God loves the evil ones more than the good because he is the greatest sinner.

God loves the evil ones more than the good because he is the greatest sinner.
This love of sinners is the hinge pin on which his benevolent qualities depend and without evil and sin, God could never expressed his benevolence and we would never know of God’s mercy, forgiveness, compassion and all his other positive attributes. Love, like faith, can only be expressed by actions and for God to show his love of sinners and his other positive attributes, evil, sin and sinners must exist to receive this love.

Before the earth was formed, God planned to have Jesus sacrificed, murdered in fact, for those of us who are sinners. That is all of us. Jesus’ sacrifice was to be God’s example of the greatest evil and sin from the point of view of all who are wise. It shows our greatest loss and evil if we were to do as God did. Those of us who are evil without knowing good will try to profit from this greatest evil. We are to venerate life. Not take it or try to profit from its death. Though shalt not kill or try to profit from it.

As above so below.

The fact that God created evil and sin is a given. He created all that is to those who believe he exists. He decides what is evil or not and therefore sets this as our standard. It is a human standard. God is man.

Have you forgotten that you are to be a God by emulating your heavenly father?
Sin by the thought of having your child killed or profiting from someone else’s doing so and repent as God did.

All fathers or parent will know that the greatest evil he can experience is to have his children die before he does. Having them killed is the greatest sin that any entity can do. Including God himself. As the Alpha, God knew he had to do this to also be the Omega. That is a part of the full standard of good and evil as declared by God as the law maker.

This shows that he loves sinners more than those of us who are supposedly good. Think of the prodigal son myth here. Those who know their evil ways will know this. Those who do not will think they are good and will accept this greatest evil for their salvation. A completely immoral act by all moral standards as set by God and man.

TED Blog | The real difference between liberals and conservatives: Jonathan Haidt on TED.com

God planned to have Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden and placed his beloved Satan near the tree of knowledge to insure that mankind ate of it. To make sure of this, God gave Satan the power to deceive all of us including Adam and Eve. As history shows, his plan was a great success. Dominion over the earth was Satan’s reward and gift from God for aiding in this great success. Evil is our lord and God as shown by God’s actions. Satan is not real of course but as the personification of evil, rules us. That is scripture.

The great value of sinners is that we set the standards for the good. Without us, we would all be living in what we would call hell instead of the paradise that we have created thanks to sin and the evils we do. This maintains the perfection of all that is. This explains why God loves the sinner and hates the sin and this is also why we are rewarded with the eternal paradise of hell. Remember that fire, in the beginning, was prized as the greatest purifying force known to us. It still is. Evolution and creation began in the fires of the big bang.

Martin Luther, A Gnostic Christian and founder of the Protestant movement may, have been aware of this. He said, “Be a sinner and sin strongly, but more strongly have faith and rejoice in Christ.” In this though we must remember what Jesus said. That to think of sin is to do it and hopefully learn morals from the experience. We are to sin that way and not do the actual act. There should not be a need to do so.

I invite you to follow the bible advice ---- 1 Thessalonians. 5:21; “Test all things".
If you will only give a dogmatic kneejerk denial of this theory then please ignore this post.

Please test the logic of what I have written even as it goes against you dogma and traditional thinking. God is good but just not the God you think he is. The root of all religions is the Great Arcanum and this theory fit’s it perfectly in my opinion.

The Ark of the Covenant

Gnosis Secret Gate to Garden of Eden - YouTube

Offsprings and their great value are the driving force of all religions. Those who would profit from the murder or sacrifice of the offspring, archetypal Jesus, are knowing evil without knowing good and are thus evil in their hearts.

Christians. Most of you are basically good. Please stop doing evil and sinning in your thoughts of profiting from God’s sacrifice and murder of his innocent son. You are missing the moral of the myth and calling evil good. This thinking will send you to hell.


You try so hard with so little knowledge to draw from........

Emanuel means God with us. GOD calls Jesus, GOD. He didn't KILL his son, He BECAME the SON to save his children from the punishment of sin. He sacrificed himself. There is no greater love.

If you had two children and one was expelled from school for hitting a kid on the playground, would you love the son that got expelled more than the other, or would you continue to love them both equally? God continues to love sinners, and hate sin.

You have been given a 24 hour hotline to the creator of the universe. Instead of making up assumptions about your Father, why not go right to the source for enlightenment?
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPB3a8FBeJY]Benny Hinn wants a Holy Ghost machine Gun!!!! - YouTube[/ame]
You have to stop categorizing God, based on man's actions. The two are not comparable. Benny Hinn is a shyster. God's for real.
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God can just go fuck himself. If I ever met that shithead, I will tell him just THAT even if I am quaking in my boots. I will ask that prick , why did YOU create EVIL? WHY? We ALL should be asking ourselves THAT. If there is a GOD in heaven, why does evil exist? Is it entertaining? Why did GOD create suffering and pain? These are exactly the same questions that made me question ANY organized religion. All they do is pretend to know the answers. God, are you out there? Still doesn't answer.

Actually, it's not God who created evil, it's mankind. We were allowed the choice of free will, which means we can choose to cooperate and teach each other, helping all mankind get a better understanding of who God really is, or, we can try to develop rules to out purify each other so that we can stand on the backs of our brothers and sisters, condeming all of them to hell, while taking solace in the fact that (according to the dogma we've been taught) we are going to Heaven while the rest are condemned to a lake of fire.

I've got news for you................if you choose to follow in the steps of sharing, taking care of your brothers and sisters and being open minded to new truth, you're going towards God.

If you are only interested in yourself, and telling everyone that they're on their own, refusing to help another person? You're on the road for yourself and not God, which means that you are creating evil.

BTW.....................the tzadik (righteous person) who has sinned and repented, learning their lesson, is held HIGHER in Heaven than the tzadik who has never sinned.

Why? The person who has sinned has seen that seeking for their own self interests (sinning) has seen the error of their ways and has gone back to God. The person who has never sinned has never had that experience, which is why they are held lower than the tzadik that has sinned and repented.
God can just go fuck himself. If I ever met that shithead, I will tell him just THAT even if I am quaking in my boots. I will ask that prick , why did YOU create EVIL? WHY? We ALL should be asking ourselves THAT. If there is a GOD in heaven, why does evil exist? Is it entertaining? Why did GOD create suffering and pain? These are exactly the same questions that made me question ANY organized religion. All they do is pretend to know the answers. God, are you out there? Still doesn't answer.

Silver, God created a garden. Satan is the one you should be angry with.
God can just go fuck himself. If I ever met that shithead, I will tell him just THAT even if I am quaking in my boots. I will ask that prick , why did YOU create EVIL? WHY? We ALL should be asking ourselves THAT. If there is a GOD in heaven, why does evil exist? Is it entertaining? Why did GOD create suffering and pain? These are exactly the same questions that made me question ANY organized religion. All they do is pretend to know the answers. God, are you out there? Still doesn't answer.

Silver, God created a garden. Satan is the one you should be angry with.

Who created Satan? Couldn't God just get rid of Satan if he wanted to? Is Satan more powerful than God?
Actually, the SaTan (which is how it reads in Hebrew) is the great prosecutor.

If you do something wrong, he tells God about it.
i did, which is why i asked the question i did. if your post asserts that God is the greatest sinner, logically I'm asking you who is He sinning against? he calls the shots, not you or the guy who wrote the article you keep posting.

who determines good justice? not my opinion, God does.

Jesus layed his life down for the sins of others.

you keep using words like good and just, but according to whom?

Those questions were directed at you.

Are you going to opine or not?


but you're trying to compare me to God, I'm not God

You are to be in his mental image and follow his guidance are you not?
You are to represent your God. Step up.

of course if plot to kill my son its a sin, but who determines that its a sin?

You do and I am pleased that you disagree with your God.
That of course sends you to hell FYPOV.
FMPOV, if just brings you to a more moral stance than the genocidal bible God.

i've asked plenty of quesitons to you that go unanswered.

you still never replied whether or not YOU think right/wrong good/evil and morals are objective or not.

Subjective. Ask anyone in S & M.

plus your issue completely ignores one of the main reasons for Jesus atoning death, the resurrection

And you forget that if Jesus lived, we would all know it.

You also forget what a poor example of laws is shown by God accepting punishing the innocent instead of the guilty.
Accepting a ransom he himself set.

That is quite insane. Right?


You try so hard with so little knowledge to draw from........

Emanuel means God with us. GOD calls Jesus, GOD. He didn't KILL his son, He BECAME the SON to save his children from the punishment of sin. He sacrificed himself. There is no greater love.

If you had two children and one was expelled from school for hitting a kid on the playground, would you love the son that got expelled more than the other, or would you continue to love them both equally? God continues to love sinners, and hate sin.

You have been given a 24 hour hotline to the creator of the universe. Instead of making up assumptions about your Father, why not go right to the source for enlightenment?

You try so hard with so little knowledge to draw from, the bible.

Who did God sacrifice himself to and who set the ransom price?

Actually, it's not God who created evil, it's mankind. We were allowed the choice of free will, which means we can choose to cooperate and teach each other, helping all mankind get a better understanding of who God really is, or, we can try to develop rules to out purify each other so that we can stand on the backs of our brothers and sisters, condeming all of them to hell, while taking solace in the fact that (according to the dogma we've been taught) we are going to Heaven while the rest are condemned to a lake of fire.

I've got news for you................if you choose to follow in the steps of sharing, taking care of your brothers and sisters and being open minded to new truth, you're going towards God.

If you are only interested in yourself, and telling everyone that they're on their own, refusing to help another person? You're on the road for yourself and not God, which means that you are creating evil.

BTW.....................the tzadik (righteous person) who has sinned and repented, learning their lesson, is held HIGHER in Heaven than the tzadik who has never sinned.

Why? The person who has sinned has seen that seeking for their own self interests (sinning) has seen the error of their ways and has gone back to God. The person who has never sinned has never had that experience, which is why they are held lower than the tzadik that has sinned and repented.

I agree with your last but not your first.

If you believe in a God at all, then you must believe that he is the one who declares what is good or evil. He thus creates evil. That is also scripture as the creator of all concepts.

Since I do not believe in that fool of a God, then I can agree that all evils are human to human and God being real or not does not matter in the least.
It is to man to forgive. Not some absentee imaninary God.

God can just go fuck himself. If I ever met that shithead, I will tell him just THAT even if I am quaking in my boots. I will ask that prick , why did YOU create EVIL? WHY? We ALL should be asking ourselves THAT. If there is a GOD in heaven, why does evil exist? Is it entertaining? Why did GOD create suffering and pain? These are exactly the same questions that made me question ANY organized religion. All they do is pretend to know the answers. God, are you out there? Still doesn't answer.

Silver, God created a garden. Satan is the one you should be angry with.

Who put Satan there?

Actually, it's not God who created evil, it's mankind. We were allowed the choice of free will, which means we can choose to cooperate and teach each other, helping all mankind get a better understanding of who God really is, or, we can try to develop rules to out purify each other so that we can stand on the backs of our brothers and sisters, condeming all of them to hell, while taking solace in the fact that (according to the dogma we've been taught) we are going to Heaven while the rest are condemned to a lake of fire.

I've got news for you................if you choose to follow in the steps of sharing, taking care of your brothers and sisters and being open minded to new truth, you're going towards God.

If you are only interested in yourself, and telling everyone that they're on their own, refusing to help another person? You're on the road for yourself and not God, which means that you are creating evil.

BTW.....................the tzadik (righteous person) who has sinned and repented, learning their lesson, is held HIGHER in Heaven than the tzadik who has never sinned.

Why? The person who has sinned has seen that seeking for their own self interests (sinning) has seen the error of their ways and has gone back to God. The person who has never sinned has never had that experience, which is why they are held lower than the tzadik that has sinned and repented.

I agree with your last but not your first.

If you believe in a God at all, then you must believe that he is the one who declares what is good or evil. He thus creates evil. That is also scripture as the creator of all concepts.

Since I do not believe in that fool of a God, then I can agree that all evils are human to human and God being real or not does not matter in the least.
It is to man to forgive. Not some absentee imaninary God.


Actually, God gave us the gift of free will, which is something even the angels don't have, because they are created by God to do His will, so they can't choose God or not.

Mankind however, DOES have that choice. If you choose to follow God by taking care of your fellow humans, being charitable and sharing and following the rules He laid down, then you are "good" because you are forging a path towards the Light, i.e. towards God.

If you are busy running away from Him, you will forget about your fellow humans and it will be much easier for you do steal or do harm to them, not to mention forgetting about sharing and charity. Know what the first thing is to getting people turned against one another? Dehumanize another group, and eventually the people associated with that group can have terrible things done to them, as other people no longer consider them "human", which is the essence of evil.

God didn't create evil, mankind did by turning away from Him.

And..........if you want to see examples of dehumanizing a certain group of people, look towards the Blacks in America up until the 1960's. Look towards how the Jews were treated in Nazi Germany during WWII.

Matter of fact, you can hear the dehumanizing effect in the GOP today, because I've seen teabagger signs stating that liberals (a group) should be spayed and neutered (treated like animals).
An interesting perspective. However, I think your basic premise is false. There is no such thing as sin. Good and evil are just words we use to describe the actions of other people. All there is is growth.
An interesting perspective. However, I think your basic premise is false. There is no such thing as sin. Good and evil are just words we use to describe the actions of other people. All there is is growth.

Actually, according to Judaic understanding, sin is moving away from God.

Actually, God gave us the gift of free will, which is something even the angels don't have, because they are created by God to do His will, so they can't choose God or not.


So Satan has no choice other than to do what God demands of him. Right?

God sent Satan to tempt A & E and also Jesus on the day of his temptation. Right?

God is lying to us in having us fear Satan as Satan is just doing what God tells him to do.


Actually, God gave us the gift of free will, which is something even the angels don't have, because they are created by God to do His will, so they can't choose God or not.


So Satan has no choice other than to do what God demands of him. Right?

God sent Satan to tempt A & E and also Jesus on the day of his temptation. Right?

God is lying to us in having us fear Satan as Satan is just doing what God tells him to do.


Actually, the SaTan (Hebrew spelling) is God's Prosecutor. Think of him as the DA of Heaven. When we do something against God, he goes and tells Him. It's not so much that he causes you to sin, because you do that all on your own. The SaTan just reports that you did something.

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