God And Jerusalem Are Back.

Watching Dems evolve their basic religious and foreign policy beliefs today is like watching Jeff Goldblum evolve into the fly...it wasnt pretty.
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How embarrassing for the delegates and anyone else who went on the defense of the vote
a diety (which one?) and a foreign country. Again: wahts the BFD? :dunno:


Dems have government, what else do they need, Julia?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5xaZB8AgAQ]The Life Of Julia - YouTube[/ame]
Yesterday the tale was that Obama didn't know that they were removing "God" and "Jerusalem"....

This morn, Politico says Obama agreed with removing "God" and "Jerusalem".....

"While the campaign at first said Obama had seen the language prior to the convention, it later said he did not learn of the issue until Wednesday morning, when he became aware of seeing news coverage of the issue. Once that happened, the president directed his staff to change the language to include a reference to God and Jerusalem as Israel’s capital because, the campaign source said, the amended version is “consistent with the president’s own positions.”

Read more: Division over platform at DNC - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

So, which is the main ingredient in the Obama recipe....

lying or incompetence?
Democrats walk the plank and restore God and Jersualem.

Go Fox News!

Democrats crumble....retreat....and then cheat!!!

1. Brett Baier on Fox interviewed Dick Durbin...who visibly bridled at the question of why the Democrats removed "God" from their platform

2. Subsequently...they held a voice vote of the delegates present....asking whether the party should reverse themselves and put the word "God" back in the platform.

3. The voice vote was clearly and audibly evenly split!

4.Puzzled looks on stage....they wanted a vote to show how very pious the party is....but at least half refused to vote the way the leadership wanted them to!!!

5. The re-vote, by voice again....again clearly evenly split!!!

So the cheer leader announce that the affirmative was the "clear" winner and the word "God" would be reinserted!!!!

Victory for America, and exposure of the phony Leftist party of

slavery, segregation, sedition and secularization!!

That was the funniest thing ever.
The Dems who hold themselves in such regard and who are just so perfect
looked so friggin pathetic.

It was a joy to watch that.
Democrats walk the plank and restore God and Jersualem.

Go Fox News!

Democrats crumble....retreat....and then cheat!!!

1. Brett Baier on Fox interviewed Dick Durbin...who visibly bridled at the question of why the Democrats removed "God" from their platform

2. Subsequently...they held a voice vote of the delegates present....asking whether the party should reverse themselves and put the word "God" back in the platform.

3. The voice vote was clearly and audibly evenly split!

4.Puzzled looks on stage....they wanted a vote to show how very pious the party is....but at least half refused to vote the way the leadership wanted them to!!!

5. The re-vote, by voice again....again clearly evenly split!!!

So the cheer leader announce that the affirmative was the "clear" winner and the word "God" would be reinserted!!!!

Victory for America, and exposure of the phony Leftist party of

slavery, segregation, sedition and secularization!!

That was the funniest thing ever.
The Dems who hold themselves in such regard and who are just so perfect
looked so friggin pathetic.

It was a joy to watch that.

I wonder....any truth to the rumor that the new theme song for the Democrat Party is

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TXqSJ9qDQ8]R.E.M. - Losing my religion Lyrics English - YouTube[/ame]
Yesterday the tale was that Obama didn't know that they were removing "God" and "Jerusalem"....

This morn, Politico says Obama agreed with removing "God" and "Jerusalem".....

"While the campaign at first said Obama had seen the language prior to the convention, it later said he did not learn of the issue until Wednesday morning, when he became aware of seeing news coverage of the issue. Once that happened, the president directed his staff to change the language to include a reference to God and Jerusalem as Israel’s capital because, the campaign source said, the amended version is “consistent with the president’s own positions.”

Read more: Division over platform at DNC - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

So, which is the main ingredient in the Obama recipe....

lying or incompetence?

Why does it have to be either/or?

Maybe Obama was for it before he was against it? Maybe it depends on the meaning of the word "is". Maybe there was no controlling authority.
The list of Democrat boners is long and growing.
Yesterday the tale was that Obama didn't know that they were removing "God" and "Jerusalem"....

This morn, Politico says Obama agreed with removing "God" and "Jerusalem".....

"While the campaign at first said Obama had seen the language prior to the convention, it later said he did not learn of the issue until Wednesday morning, when he became aware of seeing news coverage of the issue. Once that happened, the president directed his staff to change the language to include a reference to God and Jerusalem as Israel’s capital because, the campaign source said, the amended version is “consistent with the president’s own positions.”

Read more: Division over platform at DNC - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

So, which is the main ingredient in the Obama recipe....

lying or incompetence?

Why does it have to be either/or?

Maybe Obama was for it before he was against it? Maybe it depends on the meaning of the word "is". Maybe there was no controlling authority.
The list of Democrat boners is long and growing.

Now...just one dang minute here!!!!

Are you, for one moment, suggesting that Obama and the Obamunists lack honesty????



I...I...never thought of that possibility.....
Yesterday the tale was that Obama didn't know that they were removing "God" and "Jerusalem"....

This morn, Politico says Obama agreed with removing "God" and "Jerusalem".....

"While the campaign at first said Obama had seen the language prior to the convention, it later said he did not learn of the issue until Wednesday morning, when he became aware of seeing news coverage of the issue. Once that happened, the president directed his staff to change the language to include a reference to God and Jerusalem as Israel’s capital because, the campaign source said, the amended version is “consistent with the president’s own positions.”

Read more: Division over platform at DNC - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

So, which is the main ingredient in the Obama recipe....

lying or incompetence?

Why does it have to be either/or?

Maybe Obama was for it before he was against it? Maybe it depends on the meaning of the word "is". Maybe there was no controlling authority.
The list of Democrat boners is long and growing.

Hope and Change, replaced with Lying and Incompetence. That works for me.
Only pussified democrats could work themselves up over such matters..............

Its all soooooooooo nuanced and well, sensitive...........lol
Probably the stupidiest "planks" of the Democratic party.

They aren't fooling anyone. Democrats want a secular nation. And they want a peace plan in the Middle East that includes a 2 state solution.
obama inherited that platform. It's not his fault.

The democrats are wrong. They were either wrong when they didn't put that specific language in, or wrong when they did. They can not claim that they are sound decision makers who have confidence in their beliefs. This is one of the reasons why democrats are inherently untrustworthy.

The entire democratic convention has been one chaotic error after another.
Faith and its importance were mentioned many times in their platform, BEFORE the change. This was all whining over nothing, and then a caving to the whining.

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