Go ahead, keep attacking Ashley Judd

Who in the hell is Ashely Judd?

Without her celebrity as an actress, nobody.
She's a card carrying far left radical. That much we do know.
For those who pine for bi partisanship and seeing Congress getting things done, it sure loks like the libs in here have thrown bi-partisanship to the wind as they are now cheer leading for another lefty moonbat to win an election.
Who in the hell is Ashely Judd?

Without her celebrity as an actress, nobody.
She's a card carrying far left radical. That much we do know.
For those who pine for bi partisanship and seeing Congress getting things done, it sure loks like the libs in here have thrown bi-partisanship to the wind as they are now cheer leading for another lefty moonbat to win an election.

they put a inexperienced community agitator less than on term Junior Senator in Congress as President, so they don't care
Who in the hell is Ashely Judd?

Without her celebrity as an actress, nobody.
She's a card carrying far left radical. That much we do know.
For those who pine for bi partisanship and seeing Congress getting things done, it sure loks like the libs in here have thrown bi-partisanship to the wind as they are now cheer leading for another lefty moonbat to win an election.

they put a inexperienced community agitator less than on term Junior Senator in Congress as President, so they don't care

And the majority of voters in this country voted him in....twice. If you are pushing that he was not a very good candidate....it certainly doesn't say much for his Republican opponents, does it?
lol, they let anyone run for the Democrats

what has she ever done but acting?

but then again, they elected a community organizer Junior Senator in Congress as President so that should tell you everything

this country is doomed

This is why you people are losing elections and failing. You just are too fucking lazy to read and learn. What do you do all day? Watch Honey Boo-Boo reruns? What have you ever done in comparison?

Judd attended 13 schools before college, including the Sayre School[7] in Lexington, Kentucky, Paul G. Blazer High School in Ashland, Kentucky and Franklin High School in Tennessee.[8] She briefly tried modeling in Japan during a school break.

An alumna of the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma at the University of Kentucky, she majored in French and minored in anthropology, art history, theater and women's studies. She spent a semester studying in France as part of her major, a move that mirrored her role as Reed in the television series Sisters.

She graduated from the UK Honors Program and was nominated to Phi Beta Kappa, but did not graduate with her class.[9] Forgoing her commitment to join the Peace Corps, after college she drove to Hollywood, where she studied with well-respected acting teacher Robert Carnegie at Playhouse West.

Ashley Judd's humanitarian work has revolved around becoming a global ambassador for YouthAIDS, a prevention program under Population Services International. She has been a member of their Board of Directors since 2004, also. Judd has traveled with YouthAIDS to places affected by illness and poverty such as Cambodia, Kenya, Rwanda, and many others.

Inspired by her travels, which allowed her to witness the life of the poor and uneducated, she has since become an advocate for preventing poverty and promoting awareness internationally. She has met with political and religious leaders, heads of states, diplomats, and leaders on behalf of the deprived to convey the message to those who have the power to bring about political and social change.

Judd has also narrated three documentaries for YouthAIDS which aired internationally on the Discovery Channel, in National Geographic, and on VH1.

In 2011, Judd joined the Leadership Council of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).

Other organizations Judd has been involved with include Women for Women International and Equality Now, along with other non-governmental organizations that center around bringing attention to social, educational, health, economic, cultural and financial funding of the unfortunate.

Judd has supported the following charities and foundations:[29]

Children's Medical Research Institute
Creative Coalition
Defenders of Wildlife
Eracism Foundation
Five & Alive
Jeans for Genes
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Listen Campaign
Malaria No More
Population Services International
Women for Women International
Equality Now
San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center
Without her celebrity as an actress, nobody.
She's a card carrying far left radical. That much we do know.
For those who pine for bi partisanship and seeing Congress getting things done, it sure loks like the libs in here have thrown bi-partisanship to the wind as they are now cheer leading for another lefty moonbat to win an election.

they put a inexperienced community agitator less than on term Junior Senator in Congress as President, so they don't care

And the majority of voters in this country voted him in....twice. If you are pushing that he was not a very good candidate....it certainly doesn't say much for his Republican opponents, does it?

Bahahahaaaa......Good one.
Reagan was Governor of California for 8 years.

You know California, the state that would be the world's 7th largest economy if it were it's own country?
Reagan was an actor before he ran for governor.

At least Ashley Judd knows how to pick better parts.

What the fuck makes you lefties think she's even qualified to be a US Senator?..
Other than ideology.
Doubtless the same rationale that made them think that Obama was qualified to be president. We can see how that's turned out.

Yes...he won...twice. :clap2:

Yeah based on what?
Let's see.
In 2008 Obama garnered the white suburban liberal vote. The voting bloc that most analysts state put Obama into office. The GOP establishment put up what was more or less a sacrificial lamb in Sen Mc Cain.
In 2010, there was a massive backlash against the rush to the left by Obama. the GOP won back the US House. And took over 600 state seats once held by democrats. It was also a backlash against incumbency.
In 2012, Obama faced 3.5 million fewer GOP voters. Voters that stayed away because they viewed Romney as a candidate for which they could not vote.
We have half the population of country more concerned with entitlements than the overall economic health of the nation. The country did not vote Obama for job creation. The did not vote economy. They voted for class warfare. They voted on promises that their taxes would never rise and that all the goodies would be funded by "the rich"..Those that voted for Obama voted because he was their best chance at maintaining entitlements.
It's quite simple. When those who will not work can vote themselves government supplied benefits( free shit) they will do so in a New York minute.
Since election, those people are still in shock that their taxes too were increased. They are pissed off because the promise that "if you make over $250k per year, you taxes will not go up" was actually a lie.
You can go on and on with your perceptions. The facts say otherwise.
lol, they let anyone run for the Democrats

what has she ever done but acting?

but then again, they elected a community organizer Junior Senator in Congress as President so that should tell you everything

this country is doomed

This is why you people are losing elections and failing. You just are too fucking lazy to read and learn. What do you do all day? Watch Honey Boo-Boo reruns? What have you ever done in comparison?

Judd attended 13 schools before college, including the Sayre School[7] in Lexington, Kentucky, Paul G. Blazer High School in Ashland, Kentucky and Franklin High School in Tennessee.[8] She briefly tried modeling in Japan during a school break.

An alumna of the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma at the University of Kentucky, she majored in French and minored in anthropology, art history, theater and women's studies. She spent a semester studying in France as part of her major, a move that mirrored her role as Reed in the television series Sisters.

She graduated from the UK Honors Program and was nominated to Phi Beta Kappa, but did not graduate with her class.[9] Forgoing her commitment to join the Peace Corps, after college she drove to Hollywood, where she studied with well-respected acting teacher Robert Carnegie at Playhouse West.

Ashley Judd's humanitarian work has revolved around becoming a global ambassador for YouthAIDS, a prevention program under Population Services International. She has been a member of their Board of Directors since 2004, also. Judd has traveled with YouthAIDS to places affected by illness and poverty such as Cambodia, Kenya, Rwanda, and many others.

Inspired by her travels, which allowed her to witness the life of the poor and uneducated, she has since become an advocate for preventing poverty and promoting awareness internationally. She has met with political and religious leaders, heads of states, diplomats, and leaders on behalf of the deprived to convey the message to those who have the power to bring about political and social change.

Judd has also narrated three documentaries for YouthAIDS which aired internationally on the Discovery Channel, in National Geographic, and on VH1.

In 2011, Judd joined the Leadership Council of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).

Other organizations Judd has been involved with include Women for Women International and Equality Now, along with other non-governmental organizations that center around bringing attention to social, educational, health, economic, cultural and financial funding of the unfortunate.

Judd has supported the following charities and foundations:[29]

Children's Medical Research Institute
Creative Coalition
Defenders of Wildlife
Eracism Foundation
Five & Alive
Jeans for Genes
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Listen Campaign
Malaria No More
Population Services International
Women for Women International
Equality Now
San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center

This is Kentucky, they're generally not looking for candidates who speak French and are members of the "Creative Coalition". The only "coalition" they are concerned about is the one minus the "ition".
Doubtless the same rationale that made them think that Obama was qualified to be president. We can see how that's turned out.

Yes...he won...twice. :clap2:

Yeah based on what?
Let's see.
In 2008 Obama garnered the white suburban liberal vote. The voting bloc that most analysts state put Obama into office. The GOP establishment put up what was more or less a sacrificial lamb in Sen Mc Cain.
In 2010, there was a massive backlash against the rush to the left by Obama. the GOP won back the US House. And took over 600 state seats once held by democrats. It was also a backlash against incumbency.
In 2012, Obama faced 3.5 million fewer GOP voters. Voters that stayed away because they viewed Romney as a candidate for which they could not vote.
We have half the population of country more concerned with entitlements than the overall economic health of the nation. The country did not vote Obama for job creation. The did not vote economy. They voted for class warfare. They voted on promises that their taxes would never rise and that all the goodies would be funded by "the rich"..Those that voted for Obama voted because he was their best chance at maintaining entitlements.
It's quite simple. When those who will not work can vote themselves government supplied benefits( free shit) they will do so in a New York minute.
Since election, those people are still in shock that their taxes too were increased. They are pissed off because the promise that "if you make over $250k per year, you taxes will not go up" was actually a lie.
You can go on and on with your perceptions. The facts say otherwise.

Obama won....twice. Are you trying to tell us that isn't the facts?
God these righties are so easy to kick to the curb. All opinion and no information.

And again what you don't get is the battlefield here. If Judd were running in New York or California, she might actually have a chance based on her noteriety.
This is Kentucky. K-E-N-T-U-C-K-Y, get it now ?
Without her celebrity as an actress, nobody.
She's a card carrying far left radical. That much we do know.
For those who pine for bi partisanship and seeing Congress getting things done, it sure loks like the libs in here have thrown bi-partisanship to the wind as they are now cheer leading for another lefty moonbat to win an election.

they put a inexperienced community agitator less than on term Junior Senator in Congress as President, so they don't care

And the majority of voters in this country voted him in....twice. If you are pushing that he was not a very good candidate....it certainly doesn't say much for his Republican opponents, does it?

They voted in their own self interest. Greed for the earnings of others.
As far as the opponents....The GOP old guard establishment has screwed the party. They send up presidential candidates which do not resonate with the conservative movement which is sweeping the nation.
Conservatives have had no problem winning state elections. 30 states have GOP governors.
24 of those states have GOP controlled state legislatures.
lol, they let anyone run for the Democrats

what has she ever done but acting?

but then again, they elected a community organizer Junior Senator in Congress as President so that should tell you everything

this country is doomed

This is why you people are losing elections and failing. You just are too fucking lazy to read and learn. What do you do all day? Watch Honey Boo-Boo reruns? What have you ever done in comparison?

Judd attended 13 schools before college, including the Sayre School[7] in Lexington, Kentucky, Paul G. Blazer High School in Ashland, Kentucky and Franklin High School in Tennessee.[8] She briefly tried modeling in Japan during a school break.

An alumna of the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma at the University of Kentucky, she majored in French and minored in anthropology, art history, theater and women's studies. She spent a semester studying in France as part of her major, a move that mirrored her role as Reed in the television series Sisters.

She graduated from the UK Honors Program and was nominated to Phi Beta Kappa, but did not graduate with her class.[9] Forgoing her commitment to join the Peace Corps, after college she drove to Hollywood, where she studied with well-respected acting teacher Robert Carnegie at Playhouse West.

Ashley Judd's humanitarian work has revolved around becoming a global ambassador for YouthAIDS, a prevention program under Population Services International. She has been a member of their Board of Directors since 2004, also. Judd has traveled with YouthAIDS to places affected by illness and poverty such as Cambodia, Kenya, Rwanda, and many others.

Inspired by her travels, which allowed her to witness the life of the poor and uneducated, she has since become an advocate for preventing poverty and promoting awareness internationally. She has met with political and religious leaders, heads of states, diplomats, and leaders on behalf of the deprived to convey the message to those who have the power to bring about political and social change.

Judd has also narrated three documentaries for YouthAIDS which aired internationally on the Discovery Channel, in National Geographic, and on VH1.

In 2011, Judd joined the Leadership Council of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).

Other organizations Judd has been involved with include Women for Women International and Equality Now, along with other non-governmental organizations that center around bringing attention to social, educational, health, economic, cultural and financial funding of the unfortunate.

Judd has supported the following charities and foundations:[29]

Children's Medical Research Institute
Creative Coalition
Defenders of Wildlife
Eracism Foundation
Five & Alive
Jeans for Genes
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Listen Campaign
Malaria No More
Population Services International
Women for Women International
Equality Now
San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center

This is Kentucky, they're generally not looking for candidates who speak French and are members of the "Creative Coalition". The only "coalition" they are concerned about is the one minus the "ition".

for crying out loud, anyone can do those things. and humanitarian work.. she has done nothing else, like be a mayor of a city or anything in GOVERNMENT and we don't count her government classes in high school
another radical airhead, just what we need in government
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God these righties are so easy to kick to the curb. All opinion and no information.

And again what you don't get is the battlefield here. If Judd were running in New York or California, she might actually have a chance based on her noteriety.
This is Kentucky. K-E-N-T-U-C-K-Y, get it now ?


And ? Seriously ?
Does Kentucky strike you as a progressive state ? A Hollywood liberal against Kentucky's coal industry, and did I mention she's not even a resident of the state ?
lol, they let anyone run for the Democrats

what has she ever done but acting?

but then again, they elected a community organizer Junior Senator in Congress as President so that should tell you everything

this country is doomed

This is why you people are losing elections and failing. You just are too fucking lazy to read and learn. What do you do all day? Watch Honey Boo-Boo reruns? What have you ever done in comparison?

Judd attended 13 schools before college, including the Sayre School[7] in Lexington, Kentucky, Paul G. Blazer High School in Ashland, Kentucky and Franklin High School in Tennessee.[8] She briefly tried modeling in Japan during a school break.

An alumna of the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma at the University of Kentucky, she majored in French and minored in anthropology, art history, theater and women's studies. She spent a semester studying in France as part of her major, a move that mirrored her role as Reed in the television series Sisters.

She graduated from the UK Honors Program and was nominated to Phi Beta Kappa, but did not graduate with her class.[9] Forgoing her commitment to join the Peace Corps, after college she drove to Hollywood, where she studied with well-respected acting teacher Robert Carnegie at Playhouse West.

Ashley Judd's humanitarian work has revolved around becoming a global ambassador for YouthAIDS, a prevention program under Population Services International. She has been a member of their Board of Directors since 2004, also. Judd has traveled with YouthAIDS to places affected by illness and poverty such as Cambodia, Kenya, Rwanda, and many others.

Inspired by her travels, which allowed her to witness the life of the poor and uneducated, she has since become an advocate for preventing poverty and promoting awareness internationally. She has met with political and religious leaders, heads of states, diplomats, and leaders on behalf of the deprived to convey the message to those who have the power to bring about political and social change.

Judd has also narrated three documentaries for YouthAIDS which aired internationally on the Discovery Channel, in National Geographic, and on VH1.

In 2011, Judd joined the Leadership Council of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).

Other organizations Judd has been involved with include Women for Women International and Equality Now, along with other non-governmental organizations that center around bringing attention to social, educational, health, economic, cultural and financial funding of the unfortunate.

Judd has supported the following charities and foundations:[29]

Children's Medical Research Institute
Creative Coalition
Defenders of Wildlife
Eracism Foundation
Five & Alive
Jeans for Genes
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Listen Campaign
Malaria No More
Population Services International
Women for Women International
Equality Now
San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center

Judd is a poster child for the OWS people.
Why? Save for her talent as an actress, just what marketable skills would she have as a graduate...The list. French? Ok she can go to work as a bi lingual travel agent or some other job where French is required. See you in Canada.
Women's studies? This does what for a career?
I am not seeing a single thing here that qualifies her as a US Senator.
Now that she is not a working actress, her talents seem to be in humanitarian efforts. Well, the next time there is a natural disaster in Africa, we'll call ya, Ash...
Face it, you are cheer leading for Judd because she is a far left radical.
If she were moderate or conservative you wouldn't be puffing up her resume.
go is right, back out on the protesting trail..we have enough airheads in the Democrat party

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