Go unwoke... Go broke! Elon is history's biggest wealth loser.

Musk is taking the company in a whole new direction and that scares investors. He's only owned the damn thing for a month for crying out loud. He hasn't even made any real changes as of yet. When all the dust settles and he starts making it better than ever those investors will come back and quite possibly more. It's only the first inning and you're declaring the baseball game over.
Overpaid kids toy. SpaceX may break even. Tesla losing. Twitter loses everyday. Get real.
It doesn't matter if your income went up or not, most people lost whatever was gained and then some with inflation. Most people are worse off today than when Trump was in office.

The people dancing around crowing about the Salad In Chief's wonderful economy are the ones who live in subsidized housing and dine on whatever is on special at the food bank.

Overpaid kids toy. SpaceX may break even. Tesla losing. Twitter loses everyday. Get real.
Wrong on all three.
Tesla has the inside track on profitable EVs.
SpaceX also has a great business.
Twitter by NOT being a tool of the FBI/DNC/Deep State wins every day.

Good to know you prefer a "government censored" public square.
Elon musk has lost more wealth than anyone in history since coming out as a deranged right wing lunatic. Elon owns 17% share in Tesla (see link below) and has lost over $100B in value through November and it wasnt even done sliding at the time the article was published. His purchase of Tesla was universally derided as a value mistake - heck even he tried to get out of it.

It just goes to show... go unwoke and go broke! Everyone loses when they associate with republicans. It's the biggest scam in history.

I already know you guys will argue he has a secret plan to make Twitter worth the $44B he paid (he doesnt) and you will argue that he is still richer than me (not in family but sure in dollars). What a historic train wreck we are watching in real time.

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Why should I care.

Better yet why should ANYONE but those involved with him care?

The wealth envy in this nation is absurd.
Wrong on all three.
Tesla has the inside track on profitable EVs.
SpaceX also has a great business.
Twitter by NOT being a tool of the FBI/DNC/Deep State wins every day.

Good to know you prefer a "government censored" public square.
You are wrong. Before you bark nonsense do some research.
Overpaid kids toy. SpaceX may break even. Tesla losing. Twitter loses everyday. Get real.

That's the way it is in business, particularly when business makes a huge change in their operations. Get back to us in six months and tell us how Twitter is doing.
Might be time to purchase Tesla stock.

I think right now is not the time to invest in anything with a predicted recession heading our way. It's the main reason the price of gasoline went so far back down. It wouldn't surprise me if we hit the lower $2.00 range by February. Of course it all depends on how the Christmas shopping went. Given a lot of people were forced to live on their credit cards with this huge increase in gasoline and home heating fuel, I think it will be one of the worst seasons in quite a while.
Democrats want the old Twitter mods back who turned a blind eye to content they like and believe minors should be able to use apps like grinder.
That's the way it is in business, particularly when business makes a huge change in their operations. Get back to us in six months and tell us how Twitter is doing.
Why get back to you? If Twitter was profitable after paying $44B? It would take 2+ decades to get that back. Nobody has mentioned his tunnel to nowhere. Another deal that has a valuation of $5.7 Billion and hasn't done jack squat.
Why get back to you? If Twitter was profitable after paying $44B? It would take 2+ decades to get that back. Nobody has mentioned his tunnel to nowhere. Another deal that has an evaluation of $5.7 Billion and hasn't done jack squat.
The fact America's enemies like this guy hate Elon, only makes Elon more popular with Americans.

Americans see Elon is on the side of freedom against democrats who say "freedumb".
Why get back to you? If Twitter was profitable after paying $44B? It would take 2+ decades to get that back. Nobody has mentioned his tunnel to nowhere. Another deal that has a valuation of $5.7 Billion and hasn't done jack squat.
Where do you invest all your billions?
Why get back to you? If Twitter was profitable after paying $44B? It would take 2+ decades to get that back. Nobody has mentioned his tunnel to nowhere. Another deal that has a valuation of $5.7 Billion and hasn't done jack squat.

Trying to rate Twitter this close to the change is like trying to rate a movie after watching the first five minutes. Twitter will likely bounce back and maybe better than ever. It won't take two decades for that to happen.

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