God I hope the GOP Supreme Court overturns Roe

Well your thesis is flawed by the "lessor of 2 evils" reality with Trump. They could STAY HOME but nobody had a choice on abortion in that election. CERTAINLY, Trump is ALLOWED to be more "tolerant" than dogmatic right? Doesn't mean he would PROMOTE or even LIKE the concept of abortion. I don't. But I tolerate the rights of others to SANELY choose abortion.

Trump supported abortion till he choose to run as a Repub. Then he knew he had to change to have any chance of making it through the primaries. Thus he all of a sudden was against it.
Overturn it and its not a political wedge anymore.

In a way that;'s true. FEDERAL Govt oversight/interference is setting 2 opposing trains on the same track and ENSURING a disaster. Probably RECURRING disasters as the "date of viability" keeps getting sooner and sooner. Which is what the SCt is struggling with right now.
Trump supported abortion till he choose to run as a Repub. Then he knew he had to change to have any chance of making it through the primaries. Thus he all of a sudden was against it.

He would have had to TROLL: MORE -- but wont be Jeb or anyone else up there other than MAYBE Cruz.
Be careful what you wish for. Pro-choice is the majority position in the US.
NOT true!

fake news. Most AmericANS do not believe in abortion and the ones who do say there should be limits after about 3 months.

And of those who know about abortion, meaning those who have seen the photos of dead children... I venture to say it is WAY more than 70% are pro life..

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

As far as his wife goes, she made her choice.

Deal with it. There are in fact women out there who do not espouse the ghoulish pro-abortion credo.
Well, you are wrong and way out in left field. Try to do a better job of keeping up. Thanks.
Trump supported abortion till he choose to run as a Repub. Then he knew he had to change to have any chance of making it through the primaries. Thus he all of a sudden was against it.

You ARE Exagerrating and over-thinking this. I do not remember ANY Rep in the primaries that ran on an ABSOLUTIST pro-life policy. They were ALL nuanced in some ways. Maybe they PERSONALLY declared this -- but NONE stated that would be the way they governed.

Turns out that Trump did MORE in terms of dismantling Fed involvement in abortions than ANY of these other candidates "might have". In particular SLASHING AT the "money laundering" going on between collusion of the Dems with Planned Parenthood. Dont ask me -- go read the NRLife summation of his achievements on abortion. You have a very UN-nuanced narrow view on very NUANCED topic.

Promise to Veto Legislation that Threatens Pro-life Policy
In January of 2019, when pro-abortion Democrats took control of the House of Representatives, President Trump issued a letter stating, “I am concerned that this year, the Congress may consider legislation that could substantially change federal policies and laws on abortion, and allow taxpayer dollars to be used for the destruction of human life. I will veto any legislation that weakens current pro-life federal policies and laws, or that encourages the destruction of innocent human life at any stage.”

Similar vows to sign, if passed, were issued for 1. The No-Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2019 which would permanently prohibit any federal program from funding elective abortion and 2. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would extend federal legal protection to babies who are born alive during an abortion.

President Trump Attends the March for Life
On January 25th, 2020, President Trump became the first sitting president to address the annual March for Life in person.

Stopping Tax Dollars from Funding Abortion Internationally
In January 2017, President Trump reinstated the long-standing “Mexico City Policy,” and expanded it under the “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance” program. The Mexico City Policy prevents tax funds from being given to organizations that perform abortions or lobby to change the abortion laws of host countries. Originally established by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, the Mexico City Policy ensures that “U.S. support for family planning programs is based on respect for human life, enhancement of human dignity, and strengthening of the family.”

The expanded policy prevents $9 billion in foreign aid from being used to fund the global abortion industry.

In 2019, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo closed what had become a loophole. Foreign non-governmental organizations (NGO) are now required to confirm that they are not passing U.S. funds along to other organizations that still promote abortion.

Defunding Planned Parenthood
President Trump supports directing funding away from Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. In a September 2016 letter to pro-life leaders, he noted that “I am committed to…defunding Planned Parenthood as long as they continue to perform abortions, and re-allocating their funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive health care for women.”

In 2019, President Trump’s Health and Human Services Department(HHS) issued regulations known as the Protect Life Rule. Under the rule, abortion facilities may not be in the same location where family planning services are delivered. The rule also states that Title X grantees may not refer for elective abortion. The rule does not cut funding for family planning but ensures that funding goes to health facilities that do not perform or promote abortion as family planning. In response, Planned Parenthood left the Title X program in 2019 rather than comply with the Protect Life rule.

Restoring Ability of States to Direct Title X Funds Away from Abortion Providers:

In 2017 President Trump signed a resolution into law that overturned an eleventh-hour regulation by the Obama administration that prohibited states from defunding certain abortion facilities in their federally-funded family-planning programs. Further, future administrations that may be hostile to life are prohibited from issuing a regulation similar to what President Obama had done.

DISCLAIMER: I'm NOT "supporting Trump" here. Only making the point that AMERICA in general is NOT as polarized on abortion as the fanatical extremes have gotten to be.
Can I get you to explain to me how it makes any sense or how you think it is possible or rational. . . . that States who are NOT free to decide each for themselves what they will and will not recognize as a "marriage" WILL somehow have the power and authority to decide when they will and will not recognize the PERSONHOOD of children in the womb?
Marriage laws should be left to the states as well. The Supreme Court overstepped their authority in both same-sex marriage AND abortion laws.
NOT true!

fake news. Most AmericANS do not believe in abortion and the ones who do say there should be limits after about 3 months.

And of those who know about abortion, meaning those who have seen the photos of dead children... I venture to say it is WAY more than 70% are pro life..
the liberty clause in the 14th amendment allows the right to abortion, my friends

The "free will" clause in the Bible confirms a woman's right to choose, my friends.

Conservatives are busy trying to basically, exert control over brown and black women. Why? Who is benefitting from such laws? Certainly not the women, or the children, who will be born into poverty and chaos and left to die there.

Every study done on women who tried to get an abortion and couldn't, has shown that 5 years later, they, and their children are economically and socially worse off than they were before the woman became pregnant, and virtually none of them were better off financially, nor were they and their children in stable housing.
Marriage laws should be left to the states as well. The Supreme Court overstepped their authority in both same-sex marriage AND abortion laws.
So, you think it would be Constitutional and in keeping with the 14th Amendment for one State to establish that a child in the womb is a person at say 8 weeks gestation but the State next to it says it's not a person until it sticks his or head out of the womb.

Is that right?
Marriage laws should be left to the states as well. The Supreme Court overstepped their authority in both same-sex marriage AND abortion laws.

Basic rights laws, like who can get married, have to be the same throughout the country. Otherwise you have a patchwork where gay marriages are recognized in one state but not another. This has serious implications for married couples and their rights.

The parents of gays have a long sad history of swooping in when their child is dying, and throwing the gay partner out and making end of life decisions as "next of kin". After the child dies, they exclude the partner from their grandchildren's lives. The children lose both parents when the biological parent passes. Marriage means that the gay partner is the next of kin, and their decisions matter. The children can remain with their non-biological parent so that they're not uprooted in the aftermath.

This is one of the primary reasons why gays fought so hard for the right to marry.
So, you think it would be Constitutional and in keeping with the 14th Amendment for one State to establish that a child in the womb is a person at say 8 weeks gestation but the State next to it says it's not a person until it sticks his or head out of the womb.

Is that right?
What was the purpose of the 14th Amendment?
Basic rights laws, like who can get married, have to be the same throughout the country. Otherwise you have a patchwork where gay marriages are recognized in one state but not another. This has serious implications for married couples and their rights.

The parents of gays have a long sad history of swooping in when their child is dying, and throwing the gay partner out and making end of life decisions as "next of kin". After the child dies, they exclude the partner from their grandchildren's lives. The children lose both parents when the biological parent passes. Marriage means that the gay partner is the next of kin, and their decisions matter. The children can remain with their non-biological parent so that they're not uprooted in the aftermath.

This is one of the primary reasons why gays fought so hard for the right to marry.
Too bad. Many Americans believe marriage is a man and a woman. They also have rights. Let the states decide and people can live where they want. Freedom for everyone.
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Does a mother have a right to ingest drugs and harm a pre-viable baby? Can the state bring child neglect charges against the mother?

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