God given rights?


VIP Member
Dec 3, 2008
Senator Paul Ryan. Senator, GOP leader, writer of budgets.

In this little interview he says rights come from god and are not given by governments. That may be true but God is incredibly bad at keeping those rights for his people and never once has he intervened, personally, to lend a hand. It has always been our job to raise the armies, take the casualties and shoulder the burden while God sits idly by without even a muted cheer.

Even the founders knew better. The declaration states that, "to secure these rights governments are instituted among men". I guess there is no need for those first ten amendments to the constitution either. With god on our side who the hell needs a Bill of Rights?

Being an atheist god and I have a tenuous relationship and if Ryan does not mind I prefer a rule of law to a theocracy.

Ryan is here

Paul Ryan: Repeal health law because rights come from God | The Raw Story

The declaration is here. (Although our patriotic and learned rightwingnuts should have no need of verification. This holy text should be burned into their memory if not their soul)

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript
When you're sitting in a concentration camp and experiencing the failings of the "laws of men" --- tell me who YOU are gonna appeal to for your rights....
Actually. God was quite active in preserving the Revolutionaries during the war. There were Miracles at the Battles of Boston, Long Island, Trenton, Princeton, and Yorktown (just to mention some of the biggest battles). Without the intervention of Divine Providence, the Continental army would have been crushed the First few months.

What people fail to realize is that God will only intervene if we keep our end of the covenant with Him. If we are Proud, dishonest, corrupt, apathetic, and violate His commands and counsels, we have no promise for His intervention. If we live ungodly lives, we are going to be brought into bondage. It's the truth that sets us free. It's by living the Truth that we can obtain the promises God has made to us.
A right given only by man or the created government of man could subsequently be taken away.... when you deem a right as inalienable and given by a power or authority higher than man, you are basically saying that no matter what man may do, deep down all of mankind still should have that right
Actually. God was quite active in preserving the Revolutionaries during the war. There were Miracles at the Battles of Boston, Long Island, Trenton, Princeton, and Yorktown (just to mention some of the biggest battles). Without the intervention of Divine Providence, the Continental army would have been crushed the First few months.

What people fail to realize is that God will only intervene if we keep our end of the covenant with Him. If we are Proud, dishonest, corrupt, apathetic, and violate His commands and counsels, we have no promise for His intervention. If we live ungodly lives, we are going to be brought into bondage. It's the truth that sets us free. It's by living the Truth that we can obtain the promises God has made to us.

So true !
George Washington was one of the biggest of believers from the experiences he encountered during his battles. How many times did he say he was saved from bullets and that he would not have survived without divine intervention? :D
Every single one of them believed we won the war with God's help.
other atheists make me a believer in god, his wording kills me

Being an atheist god and I have a tenuous relationship and if Ryan does not mind I prefer a rule of law to a theocracy

heres my quesdtion to other atheists, if you dont believe in something, why do u get offended if people are doing something u dont beleive exists?
Senator Paul Ryan. Senator, GOP leader, writer of budgets.

In this little interview he says rights come from god and are not given by governments. That may be true but God is incredibly bad at keeping those rights for his people and never once has he intervened, personally, to lend a hand. It has always been our job to raise the armies, take the casualties and shoulder the burden while God sits idly by without even a muted cheer.

Even the founders knew better. The declaration states that, "to secure these rights governments are instituted among men". I guess there is no need for those first ten amendments to the constitution either. With god on our side who the hell needs a Bill of Rights?

Being an atheist god and I have a tenuous relationship and if Ryan does not mind I prefer a rule of law to a theocracy.

Ryan is here

Paul Ryan: Repeal health law because rights come from God | The Raw Story

The declaration is here. (Although our patriotic and learned rightwingnuts should have no need of verification. This holy text should be burned into their memory if not their soul)

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

Our government's purpose from the outset was to preserve, protect those rights.

Our government instead has done a 180 and has become what the Founder's warned us of.
If Americans believe in an inalienable right to life, how can we tolerate a system that denies people lifesaving medications and treatments?
If Americans believe in an inalienable right to life, how can we tolerate a system that denies people lifesaving medications and treatments?

When you have a right to have your life protected from others who may wish to take it away... or you have the right to live your life in your own way and do for yourself as you see fit... does not mean that you must have your personal needs taken care of for you at the expense of the freedoms and personal property rights of others
If Americans believe in an inalienable right to life, how can we tolerate a system that denies people lifesaving medications and treatments?

funny u ask that if u believe women can have abortions and ur telling some of the population u dont get free medical because u wont be able to live. How do people ask that of children?
If Americans believe in an inalienable right to life, how can we tolerate a system that denies people lifesaving medications and treatments?

Our system currently does not deny lifesaving medications and treatments. You can get any treatment you an afford, or ask for a charity to give it to you. The right to medical care does not include the right to force someone else to pay for it. They have rights too.
If Americans believe in an inalienable right to life, how can we tolerate a system that denies people lifesaving medications and treatments?

Our system currently does not deny lifesaving medications and treatments. You can get any treatment you an afford, or ask for a charity to give it to you. The right to medical care does not include the right to force someone else to pay for it. They have rights too.

all cept the babies that arent allowed to live,. BTW the libs can give a murderer a second chance, but not the baby that wasnt given its first chance.
If Americans believe in an inalienable right to life, how can we tolerate a system that denies people lifesaving medications and treatments?

Why on earth do you think we oppose Obamacare? Because we cant tolerate a system that denies people lifesaving medications and treatments.
The Bulletproof George Washington - Captured Miracles

"The Bullet Proof George Washington"

“Foolishness!” the Indian chief exclaimed, as he gazed scornfully across the battlefield. From their hiding places the French and Indian warriors could see the British soldiers dressed in their bright red uniforms, shoulder to shoulder; 1500 men marching down the forest road to their death, like a grove of small trees waiting to be chopped to the ground.

The British were trained for European battle and stood little chance against the French and Indian guerilla warfare.

Fully exposed atop their horses, British officers attempted to hold their men in formation even as the Indian warriors shot them one by one.

The slaughter ensued for two hours.

“Quick! Let your aim be certain, and he dies!” the chief commanded.

The warriors leveled their rifles at Washington—round after round, bullet after bullet; smoke filled the forest. Twice his horse was shot from beneath him. As horses were left by the death of fellow
officers, he mounted them and continued to crisscross the battlefield carrying orders to the soldiers. More rounds fired, the sharpshooters taking one life after another. Nearly 1000 young men were killed, and still, Lieutenant Colonel Washington remained.

The native warriors stared in disbelief. Their rifles seldom missed their mark.

“Stop firing!” the Chief commanded. “This one is under special protection of the Great Spirit.”

Another Indian warrior added, “I had seventeen clear shots at this man . . . and after all, could not bring him to the ground. This man was not born to be killed by the bullet.”

As the firing slowed, Washington gathered the remaining troops and retreated to safety. That evening, he noticed an odd tear in his coat. It was a bullet hole! He rolled up his sleeve and looked at his arm directly under the hole. There was no mark upon his skin. Amazed, he took off his coat to find three more holes where bullets had passed through the fabric, never piercing his skin. The life of George Washington had been miraculously spared.
When you're sitting in a concentration camp and experiencing the failings of the "laws of men" --- tell me who YOU are gonna appeal to for your rights....

At that point, you can appeal to God. Appeal and appeal and appeal. However, it takes very little perusal of history to find that does no good at all. God does not intervene.

All of your "rights" exist only so long as your neighbors agree they exist. It isn't any God which bestows them upon you, it is the society in which you live which does. As it can bestow, it can remove. Anyone who thinks otherwise simply is not paying attention.
other atheists make me a believer in god, his wording kills me

Being an atheist god and I have a tenuous relationship and if Ryan does not mind I prefer a rule of law to a theocracy

heres my quesdtion to other atheists, if you dont believe in something, why do u get offended if people are doing something u dont beleive exists?

Which atheists are you talking to? And what do you mean by "doing something u don't believe exist"? If you have done "it", does not your action mean such action can exist?

I am confused...
By the way

You may claim to have rights through god, but it is man you must defend them against.

Government is an organization of man, and if we are not careful, that same organization will "ignore" such god-given rights and enslave the citizens.

For along time, the religious ignored the evils of slavery. Why can they not ignore it again? Why can they not promote it if they feel it will encourage more believers or strenghten the faith?

Regardless of your religious beliefs, it is our fellow man that we must be wary of.
When you're sitting in a concentration camp and experiencing the failings of the "laws of men" --- tell me who YOU are gonna appeal to for your rights....

At that point, you can appeal to God. Appeal and appeal and appeal. However, it takes very little perusal of history to find that does no good at all. God does not intervene.

All of your "rights" exist only so long as your neighbors agree they exist. It isn't any God which bestows them upon you, it is the society in which you live which does. As it can bestow, it can remove. Anyone who thinks otherwise simply is not paying attention.

That's a pissy view of where your rights come from.. First we're told by the Atheists that they come from elite political leadership and now you tell us they come from our neighbors. We know that's not true.. Largely because we write down our beliefs, our morals and our conscience, atheists just make this stuff up by asking their "neighbors".

The one thing I'd be sure of as I'm dying in that concentration camp is that "man-granted rights" aren't worth anything.

If MLK believed that his rights didn't transcend the law -- he probably wouldn't have tried..
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