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I wonder how many billions the Vatican rakes in from sick Americans every year ...

The association is a ministry of the Roman Catholic Church. Comprising more than 600 hospitals and 1,400 long-term care and other health facilities in all 50 states, the association is the largest group of non-profit health care providers in the nation.

Every year, one in six hospitalized patients in the United States is cared for in a Catholic health care facility. In addition, thousands of elders in the U.S. live and are cared for in Catholic long-term care and other continuum of care facilities...

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The democrat Party is now so fully Communist, that Biden is a "moderate"
Not buying it. The Democrats are confused but their defining characteristic remains to be seen. Personally I believe the Barr/Horowitz report coming up will be a game-changer, and the Dems , knowing this, will do anything to hold it up in Congress and classify it for national security reasons ( we're talking about higher ups in the FBI and CIA ) and the media will create every distraction possible to hide the truth. At least until November 2020.
"Let's bomb the shit out of somebody Joe."
"I'm with you Johnny boy. How about Syria ?"


"War gives me a hard on ." "Me too" "Me three."
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yep, still waiting for these genius's to tell us where the 32 trillion comes from. why do they hesitate? aren't they genius's?
So now you want the health care racket explained to you ?
Ask Wendell Potter.

no, not at all, I want to know where you're going to get 32 trillion to pay for it.
The democrat Party is now so fully Communist, that Biden is a "moderate"
Not buying it. The Democrats are confused but their defining characteristic remains to be seen. Personally I believe the Barr/Horowitz report coming up will be a game-changer, and the Dems , knowing this, will do anything to hold it up in Congress and classify it for national security reasons ( we're talking about higher ups in the FBI and CIA ) and the media will create every distraction possible to hide the truth. At least until November 2020.
so your answer is you don't know. got it.
yep, still waiting for these genius's to tell us where the 32 trillion comes from. why do they hesitate? aren't they genius's?
So now you want the health care racket explained to you ?
Ask Wendell Potter.

no, not at all, I want to know where you're going to get 32 trillion to pay for it.

Your math is skewed.
First you have to explain where the $32 trillion figure comes from.
Eliminating the health insurance companies would pay for half the cost right up front.
The democrat Party is now so fully Communist, that Biden is a "moderate"
Not buying it. The Democrats are confused but their defining characteristic remains to be seen. Personally I believe the Barr/Horowitz report coming up will be a game-changer, and the Dems , knowing this, will do anything to hold it up in Congress and classify it for national security reasons ( we're talking about higher ups in the FBI and CIA ) and the media will create every distraction possible to hide the truth. At least until November 2020.
It's about 50 50 that Q is a LARP, so the reports could just as well say, "somebody did something. No harm, no foul"
The democrat Party is now so fully Communist, that Biden is a "moderate"
Not buying it. The Democrats are confused but their defining characteristic remains to be seen. Personally I believe the Barr/Horowitz report coming up will be a game-changer, and the Dems , knowing this, will do anything to hold it up in Congress and classify it for national security reasons ( we're talking about higher ups in the FBI and CIA ) and the media will create every distraction possible to hide the truth. At least until November 2020.
It's about 50 50 that Q is a LARP, so the reports could just as well say, "somebody did something. No harm, no foul"
The release of a pending report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz is, by all accounts, imminent. The product of more than 16 months of investigation, that report will cover far more devious schemes than Comey’s leaking -- Horowitz is finally going to reveal the truth about the dishonest handling of FISA spy-warrant applications against Trump associates.
Joe diGenova: Barr's Comey decision was the right call. But this is just the beginning
Bernie doesn’t have a fuckin’ prayer of being elected president. Which leaves him tied with the other 19 passengers in the clown bus.
Thank you Rush Limprod.
Oooooh, ouch!
The only reason Sanders isn't president now is because of the corrupt MSM and DNC cheating him in favor of the bitch.

The only reason Bernie wasn’t the dimocrats’ nominee was due to the corruption you cited. In the election he’d have gone the way of the fatass Hildebeast.

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