Go ahead, keep attacking Ashley Judd

This is why this country is so fucked up. The average american voter is dumber than a box of hair. They get their policital views from comedians, hell they even elect comedians to public office and they would allow an actress to shape policy.

McConnell looks like an old dried up white man and Ashley judd is hot. Yeah, that's an intelligent reason to vote.
This is why this country is so fucked up. The average american voter is dumber than a box of hair. They get their policital views from comedians, hell they even elect comedians to public office and they would allow an actress to shape policy.

McConnell looks like an old dried up white man and Ashley judd is hot. Yeah, that's an intelligent reason to vote.

oh yes it is, they re elected Obama with his horrible record..we are in some deep shit
This is why this country is so fucked up. The average american voter is dumber than a box of hair. They get their policital views from comedians, hell they even elect comedians to public office and they would allow an actress to shape policy.

McConnell looks like an old dried up white man and Ashley judd is hot. Yeah, that's an intelligent reason to vote.

She runs....
She wins....
All she has to do is look good,recite a few talking points from the DNC,have some really
good Hollywood quality ads done and she wins handily.

No one will care what she has to say.
It's all about looks now.
This is why this country is so fucked up. The average american voter is dumber than a box of hair. They get their policital views from comedians, hell they even elect comedians to public office and they would allow an actress to shape policy.

McConnell looks like an old dried up white man and Ashley judd is hot. Yeah, that's an intelligent reason to vote.

She runs....
She wins....
All she has to do is look good,recite a few talking points from the DNC,have some really
good Hollywood quality ads done and she wins handily.

No one will care what she has to say.
It's all about looks now.

Great summation of her victory election
the little airhead can't take the heat of politics she should stay on a movie set.

gawd, they are whining about her already

Salon should talk about who is being a bully

We can criticize the airhead judd as much as they still do PALIN

salon can go to hell

Well we have already seen what "on the job training" has already done for Obama and the economy. Just go on a few talk shows, play a few rounds of golf or basketball. When things begin to look bad just go ahead ..... blame Republicans, just be sure to create plenty of added DRAMA (the press just loves it and will eat it up) of how bad it will get if you don't get your way. When that's all said and done and you've exhausted yourself with answering questions ..... simply turn around for a few more special appearances, spend the day with Tiger Woods and await for the crisis drama to unfold.

Hell, with her acting experience, Ashley Judd should be very comfortable and fit right into the scheme of things under this administration.
and yet she will still get elected of sour puss McConnell

Sure and we see what we get when someone with no political exprience gets elected.:eusa_whistle:

Well we have already seen what "on the job training" has already done for Obama and the economy. Just go on a few talk shows, play a few rounds of golf or basketball. When things begin to look bad just go ahead ..... blame Republicans, just be sure to create plenty of added DRAMA (the press just loves it and will eat it up) of how bad it will get if you don't get your way. When that's all said and done and you've exhausted yourself with answering questions ..... simply turn around for a few more special appearances, spend the day with Tiger Woods and await for the crisis drama to unfold.

Hell, with her acting experience, Ashley Judd should be very comfortable and fit right into the scheme of things under this administration.

Let's don't forget he also shoot's skeet a lot. I wonder when he finds time too do what we pay obama for doing?

By Irin Carmon

I have no idea if Ashley Judd would win if she runs against Mitch McConnell, a prospect looking likelier by the day. I would bet, however, that a lot of Republican men are going to make themselves look like misogynist bullies in the process. For Democrats, a Judd candidacy might be a win-win — if not in Kentucky, then on the national stage.

A couple of weeks ago, Karl Rove went on the O’Reilly Factor to explain why he’d decided to run a campaign video attacking a woman who has not yet declared she’s running. “She’s going to get to know that she is not going to be able to wait until, you know, the screen writers from California and the producers could make her look good, and prepare the ads and give her lots of lines to memorize so that she can handle these things,” he said.

O’Reilly had one question: “If you make her cry, will you feel bad?”

“No, I wouldn’t,” Rove responded. “O’Reilly, only you could be concerned with making a political figure cry. I mean, please.”

I’ll give Rove this much: There is no reason Judd should be protected from attacks on her positions and her potential status as a “political figure,” just because Bill O’Reilly is in the mood for some unsolicited chivalry. And Rove’s attack ad was studiously disciplined, sticking to tying Judd with President Obama and out-of-state values, with only the slightest hint at Hollywood glamour. But Rove didn’t show anywhere near that restraint with O’Reilly, unless restraint means not coming right out and calling Judd a dumb, pretty face. Judging by history, the rest of the right just won’t be able to help themselves either.

Rand Paul has already jumped right in. “Ashley Judd is a famous actress, she’s an attractive woman, and presents herself well, and from what I understand is articulate,” Paul told CNN on Feb. 10. “But the thing is, she doesn’t really represent Kentucky.” (If you weren’t already rooting for Judd, perhaps the image of the slimily condescending Paul having to someday partner with her in representing Kentucky will be enough.) And it’s only the beginning.

For the record, Judd is more than an “attractive woman.” She has a masters in public administration from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government — the same one, incidentally, achieved by O’Reilly — and has spent years committed to political activism. It also seems oddly beside the point to argue about intellectual gravitas in an institution where another member once suggested that women who can’t afford birth control just Google it, to name one example of exceptional acuity. For his part, Paul once complained in a hearing that it was unfair that women could get abortions when his toilet didn’t flush to his satisfaction.


More: Go ahead, keep attacking Ashley Judd - Salon.com

.......lol... and they are even LESS interested in hearing about her political aspirations. You must be kidding. Next topic please. - Jeremiah
This is why this country is so fucked up. The average american voter is dumber than a box of hair. They get their policital views from comedians, hell they even elect comedians to public office and they would allow an actress to shape policy.

McConnell looks like an old dried up white man and Ashley judd is hot. Yeah, that's an intelligent reason to vote.

She runs....
She wins....
All she has to do is look good,recite a few talking points from the DNC,have some really
good Hollywood quality ads done and she wins handily.

No one will care what she has to say.
It's all about looks now.

Yes. Isn't that sad?

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