God Is Great! Ben Carson accepts position as HUD secretary

Yes, you can see the straight line there, from surgeon to HUD Secretary.

I mean, it's obvious.
Great move since Carson just said he didn't think he had the ability to run a cabinet position.
for all you tiny brains who don't know what that is, HUD means Housing & Urban Development. Carson is qualified cos he owns a house and grew up in a city!


Ben Carson is an idiot savant.

Sure, he can do brain surgery, but I doubt he can wipe his own ass.

The horror show Trump cabinet continues. I'd call it a circus of imbeciles and clowns, but people are going to get hurt by the ineptness of these picks.
I love Carson. This man will throw his heart and soul into making inner cities "great again". He's from Detroit and when Trump was there Dr. Ben gave him a tour of his old neighborhood.

It was tres cool!
Yep, lets throw the poor onto the street! Carson will of course scream about how great god is...Fucking hypocrite.
Matthew, no one is going to throw the poor into the street. Just because we don't agree with you on how to solve the problem doesn't mean we don't care. It just means that we believe your way is fucking stupid and doesn't work. Now do you understand?
Yeah, put the black guy in the Cabinet post invented by LBJ as part of his Great Society plan to help black people. Perfect!

And Ben Carson's uncle Tom ass accepted it like a good house negro.
Yep, lets throw the poor onto the street! Carson will of course scream about how great god is...Fucking hypocrite.
Matthew, no one is going to throw the poor into the street. Just because we don't agree with you on how to solve the problem doesn't mean we don't care. It just means that we believe your way is fucking stupid and doesn't work. Now do you understand?
So cutting services is going to work. Look at who is stupid.
Yep, lets throw the poor onto the street! Carson will of course scream about how great god is...Fucking hypocrite.
Matthew, no one is going to throw the poor into the street. Just because we don't agree with you on how to solve the problem doesn't mean we don't care. It just means that we believe your way is fucking stupid and doesn't work. Now do you understand?
So cutting services is going to work. Look at who is stupid.
Why do you believe services will be cut?

Secretary Carson is a brilliant man with a great work ethic and a deep desire to help his fellow Americans. an outstanding choice for Trump
Secretary Carson takes HUD position to help out inner city communities=unqualified

Obama abandons black community, does more for Muslims =hero

Got it

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