God I hope the GOP Supreme Court overturns Roe

So? Are you saying they are also anti-choice?

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

As far as his wife goes, she made her choice.

Deal with it. There are in fact women out there who do not espouse the ghoulish pro-abortion credo.
Abortion is terminating a gestating fetus. It is not a living human until it draws first breath. That's the Biblical standard of "life", straight outta Genesis.

Curious, no other animal in our world has the same dilemma about giving birth to its own young that we do.

Perhaps lesser animals value the lives of their kind (born or unborn) more than people like you do?
The 14th Amendment is a guarantee that all laws passed by government are applied equally among the citizens, whether that be a ban on abortions or laws allowing them. It does not speak to abortion itself.

For the Federal government to pass a law either banning or legitimizing abortions, then abortions would have to be an enumerated power of the Federal government to do so. It isn't, so abortions are a STATE power, not a Federal power.

I'm pro-choice, but I believe not following the Constitution is scarier than not following it when that is convenient like the Democrats constantly do
For the Federal government to pass a law either banning or legitimizing abortions, then abortions would have to be an enumerated power of the Federal government to do so.
Hence, there would need to be a constitutional basis for such a law to be passed. There are no enumerated abortion powers in the Constitution for the government to base pertinent laws on.
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For the Federal government to pass a law either banning or legitimizing abortions, then abortions would have to be an enumerated power of the Federal government to do so. It isn't, so abortions are a STATE power, not a Federal power.

I'm pro-choice, but I believe not following the Constitution is scarier than not following it when that is convenient like the Democrats constantly do
but at the time the const was ratified there weren't laws against abortion. So, the argument would go, what is the basis for any state or federal prohibition unless the Founders expressly provided one?

In short, this is one time when I don't think "original intent" really gets anyone anywhere, but I expect the Five to overturn Roe at least to some extent
Democrats are always fantasizing there are hordes of voters who aren't voting but are just waiting for Roe to be overturned to end Democracy. Sure there are sport, they aren't voting Democrat now already. Sure they're not ...
You really don't think that overturning Roe is going to swing suburbs away from the gop on this single issue?
I don't think SCOTUS will overturn it. If Roberts wasn't willing to strike down ObamaCare, which was blatantly unconstitutional on its face, I doubt he is going to rule in the affirmative on striking down Roe which will be even more controversial.

I do not think so either. Trump did not pick people that were hardcore get rid of RvW people for the courty. Only ACB really leans that way
You really don't think that overturning Roe is going to swing suburbs away from the gop on this single issue?

Abortion has always been the biggest single voter issue. It is part of the reason the GOP has not nominated an actual conservatives in decades. Abortions is the only litmus test for the GOP voters.
The Texas and Mississippi cases do not limit abortions. They make no exceptions.

And to legalize abortion in the first and second trimesters, with or without restrictions, IS an overturning of Roe v. Wade. It would make Roe v. Wade null and void.

How can you be so CONSISTENTLY wrong? Don't even know what YOU THINK these laws do, Because you DONT know apparently. Post was garbage on a complicated issue.
Abortion has always been the biggest single voter issue. It is part of the reason the GOP has not nominated an actual conservatives in decades. Abortions is the only litmus test for the GOP voters.

Don't commit credibility hari-kari with gross generalizations and exaggerations. You're too good for that.
Don't commit credibility hari-kari with gross generalizations and exaggerations. You're too good for that.

I do not think it is a exaggeration. I grew up on the right, spent the majority of my life as a very active member of churches all across this country and in a couple of other countries. Abortion is the only "must have" that anyone on the right that I have known has ever had. My family still feels that way.

If you had a staunch fiscal conservative who was pro-choice going against a big spending pro-life candidate, the pro-life one will will the primary every time.

Why do you think Trump changed his mind when he choose to run as a Repub?
Why do you think Trump changed his mind when he choose to run as a Repub?

Well your thesis is flawed by the "lessor of 2 evils" reality with Trump. They could STAY HOME but nobody had a choice on abortion in that election. CERTAINLY, Trump is ALLOWED to be more "tolerant" than dogmatic right? Doesn't mean he would PROMOTE or even LIKE the concept of abortion. I don't. But I tolerate the rights of others to SANELY choose abortion.

NOT like any recent Progressive that wants it ON DEMAND and until the moment of birth. That's more of what Hillary was offering,

Right NOW most Americans are watching the time at which a fetus is VIABLE as science pushes that date lower and lower. But it's a hard sell to SET a line even on that.

With all the GLARING differences the 2 parties can exploit to trouble our lives, I seriously doubt that abortion is any more of "MUST" than borders and culture and security/trade/free speech today.

ESPECIALLY the free speech issues with borking conservatives from academia, the media and govt REPORTING of speech they dont like to Big Tech censors. Because -- IF YOU LOSE THOSE THINGS -- you can stick a fork into political debate about most anything.

NOW GRANTED -- The Dems are WILLINGFULLY committing slow public suicide right now. But I think Conservatives are more focused on their values and priorities to go down in flames on "abortion only"..
Abortion should be up to the states. Period.
Can I get you to explain to me how it makes any sense or how you think it is possible or rational. . . . that States who are NOT free to decide each for themselves what they will and will not recognize as a "marriage" WILL somehow have the power and authority to decide when they will and will not recognize the PERSONHOOD of children in the womb?

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