Go ahead, keep attacking Ashley Judd

You're right bigreb. I was wrong and changed my post accordingly. I got the two women confused, and I don't know why. :redface:
Don't sweat it. I realized who you were talking about the first time. The drama bitches should have also so, but they had to try and bust your chops over a simple mistake.
It's okay, Bigreb. I made a mistake, and I had it coming. I apologize to Ashley Judd and her supporters for my mistake.

Ashley Judd is the moron who took issue with Governor Palin's aerial hunt of wolves and bears not realizing that under Alaskan law the Governor of the State is obligated to protect the food source of Alaskans.

It's a predator control program and it is the law of the land.

Judd spoke in pure ignorance and made a bloody fool of herself.
Don't sweat it. I realized who you were talking about the first time. The drama bitches should have also so, but they had to try and bust your chops over a simple mistake.
It's okay, Bigreb. I made a mistake, and I had it coming. I apologize to Ashley Judd and her supporters for my mistake.

Ashley Judd is the moron who took issue with Governor Palin's aerial hunt of wolves and bears not realizing that under Alaskan law the Governor of the State is obligated to protect the food source of Alaskans.

It's a predator control program and it is the law of the land.

Judd spoke in pure ignorance and made a bloody fool of herself.

:lol: It wasn't Judd who made a fool of herself. :lol:
Oh wow! It's not every day we get to see a liberal woman talking about abortion. Well, actually, it IS every day.

So, you think abortion is all there is to women's reproductive health?
To liberals, yes. "Reproductive Health" is code for abortion, and don't try to say it isn't.

Nope....birth control and ultrasounds and prenatel care. All very important.

But please....tell us what YOU know about "reproductive health".
It's okay, Bigreb. I made a mistake, and I had it coming. I apologize to Ashley Judd and her supporters for my mistake.

Ashley Judd is the moron who took issue with Governor Palin's aerial hunt of wolves and bears not realizing that under Alaskan law the Governor of the State is obligated to protect the food source of Alaskans.

It's a predator control program and it is the law of the land.

Judd spoke in pure ignorance and made a bloody fool of herself.

:lol: It wasn't Judd who made a fool of herself. :lol:

Oh yes she did. And I for one am praying that she runs.

She's a moron. And a hypocrite. You don't see l'il ol Ashley screaming about the aerial hunts of wild hogs in Texas do you?

She's obviously selective as to what animals she cares about. Wolves = pretty, cry for the camera.

Hogs = ugly, she doesn't give a shit.

So, you think abortion is all there is to women's reproductive health?
To liberals, yes. "Reproductive Health" is code for abortion, and don't try to say it isn't.

Nope....birth control and ultrasounds and prenatel care. All very important.

But please....tell us what YOU know about "
Gimme a break. She's a pro-abortion advocate, you know damn good and well it's about abortion "rights". Don't insult our intelligence.
Ashley Judd is the moron who took issue with Governor Palin's aerial hunt of wolves and bears not realizing that under Alaskan law the Governor of the State is obligated to protect the food source of Alaskans.

It's a predator control program and it is the law of the land.

Judd spoke in pure ignorance and made a bloody fool of herself.

:lol: It wasn't Judd who made a fool of herself. :lol:

Oh yes she did. And I for one am praying that she runs.

She's a moron. And a hypocrite. You don't see l'il ol Ashley screaming about the aerial hunts of wild hogs in Texas do you?

She's obviously selective as to what animals she cares about. Wolves = pretty, cry for the camera.

Hogs = ugly, she doesn't give a shit.


Nope....who is being laughed at more today? Palin or Judd.....it looks like the RNC is not laughing at Judd...she seems to scare them.
To liberals, yes. "Reproductive Health" is code for abortion, and don't try to say it isn't.

Nope....birth control and ultrasounds and prenatel care. All very important.

But please....tell us what YOU know about "
Gimme a break. She's a pro-abortion advocate, you know damn good and well it's about abortion "rights". Don't insult our intelligence.

Still waiting for you to tell us what YOU know about "reproductive health"........:eusa_whistle:
Nope....birth control and ultrasounds and prenatel care. All very important.

But please....tell us what YOU know about "
Gimme a break. She's a pro-abortion advocate, you know damn good and well it's about abortion "rights". Don't insult our intelligence.

Still waiting for you to tell us what YOU know about "reproductive health"........:eusa_whistle:
I don't jump through hoops for anybody. You don't ever have any substantive comments, just adolescent quips like "Are you still here?" Maybe in a few years you'll develop some oratory skills (and I don't mean the lesbian type).

Who cares? Meanwhile we have an education system which is lagging behind much smaller countries in math and science. And Ashley Judd who wants to be a US Senator is going to DC to talk about The Pill. :clap2:

What are Republicans/Teabaggers doing to help our "education system"...? Maybe they're just too busy with their war on women.

For starters, challenging teacher's unions to focus on educating kids rather than worrying about the length of the school day, tenure, pay and benefits.
Also initiatives to bring local school systems back under the control of elected school boards and away from far flung educrats.
There is no war on women. That was a liberal talking point. A talking point made up by pissed off people who think ,here we go again, The Pill should be an entitlement.

Now, once again, you have shown your stupidity. We're not talking about anyone else here but Ashley Judd.
Of course digging up old ass talking points is your only defense.
The question you should ask Ashley Judd is "as a Senator, Ms Judd, what will you be doing to improve this country's standing in public education regarding math and the sciences?"
But you won't. You wouldn't. You and all the rest of you spineless libs are quite content with "causes". You lefties fiddle while the nation falls apart.
This will be Ashley Judd's campaign platform...."if I am elected Senator, I may not get much done with legislation but I promise to do causes."
Oh wow! It's not every day we get to see a liberal woman talking about abortion. Well, actually, it IS every day.

So, you think abortion is all there is to women's reproductive health?

Please. If a woman is worried about her uterus, she can go to the proper medical professionals. It's been done for decades. Where is the problem?
The fact is there is no problem. But people like Judd cannot function without the existence of the next crisis.
Who cares? Meanwhile we have an education system which is lagging behind much smaller countries in math and science. And Ashley Judd who wants to be a US Senator is going to DC to talk about The Pill. :clap2:

What are Republicans/Teabaggers doing to help our "education system"...? Maybe they're just too busy with their war on women.

For starters, challenging teacher's unions to focus on educating kids rather than worrying about the length of the school day, tenure, pay and benefits.
Also initiatives to bring local school systems back under the control of elected school boards and away from far flung educrats.
There is no war on women. That was a liberal talking point. A talking point made up by pissed off people who think ,here we go again, The Pill should be an entitlement.

Now, once again, you have shown your stupidity. We're not talking about anyone else here but Ashley Judd.
Of course digging up old ass talking points is your only defense.
The question you should ask Ashley Judd is "as a Senator, Ms Judd, what will you be doing to improve this country's standing in public education regarding math and the sciences?"
But you won't. You wouldn't. You and all the rest of you spineless libs are quite content with "causes". You lefties fiddle while the nation falls apart.
This will be Ashley Judd's campaign platform...."if I am elected Senator, I may not get much done with legislation but I promise to do causes."

Well, you obviously don't know much about Ashley Judd's charity work, events and causes. BTW, how has Mitch McConnell helped "education"...? Tell us all about ol' Mitch...
It's okay, Bigreb. I made a mistake, and I had it coming. I apologize to Ashley Judd and her supporters for my mistake.

Ashley Judd is the moron who took issue with Governor Palin's aerial hunt of wolves and bears not realizing that under Alaskan law the Governor of the State is obligated to protect the food source of Alaskans.

It's a predator control program and it is the law of the land.

Judd spoke in pure ignorance and made a bloody fool of herself.

:lol: It wasn't Judd who made a fool of herself. :lol:

Keep telling yourself that. . Palin was governor of a State in the US..
Now for Ashley's accomplishments. She was a very good student. She studied women...(Sort of like a kid who speaks Spanish studying Spanish). She got parts in lots of movies. She is known for radical liberal causes. She really likes her picture taken while immersing herself in said causes. She has a really great publicist that knows how to make her look great at just the right moment. Gee well shit on the shingle. Why don't we just skip the Senator thing and appoint her as Obama's successor.
Oh, if you don't live in Kentucky, you don't have very much to say about ,now do you? LOL
What are Republicans/Teabaggers doing to help our "education system"...? Maybe they're just too busy with their war on women.

For starters, challenging teacher's unions to focus on educating kids rather than worrying about the length of the school day, tenure, pay and benefits.
Also initiatives to bring local school systems back under the control of elected school boards and away from far flung educrats.
There is no war on women. That was a liberal talking point. A talking point made up by pissed off people who think ,here we go again, The Pill should be an entitlement.

Now, once again, you have shown your stupidity. We're not talking about anyone else here but Ashley Judd.
Of course digging up old ass talking points is your only defense.
The question you should ask Ashley Judd is "as a Senator, Ms Judd, what will you be doing to improve this country's standing in public education regarding math and the sciences?"
But you won't. You wouldn't. You and all the rest of you spineless libs are quite content with "causes". You lefties fiddle while the nation falls apart.
This will be Ashley Judd's campaign platform...."if I am elected Senator, I may not get much done with legislation but I promise to do causes."

Well, you obviously don't know much about Ashley Judd's charity work, events and causes. BTW, how has Mitch McConnell helped "education"...? Tell us all about ol' Mitch...

LIke I said. Who cares. She's not applying for den mother of the year. Convincing people to donate money to HER charity does not qualify her to hold that office. And we should never put people in Congress for "doing causes". When we do , we see the awful results.
I do know. Anyone can google these days. Even you. Because you didn't know jack shit about Judd save her acting career before two things happened. One, you realized she's a far left wing moonbat just like you and she was considering a run for US Senate. Otherwise, you would not give two shits about her.
Look genius, I knwo you live in a world that peers through rose colored glasses, but turn off the emotional steam chamber in your head and think for once. What chance does a staunch anti gun pro big government liberal have in a conservative pro gun, state such as Kentucky.
Unless there is a massive shift in population and demographics, Judd will not win. Oh, she'll get the far left college student vote, those who are enamored by her celebrity and a few self hating white moderates, but for the most part, Kentuckians are not going to vote for a radical card carrying socialist.

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