Go to Joe 30330

If Hillary was a man, she would be Joe Biden and
CNN already told us he's the front runner so it must be true.( with Kamala or Liz as plan B)
Trump 2020 here we come.:102:
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Yep, we need a president that doesn't have a clue...to match liberals that don't have a clue

Joe 30330: Biden tells supporters to 'go to' a website not affiliated with his campaign - CNNPolitics

By this late point in both his career and life Joe Biden is little more than a talking head—or skull—perhaps is more accurate. He is not a man of consistent principals. He has publicly "flipped" his supposed deepest held beliefs a number of times, which does not look presidential to say the least. Additionally, the man is essentially the antithesis of all the modern socialist core of the Democratic Party worships. He's white, heterosexual and extremely wealthy. Biden is a posterchild for "white privilege" and thus, according to the postmodernists' ideology, wholly incompatible with the image of their ideal next president. The only circumstance for his nomination that makes a lick of sense is the one where the socialists back him just to get a Democrat into the White House and then get rid of him soon after or use him like a geriatric puppet through which to spread their brand of radical leftism. Being a notorious "yes-man" it seems like such a role would fit Biden quite well.
Yep, we need a president that doesn't have a clue...to match liberals that don't have a clue

Joe 30330: Biden tells supporters to 'go to' a website not affiliated with his campaign - CNNPolitics

By this late point in both his career and life Joe Biden is little more than a talking head—or skull—perhaps is more accurate. He is not a man of consistent principals. He has publicly "flipped" his supposed deepest held beliefs a number of times, which does not look presidential to say the least. Additionally, the man is essentially the antithesis of all the modern socialist core of the Democratic Party worships. He's white, heterosexual and extremely wealthy. Biden is a posterchild for "white privilege" and thus, according to the postmodernists' ideology, wholly incompatible with the image of their ideal next president. The only circumstance for his nomination that makes a lick of sense is the one where the socialists back him just to get a Democrat into the White House and then get rid of him soon after or use him like a geriatric puppet through which to spread their brand of radical leftism. Being a notorious "yes-man" it seems like such a role would fit Biden quite well.

And he's their #1....go figure.
Yep, we need a president that doesn't have a clue...to match liberals that don't have a clue

Joe 30330: Biden tells supporters to 'go to' a website not affiliated with his campaign - CNNPolitics

By this late point in both his career and life Joe Biden is little more than a talking head—or skull—perhaps is more accurate. He is not a man of consistent principals. He has publicly "flipped" his supposed deepest held beliefs a number of times, which does not look presidential to say the least. Additionally, the man is essentially the antithesis of all the modern socialist core of the Democratic Party worships. He's white, heterosexual and extremely wealthy. Biden is a posterchild for "white privilege" and thus, according to the postmodernists' ideology, wholly incompatible with the image of their ideal next president. The only circumstance for his nomination that makes a lick of sense is the one where the socialists back him just to get a Democrat into the White House and then get rid of him soon after or use him like a geriatric puppet through which to spread their brand of radical leftism. Being a notorious "yes-man" it seems like such a role would fit Biden quite well.

And he's their #1....go figure.

Yeah, he's got to be their trojan horse. Either that or a war of ideologies is raging within the Democratic Party. But that's somewhat tough to believe seeing as how Joe Biden "the sane moderate" has been stepping farther and farther to the left in what seems like an effort to out nut job the "cool" socialist kids. The 800 pound gorilla in the room no one is really talking about? All the 2020 Democrat presidential candidates have lost their fear of terrifying "normal" Americans with their socialism/Cultural Marxism because they believe pure, black hatred of Donald Trump will excuse any anti-American perversion they spew from the debate stages. Me? I think they're wrong—dead wrong. End of the day Americans at large, at least traditionally, have come to their senses somewhat and by and large can only take so much "departure" from the norm. And the modern socialist Dems? They have left reality in some bombed out train station thousands of miles behind their current running platforms/talking points.
Yep, we need a president that doesn't have a clue...to match liberals that don't have a clue

Joe 30330: Biden tells supporters to 'go to' a website not affiliated with his campaign - CNNPolitics

By this late point in both his career and life Joe Biden is little more than a talking head—or skull—perhaps is more accurate. He is not a man of consistent principals. He has publicly "flipped" his supposed deepest held beliefs a number of times, which does not look presidential to say the least. Additionally, the man is essentially the antithesis of all the modern socialist core of the Democratic Party worships. He's white, heterosexual and extremely wealthy. Biden is a posterchild for "white privilege" and thus, according to the postmodernists' ideology, wholly incompatible with the image of their ideal next president. The only circumstance for his nomination that makes a lick of sense is the one where the socialists back him just to get a Democrat into the White House and then get rid of him soon after or use him like a geriatric puppet through which to spread their brand of radical leftism. Being a notorious "yes-man" it seems like such a role would fit Biden quite well.

I agree with most of what you said , but as far as age, he's really only a year younger than Bernie and 3 years older than Trump so I don't believe that will factor in so much, although it's worth noting that at least mentally, Bernie looks much sharper.
Yep, we need a president that doesn't have a clue...to match liberals that don't have a clue

Joe 30330: Biden tells supporters to 'go to' a website not affiliated with his campaign - CNNPolitics

By this late point in both his career and life Joe Biden is little more than a talking head—or skull—perhaps is more accurate. He is not a man of consistent principals. He has publicly "flipped" his supposed deepest held beliefs a number of times, which does not look presidential to say the least. Additionally, the man is essentially the antithesis of all the modern socialist core of the Democratic Party worships. He's white, heterosexual and extremely wealthy. Biden is a posterchild for "white privilege" and thus, according to the postmodernists' ideology, wholly incompatible with the image of their ideal next president. The only circumstance for his nomination that makes a lick of sense is the one where the socialists back him just to get a Democrat into the White House and then get rid of him soon after or use him like a geriatric puppet through which to spread their brand of radical leftism. Being a notorious "yes-man" it seems like such a role would fit Biden quite well.

I agree with most of what you said , but as far as age, he's really only a year younger than Bernie and 3 years older than Trump so I don't believe that will factor in so much, although it's worth noting that at least mentally, Bernie looks much sharper.

Bernie appears sharper, but his ideas are wackier.
Bernie appears sharper, but his ideas are wackier.
Like when he, unlike Biden, voted NOT to let Bush start a war in Iraq ?
That kind of 'wacky' thinking ?

No, like when he wants FREE everything.
Nothing is free, but the more you over-use that talking point, the less effective it is so keep it up.
Bernie has consistently remained the most popular politician for four years and counting.
Bernie appears sharper, but his ideas are wackier.
Like when he, unlike Biden, voted NOT to let Bush start a war in Iraq ?
That kind of 'wacky' thinking ?

No, like when he wants FREE everything.
Nothing is free, but the more you over-use that talking point, the less effective it is so keep it up.
Bernie has consistently remained the most popular politician for four years and counting.

Yep, nothing is free, it's just a matter of who pays for the FREE stuff.
Is it to much to ask Democrats to front a candidate who understands the difference between the internet and a phone number??? smh
Yep, we need a president that doesn't have a clue...to match liberals that don't have a clue

Joe 30330: Biden tells supporters to 'go to' a website not affiliated with his campaign - CNNPolitics
"Viewers swiftly took to social media to express their confusion."
Yes we're in a new world kids.
nut job joe has been around for years. he was a nut job during the Clarence Thomas hearing. Nothing new. you were duped, but real americans knew and know who he is. so you woke up I see.
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Yep, we need a president that doesn't have a clue...to match liberals that don't have a clue

Joe 30330: Biden tells supporters to 'go to' a website not affiliated with his campaign - CNNPolitics
"Viewers swiftly took to social media to express their confusion."
Yes we're in a new world kids.
nut job joe has been around for years. he was a nut job during the Clarence Thomas hearing. Nothing new. you were duped, bu real americans knew and know who he is. so you woke up I see.
In 2002, Biden, Kerry, Clinton and 26 other Democrat Senators voted for Bush's Iraq War, and many of us Americans were paying attention.

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