God is silent and invisible, but wants us to believe in him without proof he exists...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...he wants it so bad that the reward is eternal life with him, in a world that is so wonderful we can't imagine how good it is.

The modern trend of believing that faith isn't important to God has it all backwards.

Faith is so important that God will overlook all our sins if we believe in him.

At Mass, every Sunday, the priest says, "Look not at our sins, but at our faith in you."

So faith is key.

I won't go as far as Martin Luther and say faith is ALL that matters, and good works are irrelevant.

But I do believe that if you have faith, and if your faith is strong enough, then good works will come naturally to you, as naturally as you breathe, drink water, or eat.

And if I'm not doing enough good works, it is because my faith is lacking.

So I think I'm going to work on that.
Gave gave us a brain and a love for exploring his creation. When will you stop being so tiny and join me in the love of science.

Matthew, you have been one of the most anti-science people on this forum. You have argued more than anyone else here, for things not supported by science.

Practice what you preach first, before asking others to.
Gave gave us a brain and a love for exploring his creation. When will you stop being so tiny and join me in the love of science.
Science and religion are not in conflict, and anyone who thinks they are misunderstands both.
...he wants it so bad that the reward is eternal life with him, in a world that is so wonderful we can't imagine how good it is.

The modern trend of believing that faith isn't important to God has it all backwards.

Faith is so important that God will overlook all our sins if we believe in him.

At Mass, every Sunday, the priest says, "Look not at our sins, but at our faith in you."

So faith is key.

I won't go as far as Martin Luther and say faith is ALL that matters, and good works are irrelevant.

But I do believe that if you have faith, and if your faith is strong enough, then good works will come naturally to you, as naturally as you breathe, drink water, or eat.

And if I'm not doing enough good works, it is because my faith is lacking.

So I think I'm going to work on that.

I would disagree with most of that. I don't know where you go to church, but G-d is most certainly not silent. At least he isn't to me, and most of the people I know.

Further, I've never heard the priest say "Look not at our sins, but at our faith in you."

I do read the Bible which says "So why do you keep calling me 'Lord, Lord!' when you don't do what I say?"

James 2:19 says "You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror."

Having faith isn't enough. Demons have faith that Jesus exists, and they tremble in fear for the coming doom.

Key is making G-d Lord of your life.

Jesus said
"While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.”
He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Saying Jesus is Lord, is not enough. Having faith Jesus is Lord, is not enough.

You must do both of those, but you must prove your words and faith true, by dealing with your sin. Stop screwing your girl friend. Stop lying on your taxes. Pay your tithe to the Church. Get a wife, and treat your wife like she's the most valuable thing on Earth, even when she hasn't earned it. Women, love your husbands, and respect his choices when you think he's crazy. Turn off those movies, porn, and TV shows that mock Christianity, and you women put away those verbal porn books called "romance novels". And lastly, do what is right, even when it's going to cost you dearly.

And if you refuse... that's fine... just stop calling yourselves Christian.
Andy, I'm a little less serious about Christianity than you are. Perhaps, I should take it more seriously, but I've never been able to work up the enthusiasm.

I go on forums like this to discuss my Catholic faith, not through my zeal to save people, but because I know authentic Catholicism is so out of sync with modern thinking that me relating it will push everyone's buttons, even my fellow Catholics.

For example, using birth control is a mortal sin. The priests won't tell you that, but I just did.

My ex-wife and I stopped using birth control in 1994 after I realized I couldn't claim to be a Catholic and ignore this core teaching.

On the other hand, I usually miss Mass, and it's mostly because I'm lazy and can't be bothered. Also, I find Mass boring, because the priests don't have the balls to teach authentic Catholicism, but always peddle a watered down version, like "being nice" to your neighbor.
Andy, I'm a little less serious about Christianity than you are. Perhaps, I should take it more seriously, but I've never been able to work up the enthusiasm.

I go on forums like this to discuss my Catholic faith, not through my zeal to save people, but because I know authentic Catholicism is so out of sync with modern thinking that me relating it will push everyone's buttons, even my fellow Catholics.

For example, using birth control is a mortal sin. The priests won't tell you that, but I just did.

My ex-wife and I stopped using birth control in 1994 after I realized I couldn't claim to be a Catholic and ignore this core teaching.

On the other hand, I usually miss Mass, and it's mostly because I'm lazy and can't be bothered. Also, I find Mass boring, because the priests don't have the balls to teach authentic Catholicism, but always peddle a watered down version, like "being nice" to your neighbor.

The Pope drops Catholic ban on condoms in historic shift - Telegraph
www.telegraph.co.uk › News › World News › The Pope
Nov 20, 2010 - The Pope drops Catholic ban on condoms in historic shift ... After decades of fierce opposition to the use of all contraception, the Pontiff has .... Hence, it does not "permit" the use of condoms either, since the only context in ...
Zealots. I can do without them.
Everyone has their own path. And its a personal one.
Zealots. I can do without them.
Everyone has their own path. And its a personal one.

some take the scenic path, others take short cuts or reach a dead end and have to double back from time to time
Andy, I'm a little less serious about Christianity than you are. Perhaps, I should take it more seriously, but I've never been able to work up the enthusiasm.

I go on forums like this to discuss my Catholic faith, not through my zeal to save people, but because I know authentic Catholicism is so out of sync with modern thinking that me relating it will push everyone's buttons, even my fellow Catholics.

For example, using birth control is a mortal sin. The priests won't tell you that, but I just did.

My ex-wife and I stopped using birth control in 1994 after I realized I couldn't claim to be a Catholic and ignore this core teaching.

On the other hand, I usually miss Mass, and it's mostly because I'm lazy and can't be bothered. Also, I find Mass boring, because the priests don't have the balls to teach authentic Catholicism, but always peddle a watered down version, like "being nice" to your neighbor.

Depends on what you mean by "serious" I suppose. I generally don't even mention religion to non-Christians at all, except to explain why I take a specific stand.

Nor do I talk to people about my faith, unless they bring it up. I'll never start a thread talking to Pagans about Christianity. I may start one talking to Christians about Christianity.

That said, I'm not Catholic. I have no idea what you are talking about with birth control. I don't see birth control, or any reference that implies birth control, in the Bible.

As a Bible based Christian, I have no (religious) problem with birth control.

I will say, that we are the first generation of believers that are seemingly actively trying to breed ourselves out of existence, which is pathetic.

The population in the US, and many 1st world western countries, would be in decline if not for immigration. We simply don't have any kids. Immigration is the only reason our countries are not falling.

As for missing Church (mass), I rarely ever miss Church. Church is where I learn how to live according to the word. If I can't be bothered, I wager the Lord could be bothered with me. I don't want to reach the end, and have Jesus say... "yeah will you were really boring, and I couldn't be bothered with you. Bye."

Somehow, I think that would be a bad day.
Someone called me a zealot, but I'm far from it. I'm actually not that good at being a Catholic. I hardly ever pray, and I usually miss Mass.

All I'm doing is telling you the rules of Catholicism, the authentic rules, not the modernized, secularized version, that priests are spouting off today because they are too cowardly to tell the truth.

I don't have any choice but to believe any of it. The choice was taken away from by certain things that happened to me that I believe were authentic encounters with God. On three occasions, God spoke to me, or showed me something, or drastically changed me in a way I had desperately prayed for. I have to believe in God, because he has proven to me he is real.

And since I have this kind of proof, I am in more trouble than anyone else for my mediocre state of grace. I am actually in a state of mortal sin right now, and I would have to go to confession to get rid of it. What that means is, if I die now, without going to confession first, I will end up in hell.

This may seem difficult to accept, but I accept it because even though I am mediocre in my Catholicism, I have no doubt in my mind that it is true.
"Religion" is form, and often erroneous. Faith is personal and not subject to external review or criticism. Perception is all a human has for knowing what is external. That is what makes existence subjective.
...he wants it so bad that the reward is eternal life with him, in a world that is so wonderful we can't imagine how good it is.

The modern trend of believing that faith isn't important to God has it all backwards.

Faith is so important that God will overlook all our sins if we believe in him.

At Mass, every Sunday, the priest says, "Look not at our sins, but at our faith in you."

So faith is key.

I won't go as far as Martin Luther and say faith is ALL that matters, and good works are irrelevant.

But I do believe that if you have faith, and if your faith is strong enough, then good works will come naturally to you, as naturally as you breathe, drink water, or eat.

And if I'm not doing enough good works, it is because my faith is lacking.

So I think I'm going to work on that.
Who fed you that line of bullshit and why did you believe them?
"Religion" is form, and often erroneous. Faith is personal and not subject to external review or criticism. Perception is all a human has for knowing what is external. That is what makes existence subjective.
Pontius Pilate agreed with that sentiment, right before he condemned an innocent man to death because he was a coward.
...he wants it so bad that the reward is eternal life with him, in a world that is so wonderful we can't imagine how good it is.

The modern trend of believing that faith isn't important to God has it all backwards.

Faith is so important that God will overlook all our sins if we believe in him.

At Mass, every Sunday, the priest says, "Look not at our sins, but at our faith in you."

So faith is key.

I won't go as far as Martin Luther and say faith is ALL that matters, and good works are irrelevant.

But I do believe that if you have faith, and if your faith is strong enough, then good works will come naturally to you, as naturally as you breathe, drink water, or eat.

And if I'm not doing enough good works, it is because my faith is lacking.

So I think I'm going to work on that.
I need to increase the poop shoot and need help, you can start there..grab a shovel..
"Religion" is form, and often erroneous. Faith is personal and not subject to external review or criticism. Perception is all a human has for knowing what is external. That is what makes existence subjective.
Pontius Pilate agreed with that sentiment, right before he condemned an innocent man to death because he was a coward.
He had to do it, it was part of God's' plan..
"Religion" is form, and often erroneous. Faith is personal and not subject to external review or criticism. Perception is all a human has for knowing what is external. That is what makes existence subjective.
Pontius Pilate agreed with that sentiment, right before he condemned an innocent man to death because he was a coward.
He had to do it, it was part of God's' plan..
No. Everyone involved in the crucifixion had a choice. No one was forced to participate.
"Religion" is form, and often erroneous. Faith is personal and not subject to external review or criticism. Perception is all a human has for knowing what is external. That is what makes existence subjective.
Pontius Pilate agreed with that sentiment, right before he condemned an innocent man to death because he was a coward.
He had to do it, it was part of God's' plan..
No. Everyone involved in the crucifixion had a choice. No one was forced to participate.
Then God had nothing to do with it?

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