God I hope the GOP Supreme Court overturns Roe

Still waiting on Circe to answer the question. Ninth month abortions on demand okay since the baby isn't a citizen yet?

Women must continue to have first priority in their reproductive health. Period.

Roe v. Wade must continue to be the law of the land.
Second trimester abortions are the most important. You can’t do amniocentesis until 20 weeks and you don’t get the results for three or four weeks. Second trimester abortions are necessary and they should be right through until birth. Abortion is a medical matter not a legal matter.

I live in a country where abortion is a matter medical matter between a woman and her doctor. There are no laws governing abortions. Our abortion rate is half the rate of yours.

The reasons why our abortion rate is so much lower than yours can be found in the fact that women have mandated maternity leave here, paid for through our employment insurance. We have job stability for companies with more than 30 employees. If I get pregnant when I return from maternity leave in one year, they have to give me my old job back or a job at a comparable rate of pay.

We also have universal government funded healthcare available to both woman and her child. I paid nothing out of pocket for prenatal care or hospital and delivery.

With stable income throughout my program throughout my maternity leave, guaranteed job waiting for me when I returned, and no out-of-pocket costs for my medical care, confinement or delivery, there was no financial reason for me not to proceed with my pregnancy.

Nice to see a proponent of Eugenics be honest about it.
Your post was just a lie. You are nowhere near the middle, you are simply an extremist. Welcome to the GOP.
What post?

Welcome to the GOP? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! I left the GOP after Trump was elected.
Oregon has a smaller population than Alabama and has 3 PP clinics.

Connecticut has an even smaller population, and has 3 PP clinics.

Vermont has about 1/8 the population of Alabama and has 3 PP clinics.

Legal barriers? Good!

Why is it that men want to stop women from deciding their fate?

Nice to see a proponent of Eugenics be honest about it.

I'm no a proponent of eugenics. I am merely pointing to all of you people who fear whites losing power in the USA, that 70% of the women who have abortions are poor. The people who are the poorest in America are black and Hispanic women.

You don't want to pay welfare, food stamps, or education expenses for the poor, and yet you want to force all of these non-white women to give birth to babies they can't afford to raise. When abortion is banned, the middle class white women will continue to get abortions, because they've always gotten abortions. If I had gotten pregnant while in high school, I would not have had the money to get an abortion, even if had known where to go to get one.
My wife is more pro-life than I am. And so was my mom.




If you reject abortion, don't have one. But you have no right to decide for other women. I don't care if every woman in your family since the dawn of time was opposed to abortion. I don't care what you believe. You have no right to inflict your values, your religion or your beliefs onto the lives of others.

I don't believe in abortion either and I have never had one. But I have friends who made a different choice and I respect their choice because I know that this was the right thing for them, and for their circumstances. If my amno-centsis test had had a different result, I would have had little choice in the matter. At 24 weeks and having already named my girl, what if . . . I thank God every day I never had to face that one.
If it ends I still have to go with the woman. Not over and over and I dont know how to monitor that.
One and done maybe
Why is it that men want to stop women from deciding their fate?

I'm no a proponent of eugenics. I am merely pointing to all of you people who fear whites losing power in the USA, that 70% of the women who have abortions are poor. The people who are the poorest in America are black and Hispanic women.

You don't want to pay welfare, food stamps, or education expenses for the poor, and yet you want to force all of these non-white women to give birth to babies they can't afford to raise. When abortion is banned, the middle class white women will continue to get abortions, because they've always gotten abortions. If I had gotten pregnant while in high school, I would not have had the money to get an abortion, even if had known where to go to get one.

If you reject abortion, don't have one. But you have no right to decide for other women. I don't care if every woman in your family since the dawn of time was opposed to abortion. I don't care what you believe. You have no right to inflict your values, your religion or your beliefs onto the lives of others.

I don't believe in abortion either and I have never had one. But I have friends who made a different choice and I respect their choice because I know that this was the right thing for them, and for their circumstances. If my amno-centsis test had had a different result, I would have had little choice in the matter. At 24 weeks and having already named my girl, what if . . . I thank God every day I never had to face that one.



Are you okay with abortion on demand in the ninth month, since the person in the womb isn't a citizen until they are born? You still have not answered that question.

As for your racist comment, I had a subordinate in the military who had 7 abortions and for some reason never used contraception.

She was as white as it gets.
Nice to see a proponent of Eugenics be honest about it.

I'm no a proponent of eugenics. I am merely pointing to all of you people who fear whites losing power in the USA, that 70% of the women who have abortions are poor. The people who are the poorest in America are black and Hispanic women.

You don't want to pay welfare, food stamps, or education expenses for the poor, and yet you want to force all of these non-white women to give birth to babies they can't afford to raise. When abortion is banned, the middle class white women will continue to get abortions, because they've always gotten abortions.

If I had gotten pregnant while in high school, I would not have had the money to get an abortion, even if had known where to go to get one.

"Abortion rights groups are amassing millions in donations, recruiting volunteers to help people travel across state lines for the procedure, and developing a grey market to deliver abortion pills straight to patients’ doorsteps — even in states that have banned them.

Clinics in Democratic-controlled states are also staffing up, anticipating a flood of new patients from Republican-led states, which have been tightening access for years and are likely to waste little time in fully banning the procedure should Roe fall.

A dozen states have “trigger” laws that will automatically prohibit abortion should the court overturn the 50-year old precedent, while other conservative-led states are expected to move swiftly to ban abortion in the wake of such a ruling. A smaller group of progressive states have abortion rights protected in state law

But many states neither ban nor protect the procedure and a final ruling, expected to come just a few months ahead of the midterms, could shape the 2022 election, as both sides jockey for votes with the understanding that the right to an abortion may be determined by which party prevails.

“Dozens of states are likely or certain to ban abortion if Roe falls. Do people in those states know that?” asked Kristin Ford with NARAL, which is supporting candidates who back abortion rights. “How are we communicating the gravity and significance of this moment to voters and reminding them who is to blame — who confirmed these justices and how do we hold those elected officials to account?”

Texas, which has had a near-total abortion ban in place for the last three months that the Supreme Court has allowed to stand, offers a preview of what the nation could look life if Roe falls: people with means traveling across state and national borders or going outside the law to terminate a pregnancy while those unable or unwilling to do so carry unwanted pregnancies to term.

And in the five states that have just one remaining clinic, the right to an abortion may still exist on paper, but access is so limited that organizers on the ground say they’ve been readying for a “post-Roe scenario” for years

“We still have a clinic, but it’s just one, they can only do procedures a few times a week, and they have to fly all their doctors in from out of state,” said Michelle Colón, the executive director of the Mississippi-based group SHERO, which stands for Sisters Helping Every Woman Rise and Organize. “They can’t even see everyone who needs an abortion in Mississippi, let alone serve people coming in from Alabama, Louisiana and other neighboring states.”

Advocates in California are pushing for the state’s Medicaid program to more easily reimburse providers for treating patients from out of state, while groups in Michigan are looking at a ballot initiative to ensure access to abortion pills

Their prep work was put to the test in September when the Supreme Court allowed Texas’ six-week ban to take effect, and in some parts of the country, clinics’ limited resources are now nearly overwhelmed.

“Prior to Texas, our system was already taxed,” said Colleen McNicholas, the chief medical officer of one of Planned Parenthood’s Midwest affiliates, which operates a clinic on the Illinois-Missouri border and serves patients from many surrounding states. “We are now on the verge of not being able to uphold it.”

Anti-abortion groups, anticipating an increase in unwanted pregnancies, are also promoting faith-based crisis pregnancy centers, petitioning college campuses to provide better housing and services for pregnant and parenting students, and lobbying state governments to allocate funds for parenting classes, adoption services and other anticipated needs.

“We realize this will mean there will be women who need more resources and help and we want to step up and provide that,” Glenn said. “This is the kind of thinking we’re pushing all states to do.”

The two-drug regimen is far cheaper than a surgical abortion, can be ordered online and taken at home and carries a less than half-a-percent risk of major complications.

Yet the pills can only be taken during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. By the time a person realizes they are pregnant and finds out how to obtain them, it may be too late. Abortion rights groups also worry misinformation and fear will prevent people from using the pills or deter them from seeking follow-up care if needed, particularly as more states move to ban them.

“I can’t stress enough that states are criminalizing this — putting people in jail who self-manage their abortions and going after those who help them do so,” Colón said. “If Roe is overturned, I expect that will only get worse.”"

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Still waiting on Circe to answer the question. Ninth month abortions on demand okay since the baby isn't a citizen yet?

Well Casey did modify but not overrule Roe. The State does have a legit interest in protecting not just viable life but also how abortion affects society as a whole. The Miss case would overrule Casey at least to protection for women to choose an abortion, but I suppose the "timeline" is sort of open due to medical treatment improvement.

Obviously I'm prochoice. But I don't think many women choose abortion with a happy smile. Hopefully newer abortion drugs make it less a traumatic event, but is there really a distinction between an IUD and an abortion prior to week 9? I don't really see one. But it seems to me that most women seeking abortions after the first trimester have something going on in their lives that is not good and/or medical complications.

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