God has not seen fit to make my life easy

I believe in him anyway, but I resent him.

I don't go to church, as my way of punishing him.

Some would say I should count my blessings, and be grateful for the things I do have.

I don't pray.

I still believe in God, but I don't pray.

All I feel towards God is resentment.

You say your life is hard and I'm sure it's harder than others. But, consider. You are alive, you were born into an affluent country. Unless you're using Internet in a public library, you're not homeless and you have the money to pay for home Internet. You're not starving and based on the regularity of your postings, I'm going to guess you've not enduring long hospital stays for life-threatening illnesses.

It's difficult to say if these blessings are the result of G-d's intervention or your life choices.
All this is true, and I know I should be grateful because now I do have a full-time job, and for the first time in my life I can pay my bills and actually save money.

But the many, many years of disappointment and failure have hardened me and made me resent God with a bitterness I still feel in my heart.

I almost never pray.

And that's fine. I don't think G-d is that concerned if you pray or not. However, it's been my experience that prayer can be a meditative act. In particular, Jewish prayer is a stylized act not that different from meditating on a mantra. The words I speak, the physical actions I perform, even the items I wear during the prayer do not vary. Going through this act clears my mind of the cares of the day, focuses my concentration, and has a significant calming effect. Not everyone will enjoy the same benefits from prayer or meditation, but millions do.
Actually, our prayers are rather deep.
I've been studying them on TorahAnytime and TwerskiTorah.
I believe in him anyway, but I resent him.

I don't go to church, as my way of punishing him.

Some would say I should count my blessings, and be grateful for the things I do have.

I don't pray.

I still believe in God, but I don't pray.

All I feel towards God is resentment.

IMO- what you feel towards God is irrelevant. God does not care what you feel towards "him". Nor does God care what happens to you or whether you go to church or not. God is not a single entity, but rather the collective conscience of all living things. In some ways God is like gravity. It acts the way it acts without deliberation or thought, and never feels remorse, pain or sympathy.
Interesting, I never heard God described quite that way.
I believe in him anyway, but I resent him.

I don't go to church, as my way of punishing him.

Some would say I should count my blessings, and be grateful for the things I do have.

I don't pray.

I still believe in God, but I don't pray.

All I feel towards God is resentment.

IMO- what you feel towards God is irrelevant. God does not care what you feel towards "him". Nor does God care what happens to you or whether you go to church or not. God is not a single entity, but rather the collective conscience of all living things. In some ways God is like gravity. It acts the way it acts without deliberation or thought, and never feels remorse, pain or sympathy.
How sad.
I believe in him anyway, but I resent him.

I don't go to church, as my way of punishing him.

Some would say I should count my blessings, and be grateful for the things I do have.

I don't pray.

I still believe in God, but I don't pray.

All I feel towards God is resentment.

IMO- what you feel towards God is irrelevant. God does not care what you feel towards "him". Nor does God care what happens to you or whether you go to church or not. God is not a single entity, but rather the collective conscience of all living things. In some ways God is like gravity. It acts the way it acts without deliberation or thought, and never feels remorse, pain or sympathy.
Interesting, I never heard God described quite that way.
I believe in him anyway, but I resent him.

I don't go to church, as my way of punishing him.

Some would say I should count my blessings, and be grateful for the things I do have.

I don't pray.

I still believe in God, but I don't pray.

All I feel towards God is resentment.

IMO- what you feel towards God is irrelevant. God does not care what you feel towards "him". Nor does God care what happens to you or whether you go to church or not. God is not a single entity, but rather the collective conscience of all living things. In some ways God is like gravity. It acts the way it acts without deliberation or thought, and never feels remorse, pain or sympathy.
How sad.

Perhaps for you, I'm one of the happiest people I know. I have a great life and want for very little. I have everything I need.
I believe in him anyway, but I resent him.

I don't go to church, as my way of punishing him.

Some would say I should count my blessings, and be grateful for the things I do have.

I don't pray.

I still believe in God, but I don't pray.

All I feel towards God is resentment.

Be careful.

Misery loves company and it all goes downhill (more and more depressing) after that.

Voice of experience.
I believe in him anyway, but I resent him.

I don't go to church, as my way of punishing him.

Some would say I should count my blessings, and be grateful for the things I do have.

I don't pray.

I still believe in God, but I don't pray.

All I feel towards God is resentment.

Yea, whoever told you life was going to be easy, lied. Get that thought out of your head, and don't try to claim you already knew that, because obviously you do not. Life requires a great deal of work, and good decision making. Consequences come from bad decision making. No matter who you are bad and good luck come your way, and continual good decision making sandbags against most of the bad luck.

You believe in a god solely for the purpose of blaming him for your life...Come on now. Either grow up, or keep blaming some mystical force that keeps holding you back. Up to you. Sorry sometimes good advice doesn't come in a friendly package.
I believe in him anyway, but I resent him.

I don't go to church, as my way of punishing him.

Some would say I should count my blessings, and be grateful for the things I do have.

I don't pray.

I still believe in God, but I don't pray.

All I feel towards God is resentment.

This is because you anthropromorphize God and make him in your image.
Many times difficulty in our lives either is our own fault in poor choices or collectively as a society making poor choices.
if you can't properly discern and define God (power & source of life) then your concept of right & wrong is based on affiliation into an error or can be evil without knowing it's evil, just as Radicals don't think they are doing evil.
Without comprehension to your positioning (path) like if you were blindfolded strapped to in a gyro, you can point up assuming it's the sky, however if you don't know you're facing down (positioned opposite) you would be pointing to the ground. Therefore you need a mediator that defines that Essence power of life so you can reflect and manifest that Essence and know your direction-(notice direction maps always carry the sign of the Evening Star [Shalem]as your compass).
Like in the Hamster Cage analogy, someone pointing towards the reward box leading the best path to get you there so you can get off the wheel or find your way through that maze you put yourself in by your own design in refusing the warnings & messages.
I believe in him anyway, but I resent him.

I don't go to church, as my way of punishing him.

Some would say I should count my blessings, and be grateful for the things I do have.

I don't pray.

I still believe in God, but I don't pray.

All I feel towards God is resentment.
I am a great fan of contemplative prayer, where I work to silence/clear my mind and just let God work in silence.

Sometimes the greatest value of conversational type prayer is that in making the case before God helps make things straight in our own minds. It helps clarify what needs to be done.

I was always taught we are to love God beyond all else. I worked and worked at this until one day in prayer I said to God, "I don't love you beyond all else! How can I? I don't even know you!" And something changed.

You say you believe in God, but what, exactly, do you believe? That He is to blame for everything? Did God give you your health problems, or did health problems come with the body you inherited. Possibly God stands by to help you deal with the physical problems your spirit was presented with when it inherited your body's genetics. Think about starting from scratch and getting to know God all over again. Perhaps try putting the past behind you and start again here in the present. I was taught the present is the best place to meet God.
"God has not seen fit to make my life easy"

That your life has not been easy has nothing to do with a ‘god’ that doesn’t exist as perceived by theists.

"I believe in him anyway, but I resent him.

I don't go to church, as my way of punishing him."

That's ridiculous.
Mudda sniffs her fingers after she finishes, so... so much for self control.
Mudda sniffs her fingers after she finishes, so... so much for self control.
Hey, look who's back! It's mister No Proof!

Come back for another beating? Or were the other threads just way too dull? Or did nobody agree with anything you said there as well?
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i think its okay to be angry ...health issues just seem to go on and on...sometimes counting ones blessings is a hard road

hold on blood...as hunter s ...said ...you bought the ticket. take the ride.

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