God & Decent Human Beings Hear The Screams


Sep 23, 2010
It is hard for me to understand how selling baby parts justifies hating right-wingers:


Deborah Nucatola
is Senior Director of Medical Services for
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Hated Right-Wingers

Nucatola railed against the “right-wing” Bush administration in a California local newspaper op-ed in 2007.

Disgraced Planned Parenthood Official Works For White House Staff…Her ‘Right-Wing’ Hatred EXPOSED
Patrick Howley
Political Reporter
12:47 AM 07/17/2015 display

Disgraced Planned Parenthood Official s White House Links The Daily Caller

The bitter hatred against right-wing politics did not exist before Roe v. Wade. Conversely, the opposition to Communism during the so-called McCarthy Era was nowhere near the hatred liberals display in defense of killing babies.

NOTE: Liberals rail against war in defense of the country as a way to show that they love life. Concern for a woman’s health pardons everything they do.

No conservative would bring the kind of people this president brought into the White House, and into his administration. No underworld contract killer ever earned the amount of money the Chicago sewer rat pays them to kill baby. And that is not counting the tax dollars Deborah Nucatola et al. rake in from Planned Parenthood.

The Daily Caller has inquired as to the level of compensation that Nucatola currently earns at the nonprofit.​

The Daily Caller did not post what they learned if anything. The sad truth is that a loss of income from abortion is the only thing that will penetrate the hatred people like Deborah Nucatola have for life.

Emotional collectivism

Liberals always preach collectivism. They tell us about the benefits of multicultural garbage, but they never mention the carnage Socialism/Communism does to a nation’s collective emotional well-being. Speaking for myself, I cry every time I learn about a new brutal act Democrats perform on infants. How much emotional damage did they do to me, and to more than half of the population? I guess emotional is not covered by collectivism.

A long time ago, I thought to myself —— suppose my mother aborted me. What inhuman pain I would have felt while I was being torn apart. I still cry knowing that no one hears the screams of a fetus while it is being torn to pieces more methodically than animals tear apart a prey.

Finally, science gave us so much unnecessary brutality, the least scientists can do is find a way to record the screams of a fetus so Democrats can hear them.
Two items stood out on the Chris Wallace segment about Planned Parenthood:

1. FOX dared to ask Hillary Clinton.

2. In response to Michael Needham, flaming liberal Jane Harman was all set to trot out the standard argument for funding abortion with tax dollars. Luckily, she ran out of time before she could get in all of the abortion talking points:

WALLACE: If I may, just talking about the political aspect of this, as soon as this video broke, we not only asked for comment, Fox News, from Republican candidates, we also asked Hillary Clinton. Her campaign has refused to give us any statement on this. How potentially troubling could this be for her, particularly as she is talking about being the exemplar of women?

PACE: Sure. I don't think she'll be able to avoid talking about this forever. And again, this gets to the point that Republicans are making, which is that this is something that should be appalling not just to people who are pro-life, but also to all Americans.


NEEDHAM: No, not at all. It's not going to only impact the presidential campaign, it's going to impact Congress. You saw earlier this week the House pull a bill that would have sent money to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, which last year alone gave $800,000 to Planned Parenthood. I think this September is going to be the year that Planned Parenthood gets defunded. You can't imagine the House how after they refused to send money to Susan G. Komen because it funds Planned Parenthood, to then turn around and fund Planned Parenthood themselves. So it will have an impact.

WALLACE: Congresswoman Harman.

HARMAN: I think that would be tragic. I think Planned Parenthood is a nonpartisan organization. I think this is an extremely dreadful and unfortunate event for which the president has apologized. But I think fetal research, properly done, unexploited, is essential to curing diseases in the future.

NEEDHAM: I think it's fine to say, look, regardless of what you think about Planned Parenthood, we shouldn't have people's tax dollars being sent to this organization. It's controversial and it's a form of kind of cultural cronyism for a bunch of bureaucrats and politicians in Washington to force taxpayer dollars to go to an organization that's controversial, regardless of whether you support or oppose that organization.

WALLACE: How, briefly, would you respond to that?

HARMAN: I just disagree. I think it's unfortunate that this happened, but I totally disagree.

It is hard for me to understand how selling baby parts justifies hating right-wingers:


Deborah Nucatola
is Senior Director of Medical Services for
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Hated Right-Wingers

Nucatola railed against the “right-wing” Bush administration in a California local newspaper op-ed in 2007.

Disgraced Planned Parenthood Official Works For White House Staff…Her ‘Right-Wing’ Hatred EXPOSED
Patrick Howley
Political Reporter
12:47 AM 07/17/2015 display

Disgraced Planned Parenthood Official s White House Links The Daily Caller

The bitter hatred against right-wing politics did not exist before Roe v. Wade. Conversely, the opposition to Communism during the so-called McCarthy Era was nowhere near the hatred liberals display in defense of killing babies.

NOTE: Liberals rail against war in defense of the country as a way to show that they love life. Concern for a woman’s health pardons everything they do.

No conservative would bring the kind of people this president brought into the White House, and into his administration. No underworld contract killer ever earned the amount of money the Chicago sewer rat pays them to kill baby. And that is not counting the tax dollars Deborah Nucatola et al. rake in from Planned Parenthood.

The Daily Caller has inquired as to the level of compensation that Nucatola currently earns at the nonprofit.​

The Daily Caller did not post what they learned if anything. The sad truth is that a loss of income from abortion is the only thing that will penetrate the hatred people like Deborah Nucatola have for life.

Emotional collectivism

Liberals always preach collectivism. They tell us about the benefits of multicultural garbage, but they never mention the carnage Socialism/Communism does to a nation’s collective emotional well-being. Speaking for myself, I cry every time I learn about a new brutal act Democrats perform on infants. How much emotional damage did they do to me, and to more than half of the population? I guess emotional is not covered by collectivism.

A long time ago, I thought to myself —— suppose my mother aborted me. What inhuman pain I would have felt while I was being torn apart. I still cry knowing that no one hears the screams of a fetus while it is being torn to pieces more methodically than animals tear apart a prey.

Finally, science gave us so much unnecessary brutality, the least scientists can do is find a way to record the screams of a fetus so Democrats can hear them.

'god' heard the screems of millions of men, women, and children who were led into gas chambers and gassed to death. And did nothing. Or the screams of hundreds of thousands men, women, and children who were taken from their homes, stripped naked, and led to deep pits, lined up 4 at a time, and shot in the back of the head while the rest watched, waiting for their turn. And did nothing. 'god' watches now as thousands are beheaded, burned alive, raped, tortured, mutilated, and enslaved. And does nothing.

Take your self-righteous 'my god' crap and shove it in your a@#. Your god apparently doesn't get involved anywhere ever for any reason. If he exists, what good is he?

And on the day 'christians' have donated enough money to save the 20,000 children that die every day right now, I may have to rethink your motives.

Until then you don't give a shit about children. You use them as political fodder and that's all.
'god' heard the screems of millions of men, women, and children who were led into gas chambers and gassed to death. And did nothing. Or the screams of hundreds of thousands men, women, and children who were taken from their homes, stripped naked, and led to deep pits, lined up 4 at a time, and shot in the back of the head while the rest watched, waiting for their turn. And did nothing. 'god' watches now as thousands are beheaded, burned alive, raped, tortured, mutilated, and enslaved. And does nothing.
To IsaacNewton: Another asshole chimes in. You and scum like you cite your version of utopia as though that gives you the moral high ground. If you want to take the rest of us to Shangri-la you can start with totalitarian governments who are responsible for mass murders. Just who do you think did all of the killing you claim you object to? Bottom line: Scum like you turn to the very people who do the most killing.
Take your self-righteous 'my god' crap and shove it in your a@#. Your god apparently doesn't get involved anywhere ever for any reason. If he exists, what good is he?
To IsaacNewton: Assholes like you have no idea what I believe. The best you can do is recite infantile theology “There is no God because he allows all the bad things to happen.” You are so frustrated you are too goddamned stupid to realize that you cannot tell God what to do; so you concentrate on telling everybody else how to behave.

Friendly advice: First cure your Messiah complex before you get started on saving the world.

And on the day 'christians' have donated enough money to save the 20,000 children that die every day right now, I may have to rethink your motives.
To IsaacNewton: Since you brought up the money cure, you must be crapping in your pants in fear that defunding Planned Parenthood is in sight.

You really are a stupid person. On the one hand you want money donated voluntarily to save the children, while on the other hand you want coerced tax dollars to pay for abortions. You can’t have both.
Until then you don't give a shit about children. You use them as political fodder and that's all.
To IsaacNewton: Exactly how is your horseshit not political fodder? Stopping legalized abortion is a doable goal. Where is the goal in your phoney concern for life.

Finally, an asshole’s phoney compassion is meaningless. In plain English, invoking ‘children’ does not justify slaughtering children in the womb. The one has nothing to do with the other.
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It is hard for me to understand how selling baby parts justifies hating right-wingers:


Deborah Nucatola
is Senior Director of Medical Services for
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Hated Right-Wingers

Nucatola railed against the “right-wing” Bush administration in a California local newspaper op-ed in 2007.

Disgraced Planned Parenthood Official Works For White House Staff…Her ‘Right-Wing’ Hatred EXPOSED
Patrick Howley
Political Reporter
12:47 AM 07/17/2015 display

Disgraced Planned Parenthood Official s White House Links The Daily Caller

The bitter hatred against right-wing politics did not exist before Roe v. Wade. Conversely, the opposition to Communism during the so-called McCarthy Era was nowhere near the hatred liberals display in defense of killing babies.

NOTE: Liberals rail against war in defense of the country as a way to show that they love life. Concern for a woman’s health pardons everything they do.

No conservative would bring the kind of people this president brought into the White House, and into his administration. No underworld contract killer ever earned the amount of money the Chicago sewer rat pays them to kill baby. And that is not counting the tax dollars Deborah Nucatola et al. rake in from Planned Parenthood.

The Daily Caller has inquired as to the level of compensation that Nucatola currently earns at the nonprofit.​

The Daily Caller did not post what they learned if anything. The sad truth is that a loss of income from abortion is the only thing that will penetrate the hatred people like Deborah Nucatola have for life.

Emotional collectivism

Liberals always preach collectivism. They tell us about the benefits of multicultural garbage, but they never mention the carnage Socialism/Communism does to a nation’s collective emotional well-being. Speaking for myself, I cry every time I learn about a new brutal act Democrats perform on infants. How much emotional damage did they do to me, and to more than half of the population? I guess emotional is not covered by collectivism.

A long time ago, I thought to myself —— suppose my mother aborted me. What inhuman pain I would have felt while I was being torn apart. I still cry knowing that no one hears the screams of a fetus while it is being torn to pieces more methodically than animals tear apart a prey.

Finally, science gave us so much unnecessary brutality, the least scientists can do is find a way to record the screams of a fetus so Democrats can hear them.

God loves abortion and killing babies. Educate yourself.

God s Not Pro-Life


1 Samuel 15:3 God commands the death of helpless "suckling" infants. This literally means that the children god killed were still nursing.

Psalms 135:8 & 136:10 Here god is praised for slaughtering little babies.

Psalms 137:9 Here god commands that infants should be “dashed upon the rocks”."

God isn't a Carebear.
And on the day 'christians'
To Delta4Embassey: Assholes of a feather flock together.
1 Samuel 15:3 God commands the death of helpless "suckling" infants. This literally means that the children god killed were still nursing.

Psalms 135:8 & 136:10 Here god is praised for slaughtering little babies.

Psalms 137:9 Here god commands that infants should be “dashed upon the rocks”."
Do not blame God if you have a problem with organized religion.
What does Congress require to defund Planned Parenthood:

In a connected video and article what do black Americans require to stop them from voting for Hillary Clinton?

MARGARET SANGER Defends killing black babies.
For Planned Parenthood Black Livers Matter
Precisely whose children are being chopped up and sold for parts?
By David Catron – 7.20.15

For Planned Parenthood Black Livers Matter The American Spectator
'god' heard the screems of millions of men, women, and children who were led into gas chambers and gassed to death. And did nothing. Or the screams of hundreds of thousands men, women, and children who were taken from their homes, stripped naked, and led to deep pits, lined up 4 at a time, and shot in the back of the head while the rest watched, waiting for their turn. And did nothing. 'god' watches now as thousands are beheaded, burned alive, raped, tortured, mutilated, and enslaved. And does nothing.
To IsaacNewton: Another asshole chimes in. You and scum like you cite your version of utopia as though that gives you the moral high ground. If you want to take the rest of us to Shangri-la you can start with totalitarian governments who are responsible for mass murders. Just who do you think did all of the killing you claim you object to? Bottom line: Scum like you turn to the very people who do the most killing.
Take your self-righteous 'my god' crap and shove it in your a@#. Your god apparently doesn't get involved anywhere ever for any reason. If he exists, what good is he?
To IsaacNewton: Assholes like you have no idea what I believe. The best you can do is recite infantile theology “There is no God because he allows all the bad things to happen.” You are so frustrated you are too goddamned stupid to realize that you cannot tell God what to do; so you concentrate on telling everybody else how to behave.

Friendly advice: First cure your Messiah complex before you get started on saving the world.

And on the day 'christians' have donated enough money to save the 20,000 children that die every day right now, I may have to rethink your motives.
To IsaacNewton: Since you brought up the money cure, you must be crapping in your pants in fear that defunding Planned Parenthood is in sight.

You really are a stupid person. On the one hand you want money donated voluntarily to save the children, while on the other hand you want coerced tax dollars to pay for abortions. You can’t have both.
Until then you don't give a shit about children. You use them as political fodder and that's all.
To IsaacNewton: Exactly how is your horseshit not political fodder? Stopping legalized abortion is a doable goal. Where is the goal in your phoney concern for life.

Finally, an asshole’s phoney compassion is meaningless. In plain English, invoking ‘children’ does not justify slaughtering children in the womb. The one has nothing to do with the other.

LOL Stuck a nerve eh.

You certainly went through the list of con talking points as if everyone that holds a different view than you MUST believe in all the crap you listed. Sorry Charlie, not even close.

You shouldn't be here whining to people that disagree with you, you should be selling your house and saving as many of the 20,000 children that die each day around the world of hunger, disease, and war. That's what 'jesus' would do.

But you won't, because you are not moral. You just claim to be because it makes you feel good. This is most 'Christians' in America. Empty faith. There is nothing there. You simply CLAIM faith because it feels good. You don't LIVE faith as Christ commands.

And you let tens of thousands of children die every day that you could take action to save RIGHT NOW. You can't get around that and the church can't get around that. That is the reality.
But you won't, because you are not moral. You just claim to be because it makes you feel good. This is most 'Christians' in America. Empty faith. There is nothing there. You simply CLAIM faith because it feels good. You don't LIVE faith as Christ commands.
To Delta4Embassey: Assholes of a feather flock together.
Do not blame God if you have a problem with organized religion.
To IsaacNewton: Assholes not only flock together, they squawk like goonie birds:

But you won't, because you are not moral. You just claim to be because it makes you feel good. This is most 'Christians' in America. Empty faith. There is nothing there. You simply CLAIM faith because it feels good. You don't LIVE faith as Christ commands.
To Delta4Embassey: Assholes of a feather flock together.
Do not blame God if you have a problem with organized religion.
To IsaacNewton: Assholes not only flock together, they squawk like goonie birds:

Still here? I thought you'd be out saving children by now.
'god' heard the screems of millions of men, women, and children who were led into gas chambers and gassed to death. And did nothing. Or the screams of hundreds of thousands men, women, and children who were taken from their homes, stripped naked, and led to deep pits, lined up 4 at a time, and shot in the back of the head while the rest watched, waiting for their turn. And did nothing. 'god' watches now as thousands are beheaded, burned alive, raped, tortured, mutilated, and enslaved. And does nothing.
To IsaacNewton: Another asshole chimes in. You and scum like you cite your version of utopia as though that gives you the moral high ground. If you want to take the rest of us to Shangri-la you can start with totalitarian governments who are responsible for mass murders. Just who do you think did all of the killing you claim you object to? Bottom line: Scum like you turn to the very people who do the most killing.
Take your self-righteous 'my god' crap and shove it in your a@#. Your god apparently doesn't get involved anywhere ever for any reason. If he exists, what good is he?
To IsaacNewton: Assholes like you have no idea what I believe. The best you can do is recite infantile theology “There is no God because he allows all the bad things to happen.” You are so frustrated you are too goddamned stupid to realize that you cannot tell God what to do; so you concentrate on telling everybody else how to behave.

Friendly advice: First cure your Messiah complex before you get started on saving the world.

And on the day 'christians' have donated enough money to save the 20,000 children that die every day right now, I may have to rethink your motives.
To IsaacNewton: Since you brought up the money cure, you must be crapping in your pants in fear that defunding Planned Parenthood is in sight.

You really are a stupid person. On the one hand you want money donated voluntarily to save the children, while on the other hand you want coerced tax dollars to pay for abortions. You can’t have both.
Until then you don't give a shit about children. You use them as political fodder and that's all.
To IsaacNewton: Exactly how is your horseshit not political fodder? Stopping legalized abortion is a doable goal. Where is the goal in your phoney concern for life.

Finally, an asshole’s phoney compassion is meaningless. In plain English, invoking ‘children’ does not justify slaughtering children in the womb. The one has nothing to do with the other.

LOL Stuck a nerve eh.

You certainly went through the list of con talking points as if everyone that holds a different view than you MUST believe in all the crap you listed. Sorry Charlie, not even close.

You shouldn't be here whining to people that disagree with you, you should be selling your house and saving as many of the 20,000 children that die each day around the world of hunger, disease, and war. That's what 'jesus' would do.

But you won't, because you are not moral. You just claim to be because it makes you feel good. This is most 'Christians' in America. Empty faith. There is nothing there. You simply CLAIM faith because it feels good. You don't LIVE faith as Christ commands.

And you let tens of thousands of children die every day that you could take action to save RIGHT NOW. You can't get around that and the church can't get around that. That is the reality.
riiigghhthttt but you're taking action rightt...I mean a moralist like yourself would be homeless cause you gave all your money away
I said long ago that abortion promoters are ghouls. This sale of human body parts for profit confirms my long standing claim. These are ghouls who kill for profit and then desecrate the corpses of their victims.
Still here? I thought you'd be out saving children by now.
To IsaacNewton: My focus is on stopping your kind from killing children.

LOL You kill children every day according to your own beliefs. Another 20,000 will die today. What have you done about it? Nothing. Tomorrow, another 20,000.

You seem to pick and choose which human lives are important and which aren't.

Like playing god.
'god' heard the screems of millions of men, women, and children who were led into gas chambers and gassed to death. And did nothing. Or the screams of hundreds of thousands men, women, and children who were taken from their homes, stripped naked, and led to deep pits, lined up 4 at a time, and shot in the back of the head while the rest watched, waiting for their turn. And did nothing. 'god' watches now as thousands are beheaded, burned alive, raped, tortured, mutilated, and enslaved. And does nothing.
To IsaacNewton: Another asshole chimes in. You and scum like you cite your version of utopia as though that gives you the moral high ground. If you want to take the rest of us to Shangri-la you can start with totalitarian governments who are responsible for mass murders. Just who do you think did all of the killing you claim you object to? Bottom line: Scum like you turn to the very people who do the most killing.
Take your self-righteous 'my god' crap and shove it in your a@#. Your god apparently doesn't get involved anywhere ever for any reason. If he exists, what good is he?
To IsaacNewton: Assholes like you have no idea what I believe. The best you can do is recite infantile theology “There is no God because he allows all the bad things to happen.” You are so frustrated you are too goddamned stupid to realize that you cannot tell God what to do; so you concentrate on telling everybody else how to behave.

Friendly advice: First cure your Messiah complex before you get started on saving the world.

And on the day 'christians' have donated enough money to save the 20,000 children that die every day right now, I may have to rethink your motives.
To IsaacNewton: Since you brought up the money cure, you must be crapping in your pants in fear that defunding Planned Parenthood is in sight.

You really are a stupid person. On the one hand you want money donated voluntarily to save the children, while on the other hand you want coerced tax dollars to pay for abortions. You can’t have both.
Until then you don't give a shit about children. You use them as political fodder and that's all.
To IsaacNewton: Exactly how is your horseshit not political fodder? Stopping legalized abortion is a doable goal. Where is the goal in your phoney concern for life.

Finally, an asshole’s phoney compassion is meaningless. In plain English, invoking ‘children’ does not justify slaughtering children in the womb. The one has nothing to do with the other.

LOL Stuck a nerve eh.

You certainly went through the list of con talking points as if everyone that holds a different view than you MUST believe in all the crap you listed. Sorry Charlie, not even close.

You shouldn't be here whining to people that disagree with you, you should be selling your house and saving as many of the 20,000 children that die each day around the world of hunger, disease, and war. That's what 'jesus' would do.

But you won't, because you are not moral. You just claim to be because it makes you feel good. This is most 'Christians' in America. Empty faith. There is nothing there. You simply CLAIM faith because it feels good. You don't LIVE faith as Christ commands.

And you let tens of thousands of children die every day that you could take action to save RIGHT NOW. You can't get around that and the church can't get around that. That is the reality.
riiigghhthttt but you're taking action rightt...I mean a moralist like yourself would be homeless cause you gave all your money away

Nice try. If you say you want to protect innocent life, then you have a golden opportunity. Yet, you ignore the tens of thousands of children that die every day.

Because you are not moral and you are not Christian.

You only claim these things because it makes you feel good. It doesn't matter what I or anyone else does or doesn't do, what are YOU doing. The answer is...nothing.
'god' heard the screems of millions of men, women, and children who were led into gas chambers and gassed to death. And did nothing. Or the screams of hundreds of thousands men, women, and children who were taken from their homes, stripped naked, and led to deep pits, lined up 4 at a time, and shot in the back of the head while the rest watched, waiting for their turn. And did nothing. 'god' watches now as thousands are beheaded, burned alive, raped, tortured, mutilated, and enslaved. And does nothing.
To IsaacNewton: Another asshole chimes in. You and scum like you cite your version of utopia as though that gives you the moral high ground. If you want to take the rest of us to Shangri-la you can start with totalitarian governments who are responsible for mass murders. Just who do you think did all of the killing you claim you object to? Bottom line: Scum like you turn to the very people who do the most killing.
Take your self-righteous 'my god' crap and shove it in your a@#. Your god apparently doesn't get involved anywhere ever for any reason. If he exists, what good is he?
To IsaacNewton: Assholes like you have no idea what I believe. The best you can do is recite infantile theology “There is no God because he allows all the bad things to happen.” You are so frustrated you are too goddamned stupid to realize that you cannot tell God what to do; so you concentrate on telling everybody else how to behave.

Friendly advice: First cure your Messiah complex before you get started on saving the world.

And on the day 'christians' have donated enough money to save the 20,000 children that die every day right now, I may have to rethink your motives.
To IsaacNewton: Since you brought up the money cure, you must be crapping in your pants in fear that defunding Planned Parenthood is in sight.

You really are a stupid person. On the one hand you want money donated voluntarily to save the children, while on the other hand you want coerced tax dollars to pay for abortions. You can’t have both.
Until then you don't give a shit about children. You use them as political fodder and that's all.
To IsaacNewton: Exactly how is your horseshit not political fodder? Stopping legalized abortion is a doable goal. Where is the goal in your phoney concern for life.

Finally, an asshole’s phoney compassion is meaningless. In plain English, invoking ‘children’ does not justify slaughtering children in the womb. The one has nothing to do with the other.

LOL Stuck a nerve eh.

You certainly went through the list of con talking points as if everyone that holds a different view than you MUST believe in all the crap you listed. Sorry Charlie, not even close.

You shouldn't be here whining to people that disagree with you, you should be selling your house and saving as many of the 20,000 children that die each day around the world of hunger, disease, and war. That's what 'jesus' would do.

But you won't, because you are not moral. You just claim to be because it makes you feel good. This is most 'Christians' in America. Empty faith. There is nothing there. You simply CLAIM faith because it feels good. You don't LIVE faith as Christ commands.

And you let tens of thousands of children die every day that you could take action to save RIGHT NOW. You can't get around that and the church can't get around that. That is the reality.
riiigghhthttt but you're taking action rightt...I mean a moralist like yourself would be homeless cause you gave all your money away

Nice try. If you say you want to protect innocent life, then you have a golden opportunity. Yet, you ignore the tens of thousands of children that die every day.

Because you are not moral and you are not Christian.

You only claim these things because it makes you feel good. It doesn't matter what I or anyone else does or doesn't do, what are YOU doing. The answer is...nothing.
Or maybe you talk out of your ass
LOL You kill children every day according to your own beliefs. Another 20,000 will die today. What have you done about it? Nothing. Tomorrow, another 20,000.
To IsaacNewton: Your repeated attempts to lay a guilt trip on everybody who will not do as you say makes me suspect that you are a parasite promoting tax dollar charity. My guess is that you either work for a tax dollar charity ( possibly the United Nations), or you are truly a touchy-feely freakazoid who wants everybody else pay for your morality.

Incidentally, there are so many of your kind you could lower the death rate considerably if you all move to a Third World country and each of you save just one child.

NOTE: If you want to save lives instead hustling for tax dollars for a living, devote your life-saving crusade to getting the WHO (a United Nations agency) to lift the ban on spraying DDT outdoors. Lifting the ban would save a million or more every year.

Malaria has killed more people, especially children, than any other infectious disease in history. Annual deaths from malaria, mostly in Africa, Asia and Central America, have long been estimated at between 1 million and 2.7 million.

The myth of DDT versus the reality of malaria in Africa
Phyllis Schlafly
June 20, 2005

The myth of DDT versus the reality of malaria in Africa - Phyllis Schlafly - Page full
You seem to pick and choose which human lives are important and which aren't.
To IsaacNewton: It is your kind who pick and choose. It is your kind that gave us the culture of death that includes Roe v. Wade, doctor-assisted suicide, and your crowning achievement —— Death Panels.
Like playing god.
To IsaacNewton: See this thread:

'god' heard the screems of millions of men, women, and children who were led into gas chambers and gassed to death. And did nothing. Or the screams of hundreds of thousands men, women, and children who were taken from their homes, stripped naked, and led to deep pits, lined up 4 at a time, and shot in the back of the head while the rest watched, waiting for their turn. And did nothing. 'god' watches now as thousands are beheaded, burned alive, raped, tortured, mutilated, and enslaved. And does nothing.
To IsaacNewton: Another asshole chimes in. You and scum like you cite your version of utopia as though that gives you the moral high ground. If you want to take the rest of us to Shangri-la you can start with totalitarian governments who are responsible for mass murders. Just who do you think did all of the killing you claim you object to? Bottom line: Scum like you turn to the very people who do the most killing.
Take your self-righteous 'my god' crap and shove it in your a@#. Your god apparently doesn't get involved anywhere ever for any reason. If he exists, what good is he?
To IsaacNewton: Assholes like you have no idea what I believe. The best you can do is recite infantile theology “There is no God because he allows all the bad things to happen.” You are so frustrated you are too goddamned stupid to realize that you cannot tell God what to do; so you concentrate on telling everybody else how to behave.

Friendly advice: First cure your Messiah complex before you get started on saving the world.

And on the day 'christians' have donated enough money to save the 20,000 children that die every day right now, I may have to rethink your motives.
To IsaacNewton: Since you brought up the money cure, you must be crapping in your pants in fear that defunding Planned Parenthood is in sight.

You really are a stupid person. On the one hand you want money donated voluntarily to save the children, while on the other hand you want coerced tax dollars to pay for abortions. You can’t have both.
Until then you don't give a shit about children. You use them as political fodder and that's all.
To IsaacNewton: Exactly how is your horseshit not political fodder? Stopping legalized abortion is a doable goal. Where is the goal in your phoney concern for life.

Finally, an asshole’s phoney compassion is meaningless. In plain English, invoking ‘children’ does not justify slaughtering children in the womb. The one has nothing to do with the other.

LOL Stuck a nerve eh.

You certainly went through the list of con talking points as if everyone that holds a different view than you MUST believe in all the crap you listed. Sorry Charlie, not even close.

You shouldn't be here whining to people that disagree with you, you should be selling your house and saving as many of the 20,000 children that die each day around the world of hunger, disease, and war. That's what 'jesus' would do.

But you won't, because you are not moral. You just claim to be because it makes you feel good. This is most 'Christians' in America. Empty faith. There is nothing there. You simply CLAIM faith because it feels good. You don't LIVE faith as Christ commands.

And you let tens of thousands of children die every day that you could take action to save RIGHT NOW. You can't get around that and the church can't get around that. That is the reality.
riiigghhthttt but you're taking action rightt...I mean a moralist like yourself would be homeless cause you gave all your money away

Nice try. If you say you want to protect innocent life, then you have a golden opportunity. Yet, you ignore the tens of thousands of children that die every day.

Because you are not moral and you are not Christian.

You only claim these things because it makes you feel good. It doesn't matter what I or anyone else does or doesn't do, what are YOU doing. The answer is...nothing.

They only care about fetuses. Once a child is born, they don't want to spend their precious tax dollars on them. Realize, they don't really care about children or babies. What they care about is women who do not follow their belief system. Because of this, they want to "punish" these women with babies that they don't want.
It's also about punishing women for what they deem to be "irresponsible" behavior, such as having sex before marriage. Although I'm quite sure almost all of them had premarital sex with women who did not end up being their wives.

The most telling thing of all as to their real feelings is how, once a baby is born, they don't care at all about it, it's education, how it will survive, if it is born to parents who don't want it. They only care about forcing their views and religious beliefs upon others. I think this is quite obvious.

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