God never intended .... Pelosi is going to regret that statement

Heckler confronts Pelosi over her wealth: 'How much are you worth, Nancy?' - The American Mirror

“These issues about the tax cuts and then the cuts to initiatives that help people, that’s part of the budget. The national budget should be a statement of our national values, what is important to us as a nation,” Pelosi preached. “Which makes us strong and builds for the future should be reflected in our budget.

“But what we have seen here is the complete opposite,” she claimed. “So this isn’t about Democrats or Republicans. This is about the United States of America and our children’s future. …

“It can’t possibly be a statement of values for us to talk about, as Martin Luther King said, … ‘God never intended for one group of people to live in superfluous inordinate wealth while others live in abject deadly poverty,’” Pelosi said to applause. “So these are kitchen table issues for most of America’s families. Most people are not in deadly poverty, but some are. But most people have to struggle to …”

At least one woman wasn’t buying it and shouted from the crowd to cut Pelosi off.

“How much are you worth, Nancy?” the woman yelled.

“No, we’re not talking about that,” Pelosi shot back, raising her voice to speak over the woman. “In any event … I can out … I’m a mother of five, I can speak louder than anybody.”

and liberals seem to take louder as being right. :)

but ouch - talk about hypocrisy 101.

Exactly what does Nancy Pelosi’s wealth have to do with national tax policy?
exactly what was my point of her hypocrisy have to do with the national tax policy?

Because she is wealthy she can’t comment on tax policy?
let's not be stupid for the sake of being stupid, unless stupid is all you have.

let me know.
I grew up in the Bay Area, I left after I got out of the service. Today you can't really walk the streets downtown for the shit, the piss and the discarded syringes.

My wife is travelling on business in the bay Area this week. She could not BELIEVE the homeless population in San Fran in the areas around like Lafayette park and union square.....everywhere.

She said there are literall homeless junkies shooting up in plain view on market street in front of TWITTER WORLD HQ.



Look up Tax break for hi techs in San Francisco destroys middle class and sends out low incomes to streets..

Yeah suppose to be the trickle down bullshit that never works..

and you are surprised not to see so many homeless living in the cold snow states..oh brother
well first i just don't see how someone with what, 6 mortgages and a vineyard that makes her the 4th richest person in california.where they're #3 in homeless behind hawaii and new york can make this statement and get applause.
I see the greatest danger to America is the PC crowd and the way news is covered using PC language, I always go after that first...I am a democrat, but fiercely anti liberal in politics while supporting liberal attitudes in private that do not encroach
i'm pretty conservative and my big thing is just own what you do and be responsible for yourself. but yea, the extremes and the mind/thought police are a real danger these days but it's getting to the point more and more people don't CARE about their threats of whatever and just move on. this is ramping up their screaming as they know they're about to be ignored.

I don't know, as long as you have the MSM supporting them and explaining it away for them, then personal responsibility will continue to take a backseat.
Yep. They find validation in that for sure.
I grew up in the Bay Area, I left after I got out of the service. Today you can't really walk the streets downtown for the shit, the piss and the discarded syringes.
seriously? is it that bad? only been to SF once and that would be around 1998, give or take, to visit a client. i thought it was ok but it just seemed "dirty". FYI - i live in dallas and dallas has that same feeling to me, but i don't hear of the shit/syringes issue, i just don't like our downtown.

It really is that bad.


the pics she sent me of Lombard Street and Alcatraz were cool.

the bums not so much...she is UBERING it everywhere. no walking or driving once she parked at her hotel.
and liberals seem to take louder as being right.

Liberals always like to tout Democracy as an ideal to uphold never realizing that we are actually a REPUBLIC (ruled by laws) and that a democracy means "ruled by mobs." And that is what the Democratic Party is: a mob that tries to get its way by force and shouting over the tops of others and not allowing them to speak, then as you say, taking that as proof they are right.
I wonder if the gop will ever live down their lies about how the budget deficit was important when they were not in power..
I grew up in the Bay Area, I left after I got out of the service. Today you can't really walk the streets downtown for the shit, the piss and the discarded syringes.
seriously? is it that bad? only been to SF once and that would be around 1998, give or take, to visit a client. i thought it was ok but it just seemed "dirty". FYI - i live in dallas and dallas has that same feeling to me, but i don't hear of the shit/syringes issue, i just don't like our downtown.

It’s that bad. I am there every few months. Beautiful place being destroyed by liberalism. Just through the alameda tunnel on the Oakland side under 880 there is a shantytown to put Rio to shame. I wouldn’t be able to guess how many live in ripped up tents, lean-tos and under tarps in that one spot. More than hundreds. No sanitation and the smell is horrendous even through car windows.
I heard California wanted to secede after Trumps victory. What are they waiting for?
Heckler confronts Pelosi over her wealth: 'How much are you worth, Nancy?' - The American Mirror

“These issues about the tax cuts and then the cuts to initiatives that help people, that’s part of the budget. The national budget should be a statement of our national values, what is important to us as a nation,” Pelosi preached. “Which makes us strong and builds for the future should be reflected in our budget.

“But what we have seen here is the complete opposite,” she claimed. “So this isn’t about Democrats or Republicans. This is about the United States of America and our children’s future. …

“It can’t possibly be a statement of values for us to talk about, as Martin Luther King said, … ‘God never intended for one group of people to live in superfluous inordinate wealth while others live in abject deadly poverty,’” Pelosi said to applause. “So these are kitchen table issues for most of America’s families. Most people are not in deadly poverty, but some are. But most people have to struggle to …”

At least one woman wasn’t buying it and shouted from the crowd to cut Pelosi off.

“How much are you worth, Nancy?” the woman yelled.

“No, we’re not talking about that,” Pelosi shot back, raising her voice to speak over the woman. “In any event … I can out … I’m a mother of five, I can speak louder than anybody.”

and liberals seem to take louder as being right. :)

but ouch - talk about hypocrisy 101.

How does an elected public servant get away with “no we are not going to talk about that “?
Depends on the docility of the sheep who elected her I guess.

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