God I hope the GOP Supreme Court overturns Roe

Thing of it is, I don't like the govt. telling a woman what to do with her body.

HOWEVER, if the woman proves she's not in control, such as she's already had two abortions simply because she's irresponsible or flake, there should be the option to remove her mothering parts with the 2nd or 3rd abortion. If she doesn't like that idea get one elsewhere or on the black market.

How about people take responsibility for their shit instead? The Democrack's motto should be displacement of accountability.
Read it. Read the entire amendment. I see the word "slave", but I don't see the word "abortion". Do you?
Feel free to quote where I ever said that the 14th specifically mentions abortion. You can't do it.

Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart and other justices during Roe and even the pro-abort attorney Sarah Weddington were the ones who I quoted as saying that If a State establishes that a child in the womb is a "person" their rights would have to be protected under the 14th Amendment.

You can disagree with them and myself all you want to but you won't hinder our efforts in the least by doing so.

Dont know what you expect here using 2 opposing labels that haven't got any real meaning.
Clarifying the difference between prolife and anti choice, for one. Now you know.

You would not call that law that. That is a wild stretch. It removes choices, it doesn't increase them.

Yes, you go ahead and try to convince women the Mississippi law is pro choice. Good luck.
Feel free to quote where I ever said that the 14th specifically mentions abortion. You can't do it.

Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart and other justices during Roe and even the pro-abort attorney Sarah Weddington were the ones who I quoted as saying that If a State establishes that a child in the womb is a "person" their rights would have to be protected under the 14th Amendment.

You can disagree with them and myself all you want to but you won't hinder our efforts in the least by doing so.

I'm pro life. I'm on your side. I'm arguing that the Justices screwed up. The very first paragraph addresses citizens Born here or naturalized. Fetus, womb aren't mentioned. They were reading something that wasn't there.
Clarifying the difference between prolife and anti choice, for one. Now you know.

You would not call that law that. That is a wild stretch. It removes choices, it doesn't increase them.

Yes, you go ahead and try to convince women the Mississippi law is pro choice. Good luck.

It IS Pro-choice. As much Pro-Choice as the REST OF THE FREAKING world. It's a matter of using "viability" or "pain sensation" to try and MANAGE the DEGREE OF CHOICE. Pro-choice like Pro-Life are USELESS terms.

At 24 weeks, we are in with China and N.Korea and 5 or 8 other unknown countries in terms of when other countries draw the line.
I appreciate your legal reasoning, but I detect some moral fiber in your post, too. :)

It would be great if the human race was immune to the seven deadly sins.

For me, abortion is the killing of a human being. It's as simple as that. We don't have a "choice" when it comes to killing people on the street, and we shouldn't have one when it comes to people in the womb.
Persons without brains? Rubbish.

Some of these NaziCon SCOTUS Justices lied under oath about Roe v. Wade during their confirmation hearings.
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I'm pro life. I'm on your side. I'm arguing that the Justices screwed up. The very first paragraph addresses citizens Born here or naturalized. Fetus, womb aren't mentioned. They were reading something that wasn't there.
A "citizen" and a "person" are not always the same and the 14th Amendment is clear on that. See Yick Wo vs. Hopkins. You do not have to be a "citizen" to have a right to the equal protections of our laws under the 14th Amendment.

You only need to be a "person."

And, just so you know the 14th Amendment rights was at the root of Wo vs. Hopkins Supreme Court decision and none of the parties involved had anything to do with slavery.
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Recommended Reading for You.

"It was just a few months ago -- after the Supreme Court let stand a lower court ruling ordering Fairfax Hospital to keep the baby alive as the mother wished -- that Harrell came forward publicly to talk about her daughter's rare condition."

This parent, who KNEW this child will be severely deformed and will die shortly after birth, decided to go ahead and continue pregnancy, is a fucking moron.

I have no nicer words for nutbags that do this.
This parent, who KNEW this child will be severely deformed and will die shortly after birth, decided to go ahead and continue pregnancy, is a fucking moron.

I have no nicer words for nutbags that do this.
Can a person in a persistent vegetative state be murdered? Yes or no?
So there is no way with all the info we have that the abortion place can maintain records of “you had yours so no more”?
Then take pills.
Dont know what you expect here using 2 opposing labels that haven't got any real meaning.

I could call the Mississippi law that we're fighting over "pro-choice" because it does not outright BAN abortion. In the same sense as my side-bar with golfing gator about Trump "changing his position" when he decided to run for Prez - Turns out the way he actually governed as "pro-choice" -- he did MORE DAMAGE to the "pro-choice radicals" than any other President.

I HATE unlimited abortion on demand and up to the time of birth. What am I? I also think abortion should be rare, but I'm TOLERANT ENOUGH to leave the nuances and life realities of it to the families facing those decisions -- up to a POINT..

The radicals on BOTH SIDES dont have an ounce of tolerance, or apparently common sense. THEY dont matter. Govt has to stay in THEIR LANE and moderate or skiddaddle. The result is actually NEITHER the pop culture mantra of pro-choice or pro-life.
Yes this is me too mostly
I believe very hard choices snd fine lines. Opinions versus participants,
Always been tough call for me even back in hippy days.!

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