God changes his mind about leaving King David in power


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Jerusalem - God has reportedly soured on leaving King David as king after he was caught cheating on his wife with another woman. But it did not end there. Kind David subsequently murdered the husband of the woman he was cheating with because he had accidentally impregnated her and felt the need to kill her husband in order to hide the affair that he later lied about. "All this lying and adultery, King David must GO!" said God to the prophet Samuel as he later relayed God's word to Kind David. King David was quoted as saying, "I knew I should have murdered the baby instead with an abortion and paid the wife some hush money. Doh!"

King David was judged to be too morally flawed to remain in power as God joined the "never David crowd" and vowed never to support him again.

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