof tops about the waste of federal tax dollars for the only purpose of old men being able to have sex.

Yet I have never, not once, have seen any right wingers scream that they don't want their federal tax dollars going to subsidize men's sex lives.

There has never, not once, been any right winger who wrote a bill in congress and worked to get it passed that would remove any and all tax dollars from paying for impotent men to be able to have sex.

If you're a man and can't get it up, that's your god telling you that you don't need to have sex anymore.

I don't want my tax dollars to pay for some old men to be able to have sex. If they want to have sex let them use their own money. Not mine.
America's debate on abortion is a dialogue of the deaf. The two sides talk past each other and no compromise is possible because Republicans focus exclusively on the fetus and Democrats focus exclusively on the woman. There is no resolution to the conflict. You can't work out a compromise on murder, which is what pro-lifers think abortion is. State by state we are inching back to the pre-Wade arrangement whereby abortion is discreetly available to women who can afford the steep price.Poor women will have to chose between the orphanage and the coat hanger. The conflict is getting smaller because abortion rates are dropping steeply and first trimester remedies such as Plan B are becoming more widely available.

How about deal with being pregnant for 9 months and give it up for adoption to people that WANT a baby.
Not much to ask to save a human life.

Are you claiming that you could find 1+ million qualified couples willing to adopt a newborn each and every year?

And then there is the steep price of adoption.

Makes the "baby parts" seem cheap by comparison. ;)

And for the dullards and lackwits that last sentence was a joke!
If the government would get the fuck out of adoption you would easily get that number

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Once again you expose your ignorance.

States regulate adoptions and only if you want to adopt a child from another country does the federal government become involved.

The cost of adoption have very little, if anything, to do with the regulations and is mostly just a matter of supply and demand.
The state isn't government ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
not a damn fetus

you were a "damn fetus" once. By the way, it IS a human life.
Are you sorry you were ever born?
Is a fertilized chicken egg a chicken...

Yes it is. Just like a tadpole is a frog.

A Human life (I would like to think) would be more valued and relevant -
One goes into gourmet food shops and sees eggs labeled as chicken?....who knew ?

If a fetus is a person how come if a woman has a miscarriage at 6 weeks how come they do not hold a wake and have a funeral for the fetus...maybe provide the Extreme Unction Sacrament

What people refer to an animal as has no bearing on what it actually IS. A chicken at inception is an egg.
How people acknowledge a human life ending doesn't have any impact on the fact that it is a human life, nonetheless. "People" don't decide these things.....

You DO know that humans and chicken are not only different species, but they're actually not even in the same Class, right, Tyrone? They part ways at Phylum (look it up).

So essentially, the fact that chickens do not birth live young has exactly two things to do with humans and other animals who do: jack and shit.

Couple of things you should know about women having miscarriages at 6 weeks:

1) So early, she quite likely didn't know she was pregnant, and quite possibly won't even know she had a miscarriage.

2) Your blanket assumption that ALL women who are aware that they are miscarrying at 6 weeks are blase and do not mourn for the lost child is erroneous and egregious. I have had friends who lost pregnancies early on, and grieved so heavily that psychological counseling was required.

3) Not being Catholic myself, I can't say for sure, but I don't know that Extreme Unction is appropriate for any child young enough not to know the difference between right and wrong, and therefore not technically capable of sinning, or requiring repentance for sin. Certainly, MY church believes in the doctrine of the Age of Accountability.
Yes it is. Just like a tadpole is a frog.

A Human life (I would like to think) would be more valued and relevant -
One goes into gourmet food shops and sees eggs labeled as chicken?....who knew ?

If a fetus is a person how come if a woman has a miscarriage at 6 weeks how come they do not hold a wake and have a funeral for the fetus...maybe provide the Extreme Unction Sacrament

What people refer to an animal as has no bearing on what it actually IS. A chicken at inception is an egg.
How people acknowledge a human life ending doesn't have any impact on the fact that it is a human life, nonetheless. "People" don't decide these things.....
There is a reason why the word "fetus" exists...same for the word embryo and Blastocyst....

Human terms for stages of HUMAN life.
You were just as much a HUMAN when your mother's egg and father's sperm joined as you are now.
That is you.
And now, you are here.
Where are all the babies murdered by the OT God? The flood killed many times that number of babies and pregnant women..But justify your position with a God that murders........

You aren't God, fucktard. Lightning may set my house on fire, but that doesn't justify me burning it down for the insurance.

Any other questions?
What legislation have Republicans passed to help children - after they're born?

What legislation have Republicans proposed to help children - after they're born?

Ahh, yes. The ever-popular "There is no assistance without government and tax money!" argument. Why don't you try researching what conservatives actually DO to help children, rather than researching all the inefficient, failed liberal ideas they avoid?
What legislation have Republicans passed to help children - after they're born?

What legislation have Republicans proposed to help children - after they're born?

Ahh, yes. The ever-popular "There is no assistance without government and tax money!" argument. Why don't you try researching what conservatives actually DO to help children, rather than researching all the inefficient, failed liberal ideas they avoid?

I don't need to research the Republican war on women. I see it on the news every day.
Liberals must have never sat through a basic biology class.. cause they seem to not understand anything when it comes to reproduction..

Amazing that they can manage to have sex without sticking their elbow in someone's ear or something.
What legislation have Republicans passed to help children - after they're born?

What legislation have Republicans proposed to help children - after they're born?

Ahh, yes. The ever-popular "There is no assistance without government and tax money!" argument. Why don't you try researching what conservatives actually DO to help children, rather than researching all the inefficient, failed liberal ideas they avoid?

I don't need to research the Republican war on women. I see it on the news every day.

In other words, you don't ask questions because you are legitimately curious and open-minded. You ask questions to try to imply that the answer is whatever you want to believe.

Do I even need to say, "Piss off" at this point, you narrow-minded, intolerant bigot?
How can a baby be of no value to abort yet gave value to sell pieces of them? Also when have we become like mengels and experiment on humans like rats? These issues prove how evil progressives are

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I agree. I'm all for back street abortions.
Go for it.

Abortion will still be legal. Those who wanna kill heir babies will still be allowed to do so legally. However, they won't be allowed to demand Taxpayers pay for it.

I think killing is killing.
You should not be legally allowed to kill any human life.
This country is sick in that way......... plus now recognizing "gays" as "spouses".
If I could talk my husband into moving our of this god-forsaken country, I would.

Where would you move?
How can a baby be of no value to abort yet gave value to sell pieces of them? Also when have we become like mengels and experiment on humans like rats? These issues prove how evil progressives are

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

How can the parts of what we are told are not an unborn child be used for anything related to born child? Their arguments make no sense.
I agree. I'm all for back street abortions.
Go for it.

Abortion will still be legal. Those who wanna kill heir babies will still be allowed to do so legally. However, they won't be allowed to demand Taxpayers pay for it.

I think killing is killing.
You should not be legally allowed to kill any human life.
This country is sick in that way......... plus now recognizing "gays" as "spouses".
If I could talk my husband into moving our of this god-forsaken country, I would.

Where would you move?

I guess there really is no where to go unless it's somewhere in South America..... can't run away from reality, just have to deal with it and choose your battles to fight......
So you know if your Senator supports federal money going to a private enterprize that supports abortion for profit. Note, if your rep is a democrat, you need not look. Note also that all the Republican candidates voted except Graham, said just in case his one supporter on the board.

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