God of the Gaps (well then, how did...")

Another dodge. Even having faith in creation does not mean you know HOW the universe was created. You are only saying you know that God did it.

So again I ask: will you now admit that you don't know, either?
He already did admit it.
He said he has "Faith" not evidence/reason.
Faith is belief WithOut evidence.
(a Billion others have faith in Vishnu)
Another dodge. Even having faith in creation does not mean you know HOW the universe was created. You are only saying you know that God did it.

So again I ask: will you now admit that you don't know, either?


And I will answer again, it is my faith.

You don't get to choose my answer.
And I will answer again, it is my faith.
So that's your final answer? It is impossible, because you believe it is impossible?

That's not an answer. Sorry. Maybe that flies in Sunday school, but not in the real world.

But I can tell you really don't want to go any further. That's fine. See ya.
This is probably THEE #1 rationale for those arguing for a god on msg boards.
"Well then, did all this stuff just appear?".. "how did ___ if not god?"
And we can see several Fallacious OPs currently employing this boner.

If we can't explain it/explain it Yet, it must be 'god.'
The same Bogus/Failed 'logic' used for creating Fire, Lightning, Sun, Fertility, and Ten thousand other 'gods.'

1. God of the gaps - RationalWiki

God of the gaps
(or a divine fallacy) is logical fallacy that occurs when Goddidit (or a variant) is invoked to explain some natural phenomena that science cannot (at the time of the argument). This concept is similar to what systems theorists refer to as an "explanatory principle." "God of the gaps" is a bad argument not only on logical grounds, but on empirical grounds: there is a long history of "gaps" being filled and the gap for God thus getting smaller and smaller, suggesting "we don't know Yet" as an alternative that works Better in practice; naturalistic explanations for still-mysterious phenomena are always possible, especially in the future where more information may be uncovered.[1]
The God of the Gaps is a didit Fallacy and an ad hoc Fallacy, as well as an Argument from Incredulity or an Argument from Ignorance, and is thus an informal fallacy...​

2. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_of...pe_of_argument

The term God-of-the-gaps fallacy can refer to a position that assumes an act of God as the explanation for an unknown phenomenon, which is a variant of an argument from ignorance fallacy.[13][14] Such an argument is sometimes reduced to the following form:​
*There is a gap in understanding of some aspect of the natural world.​
*Therefore the cause must be supernatural.​
One example of such an argument, which uses God as an explanation of one of the current gaps in biological science, is as follows: "Because current science can't figure out exactly how life started, it must be God who caused life to start." Critics of intelligent design creationism, for example, have accused proponents of using this basic type of argument.[15]​
God-of-the-gaps arguments have been Discouraged by some theologians who assert that such arguments tend to relegate God to the Leftovers of science: as scientific knowledge Increases, the dominion of God Decreases...[4][5][16][17]​

There is NO proof, or even evidence for god/s, just fallacious god-of-the-gaps inferences.
God's mind, is not like our mind. Our natural mind is apposed to God's mind. All we know is what is seen. Good that is not seen overcomes evil that is not seen. Evil people try to use what is seen to get rid of evil. That never works, and yet people try, over and over again. That which is not seen made what is seen. We that are seen are using that which is seen. God's free gifts to us. We need to be the same way with each other.
God's mind, is not like our mind. Our natural mind is apposed to God's mind. All we know is what is seen. Good that is not seen overcomes evil that is not seen. Evil people try to use what is seen to get rid of evil. That never works, and yet people try, over and over again. That which is not seen made what is seen. We that are seen are using that which is seen. God's free gifts to us. We need to be the same way with each other.
There is NO 'god' in evidence, and you claiming to know 'his' mind is even more riDICKulous.

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If that makes you feel better, run with that.

It's all you have at this point.
You can whine until bedtime, but, in the morning, you still will have dodged the question.

"I say it is impossible because I say it is impossible."

Not gonna get you very far in any intelligent company.
You can whine until bedtime, but, in the morning, you still will have dodged the question.

"I say it is impossible because I say it is impossible."

Not gonna get you very far in any intelligent company.
Whine?!? :auiqs.jpg:

I know you're struggling to deal with the fact that your faith in Science leaves you with many questions. Be strong.
Whine?!? :auiqs.jpg:

I know you're struggling to deal with the fact that your faith in Science leaves you with many questions. Be strong.
ah yes, try to distract. This childish tactic always cracks me up, since your posts are all still there for everyone to read.
There is NO 'god' in evidence, and you claiming to know his mind is even more riDICKulous.

You said it, not me. I know God's mind. You used the word him.
Know Jesus. Know God. It is simple. The Unseen Father spoke through Jesus. The Unseen Father keeps Jesus alive.
Yours are too.

"We/I don't know". :eusa_whistle:
That isn't a "tactic". That is someone being honest. Which is probably why it looks so foreign to someone who has been fooled by iron aged mythology into thinking he has all the answers. But actually does not have any.
You said it, not me. I know God's mind. You used the word him.
Know Jesus. Know God. It is simple. The Unseen Father spoke through Jesus. The Unseen Father keeps Jesus alive.
This is the Science section
If you want to preach/continue preaching/proselytizing, get your Stupid delusional a$$ over to Religion.
(where Freaks like you and PukeU are protected)'

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