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God, Beelzebub, & Global Government


Sep 23, 2010
A.J. Cameron builds today’s article around theology —— God and Satan —— but I want to comment on the politics he spliced in. I’ll begin with this:


Everybody should know by now that the Chicago sewer rat is the United Nations’ chief puppet among a horde of federal government puppets.

It is becoming clear that Pope Francis is becoming a United Nations puppet, except that he does not have the same reasons that drive the sewer rat. Between the two of them they are the New World Order’s best-known figureheads.

NOTE: The sewer rat has an edge on the Pope in the United Nations because of something Stalin said:

The Pope? How many divisions has he got? Joseph Stalin

Taqiyya the Liar’s foreign policy is easy to decipher —— establish a global government administered by the United Nations. None of the New World Order’s agenda originated with him.

Step one

Open-borders was a component added to step one. Erasing national sovereignty altogether was step one, and it was underway long before the sewer rat took office. Speeding up the process has been his contribution if you want to call it original.

Taqiyya the Liar is not that bright, but he is smart enough to know that Islam will replace national governments immediately after a global government is established. In short: Loyalty to a country went a long way toward keeping religion and government in check. America’s Founders effectively dealt with government and organized religion as it was handled throughout history —— up to the day the First Amendment was ratified. The world was never the same after that day. If there is one day that should be a national holiday it should be December 15.

Most people will fight for their country; very few will for fight a religion. Islam is the single exception. Muslim sects fight one other as did Christian sects, while every Muslim is against every non-Muslim regardless of race, religion, and national government.

Indeed, freedom of nationality is as abhorrent to a Muslim as is freedom of religion. Strengthening national sovereignty, and enforcing national borders, does two things:

1. Defeats Islam’s jihad.

2. Protects freedom of religion.

NOTE: United Nations bureaucrats have more authority over America’s borders than does the US Congress and the American people.


The Pope is to be infallible in matters of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Sacred Magisterium. On all other matters, the Pope is as eminently fallible as every human being on the planet. Sadly, every globalist, globalist puppet, almost every member of the puppeteer-controlled propaganda ‘media’ and ‘entertainment industry’, every puppet supporter of U. N. Agenda 21, every puppet environmentalist, every socialist, every Communist, every paid ‘protester’ and every anti-God puppet of Satan is eagerly awaiting your possible, if not probable, crossing the line from Papacy certainty to fallacy, possibly heresy. While the cabal of confederates listed in the previous sentence despise the Catholic Church, they seek to transfer your ‘infallibility’ upon their coveted climate change agenda as a weapon to deploy an even more sinister and deadly agenda.​

Pope Francis is a useful puppet. He might think his religion, or possibly the New World Order, will adsorb the loyalty that replaces the loss of loyalty to a sovereign nation. Every other religion’s faithful can, and often are, loyal to the nation first. Americans are known for their first loyalty.

With Muslims, loyalty to Islam comes above national sovereignty. Basically, when they fight for their country, they are fighting for Islam, Allah, and Mohammad. Put it this way: Every Muslim country is a theocracy. Once Muslims establish a theocracy, Islam still comes in ahead of government. More importantly, the same cruelty will be initiated when the entire world is a Muslim ‘country’. My point: When the Pope champions the United Nations he is laying the groundwork for Islam.

NOTE: Worldwide Communism is the only challenge Islam faces. Global government is essential to both religions. The global government crowd; i.e., the current ruling classes in non-Islam and non-Communist countries, either convert to the religion that emerges in a one government world —— or get slaughtered.

Before turning the reader over to A.J. Cameron’s formidable analysis, I want to add a few observations that I post from time to time:

Government and organized religion will always plague mankind. The trick is to limit government and keep organized religion voluntary. Give either one too much power and freedom dies.

Religious fanatics hate alien religious fanatics more than they hate atheists.

Muslims and Communists are the only priesthoods still proselytizing with guns.

Finally, reading the entire article is well worth your time:

In the United States, the climate change gambit also doubles and triples as way to push God out of our society, and, as a result, because our Constitution and Bill of Rights are founded upon Judeo-Christian morals, ethics and principles, to destroy our sovereign republic. They seek a domino-like effect. With the destruction of the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the U. S., the rights and freedoms of people across the globe will be lost, too.

An Open Letter to Pope Francis!
By A.J. Cameron
June 4, 2015

An Open Letter to Pope Francis
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