Go unwoke... Go broke! Elon is history's biggest wealth loser.

Trying to rate Twitter this close to the change is like trying to rate a movie after watching the first five minutes. Twitter will likely bounce back and maybe better than ever. It won't take two decades for that to happen.
Elon wants twitter to take on youtube. It will be awesome. Youtube has abused Americans for to long with their illegal campaign contributions to democrats.
Elon wants twitter to take on youtube. It will be awesome. Youtube has abused Americans for to long with their illegal campaign contributions to democrats.

When Google bought it the site really went to hell. Loaded with ads and afterwards censorship. Musk better watch his spending though. He won't get any kind of real deal on Youtube.
The Chinese are loving this. Chinese EV's will flood the market as a direct competitor at a lower price.
They are also slowly getting into the passenger jet market. When fully mature... the two major passenger jet producers will have some trouble.
If you think this has anything to do with Musk's politics you have not done your homework.

I posted this a couple of days ago to another dumbass that was inferring the same thing: Tesla has lost value due to Musk's politics. I'm not going back to retype and recalculate all of this, because it won't change a damn thing.

Here is the US automaker's index: DJUSAU | Dow Jones U.S. Auto Manufacturers Index Overview | MarketWatch

auto index.JPG

Peaked in December 2021 at 1482. Closed today at 651. Drop of 56%.

Now let's look at Tesla. Care to guess what it has dropped or do you prefer to just guzzle the piss the left is feeding you? Well, let's see:

Peaked at 381 in November of 2021. Closed today at 167. A drop of (DRUMROLL PLEASE)


Holy shit! Who could have known, when Musk has turned Twitter into a Nazi camp and tanked Twitter stock in the process!!!

Good gawd, this is the dumbest take on this I've seen yet. It is debunkable in about 2 minutes, which shows how utterly lazy and brainwashed people are.

Stop believing stupid shit the left is feeding you guys. It makes you look like idiots. They DGAF, as that is, in reality, their goal. They want you believing their bullshit and running around spewing it as much as possible, strictly because it serves them.
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Musk is taking the company in a whole new direction and that scares investors. He's only owned the damn thing for a month for crying out loud. He hasn't even made any real changes as of yet. When all the dust settles and he starts making it better than ever those investors will come back and quite possibly more. It's only the first inning and you're declaring the baseball game over.
Predictable. “He has a secret plan!!!!” Too funny. True believers.
Just curious how many here equal or surpass Musk current wealth total? My guess no one.
Predictable. “Musk must be making the right decisions since he has money”. Sure, defer to your betters I guess.

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