God is not obvious

I think all those ISIS Muslims better get a hold of this tiny little fact. Allaha bellalha the cosmic muffin is made up, a artificial construct. As are other man made religious figures, Jesus, Diana, Thor, Zeus, all imaginary. And you are wasting your time chasing a dream, and hurting real people in the meanwhile...
my believing in God is hurting someone?.....why?....have I used up more than my share of the world's supply of belief?......
I was dreaming about how someone said that god was obvious. That's the dumbest thing a theist can say. What they mean is they can't imagine all this was created without an intelligent designer. But science looks at the universe and to science it is obvious that we are not significant or special. In fact the universe is probably full of life and were just too far away to know.

Then we see birth defects and kids with cancer and mental retardation and we realize we weren't intelligently designed by a perfect creator who loves us. We just happen to be the top of the food chain on this tiny planet.

And if god were obvious and we didn't make him up we wouldn't have such unbelievable stories of when he visited and the threat of hell if we don't believe.

I have more to say but let's start here. Seriously I was sleeping and this dawned on me. God isn't obvious. There might be something that created everything but scientifically it isn't obvious. So if you can't even fathom he doesn't exist then you really aren't thinking rationally or with fair and balanced eyes
All perspective,just because you can't get your mind around something.
Hollie and I have explained in great detail why you god doesn't exist. If you still believe then you are not evolved or educated enough to get it or you don't want to believe the truth.
????....did you think anything you or Hollie said was even interesting, let alone convincing?........you haven't done anything beyond paste a lot of crap from overused AtheistsRUs website crap and toss around a few misplaced insults of presumed superiority........you were fucking idiots when you started posting here and you haven't improved.....
Then stop discussing it. Bye bye dummy
I'm still waiting for you to come up with the promised proof......
The Easter bunny is real, because I believe in him. Cant prove it though. I Believe, that is enough. But stuff like gravity, evolution or electronics operate in the real world to the point that if you follow their rules, science, that is, things seem to follow that, not religious dogma and the zombie voodoo Easter bunny stuff , it doesn't seem to work out. God is NOT obvious. If god wants to disprove that, he can send me an E-mail or something. So far, All I get is a dial tone.
are dialing the right number?......

What's the right number? You need to realize if you want to believe anything bad enough you can make it true to you but that doesn't mean its actually true.

You're basically saying we can believe if we just want it bad enough.

Again science doesn't work that way. You're dumb. All theists are in this regard. Cognitive dissonance.
I was dreaming about how someone said that god was obvious. That's the dumbest thing a theist can say. What they mean is they can't imagine all this was created without an intelligent designer. But science looks at the universe and to science it is obvious that we are not significant or special. In fact the universe is probably full of life and were just too far away to know.

Then we see birth defects and kids with cancer and mental retardation and we realize we weren't intelligently designed by a perfect creator who loves us. We just happen to be the top of the food chain on this tiny planet.

And if god were obvious and we didn't make him up we wouldn't have such unbelievable stories of when he visited and the threat of hell if we don't believe.

I have more to say but let's start here. Seriously I was sleeping and this dawned on me. God isn't obvious. There might be something that created everything but scientifically it isn't obvious. So if you can't even fathom he doesn't exist then you really aren't thinking rationally or with fair and balanced eyes
All perspective,just because you can't get your mind around something.

Same thing happened to me with Santa.
The Easter bunny is real, because I believe in him. Cant prove it though. I Believe, that is enough. But stuff like gravity, evolution or electronics operate in the real world to the point that if you follow their rules, science, that is, things seem to follow that, not religious dogma and the zombie voodoo Easter bunny stuff , it doesn't seem to work out. God is NOT obvious. If god wants to disprove that, he can send me an E-mail or something. So far, All I get is a dial tone.
are dialing the right number?......
The jeebus has a cell phone?........... ( <---- I used more periods than you for dramatic affect)
Hollie and I have explained in great detail why you god doesn't exist. If you still believe then you are not evolved or educated enough to get it or you don't want to believe the truth.
????....did you think anything you or Hollie said was even interesting, let alone convincing?........you haven't done anything beyond paste a lot of crap from overused AtheistsRUs website crap and toss around a few misplaced insults of presumed superiority........you were fucking idiots when you started posting here and you haven't improved.....
Then stop discussing it. Bye bye dummy
I'm still waiting for you to come up with the promised proof......

Just look at how the Muslim and Mormon religions were started and how many believe those lies.

How is your religion different?
You're basically saying we can believe if we just want it bad enough.
obviously yes....anyone can believe if they want to.....were you not aware of that?......your disbelief is also nothing more than a choice you have made.....you didn't have to bench press two hundred pounds, or pass (fail) an IQ test, or even get drunk and listen to your friends.....you merely have to choose to believe or disbelieve.......
The Easter bunny is real, because I believe in him. Cant prove it though. I Believe, that is enough. But stuff like gravity, evolution or electronics operate in the real world to the point that if you follow their rules, science, that is, things seem to follow that, not religious dogma and the zombie voodoo Easter bunny stuff , it doesn't seem to work out. God is NOT obvious. If god wants to disprove that, he can send me an E-mail or something. So far, All I get is a dial tone.
are dialing the right number?......
The jeebus has a cell phone?........... ( <---- I used more periods than you for dramatic affect)
does that make you the Queen of Drama?.....
Hollie and I have explained in great detail why you god doesn't exist. If you still believe then you are not evolved or educated enough to get it or you don't want to believe the truth.
????....did you think anything you or Hollie said was even interesting, let alone convincing?........you haven't done anything beyond paste a lot of crap from overused AtheistsRUs website crap and toss around a few misplaced insults of presumed superiority........you were fucking idiots when you started posting here and you haven't improved.....
Then stop discussing it. Bye bye dummy
I'm still waiting for you to come up with the promised proof......

Just look at how the Muslim and Mormon religions were started and how many believe those lies.

How is your religion different?
isn't it obvious?......my religion is different because its the one I have chosen.......just like AtheistsRUs is the religion you have chosen.......
The Easter bunny is real, because I believe in him. Cant prove it though. I Believe, that is enough. But stuff like gravity, evolution or electronics operate in the real world to the point that if you follow their rules, science, that is, things seem to follow that, not religious dogma and the zombie voodoo Easter bunny stuff , it doesn't seem to work out. God is NOT obvious. If god wants to disprove that, he can send me an E-mail or something. So far, All I get is a dial tone.
are dialing the right number?......
The jeebus has a cell phone?........... ( <---- I used more periods than you for dramatic affect)
does that make you the Queen of Drama?.....
That makes you a failed student. Back to the madrassah for your lessons in punctuation.
The Easter bunny is real, because I believe in him. Cant prove it though. I Believe, that is enough. But stuff like gravity, evolution or electronics operate in the real world to the point that if you follow their rules, science, that is, things seem to follow that, not religious dogma and the zombie voodoo Easter bunny stuff , it doesn't seem to work out. God is NOT obvious. If god wants to disprove that, he can send me an E-mail or something. So far, All I get is a dial tone.
are dialing the right number?......
The jeebus has a cell phone?........... ( <---- I used more periods than you for dramatic affect)

Postmodern understands that the Muslim and Mormon faiths were invented by men but she can't possibly believe her religion could have also been made up.

I said the same thing to a Muslim and they can't imagine their religion was made up.

And Mormons can't believe Jo smith lied. No fucking chance!
Hollie and I have explained in great detail why you god doesn't exist. If you still believe then you are not evolved or educated enough to get it or you don't want to believe the truth.
????....did you think anything you or Hollie said was even interesting, let alone convincing?........you haven't done anything beyond paste a lot of crap from overused AtheistsRUs website crap and toss around a few misplaced insults of presumed superiority........you were fucking idiots when you started posting here and you haven't improved.....
Then stop discussing it. Bye bye dummy
I'm still waiting for you to come up with the promised proof......

Just look at how the Muslim and Mormon religions were started and how many believe those lies.

How is your religion different?
isn't it obvious?......my religion is different because its the one I have chosen.......just like AtheistsRUs is the religion you have chosen.......

But I wasn't brainwashed into atheism by my society or told I'd go to hell if I believed in gods. You were.
Hollie and I have explained in great detail why you god doesn't exist. If you still believe then you are not evolved or educated enough to get it or you don't want to believe the truth.
????....did you think anything you or Hollie said was even interesting, let alone convincing?........you haven't done anything beyond paste a lot of crap from overused AtheistsRUs website crap and toss around a few misplaced insults of presumed superiority........you were fucking idiots when you started posting here and you haven't improved.....
Then stop discussing it. Bye bye dummy
I'm still waiting for you to come up with the promised proof......

Just look at how the Muslim and Mormon religions were started and how many believe those lies.

How is your religion different?
isn't it obvious?......my religion is different because its the one I have chosen.......just like AtheistsRUs is the religion you have chosen.......
Like the vast majority of the religiously cloned, you did nothing more than accept the gawds and the religion you were given.

You made no choice at all. You people are stamped out with cookie cutter efficiency.
The Easter bunny is real, because I believe in him. Cant prove it though. I Believe, that is enough. But stuff like gravity, evolution or electronics operate in the real world to the point that if you follow their rules, science, that is, things seem to follow that, not religious dogma and the zombie voodoo Easter bunny stuff , it doesn't seem to work out. God is NOT obvious. If god wants to disprove that, he can send me an E-mail or something. So far, All I get is a dial tone.
are dialing the right number?......

What's the right number? You need to realize if you want to believe anything bad enough you can make it true to you but that doesn't mean its actually true.

You're basically saying we can believe if we just want it bad enough.

Again science doesn't work that way. You're dumb. All theists are in this regard. Cognitive dissonance.
Sure science works that way,its not black and white,daily we learn new things,and things we thought were true,are proven not to be.To look at this world with monocular view science alone can steer one thoughts that way believing all that we think we know to be it.Science proves that dirt is dirt,not that there is no possibility of more to the world than meets the eye.
Postmodern understands that the Muslim and Mormon faiths were invented by men but she can't possibly believe her religion could have also been made up.

I said the same thing to a Muslim and they can't imagine their religion was made up.

And Mormons can't believe Jo smith lied. No fucking chance!
Postmodern is not a she......Postmodern is a he......do you believe that the things you paste from your AtheistsRUs web sites have been made up?......Lord knows I have provided you with actual proof on a number of things, such as lies about pre-existing doctrines in mythology and the misuse of Bible verses........what proof have you ever given me other than saying "I don't believe it and you can't make me!".........
????....did you think anything you or Hollie said was even interesting, let alone convincing?........you haven't done anything beyond paste a lot of crap from overused AtheistsRUs website crap and toss around a few misplaced insults of presumed superiority........you were fucking idiots when you started posting here and you haven't improved.....
Then stop discussing it. Bye bye dummy
I'm still waiting for you to come up with the promised proof......

Just look at how the Muslim and Mormon religions were started and how many believe those lies.

How is your religion different?
isn't it obvious?......my religion is different because its the one I have chosen.......just like AtheistsRUs is the religion you have chosen.......
Like the vast majority of the religiously cloned, you did nothing more than accept the gawds and the religion you were given.

You made no choice at all. You people are stamped out with cookie cutter efficiency.
They sure did make a choice,they chose to believe,why is that so hard for your type,people choose to be religious or not

It take a rather closed mind,to think the world,is only what you see ,only what you can pick up.
????....did you think anything you or Hollie said was even interesting, let alone convincing?........you haven't done anything beyond paste a lot of crap from overused AtheistsRUs website crap and toss around a few misplaced insults of presumed superiority........you were fucking idiots when you started posting here and you haven't improved.....
Then stop discussing it. Bye bye dummy
I'm still waiting for you to come up with the promised proof......

Just look at how the Muslim and Mormon religions were started and how many believe those lies.

How is your religion different?
isn't it obvious?......my religion is different because its the one I have chosen.......just like AtheistsRUs is the religion you have chosen.......
Like the vast majority of the religiously cloned, you did nothing more than accept the gawds and the religion you were given.

You made no choice at all. You people are stamped out with cookie cutter efficiency.
But like snowflakes no two cookies believes exactly the same thing. They might look alike but not exactly. Cherry pickers.
The Easter bunny is real, because I believe in him. Cant prove it though. I Believe, that is enough. But stuff like gravity, evolution or electronics operate in the real world to the point that if you follow their rules, science, that is, things seem to follow that, not religious dogma and the zombie voodoo Easter bunny stuff , it doesn't seem to work out. God is NOT obvious. If god wants to disprove that, he can send me an E-mail or something. So far, All I get is a dial tone.
are dialing the right number?......

What's the right number? You need to realize if you want to believe anything bad enough you can make it true to you but that doesn't mean its actually true.

You're basically saying we can believe if we just want it bad enough.

Again science doesn't work that way. You're dumb. All theists are in this regard. Cognitive dissonance.
Sure science works that way,its not black and white,daily we learn new things,and things we thought were true,are proven not to be.To look at this world with monocular view science alone can steer one thoughts that way believing all that we think we know to be it.Science proves that dirt is dirt,not that there is no possibility of more to the world than meets the eye.
Just admit the things you don't know.

I don't trust the writings of the ancients. Could there be a creator of our universe? Sure. What proof do you have?

We debated this for thousands of years before the abrahamic lies were written. In fact there's nothing even original about these religions.

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