God Help Me!

I never understood why older women dress like skanks. You are a damn grandma. You should be ashamed. Poor kids probably get bullied over that shit.
Do you fuckin smoke crack too?
TNHarley, darlin' ... you don't know a thing about me so I'll fill you in a bit. I have nothing to hide. Yes, I'm 72 years old but I don't feel that old. Most people are shocked when I tell them my age and the comeback I always get is, "You sure don't look it. You look more like [any age from late 50s to early 60s]. I've never had any botox or surgical procedures done. At a HS reunion I attended a couple years ago one of my classmates who went on to become a doctor of dermatology came up to me and said, "You have absolutely beautiful skin." What can I say? I try to take good care of myself. My now very long hair has a bit of gray that in the right light looks blonde, but the majority of my hair is still brown - I was a natural blond when I was very young. I have good posture - probably the result of culture shock when I came out of an orphanage and into the real world. Most people peg me at 5'7" but I'm 5'4". I wear a size 10 clothes, still have a waistline where it should be. Up until the last year I had a regular exercise routine that included 25 squats and 25 pushups. I also have a treadmill. I used to walk about 4 miles a day with the lay of the land and here in East TN we have mountains and hills - I don't know what you have in your neck of the woods. In my professional days I was a well-respected legal secretary and in conjunction with one firm someone found out I did beautiful calligraphy, and I had the opportunity to work in connection with Gubernatorial events where I addressed invitations to the event, could dress up in formal wear and play gracious hostess to all the state Senators and wives, the Governor Elect, and other wealthy clients - and sit at a formally set dinner table black tie event and eat dinner with grace. That was a far cry from my own social level - that being a single mother raising three children.

In my younger years I did a lot of singing with a good voice range that could take me from my 1st soprano position to substituting where needed in 2nd soprano or alto ranges. I love opera, ballet, rock, jazz, blues, bluegrass, country - you name it - except hip hop and rap. I just can't get into that. I love Bob Dylan, Rod Stewart, Tony Bennett, definitely Old Blue Eyes, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holliday, Toby Keith, Tim McGraw, Gloria Estefan, Charlie Byrd, Ahmed Jamal, Al Hirt, Sophie Tucker ... the list goes on.

Right now, my 48 hour work week (4 12-hour days) providing in-home healthcare to elders and there's great rewards in doing something good for someone who can no long do for themselves. It's hard, physical, mental, emotional work and it has cut into my exercise routine because I come home exhausted at the end of the day. But I'll get back into it full scale.

I don't dress like a skank - I still dress with class as I did when I was in the professional world. All I'm saying is that I'm not ready to wear house dresses from Sears and oxford lace up shoes. I still drive a standard shift vehicle and I'm not ready to give that up yet, either.

As to my children ... well, my oldest will be 50 in a few months, a college graduate (on her own dime), gainfully employed and a delightful woman with lots of friends. She has one 13 year old child who is highly intelligent and who I think will be successful in his time. She lives about 3 minutes of walking time away from me. My second is just turning 47, has some college (on her dime), is gainfully employed on the admin side of running an assisted living community. Very smart young woman with an all-out personality that just draws people to her. She has one child who is 21 and currently serving his country in the military. My son will be 42 soon, gave 20 very honorable years of his life in military service to his country, is now retired and still in service to his community as a very well liked and well respected police officer. He, too, has an outstanding personality and

I'm not a damned grandma, my children and grandchildren love me dearly as I love them. This "antagonizing" is sort of an inside joke between me and my children. They are very protective of me. They are the only thing in life that are of importance to me and I am immensely proud of them as they are of me. Money, possessions, etc. are replaceable. They are not. I did not raise my children to be bigots. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I've been poor all my life, survived the abuses of my childhood, worked my ass off to get where I am today, and I really don't give a shit about what somebody else has that I don't have. I'm comfortable in my own skin. Some ... oh maybe about 25-30 years ago I caught up with my old high school flame and love of my life and we got on the bike he had at the time and took a ride. About 5 or 6 years ago he caught up with me on Facebook and maybe a year after he met me at my daughter's house and I hopped on his Harley and we took a ride. Only two times in my life I've ever been on a bike. My eldest grandchild who was in HS at the time tells me he's been permanently scarred by the sight of his grandma getting on that bike ... my old flame and I never forgot each other over the years even though we followed different paths and didn't see each other. We are still in touch and he is still the great love of my life.

So there you have it, TNHarley. How's that Hog working out for you? Ever tried riding The Dragon?
I never understood why older women dress like skanks. You are a damn grandma. You should be ashamed. Poor kids probably get bullied over that shit.
Do you fuckin smoke crack too?
TNHarley, darlin' ... you don't know a thing about me so I'll fill you in a bit. I have nothing to hide. Yes, I'm 72 years old but I don't feel that old. Most people are shocked when I tell them my age and the comeback I always get is, "You sure don't look it. You look more like [any age from late 50s to early 60s]. I've never had any botox or surgical procedures done. At a HS reunion I attended a couple years ago one of my classmates who went on to become a doctor of dermatology came up to me and said, "You have absolutely beautiful skin." What can I say? I try to take good care of myself. My now very long hair has a bit of gray that in the right light looks blonde, but the majority of my hair is still brown - I was a natural blond when I was very young. I have good posture - probably the result of culture shock when I came out of an orphanage and into the real world. Most people peg me at 5'7" but I'm 5'4". I wear a size 10 clothes, still have a waistline where it should be. Up until the last year I had a regular exercise routine that included 25 squats and 25 pushups. I also have a treadmill. I used to walk about 4 miles a day with the lay of the land and here in East TN we have mountains and hills - I don't know what you have in your neck of the woods. In my professional days I was a well-respected legal secretary and in conjunction with one firm someone found out I did beautiful calligraphy, and I had the opportunity to work in connection with Gubernatorial events where I addressed invitations to the event, could dress up in formal wear and play gracious hostess to all the state Senators and wives, the Governor Elect, and other wealthy clients - and sit at a formally set dinner table black tie event and eat dinner with grace. That was a far cry from my own social level - that being a single mother raising three children.

In my younger years I did a lot of singing with a good voice range that could take me from my 1st soprano position to substituting where needed in 2nd soprano or alto ranges. I love opera, ballet, rock, jazz, blues, bluegrass, country - you name it - except hip hop and rap. I just can't get into that. I love Bob Dylan, Rod Stewart, Tony Bennett, definitely Old Blue Eyes, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holliday, Toby Keith, Tim McGraw, Gloria Estefan, Charlie Byrd, Ahmed Jamal, Al Hirt, Sophie Tucker ... the list goes on.

Right now, my 48 hour work week (4 12-hour days) providing in-home healthcare to elders and there's great rewards in doing something good for someone who can no long do for themselves. It's hard, physical, mental, emotional work and it has cut into my exercise routine because I come home exhausted at the end of the day. But I'll get back into it full scale.

I don't dress like a skank - I still dress with class as I did when I was in the professional world. All I'm saying is that I'm not ready to wear house dresses from Sears and oxford lace up shoes. I still drive a standard shift vehicle and I'm not ready to give that up yet, either.

As to my children ... well, my oldest will be 50 in a few months, a college graduate (on her own dime), gainfully employed and a delightful woman with lots of friends. She has one 13 year old child who is highly intelligent and who I think will be successful in his time. She lives about 3 minutes of walking time away from me. My second is just turning 47, has some college (on her dime), is gainfully employed on the admin side of running an assisted living community. Very smart young woman with an all-out personality that just draws people to her. She has one child who is 21 and currently serving his country in the military. My son will be 42 soon, gave 20 very honorable years of his life in military service to his country, is now retired and still in service to his community as a very well liked and well respected police officer. He, too, has an outstanding personality and

I'm not a damned grandma, my children and grandchildren love me dearly as I love them. This "antagonizing" is sort of an inside joke between me and my children. They are very protective of me. They are the only thing in life that are of importance to me and I am immensely proud of them as they are of me. Money, possessions, etc. are replaceable. They are not. I did not raise my children to be bigots. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I've been poor all my life, survived the abuses of my childhood, worked my ass off to get where I am today, and I really don't give a shit about what somebody else has that I don't have. I'm comfortable in my own skin. Some ... oh maybe about 25-30 years ago I caught up with my old high school flame and love of my life and we got on the bike he had at the time and took a ride. About 5 or 6 years ago he caught up with me on Facebook and maybe a year after he met me at my daughter's house and I hopped on his Harley and we took a ride. Only two times in my life I've ever been on a bike. My eldest grandchild who was in HS at the time tells me he's been permanently scarred by the sight of his grandma getting on that bike ... my old flame and I never forgot each other over the years even though we followed different paths and didn't see each other. We are still in touch and he is still the great love of my life.

So there you have it, TNHarley. How's that Hog working out for you? Ever tried riding The Dragon?
Goodness lol.
No. I took the HD to the smokies a couple times and the one time we were going to ride it, it was temporarily closed. So I just went back on the Blue Ridge Parkway lol.
You should try the ride again,TNHD. I would caution you to take care, though. It seems that in recent times people in sportcars, etc. have been trying their luck at top speeds on The Dragon and it's usually the bikers who end up dead. But, they have increased the police presence and enforcing the speed limit more. I wouldn't take that ride for anything in the world - too chicken!! What is it? Some 120 curves on an 11 mile stretch of road? Well, if there are any other bikers on here who've not heard of The Dragon ... you can find info on the internet.

Oh, forgot one little thing TNHD - nope, don't smoke crack either!! LOL! Never did any of those things - even back in the '60s.
You should try the ride again,TNHD. I would caution you to take care, though. It seems that in recent times people in sportcars, etc. have been trying their luck at top speeds on The Dragon and it's usually the bikers who end up dead. But, they have increased the police presence and enforcing the speed limit more. I wouldn't take that ride for anything in the world - too chicken!! What is it? Some 120 curves on an 11 mile stretch of road? Well, if there are any other bikers on here who've not heard of The Dragon ... you can find info on the internet.

Oh, forgot one little thing TNHD - nope, don't smoke crack either!! LOL! Never did any of those things - even back in the '60s.

I don't think crack had been invented then.

The Dragon is 318 curves in 11 miles (just under 29 per mile). It's fun, not real practical to go from many points A to points B, unless you're going back to traffic court in that speed trap town of Benton. :death:

Actually the road I live on has more extreme switchbacks. Not as many curves per mile but -- take your index finger and press it all the way down to the base of your thumb -- like that. You'd best be ready. They're fun until you come up to some blue-hairs in an SUV or camper going "gee Madge, look at the pretty trees"....

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