Go ahead, keep attacking Ashley Judd


Mountaintop Removal Mining: Risky Business
lol, they let anyone run for the Democrats

what has she ever done but acting?

but then again, they elected a community organizer Junior Senator in Congress as President so that should tell you everything

this country is doomed

This is why you people are losing elections and failing. You just are too fucking lazy to read and learn. What do you do all day? Watch Honey Boo-Boo reruns? What have you ever done in comparison?

Judd attended 13 schools before college, including the Sayre School[7] in Lexington, Kentucky, Paul G. Blazer High School in Ashland, Kentucky and Franklin High School in Tennessee.[8] She briefly tried modeling in Japan during a school break.

An alumna of the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma at the University of Kentucky, she majored in French and minored in anthropology, art history, theater and women's studies. She spent a semester studying in France as part of her major, a move that mirrored her role as Reed in the television series Sisters.

She graduated from the UK Honors Program and was nominated to Phi Beta Kappa, but did not graduate with her class.[9] Forgoing her commitment to join the Peace Corps, after college she drove to Hollywood, where she studied with well-respected acting teacher Robert Carnegie at Playhouse West.

Ashley Judd's humanitarian work has revolved around becoming a global ambassador for YouthAIDS, a prevention program under Population Services International. She has been a member of their Board of Directors since 2004, also. Judd has traveled with YouthAIDS to places affected by illness and poverty such as Cambodia, Kenya, Rwanda, and many others.

Inspired by her travels, which allowed her to witness the life of the poor and uneducated, she has since become an advocate for preventing poverty and promoting awareness internationally. She has met with political and religious leaders, heads of states, diplomats, and leaders on behalf of the deprived to convey the message to those who have the power to bring about political and social change.

Judd has also narrated three documentaries for YouthAIDS which aired internationally on the Discovery Channel, in National Geographic, and on VH1.

In 2011, Judd joined the Leadership Council of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).

Other organizations Judd has been involved with include Women for Women International and Equality Now, along with other non-governmental organizations that center around bringing attention to social, educational, health, economic, cultural and financial funding of the unfortunate.

Judd has supported the following charities and foundations:[29]

Children's Medical Research Institute
Creative Coalition
Defenders of Wildlife
Eracism Foundation
Five & Alive
Jeans for Genes
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Listen Campaign
Malaria No More
Population Services International
Women for Women International
Equality Now
San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center

thats why rw'ers like Stephanie :tinfoil: are clueless when they lose elections.
Ashley Judd is a beautiful woman......Democrats ought to be commended for finally getting a woman candidate that can appeal visually. That said, if her plan is to redistribute wealth and pitch the US WHITE MAN_DRIVEN CAUSES FOR CLIMATE CHANGE-claim, I hope she stays in the fantasy land she made her name.
Ashley Judd is a beautiful woman......Democrats ought to be commended for finally getting a woman candidate that can appeal visually. That said, if her plan is to redistribute wealth and pitch the US WHITE MAN_DRIVEN CAUSES FOR CLIMATE CHANGE-claim, I hope she stays in the fantasy land she made her name.

She has a plan?


What Plan?


She don't need no stinkin' PLAN!

Here's how the 2012 presidential election went in Kentucky:
NOTE: you may wish to pull out a magnifying glass to see where Obama won.


Now watch this short video. See if you can spot whether Judd is an Obama supporter.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK0KQW0ppeE]American Crossroads Presents: Ashley's Story - YouTube[/ame]
In the Sierras, they climb them. In the Rockies, they ski them. In Appalachia, they level them.

Coal isn't clean, and it's definitely not cheap. Across the Appalachians, companies are blowing entire mountaintops to smithereens to get at the thin coal seams below. The communities of the region are paying the cost in their health, their culture and their natural heritage.

Mining companies are clear cutting thousands of acres of some of the world's most biologically diverse forests. They're filling local rivers and streams with blasted debris, polluting drinking water with toxic waste and sacrificing the safety and sanctity of countless communities.

Mountaintop removal mining is not just devastating the region's environment and quality of life. It is also steadily crushing the heart of Appalachia.

Big coal companies should not be allowed to turn our nations' oldest mountains into molehills, and NRDC is working with local allies to halt this damaging practice. Laws must change, environmental regulations must be enforced, corporations must reform their practices, and legal action must be taken to stop the most ecologically and culturally destructive form of strip mining on earth.

You can help today by urging Congress to reverse a Bush administration rule that allows mining companies to legally dump waste into mountain streams.

Mountaintop Removal - Save The Last Mountains | NRDC

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=c5wmUkpOCKE]"The Last Mountain" - Official Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VoOIB3_7bzU]Plundering Appalachia - The Tragedy of Mountaintop-Removal Coal Mining - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YsBY08MgRJM]Ashley Judd speaks about Mountaintop Removal Mining - YouTube[/ame]

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