Go ahead, keep attacking Ashley Judd

Let's face it, the only reason Ashley Judd has an audience is because a lot of guys would like to fuck her. If she looked like Sandra Bernhardt, no one would give her the time of day.
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Let's face it, the only reason Ashley Judd has an audience is because a lot of guys would like to fuck her. If she looked like Sandra Bernhardt, no one would give her the time of day (just like Sandra).

You mean wike Sawah Palwin...? At least Ashley has a brain...
For starters, challenging teacher's unions to focus on educating kids rather than worrying about the length of the school day, tenure, pay and benefits.
Also initiatives to bring local school systems back under the control of elected school boards and away from far flung educrats.
There is no war on women. That was a liberal talking point. A talking point made up by pissed off people who think ,here we go again, The Pill should be an entitlement.

Now, once again, you have shown your stupidity. We're not talking about anyone else here but Ashley Judd.
Of course digging up old ass talking points is your only defense.
The question you should ask Ashley Judd is "as a Senator, Ms Judd, what will you be doing to improve this country's standing in public education regarding math and the sciences?"
But you won't. You wouldn't. You and all the rest of you spineless libs are quite content with "causes". You lefties fiddle while the nation falls apart.
This will be Ashley Judd's campaign platform...."if I am elected Senator, I may not get much done with legislation but I promise to do causes."

Well, you obviously don't know much about Ashley Judd's charity work, events and causes. BTW, how has Mitch McConnell helped "education"...? Tell us all about ol' Mitch...

LIke I said. Who cares. She's not applying for den mother of the year. Convincing people to donate money to HER charity does not qualify her to hold that office. And we should never put people in Congress for "doing causes". When we do , we see the awful results.
I do know. Anyone can google these days. Even you. Because you didn't know jack shit about Judd save her acting career before two things happened. One, you realized she's a far left wing moonbat just like you and she was considering a run for US Senate. Otherwise, you would not give two shits about her.
Look genius, I knwo you live in a world that peers through rose colored glasses, but turn off the emotional steam chamber in your head and think for once. What chance does a staunch anti gun pro big government liberal have in a conservative pro gun, state such as Kentucky.
Unless there is a massive shift in population and demographics, Judd will not win. Oh, she'll get the far left college student vote, those who are enamored by her celebrity and a few self hating white moderates, but for the most part, Kentuckians are not going to vote for a radical card carrying socialist.

My, aren't you full of the comic-book conspiracies :rofl:

You do understand, do you not, that the sitting junior senator's prior experience was as a doctor? And that the guy he replaced, he was a baseball pitcher?

And you do understand that when you refer to "doing causes" you're talking to your own strawman, not a real quote from a real person?

I have to wonder......

Ashley Judd Doesn't Want Hip-Hop Beef! | Global Grind
How many times are you going to resurrect this dead thread, Lahota? You can reply to it every day but it is old news to everyone and to be honest? Ashley Judd is known as a real ditz in Hollywood. Keep looking. I'm sure you'll find a candidate somewhere but the American public considers this one a reject. She blew it by opening her mouth one too many times and lost her fans. Now she is looking for a paycheck that pays her for life. ( 1 term lifetime pay ) Anyone who votes for Judd is an idiot. lol....
How many times are you going to resurrect this dead thread, Lahota? You can reply to it every day but it is old news to everyone and to be honest? Ashley Judd is known as a real ditz in Hollywood. Keep looking. I'm sure you'll find a candidate somewhere but the American public considers this one a reject. She blew it by opening her mouth one too many times and lost her fans. Now she is looking for a paycheck that pays her for life. ( 1 term lifetime pay ) Anyone who votes for Judd is an idiot. lol....

And she doesn't even live in Kentucky, she calls Tennessee home, and she just got through nominating Obama for president as a delegate from Tennessee.
And going around using the term "breeding", how much more ouit of touch could she be to the people of Kentucky ?
How many times are you going to resurrect this dead thread, Lahota? You can reply to it every day but it is old news to everyone and to be honest? Ashley Judd is known as a real ditz in Hollywood. Keep looking. I'm sure you'll find a candidate somewhere but the American public considers this one a reject. She blew it by opening her mouth one too many times and lost her fans. Now she is looking for a paycheck that pays her for life. ( 1 term lifetime pay ) Anyone who votes for Judd is an idiot. lol....

And she doesn't even live in Kentucky, she calls Tennessee home, and she just got through nominating Obama for president as a delegate from Tennessee.
And going around using the term "breeding", how much more ouit of touch could she be to the people of Kentucky ?

And....? How long does she have to live in Kentucky before she's qualified to run for Senator? Cite that part of the Constitution for us.

By Nick Wing

Actress Ashley Judd continued to stoke speculation about a potential Democratic Kentucky Senate run over the past week, holding meetings with key political players on both the national and state level.

Politico reports that Judd sat down with officials from the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee for a private meeting in Washington, D.C. earlier this week. A source told Politico that it was her first official meeting with the DSCC since expressing interest in challenging Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), and a strong sign that she was serious about laying the groundwork for a 2014 campaign.

Judd has also reportedly attempted to strengthen her ties to Kentucky, making an appearance at a well-attended dinner late last week featuring the state's top Democratic politicians and operatives.

Judd, a Kentucky native and active supporter of President Barack Obama, has been a fascination in the Bluegrass State since first being floated as a possible contender shortly after the November elections. Recent rounds of polling have shown McConnell to be highly unpopular and particularly vulnerable as he seeks a sixth term, though a February survey testing a McConnell-Judd matchup showed the Republican leading the actress by nine points.

While she's received support from some political operatives and elected officials in the state, not all Democrats are excited at the prospect of Judd's entrance into Kentucky politics. Her skeptics have expressed concern that her status as a strong advocate for liberal policies and a current resident of Tennessee could damage her viability. Others claim that she would be a divisive presence in the state, and could damage Democrats' broader chances in state and local elections.

More: Ashley Judd Takes Further Steps Toward Kentucky Senate Run With Key Meetings

I love how the pathetic dems worship the Hollywood elite. They are always waiting for Tom Hanks or Matt Damon or one of those types to swoop down and save them from the evil pubs. Everything is a movie to these idiots.
How many times are you going to resurrect this dead thread, Lahota? You can reply to it every day but it is old news to everyone and to be honest? Ashley Judd is known as a real ditz in Hollywood. Keep looking. I'm sure you'll find a candidate somewhere but the American public considers this one a reject. She blew it by opening her mouth one too many times and lost her fans. Now she is looking for a paycheck that pays her for life. ( 1 term lifetime pay ) Anyone who votes for Judd is an idiot. lol....

And she doesn't even live in Kentucky, she calls Tennessee home, and she just got through nominating Obama for president as a delegate from Tennessee.
And going around using the term "breeding", how much more ouit of touch could she be to the people of Kentucky ?

And....? How long does she have to live in Kentucky before she's qualified to run for Senator? Cite that part of the Constitution for us.

She's free to move back to Kentucky, no one is saying there are any laws keeping her from doing so, however she calls Tennessee home and there's something about carpet baggers.

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