God is not obvious

Which god? Misra? Yahway? Zeus? And why did he go to such great length to hide from us?

You might want to stop and consider the remote possibility that God is not hiding.

My guess is that people who do not see evidence of God and can perceive no God in existence, even through speculation, are not sufficiently intellectually, emotionally, or ethically evolved enough to be capable of perceiving him.

If a person wanted to do an experiment to discover the truth of something, they would first have to sterilize the environment in which the experiment will be conducted as well as all of the tools, test tubes, beakers, etc. and they would also have to calibrate everything being used to test the results otherwise any number of unseen contaminants could skew the results rendering the outcome unreliable or false.

In the same way if you want to discover whether God actually exists or not, you too have to first sterilize the environment in which you are going to conduct the experiment. You must cleanse your brain, the only tool at your disposal capable of such an inquiry, from all contaminants otherwise if your mind is filled with bias, unfounded assumptions and ignorance about the nature of God, the language of the prophets, etc., you will never find any evidence of God wherever you look even if you have 20/20 vision and always got straight A's in school.

On the other hand if you bother to take the time and trouble to cleanse and accurately calibrate your brain and upload all the available facts, free from from contaminants, everywhere you look, even within, you will see evidence of God, whether under a rock, at the bottom of the sea, through a telescope into deep space or under a microscope, and even if you were literally blind, you would still see.
I'm s
Which god? Misra? Yahway? Zeus? And why did he go to such great length to hide from us?

You might want to stop and consider the remote possibility that God is not hiding.

My guess is that people who do not see evidence of God and can perceive no God in existence, even through speculation, are not sufficiently intellectually, emotionally, or ethically evolved enough to be capable of perceiving him.

If a person wanted to do an experiment to discover the truth of something, they would first have to sterilize the environment in which the experiment will be conducted as well as all of the tools, test tubes, beakers, etc. and they would also have to calibrate everything being used to test the results otherwise any number of unseen contaminants could skew the results rendering the outcome unreliable or false.

In the same way if you want to discover whether God actually exists or not, you too have to first sterilize the environment in which you are going to conduct the experiment. You must cleanse your brain, the only tool at your disposal capable of such an inquiry, from all contaminants otherwise if your mind is filled with bias, unfounded assumptions and ignorance about the nature of God, the language of the prophets, etc., you will never find any evidence of God wherever you look even if you have 20/20 vision and always got straight A's in school.

On the other hand if you bother to take the time and trouble to cleanse and accurately calibrate your brain and upload all the available facts, free from from contaminants, everywhere you look, even within, you will see evidence of God, whether under a rock, at the bottom of the sea, through a telescope into deep space or under a microscope, and even if you were literally blind, you would still see.
Problem is back when I knew less I believed in god. Then like a lot of us atheists I didn't believe in religions but for awhile still believed in god. Then I learned enough to realize god himself was invented.

I wasn't angry or evil either.

Long before I knew the scientific method I was using it. Question everything including the ancients and authority. If a hypothesis doesn't pass the test throw it out even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

If after 30 years of believing didn't work I don't know how much more open to the idea one can be. Chances are you want to believe too much and that's getting in your way of seeing the truth.

You already said that what you were led to believe was false. Why do you seem surprised that believing in what is false produced no results?

Stop worrying already. You do not have to believe in God for God to exist or for him to teach you things in life, just be open to learn from what you have already experienced and have seen with your own eyes.

Jesus spent thirty years believing that God wanted people to mutilate their penises, obsess over sex, and slaughter farm animals so they can eat their way into the kingdom of God. He compared such beliefs, based on literal interpretations of figurative writing, as whitewashed tombs or unmarked graves and basically became an atheist in such a capricious and petty tyrant defined by that error in reasoning..

Why is so hard for you to see the similarities between what Jesus went through and what you are going through unless you are still doing your forty days and forty nights in the wilderness being tempted by the devil to trash the entire story about Jesus as false which would effectively blind you to the truth about what is actually happening in your own life..

If you have truly been seeking God for thirty years, why not put down your test tubes and beakers, and get your head out of the telescope and spend some time cleaning the garbage that has accumulated in your mind and then you might finally see that God has always been there and intimately involved in your life or else you would still be jumping for Jesus eating bread and drinking wine and blubbering about hell and the end of the world in a deranged panic.

Getting to where I am was a process. Long deliberation. You fail to understand that I think religion is bad for people. Or the pros don't outweigh the con's.

Religions could admit they've never talked to god and discuss it honestly like humans did before the abrahamic religions claimed it to be true. Anyone can read the old testament and realize while well written was written by men of those times. Same with the new testament and Islam book. Then you have the Mormon story.

How come so many people believe the Mormon stories are true?
I don't mind debating people who understand all religions are made up but they still believe in god. I believe that was a big debate in ancient Greece before christianity. For thousand of years before christianity was invented man debated this idea.
Which god? Misra? Yahway? Zeus? And why did he go to such great length to hide from us?

You might want to stop and consider the remote possibility that God is not hiding.

My guess is that people who do not see evidence of God and can perceive no God in existence, even through speculation, are not sufficiently intellectually, emotionally, or ethically evolved enough to be capable of perceiving him.

If a person wanted to do an experiment to discover the truth of something, they would first have to sterilize the environment in which the experiment will be conducted as well as all of the tools, test tubes, beakers, etc. and they would also have to calibrate everything being used to test the results otherwise any number of unseen contaminants could skew the results rendering the outcome unreliable or false.

In the same way if you want to discover whether God actually exists or not, you too have to first sterilize the environment in which you are going to conduct the experiment. You must cleanse your brain, the only tool at your disposal capable of such an inquiry, from all contaminants otherwise if your mind is filled with bias, unfounded assumptions and ignorance about the nature of God, the language of the prophets, etc., you will never find any evidence of God wherever you look even if you have 20/20 vision and always got straight A's in school.

On the other hand if you bother to take the time and trouble to cleanse and accurately calibrate your brain and upload all the available facts, free from from contaminants, everywhere you look, even within, you will see evidence of God, whether under a rock, at the bottom of the sea, through a telescope into deep space or under a microscope, and even if you were literally blind, you would still see.
I'm s
Which god? Misra? Yahway? Zeus? And why did he go to such great length to hide from us?

You might want to stop and consider the remote possibility that God is not hiding.

My guess is that people who do not see evidence of God and can perceive no God in existence, even through speculation, are not sufficiently intellectually, emotionally, or ethically evolved enough to be capable of perceiving him.

If a person wanted to do an experiment to discover the truth of something, they would first have to sterilize the environment in which the experiment will be conducted as well as all of the tools, test tubes, beakers, etc. and they would also have to calibrate everything being used to test the results otherwise any number of unseen contaminants could skew the results rendering the outcome unreliable or false.

In the same way if you want to discover whether God actually exists or not, you too have to first sterilize the environment in which you are going to conduct the experiment. You must cleanse your brain, the only tool at your disposal capable of such an inquiry, from all contaminants otherwise if your mind is filled with bias, unfounded assumptions and ignorance about the nature of God, the language of the prophets, etc., you will never find any evidence of God wherever you look even if you have 20/20 vision and always got straight A's in school.

On the other hand if you bother to take the time and trouble to cleanse and accurately calibrate your brain and upload all the available facts, free from from contaminants, everywhere you look, even within, you will see evidence of God, whether under a rock, at the bottom of the sea, through a telescope into deep space or under a microscope, and even if you were literally blind, you would still see.
Problem is back when I knew less I believed in god. Then like a lot of us atheists I didn't believe in religions but for awhile still believed in god. Then I learned enough to realize god himself was invented.

I wasn't angry or evil either.

Long before I knew the scientific method I was using it. Question everything including the ancients and authority. If a hypothesis doesn't pass the test throw it out even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

If after 30 years of believing didn't work I don't know how much more open to the idea one can be. Chances are you want to believe too much and that's getting in your way of seeing the truth.

You already said that what you were led to believe was false. Why do you seem surprised that believing in what is false produced no results?

Stop worrying already. You do not have to believe in God for God to exist or for him to teach you things in life, just be open to learn from what you have already experienced and have seen with your own eyes.

Jesus spent thirty years believing that God wanted people to mutilate their penises, obsess over sex, and slaughter farm animals so they can eat their way into the kingdom of God. He compared such beliefs, based on literal interpretations of figurative writing, as whitewashed tombs or unmarked graves and basically became an atheist in such a capricious and petty tyrant defined by that error in reasoning..

Why is so hard for you to see the similarities between what Jesus went through and what you are going through unless you are still doing your forty days and forty nights in the wilderness being tempted by the devil to trash the entire story about Jesus as false which would effectively blind you to the truth about what is actually happening in your own life..

If you have truly been seeking God for thirty years, why not put down your test tubes and beakers, and get your head out of the telescope, start looking within, and spend some time cleaning the garbage that has accumulated in your mind and then you might finally see that God has always been there and intimately involved in your life or else you would still be jumping for Jesus eating bread and drinking wine and blubbering about hell and the end of the world in a deranged panic.

Would it kill you to be grateful, or do you think that you escaped the pitfalls of religious captivity by your own not so impressive intellectual abilities?

If you do, no wonder God isn't on speaking terms with you yet.


Actually I can relate with Joseph smith who like me realized all the religions of his day were false wrong and had lost their authority so like me he prayed and asked god what to do and to start his own church. Only god didn't tell me anything. I realized if all religions are made up so too is god.

If something created the universe it doesn't care if you live or die. Life or the universe continurs and will live on for billions of years after were gone.

Nothing more than wishful thinking and religion is a way they keep people down. Ignorant and complacent.
Although I'm a fan of science (knowledge) it has proven to be wrong time and time again. So just because science says that "we are not significant or special" doesn't mean a thing. In fact, there are thousands of scientists that DO believe we are significant and special. Home The Institute for Creation Research

What your thread ought to say is that God isn't obvious to YOU. However, God's presence is very obvious to me. The earth and all creation declare His glory. I don't have to see a tornado to know that it ripped through a Midwestern town. The path of destruction declares the existence of the tornado.

That a good post Drift. Bravo.
We are so lucky to be here. All the events that led to you being here. The big bang our planet being close enough to the sun the moon being where it needs to be DNA and single cell organisms forming and the ozone because plants breath carbon monoxide the meteor wiping out the dinosaurs all the prehistoric ansestors who's genes led to your parents meeting and having sex that day when the sperm that held you landed and created you. Think about the hundreds or thousands of our brothers and sisters will never be born?

Think about that. Each of us has 1 to 4 kids. All those potential lives never to be lived. We are very lucky to be here. Life's short make it a good one. When its over its over
Getting to where I am was a process. Long deliberation. You fail to understand that I think religion is bad for people. Or the pros don't outweigh the con's.

Religions could admit they've never talked to god and discuss it honestly like humans did before the abrahamic religions claimed it to be true. Anyone can read the old testament and realize while well written was written by men of those times. Same with the new testament and Islam book. Then you have the Mormon story.

How come so many people believe the Mormon stories are true?

LOL... No I suspected that you thought religion was bad for people many moons ago. What made you think that I failed to understand your position? How swift is that, and if that false assumption oblivious that your loud rants against Christianity were obvious, what makes you think you have the ability to accurately perceive whether God exists or not when you aren't doing so well perceiving the effects of what you wrote or understanding what I have written even though you apparently can write and read?
The Easter bunny is real, because I believe in him. Cant prove it though. I Believe, that is enough. But stuff like gravity, evolution or electronics operate in the real world to the point that if you follow their rules, science, that is, things seem to follow that, not religious dogma and the zombie voodoo Easter bunny stuff , it doesn't seem to work out. God is NOT obvious. If god wants to disprove that, he can send me an E-mail or something. So far, All I get is a dial tone.
Getting to where I am was a process. Long deliberation.

Of course, but at some point you heard a voice while you were in the grave that acted like a spark of life in your brain and the deliberations began.

Thinking that you escaped from death in a religious tomb as a result of your own efforts is false pride and a self indulgent vanity that amounts to claiming responsibility for your own birth. You have to give credit where credit is due. You have climbed out of a pit only to be caught in a trap. Way to go!

Put that under a microscope and see if anything becomes visible....
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Getting to where I am was a process. Long deliberation.

Of course, but at some point you heard a voice while you were in the grave that acted like a spark of life in your brain and the deliberations began.

Thinking that you escaped from death in a religious tomb as a result of your own efforts is false pride and a self indulgent vanity that amounts to claiming responsibility for your own birth.

Put that under a microscope and see if anything becomes visible....
I wasn't in a grave. If you want to say something don't put riddles in your postd
I think all those ISIS Muslims better get a hold of this tiny little fact. Allaha bellalha the cosmic muffin is made up, a artificial construct. As are other man made religious figures, Jesus, Diana, Thor, Zeus, all imaginary. And you are wasting your time chasing a dream, and hurting real people in the meanwhile...
Although I'm a fan of science (knowledge) it has proven to be wrong time and time again.

Then you are not a fan of science, you don' even com close to understand what science is.
Science lives virtually from beeing proven wrong to proceed. What stays is right, just until someone proves it wrong. That is the core foundation of science.
And you ignore that where it's right, it's right. You just use some really fancy science results in sub atomic research every time you press a key on your computer. It works reliably every time. There are no mysterious ways your computer grants you a letter of its keyboard like the random success of prayers to god.
The problem some people, seems to be the cause with you too, have with scientific theories is that they don't realise they are always restricted to the presently available testing, probing and experimental devices.
Newton or Einstein were not wrong, they were just restricted by the means avalable at their specific time.
The theories they developed are still in use today, just limited to the usage where they are of sufficient accuracy.
Kopernikus was not wrong, just limited by his observation possibilities and corrected by Kepler.
Your car navigation system works. That is because Einstein was right.
We know that the earth is 4,5 billlion years old. that is because science developed the means to test that repeatedly, even to test the test methods.
If your leg develops a gangrene they cut yout leg off and along with scientific developed anesthetics and antibiotics most possibly you survive.
Try that with a prayer......
not only that, but he believes the box of alphabet cereal self generated and there was no one to throw the box on the floor.....

Is the Mormon and Muslim bible made up? Yes or no
the Koran and the Mormon texts and the atheist bullshit you quote here are made up.....yes......
But your religion isn't? Got it. Lol
that would be an accurate statement of my beliefs....I recall you claiming you could prove it wasn't......hasn't happened.....won't.....yet you continue to believe it.......care to explain that?......

Look at stupid Mormons and Muslims and realize you're looking into a mirror.

It may be one of those carnival fun house mirrors where you don't look exactly like you but trust me that's you.

I'm sorry, did you think the mirror wasn't reflecting YOU?.......
Hollie and I have explained in great detail why you god doesn't exist. If you still believe then you are not evolved or educated enough to get it or you don't want to believe the truth.
????....did you think anything you or Hollie said was even interesting, let alone convincing?........you haven't done anything beyond paste a lot of crap from overused AtheistsRUs website crap and toss around a few misplaced insults of presumed superiority........you were fucking idiots when you started posting here and you haven't improved.....
Hollie and I have explained in great detail why you god doesn't exist. If you still believe then you are not evolved or educated enough to get it or you don't want to believe the truth.
????....did you think anything you or Hollie said was even interesting, let alone convincing?........you haven't done anything beyond paste a lot of crap from overused AtheistsRUs website crap and toss around a few misplaced insults of presumed superiority........you were fucking idiots when you started posting here and you haven't improved.....
Then stop discussing it. Bye bye dummy
The Easter bunny is real, because I believe in him. Cant prove it though. I Believe, that is enough. But stuff like gravity, evolution or electronics operate in the real world to the point that if you follow their rules, science, that is, things seem to follow that, not religious dogma and the zombie voodoo Easter bunny stuff , it doesn't seem to work out. God is NOT obvious. If god wants to disprove that, he can send me an E-mail or something. So far, All I get is a dial tone.
are dialing the right number?......

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