Go Tomi sue that son of a bitch Glen Beck..

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Go after Beck, sue the hell out of that hypocritical prick

Tomi Lahren on filing a lawsuit against Glenn Beck, TheBlaze: 'I feel betrayed'

Tomi Lahren, the right-wing firebrand who had been a staple on Glenn Beckā€™s ā€œTheBlaze,ā€ is speaking out after filing a lawsuit against Beck and his online platform, alleging wrongful termination.

ā€œMy job is my life. This is my life. Without that, I feel lost,ā€ Lahren told ABC Newsā€™ ā€œNightline." ā€œWhen your outlet is taken away from you and you donā€™t understand why and youā€™re so disappointed and youā€™re so blindsided, it hurts.ā€

Lahren, a rising conservative star at just 24 years old who attracted millions of online followers for her controversial and unapologetic critiques on her show, ā€œTomi,ā€ filed a wrongful termination lawsuit in Texas on Friday. She alleges she was ousted from her show after she said publically she was in favor of abortion rights.

On March 17, Lahren appeared on ABCā€™s ā€œThe View,ā€ and said, ā€œIā€™m pro-choice, and hereā€™s why: I canā€™t sit here and be a hypocrite and say Iā€™m for limited government but I think that the government should decide what women do with their bodiesā€¦ stay out of my guns and you can stay out of my body as well.ā€
What Beck is still. Paying her?

Lol I should of read the entire story ...

Despite TheBlazeā€™s denial, Lahren continues to characterize her situation as having been fired, though she admits Beckā€™s company is still paying her.

ā€œI get up in the morning and I don't have a job to go to,ā€ she said. ā€œI donā€™t sit down in my chair and deliver my ā€˜Final Thoughts,ā€™ I donā€™t have a dressing room, so Iā€™m terminated, Iā€™m firedā€¦ the way I look at things, Iā€™m not doing what I was contracted to do, which was produce a television show, a political talk show.ā€
Why Tomi doesn't have a job? :rofl:

Why Tomi doesn't have a job? :rofl:


You love stifling free speech as much as Beck does... We already know that.


Huh? She offered a pro-choice message. Unlike Beck, I think she should be allowed to get it out there!

Sorry I misunderstood
I'm just saying that she spent her entire short career attacking the only people who would defend her in this case. I wonder what will come of her.

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