God lifted up Pharaoh just to take him down.


Silver Member
Oct 31, 2016
God [to teach a lesson to humanity] lifted up Pharaoh just to take him down.

In similar fashion,
the pope-led Satanic pedophile Globalist clique has lifted Trump up just to take him down
[and take down the Nationalist camp with him]

Hard core Anti-Trumpers, anti-Nationalist, anti-"baby boomers", anti-Conservatives, anti-Christ, pro-Islamist, Obamanations and Hillaryites ....

I believe at least some of you are going to be very happy very soon.
I believe something exceedingly shocking will happen while Obama is out of the country.
An ‘instant of the long knives’ followed by an extended "night of the long knives"
So shocking I don't have the nerve to even try to more explicitly describe what I believe we are days from seeing.
Also don't think my being more explicit would help anyone.
I've "jumped the gun" before. Maybe I am "jumping the gun" again. Will soon see.
God [to teach a lesson to humanity] lifted up Pharaoh just to take him down.

In similar fashion,
the pope-led Satanic pedophile Globalist clique has lifted Trump up just to take him down
[and take down the Nationalist camp with him]

Hard core Anti-Trumpers, anti-Nationalist, anti-"baby boomers", anti-Conservatives, anti-Christ, pro-Islamist, Obamanations and Hillaryites ....

I believe at least some of you are going to be very happy very soon.
I believe something exceedingly shocking will happen while Obama is out of the country.
An ‘instant of the long knives’ followed by an extended "night of the long knives"
So shocking I don't have the nerve to even try to more explicitly describe what I believe we are days from seeing.
Also don't think my being more explicit would help anyone.
I've "jumped the gun" before. Maybe I am "jumping the gun" again. Will soon see.
I have seen the obvious set-ups but, I have often wondered
how God would create the circumstances, leading to a NWO,
bringing us that much closer to the day when Christ returns....
Not any longer

I know where your going and agree,
I just see it going down a different way.

May God have Mercy on us, everyone
God [to teach a lesson to humanity] lifted up Pharaoh just to take him down.

In similar fashion,
the pope-led Satanic pedophile Globalist clique has lifted Trump up just to take him down
[and take down the Nationalist camp with him]

Hard core Anti-Trumpers, anti-Nationalist, anti-"baby boomers", anti-Conservatives, anti-Christ, pro-Islamist, Obamanations and Hillaryites ....

I believe at least some of you are going to be very happy very soon.
I believe something exceedingly shocking will happen while Obama is out of the country.
An ‘instant of the long knives’ followed by an extended "night of the long knives"
So shocking I don't have the nerve to even try to more explicitly describe what I believe we are days from seeing.
Also don't think my being more explicit would help anyone.
I've "jumped the gun" before. Maybe I am "jumping the gun" again. Will soon see.
There are starting to gel many conspiracy theories between God and Trump apparently right about now.

I am surprised however that the fanatical religious far right is not happy as piglets in slop that Trump is the POTUS-elect rather than Hillary.

So give God a break ok ?!

My own view is that after all God's work of miracles to produce the USA out of a British Empire 300 years or so ago, and then more miracles preserving it against the Mexicans, the Spanish, the Japanese, the Germans, the North Koreans, and the Russians, that God could not just sit idly by and watch Hillary butcher the SCOTUS and the US Constitution.

After all isn't taking bribes in the millions of dollars bad enough already?

And Lucifer has already got his oven turned up as hot as possible for when Hillary gets down there due to all these bribes (thou shalt not steal) and lies (thou shalt not bear false witness) and fokk-ups in Benghazi.

That's what I think God and Lucifer must both be thinking.

So thank God for Trump and give them both a break.

I have seen the obvious set-ups but, I have often wondered
how God would create the circumstances, leading to a NWO,
bringing us that much closer to the day when Christ returns....
Not any longer

I know where your going and agree,
I just see it going down a different way.

May God have Mercy on us, everyone
Jesus is in no hurry.

As long as people are being baptized and still going to church/mass Jesus' work is progressing.
God [to teach a lesson to humanity] lifted up Pharaoh just to take him down.

In similar fashion,
the pope-led Satanic pedophile Globalist clique has lifted Trump up just to take him down
[and take down the Nationalist camp with him]

Hard core Anti-Trumpers, anti-Nationalist, anti-"baby boomers", anti-Conservatives, anti-Christ, pro-Islamist, Obamanations and Hillaryites ....

I believe at least some of you are going to be very happy very soon.
I believe something exceedingly shocking will happen while Obama is out of the country.
An ‘instant of the long knives’ followed by an extended "night of the long knives"
So shocking I don't have the nerve to even try to more explicitly describe what I believe we are days from seeing.
Also don't think my being more explicit would help anyone.
I've "jumped the gun" before. Maybe I am "jumping the gun" again. Will soon see.
There are starting to gel many conspiracy theories between God and Trump apparently right about now.

I am surprised however that the fanatical religious far right is not happy as piglets in slop that Trump is the POTUS-elect rather than Hillary.

So give God a break ok ?!

My own view is that after all God's work of miracles to produce the USA out of a British Empire 300 years or so ago, and then more miracles preserving it against the Mexicans, the Spanish, the Japanese, the Germans, the North Koreans, and the Russians, that God could not just sit idly by and watch Hillary butcher the SCOTUS and the US Constitution.

After all isn't taking bribes in the millions of dollars bad enough already?

And Lucifer has already got his oven turned up as hot as possible for when Hillary gets down there due to all these bribes (thou shalt not steal) and lies (thou shalt not bear false witness) and fokk-ups in Benghazi.

That's what I think God and Lucifer must both be thinking.

So thank God for Trump and give them both a break.

Who knows how churchies think.
Let's see, there are 12 letters in Donald J Trump. Divide that by 2 gives us two 6's,

6 6 <-- where are we going to find the other 6?
God [to teach a lesson to humanity] lifted up Pharaoh just to take him down.

In similar fashion,
the pope-led Satanic pedophile Globalist clique has lifted Trump up just to take him down
[and take down the Nationalist camp with him]

Hard core Anti-Trumpers, anti-Nationalist, anti-"baby boomers", anti-Conservatives, anti-Christ, pro-Islamist, Obamanations and Hillaryites ....

I believe at least some of you are going to be very happy very soon.
I believe something exceedingly shocking will happen while Obama is out of the country.
An ‘instant of the long knives’ followed by an extended "night of the long knives"
So shocking I don't have the nerve to even try to more explicitly describe what I believe we are days from seeing.
Also don't think my being more explicit would help anyone.
I've "jumped the gun" before. Maybe I am "jumping the gun" again. Will soon see.
If you ask your father for something good, would you expect for him to give you something evil? No. So why would you expect God Almighty, who is above all else (to His children) a "Good Father" to do such a thing? What do the Scriptures say about this?

If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he asks for a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
Luke 11:11

Trump is not by any stretch of the imagination a "Pharaoh." We have just been delivered from the grip of a Pharaoh and the very essence of a Jezebel Witch with her Ahab husband. Do you not see this? Are people protesting? Yes. Is the MSM, Clinton, Soros and Obama driving it? Of course they are. So what? The devil always kicks up a lot of dust on his way out. This shouldn't come as a surprise to you.

On January 20th Donald Trump will be sworn in and we'll put our captivity behind us and thank God for it. Hopefully it will lead to Americans returning to the Lord. As for Obama, Clinton, Soros and co. ....... Like Pharaoh they may try to take back what they have lost but if so, they will do it to their own destruction.

No one is going to kill Trump before he is sworn in. Who do you think had his back at his rally where someone (who was mentioned 6 times in Podesta emails) showed up to do him harm? The Secret Service? Yes, but who else was there? Our military guys (many of whom are Catholic). That's who. They have got Trump's back and so do God's people through prayer. Many people are praying for Trump right now. The same morning that Trump won the Lord told me there would be a fight. We're seeing it now and many are praying against it.

Leave the Pope out of this. I am not a supporter of this Pope and his policies but neither are many Catholics. I suspect there were more Catholics who voted for Trump than not and I also suspect they have been a lot more vocal about supporting Trump than many other people have been. So let's not start offending Catholics this morning as if they are the enemy. They're not. I don't see any Catholics out there protesting a Trump presidency.

Realize that through prayer, God brought about a stay of execution - even as He did for Nineveh. How we respond to that stay - will determine our future. Let's focus on praying for God's protection over Trump and believe God for his answers.

The MSM, and those driving them are trying to get a reaction out of the American people. Don't give it to them. Ignore them like a bad headache because after January 20th, they will be history. They cannot reinvent themselves. It's too late and they know it.
Any word when the end of the world is coming?

The world is not ending. What is ending is Satan's reign as "prince of this world."

Revelation 19 will mark the end of the era ....and beginning of the next era.

Ezekiely 39:9 specifies a 7 year clean up period to begin shortly after the Russian led invasion of Israel.

So .... I am confident [but cannot PROVE] that this 7 year clean up will be completed shortly before the Rev 19 return of Christ in power.

The supreme Beast rules for 3.5 years, and his reign ends the same day of the Rev 19 return of Christ in power.

Thus the Beast cannot begin to reign until at least 3.5 years into the 7 year clean up time span.
God [to teach a lesson to humanity] lifted up Pharaoh just to take him down.
In similar fashion,
the pope-led Satanic pedophile Globalist clique has lifted Trump up just to take him down
[and take down the Nationalist camp with him]
Hard core Anti-Trumpers, anti-Nationalist, anti-"baby boomers", anti-Conservatives, anti-Christ, pro-Islamist, Obamanations and Hillaryites ....
I believe at least some of you are going to be very happy very soon.
I believe something exceedingly shocking will happen while Obama is out of the country.
An ‘instant of the long knives’ followed by an extended "night of the long knives"
So shocking I don't have the nerve to even try to more explicitly describe what I believe we are days from seeing.
Also don't think my being more explicit would help anyone.
I've "jumped the gun" before. Maybe I am "jumping the gun" again. Will soon see

If you ask your father for something good, would you expect for him to give you something evil? No.
So why would you expect God Almighty, who is above all else (to His children) a "Good Father" to do such a thing?
What do the Scriptures say about this?
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone?
or if he asks for a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
Luke 11:11

A person can call on Jesus be saved. A nation cannot speak with one voice and cannot be saved.

Trump is not by any stretch of the imagination a "Pharaoh."

Didn't say he was. You missed the point of the analogy.

We have just been delivered from the grip of a Pharaoh ................

Satan is and will remain the "prince of this world" [with power as per Matt 4] until the day Rev 19 comes to pass [which will be several years from now]

Leave the Pope out of this. .............

The pope is the kingpin of the Satanic pedophile Globalist clique that rules the world's kingdoms.

God [to teach a lesson to humanity] lifted up Pharaoh just to take him down.
In similar fashion,
the pope-led Satanic pedophile Globalist clique has lifted Trump up just to take him down
[and take down the Nationalist camp with him]
Hard core Anti-Trumpers, anti-Nationalist, anti-"baby boomers", anti-Conservatives, anti-Christ, pro-Islamist, Obamanations and Hillaryites ....
I believe at least some of you are going to be very happy very soon.
I believe something exceedingly shocking will happen while Obama is out of the country.
An ‘instant of the long knives’ followed by an extended "night of the long knives"
So shocking I don't have the nerve to even try to more explicitly describe what I believe we are days from seeing.
Also don't think my being more explicit would help anyone.
I've "jumped the gun" before. Maybe I am "jumping the gun" again. Will soon see

If you ask your father for something good, would you expect for him to give you something evil? No.
So why would you expect God Almighty, who is above all else (to His children) a "Good Father" to do such a thing?
What do the Scriptures say about this?
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone?
or if he asks for a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
Luke 11:11

A person can call on Jesus be saved. A nation cannot speak with one voice and cannot be saved.

Trump is not by any stretch of the imagination a "Pharaoh."

Didn't say he was. You missed the point of the analogy.

We have just been delivered from the grip of a Pharaoh ................

Satan is and will remain the "prince of this world" [with power as per Matt 4] until the day Rev 19 comes to pass [which will be several years from now]

Leave the Pope out of this. .............

The pope is the kingpin of the Satanic pedophile Globalist clique that rules the world's kingdoms.


He does have a point. That son of a Muslim anti American socialist mutt cannot be trusted. Trump better watch his back.
A person can call on Jesus be saved. A nation cannot speak with one voice and cannot be saved.

Trump is not by any stretch of the imagination a "Pharaoh."

Didn't say he was. You missed the point of the analogy.

We have just been delivered from the grip of a Pharaoh ................

Satan is and will remain the "prince of this world" [with power as per Matt 4] until the day Rev 19 comes to pass [which will be several years from now]

Leave the Pope out of this. .............

The pope is the kingpin of the Satanic pedophile Globalist clique that rules the world's kingdoms.

I prefer the USMC version about Jesus:

"You can give your heart to Jesus but your azz still belongs to the Corps!"
He does have a point. That son of a Muslim anti American socialist mutt cannot be trusted. Trump better watch his back.
I don't believe BHO was anti American, just anti US Constitution, like Hillary, and like Nancy Pelosi, and like Diane Feinstein.

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