God Has Blessed Us! Trump Has Already Made America $4 Trillion Richer (With Just 6 Months In Office)

hey dumbass ....when you campaign and promise things that you know aint going to pass,then that person had better learn what you just said....your problem?....you eat up everything trump tells you....
I evaluate what he says and I look at it logically to help america. you close your eyes, listen to the MSM and then polly parrot anything they say without investigating the accuracy of the information you heard. The fact is that trump has a tax code he wants the Congress to push. His agenda. Congress, GOP'ers for this discussion can't get passed healthcare. they can't change the tax code without changing obummerfail. So you know that? I know the GOP can't figure out what the fk is what. But me, I get it. I also will hold everyone of those GOP reps accountable come 2018 if they don't push the people's agenda.
i evaluate what he says and i look at it logically too.....my conclusion?....you dont promise things you know you cant back up........
you close your eyes,listen to the MSM and then polly parrot anything they say without investigating the accuracy of the information you heard.
lets see you prove i do this jc.....55,000 posts should be pretty easy for you to show me parroting what the media says....
naw, you'd only deny anything I found. you all are known at deflecting away from your own realities.
just as i thought,another of those long lines of talkers we have here.....and who is deflecting away from what you perceive as reality?....never thought i would see you say something and pussy out at backing it up...another dottie....
been through with several others in here. a waste of time. we know who you are. you tell it daily. the minute i post something that backs my position, you deflect away. let me ask you, did anyone from our government look at the DNC Server? your answer if wrong, would be polly parroting. so what is it?
why would they?....they all hate trump,and thats their bottom line....now let me ask you.....why did you deflect away from what you said about me and what you perceive as "reality" about me?....
The United States is currently running on Obama's last fiscal year, that ends October 1, 2017.
Trump has done nothing, absolutely nothing, that would effect four trillion dollars. His first budget doesn't start for a little over two month for now.
The National Debt on January 20, 2017 19,947,304,555,212.49
The National Debt July 19, 2017
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Where that $4 trillion?
Trump has done wondrous achievements since taking office. We as a nation are truly blessed to have him as our glorious president.

HERE IT IS=> Complete List of President Trump's Major Accomplishments in His First Six Months #MAGA

Really? A blog post from the Gateway Pundit is your "proof"?

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