God created evil for his pleasure. Do you recognize the pleasure of creating and doing evil?

I can hear it now. Your rabbi’s taught that I created evil. Oy vey.
And you wonder why so many Jews are atheist?

And people like the OP calls the G-d of Abraham a genocidal prick?
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Jehovah sounds quote satanic.

He regretted creating us in his incompetent way, but not for using genocide.

That shows his satanic nature. He does not have the good moral sense to repent for his sins and crimes against humanity.

I guess if one believes God created evil this is the logical conclusion.
According to @rylah’s logic had God not created evil then the Holocaust would have never have happened.

Wow you really scratching the bottom!

Let me help you out.

Had not G-d created evil inclination,
man wouldn't have the freedom to choose between good and evil.
Wrong. Mankind has a choice between doing good and not doing good. So free will still exists. God did not create evil.

And what did G-d call this 'not doing good?

The tree of good and...?
Yetzer means to form, as in to perfect.
Ra means corrupted.
Ding means Ignore.

Short circuit- the experience of translating English to Hebrew
to define Hebrew words...:uhoh3:
According to @rylah’s logic had God not created evil then the Holocaust would have never have happened.

Wow you really scratching the bottom!

Let me help you out.

Had not G-d created evil inclination,
man wouldn't have the freedom to choose between good and evil.
Wrong. Mankind has a choice between doing good and not doing good. So free will still exists. God did not create evil.

And what did G-d call this 'not doing good?

The tree of good and...?
Not good.

unless you want to blame God for creating evil. Is that what you want to do?

I don't blame G-d for creating the evil inclination,
rather thank G-d for allowing me the freedom of choice.

Big difference.

On the other hand, you call 2+2=-5 as "not much correct", and yet, it's wrong.
Imagine Olympic games where everyone gets a golden medal, including the guy who came to walk a 100m backwards, and purposefully hit every real sportsmen, who sweat in discipline for the last 4 years.

Moral relativism corrupts and devalues everything, for the sake of corruption.
Evil for the sake of evil.
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And you wonder why so many Jews are atheist?

And people like the OP calls the G-d of Abraham a genocidal prick?
Neither, nor.
Two wrongs don't make you right.

Your entire thought process is based on wrong assumptions.
Surely not the genocidal prick, Yahweh? If so, let's check that prick's morals.

Way to go rylah
And yet, that's exactly what you suggested regarding the flood.
He's wrong, and you're wrong - I'm not the one to blame for that.

Nice try - but you're both responsible for your own thoughts and deeds.

You know what's curious, you claim you don't blame G-d for creating evil.

And yet though I'm not that dead Jew whom you worship as god,
that's exactly what you tried to do here.

Hilarious really.
I can hear it now. Your rabbi’s taught that I created evil. Oy vey.

Don't blame the Rabbis
for your denial of responsibility that comes with your choices.

Try growing up,
that will make the world a better place.
Why does God allow suffering and evil? Christians can answer:

1) It is good for God to give people freedom, but some people misuse their freedom and reject Jesus' call for forgiveness, kindness, and human dignity.

2) God also gives angels freedom. Some angels are fallen (like Satan) and cause suffering - for example bringing about natural disasters.

Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments – ReKnew
Book Review: Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy - Gregory A. Boyd

Alvin Plantinga has also written about natural evil.

Satan has suffered defeats, but he is still powerful:

Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3) Suffering can lead to good. I'm sure we can all think of times when suffering has led to personal growth. What would life be without challenges? Should we spend our lives lounging on comfy pillows eating potato chips and watching reruns while someone tells us how wonderful we are?

4) The earthly death we suffer is not the end, but the beginning.

5) God's noble goals come intertwined with suffering.

Dr. Francis Collins: the same forces that produced a life-sustaining planet including the laws of physics, chemistry, weather and tectonics, can also produce natural disasters.

Here's John Polkinghorne: Cosmic Questions - Polkinghorne: The Problem of Evil
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Why does God allow suffering and evil? Christians can answer:

1) It is good for God to give people freedom, but some people misuse their freedom and reject Jesus' call for forgiveness, kindness, and human dignity.

2) God also gives angels freedom. Some angels are fallen (like Satan) and cause suffering - for example bringing about natural disasters.

Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments – ReKnew
Book Review: Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy - Gregory A. Boyd

Satan has suffered defeats, but he is still powerful:

Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3) Suffering can lead to good. I'm sure we can all think of times when suffering has led to personal growth. What would life be without challenges? Should we spend our lives lounging on comfy pillows eating potato chips and watching reruns while someone tells us how wonderful we are?

4) The earthly death we suffer is not the end, but the beginning.

5) God's noble goals come intertwined with suffering.

Dr. Francis Collins: the same forces that produced a life-sustaining planet including the laws of physics, chemistry, weather and tectonics, can also produce natural disasters.

Here's John Polkinghorne: Cosmic Questions - Polkinghorne: The Problem of Evil
Christians are confused.
Angels don't have freedom - by definition.
Why does God allow suffering and evil? Christians can answer:

1) It is good for God to give people freedom, but some people misuse their freedom and reject Jesus' call for forgiveness, kindness, and human dignity.

2) God also gives angels freedom. Some angels are fallen (like Satan) and cause suffering - for example bringing about natural disasters.

Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments – ReKnew
Book Review: Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy - Gregory A. Boyd

Satan has suffered defeats, but he is still powerful:

Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3) Suffering can lead to good. I'm sure we can all think of times when suffering has led to personal growth. What would life be without challenges? Should we spend our lives lounging on comfy pillows eating potato chips and watching reruns while someone tells us how wonderful we are?

4) The earthly death we suffer is not the end, but the beginning.

5) God's noble goals come intertwined with suffering.

Dr. Francis Collins: the same forces that produced a life-sustaining planet including the laws of physics, chemistry, weather and tectonics, can also produce natural disasters.

Here's John Polkinghorne: Cosmic Questions - Polkinghorne: The Problem of Evil
Christians are confused.
Angels don't have freedom - by definition.
Why do you say that?
According to @rylah’s logic had God not created evil then the Holocaust would have never have happened.

Wow you really scratching the bottom!

Let me help you out.

Had not G-d created evil inclination,
man wouldn't have the freedom to choose between good and evil.
Wrong. Mankind has a choice between doing good and not doing good. So free will still exists. God did not create evil.

And what did G-d call this 'not doing good?

The tree of good and...?
Yetzer means to form, as in to perfect.
Ra means corrupted.
Ding means Ignore.

Short circuit- the experience of translating English to Hebrew
to define Hebrew words...:uhoh3:
There’s no translation needed to know God did not create evil. That can be solved by inspection.
According to @rylah’s logic had God not created evil then the Holocaust would have never have happened.

Wow you really scratching the bottom!

Let me help you out.

Had not G-d created evil inclination,
man wouldn't have the freedom to choose between good and evil.
Wrong. Mankind has a choice between doing good and not doing good. So free will still exists. God did not create evil.

And what did G-d call this 'not doing good?

The tree of good and...?
Not good.

unless you want to blame God for creating evil. Is that what you want to do?

I don't blame G-d for creating the evil inclination,
rather thank G-d for allowing me the freedom of choice.

Big difference.

On the other hand, you call 2+2=-5 as "not much correct", and yet, it's wrong.
Imagine Olympic games where everyone gets a golden medal, including the guy who came to walk a 100m backwards, and purposefully hit every real sportsmen, who sweat in discipline for the last 4 years.

Moral relativism corrupts and devalues everything, for the sake of corruption.
Evil for the sake of evil.
God did not create an evil inclination. God created a good inclination. Your understanding is flawed. Man is not inclined to evil. Man is inclined to good. Man must choose not to do good because his inclination his nature is good. It’s an artifact of intelligence. So it’s good that you don’t blame God for creating man’s evil inclination because he didn’t. Man is responsible for his choices and he can chose to do good or he can choose to not do good. But man’s nature and inclination which is from God, who is Holy, is good. Everything God created is good. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?

The illogical conclusion of your belief is that man’s evil inclination came from God. That is preposterous. God’s nature does not contain evil. Again, which part of and he saw that it was good do you not understand? Which part of and we were created in his image do you not understand?
Moral relativism corrupts and devalues everything, for the sake of corruption.
Evil for the sake of evil.
Moral relativism is what Adam and Eve did when they were caught. They rationalized their wrong as a right. But their inclination was good which is why they blamed others for their failure. Because their inclination is good. Not evil. They recoiled not because they gained knowledge of good and evil but because they did wrong. The whole moral of this story is that man knows right from wrong and when he fails to do right rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes he didn’t. He does this because his nature and inclination is good. If man’s inclination were evil he wouldn’t care. Everything you believe is wrong.
On the other hand, you call 2+2=-5 as "not much correct", and yet, it's wrong.
Imagine Olympic games where everyone gets a golden medal, including the guy who came to walk a 100m backwards, and purposefully hit every real sportsmen, who sweat in discipline for the last 4 years.
This is nonsense. This is the analogy for your flawed belief that God created evil and gave man an evil inclination. Does God have an evil inclination? No. So where did God get this evil to give man. Isn’t man created in God’s image? Yes. So if man has an evil inclination than God must have one too. So that is your 2+2=5 worldview.

So that’s YOUR olympics, not mine.
Surely not the genocidal prick, Yahweh? If so, let's check that prick's morals.

Way to go rylah
And yet, that's exactly what you suggested regarding the flood.
He's wrong, and you're wrong - I'm not the one to blame for that.

Nice try - but you're both responsible for your own thoughts and deeds.
Actually he is wrong which makes you wrong. His being wrong makes me right because my position is diametrically opposed to his position and your position. My position is that everything God created is good so God is not responsible for what you two call evil. Man is. Man fails to choose to do the right thing. The OP understands what it means for God to create evil. Why can’t you? In a way it’s your fault the OP is calling God a genocidal prick.
And you wonder why so many Jews are atheist?

And people like the OP calls the G-d of Abraham a genocidal prick?
Neither, nor.
Two wrongs don't make you right.

Your entire thought process is based on wrong assumptions.
I disagree you are the one saying man is inclined to evil. I don’t believe you understand the literal meaning of inclination. I see way more good being done than evil so I don’t see how you can say man is inclined for evil.
Surely not the genocidal prick, Yahweh? If so, let's check that prick's morals.

Way to go rylah
And yet, that's exactly what you suggested regarding the flood.
He's wrong, and you're wrong - I'm not the one to blame for that.

Nice try - but you're both responsible for your own thoughts and deeds.

You know what's curious, you claim you don't blame G-d for creating evil.

And yet though I'm not that dead Jew whom you worship as god,
that's exactly what you tried to do here.

Hilarious really.
One argument at at time.

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