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'God on Trial' by his Chosen People - Did he break his Covenant with the Jewish People.

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020

Called God on Trial, the film tells the story of a group of Jewish inmates at Auschwitz who don't understand why God seems indifferent to their suffering. (Because of profanity, disturbing images, and other elements, the film is not suitable for children.) The film begins on the "day of selection," on which some of the prisoners are chosen for extermination to make room for more prisoners. Bing.

The question I'm left with is - Did his Chosen People break their covenant with God by abandoning his promised land to the Palestinians, in search of material wealth in Northern Europe. in 1939 11 million Jews had migrated over the centuries to Europe. A move that brought nothing but pogroms/Holocaust and misery ever since?

1 Samuel 8

8 And it came about when Samuel was old that (A)he appointed his sons judges over Israel. 2 Now the name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judging in (B)Beersheba. 3 His sons, however, did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after dishonest gain and (C)took bribes and perverted justice.

4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at (D)Ramah; 5 and they said to him, “Behold, you have grown old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now (E)appoint a king for us to judge us like all the nations.” 6 But the thing was [a](F)displeasing in the sight of Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And (G)Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7 The Lord said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for (H)they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them. 8 Like all the deeds which they have done since the day that I brought them up from Egypt even to this day—in that they have forsaken Me and served other gods—so they are doing to you also. 9 Now then, listen to their voice; (I)however, you shall solemnly [b]warn them and tell them of (J)the [c]procedure of the king who will reign over them.”

Warning concerning a King
10 So Samuel spoke all the words of the Lord to (K)the people who had asked of him a king. 11 He said, “(L)This will be the [d]procedure of the king who will reign over you: (M)he will take your sons and place them for himself in his chariots and among his horsemen and (N)they will run before his chariots. 12 (O)He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and of fifties, and some to [e]do his plowing and to reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13 He will also take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 (P)He will take the best of your fields and your vineyards and your olive groves and give them to his servants. 15 He will take a tenth of your seed and of your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants. 16 He will also take your male servants and your female servants and your best young men and your donkeys and [f]use them for his work. 17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his servants. 18 Then (Q)you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but (R)the Lord will not answer you in that day.”

19 Nevertheless, the people (S)refused to listen to the voice of Samuel, and they said, “No, but there shall be a king over us, 20 (T)that we also may be like all the nations, that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.” 21 Now after Samuel had heard all the words of the people, (U)he repeated them in the Lord’s hearing. 22 The Lord said to Samuel, “(V)Listen to their voice and [g]appoint them a king.” So Samuel said to the men of Israel, “Go every man to his city.”

Key points

“Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for (H)they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them. 8 Like all the deeds which they have done since the day that I brought them up from

18 Then you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”
The question I'm left with is - Did his Chosen People break their covenant with God by abandoning his promised land to the Palestinians
They didn't abandon it to the Palestinians; they were booted out by the Romans after the Bar Kokhba revolt, 132-6 CE.
Once God gave the Hebrew people Saul, it was a spiral downward as it only took 2 kings later till the Hebrew nation divided, then Assyria came in to take out the northern kingdom and years later the Babylonians took out the southern kingdom. Then it was survival among the heathen nations as the ovens in Nazi Germany heated up in preparation.

Jews today are mostly agnostic/atheist and, as a result, lean left. In fact, I wonder how many Left leaning Jews voted for Hitler because they liked National Socialism and simply discounted the possible threat to their lives.

They are still looking for their human savior but sadly, they rejected him thousands of years ago......

But that is the great divide for everyone today politically Those who practice their religion tend to lean right and those who do not tend to lean left. The reason is that we are all innately look for a good shepherd/king to save us. So either pick God or some idiot sinful man.
The question I'm left with is - Did his Chosen People break their covenant with God by abandoning his promised land to the Palestinians
They didn't abandon it to the Palestinians; they were booted out by the Romans after the Bar Kokhba revolt, 132-6 CE.
When did Roman rule end? Around 400 AD. They took a hell of a time to return!
Jews that lean Left today in the US don't perceive socialists in the US as a threat, much like they probably did not perceive the National Socialists as much of a threat either in the 1940's

The question I'm left with is - Did his Chosen People break their covenant with God by abandoning his promised land to the Palestinians
They didn't abandon it to the Palestinians; they were booted out by the Romans after the Bar Kokhba revolt, 132-6 CE.
When did Roman rule end? Around 400 AD. They took a hell of a time to return!
Roman rule ended after the Battle of Yarmouk, 636 CE. That's when the Muslims took over, eventually being called Palestinians. Meanwhile, over the centuries some Jews did live in Palestine, but it was hardly a time for mass migration back to a land they hadn't occupied in 100s of years.
That's when the Muslims took over, eventually being called Palestinians. Meanwhile, over the centuries some Jews did live in Palestine,

Actually, the region where Jews lived was called Palestine by the Greeks centuries before it became a Roman province.

Palestine is a Greek word, not Arabic.

Called God on Trial, the film tells the story of a group of Jewish inmates at Auschwitz who don't understand why God seems indifferent to their suffering. (Because of profanity, disturbing images, and other elements, the film is not suitable for children.) The film begins on the "day of selection," on which some of the prisoners are chosen for extermination to make room for more prisoners. Bing.

The question I'm left with is - Did his Chosen People break their covenant with God by abandoning his promised land to the Palestinians, in search of material wealth in Northern Europe. in 1939 11 million Jews had migrated over the centuries to Europe. A move that brought nothing but pogroms/Holocaust and misery ever since?

God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal that He should relent. Would He say and not do, speak and not fulfill?
Bamidbar 23
The covenant is eternal, because it is with G-d.
No one can change that, not even Jews.

And especially today, with so many prophecies fulfilling in front of our eyes,
that one has to be willfully blind not to see that.
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Called God on Trial, the film tells the story of a group of Jewish inmates at Auschwitz who don't understand why God seems indifferent to their suffering. (Because of profanity, disturbing images, and other elements, the film is not suitable for children.) The film begins on the "day of selection," on which some of the prisoners are chosen for extermination to make room for more prisoners. Bing.

The question I'm left with is - Did his Chosen People break their covenant with God by abandoning his promised land to the Palestinians, in search of material wealth in Northern Europe. in 1939 11 million Jews had migrated over the centuries to Europe. A move that brought nothing but pogroms/Holocaust and misery ever since?

The question is not whether the Jewish People kept the Covenant -- they did (there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel since the end of the last Jewish Commonwealth) . Rather, the question is whether we gentiles turned away from G-d and His law in the pogroms/Holocaust we perpetuated on our Jewish brothers?
The question is not whether the Jewish People kept the Covenant -- they did
No they did not
(there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel since the end of the last Jewish Commonwealth)
There never was a "Jewish Commonwealth"
. Rather, the question is whether we gentiles turned away from G-d
It is spelled "God" or the "Lord", but never "G-d". Those who use His name in that way are afraid.
and His law in the pogroms/Holocaust
His law had nothing to do with the Holocaust. Some think they are special because they were murdered in great numbers. Well my friend, you and yours are not alone.
we perpetuated on our Jewish brothers?
What distinguishes them from the others is that there is only one group out of all the others that uses this tragedy to instill pity and free handouts.

It seems to be working.

Many American Indian tribes were completely “exterminated”, but you do not here their voices seeking pity.

Do you pity the following toooo-?

World Genocides
9,350,000 Jews by Germany
7,650,000 Polish Catholics by Germany
7,500,000 Ukrainians by USSR
3,000,000 Cambodians
1,750.000 Kazakh
1,500,000 Amenians were totally exterminated
List of genocides by death toll - Wikipedia

The Auschwitz group of camps are just one of many.
Auschwitz–Birkenau 1,100,000 May 1940 – January 1945 Province of Upper Silesia Poland Zyklon B gas chambers
Treblinka 800,000 23 July 1942 – 19 October 1943 General Government district Poland Carbon monoxide gas chambers
Bełżec 600,000 17 March 1942 – end of June 1943 General Government district Poland Carbon monoxide gas chambers
Chełmno 320,000 8 December 1941 – March 1943,
June 1944 – 18 January 1945 District of Reichsgau
Wartheland Poland Carbon monoxide vans
Sobibór 250,000 16 May 1942 – 17 October 1943 General Government district Poland Carbon monoxide gas chambers
Majdanek at least 80,000 1 October 1941 – 22 July 1944 General Government district Poland Zyklon B gas chambers
Maly Trostinets 65,000 Middle of 1941 to 28 June 1944 Reichskommissariat Ostland Belarus Mass shootings, gas van
Sajmište 23,000 28 October 1941 – July 1944 Independent State of Croatia Serbia Carbon monoxide van

Ria_Longhorn, are you Jewish,-?

Just asking
No animosity intended or implied


Called God on Trial, the film tells the story of a group of Jewish inmates at Auschwitz who don't understand why God seems indifferent to their suffering. (Because of profanity, disturbing images, and other elements, the film is not suitable for children.) The film begins on the "day of selection," on which some of the prisoners are chosen for extermination to make room for more prisoners. Bing.

The question I'm left with is - Did his Chosen People break their covenant with God by abandoning his promised land to the Palestinians, in search of material wealth in Northern Europe. in 1939 11 million Jews had migrated over the centuries to Europe. A move that brought nothing but pogroms/Holocaust and misery ever since?

Can't break something that never existed in the first place

Called God on Trial, the film tells the story of a group of Jewish inmates at Auschwitz who don't understand why God seems indifferent to their suffering. (Because of profanity, disturbing images, and other elements, the film is not suitable for children.) The film begins on the "day of selection," on which some of the prisoners are chosen for extermination to make room for more prisoners. Bing.

The question I'm left with is - Did his Chosen People break their covenant with God by abandoning his promised land to the Palestinians, in search of material wealth in Northern Europe. in 1939 11 million Jews had migrated over the centuries to Europe. A move that brought nothing but pogroms/Holocaust and misery ever since?

God's "chosen people" today are found in "Spiritual Israel"......they are now known by a NEW NAME, today they are called Christian. Read the prophecies in (2 Sam. 7:12-16), and in Isaiah (62)"..........I (God) will set up your seed (the seed of Samuel which came through king David) after you. Who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom (the kingdom of Christ)..............." (2 Sam 7)

Isaiah 62, "...........You (Israel) shall be called by a new name......."

This prophecy is proven to be "Messianic" in nature in that it anticipates the coming of the Christ, and He will come through the seed of David......He will be the Son of God who's physical body would come directly from David's lineage, Who would establish His kingdom (Matt. 1:1, 4:17, 16:18, Acts 2:30, 1 Tim. 3:5, Heb. 1:8, 10:5, et.al.)

Also in this prophecy there are other revelations detailed. Solomon also came through David's lineage. While Jesus would commit no iniquity (sin)..... While Jesus would establish a spiritual kingdom, Solomon replaced his father (Saul) as king the physical nation of Israel ..........but Solomon was not to been rejected like his father (Saul) for blatant sin against God.

God never broke one promise He made to father Abraham nor to the nation of Biblical Isarel. God had forsaken the Israelites not because He broke the promises of the covenant........but because Israel broke the covenant, they lived with iniquity (sin), -- 2 Kings 17:23, 24:1-25, 2 Chron. 6).

Not only had God made promises to Abraham and Israel in relation to Land, a Nation, and the seed of Abrahm becoming a blessing to all nations on earth. (Gen. 12:1-3, 15:18), God made other promises He kept.

When God brought Israel out from the land of Egypt He remembered the promise made to Abraham concerning a promised LAND. (Ex. 6:4-8). In fact God brought Israel to the border of Canaan and told them to take possession of the Land. (Deut 1:8). The land promise was fulfilled by God, "So Joshua took the whole land, ACCORDING TO ALL THE LORD HAD SAID TO YOUR FATHERS....Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.(concerning the promised land).........." -- Deut.1:8

So Joshua took the whole land, ".........Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel...." -- Joshua 21:43-45.

Many miss the fact, or simply do not want to acknowledge it, there were several other promises made by God, concerning His promises made to father Abraham.

Example: God promised to destroy the nation of Isarel if they forsook Him. (Lev. 26:27-39). He promised to drive them from the promised land after they begot children and grandchildren if and when they started worshiping false gods and idols ........Israel's people would be scattered among other people.....you (Israel) will be left few in number among the other nations where the Lord will drive you. -- Deut.4:25-28, 8:11-12.

All these bad things happened to Israel just as promised by God. The northern tribes were the first to lose their land (2 Kings 17:7-18). Then the remaining tribes sinned against God and were removed (2 Kings 23:23-27).

Yet God had longsuffering for Biblical Isarel and reduced their punishment to being banned from the Land for just 70 years. (God had mercy upon Israel). The whole nation of Biblical Isarel never be restored WHOLE ever again, but a remnant of a few faithful were allowed to return after 70 years (Jer. 25:8-13, Isa. 10:20-23). Like a broken potters Jar, it (Israel) would be repaired, but Isarel would never be made whole again like it once was in its day's of glory. (Jer. 19:7-13).

Some attempt to say the land promise was FOREVER.........but forever can mean only until one is DEAD.

Just like in the days of the Old Testament. God saved a remnant of faithful when the New Kingdom came, for the 1st decade Christiainty was expressly reserved for the faithful Jews. Does that mean the Jews are lost forever because they rejected and killed God's only begotten Son? Of course not..........just like the Jews in the 1st century salvation can come when they accept Jesus as the Messiah.

As of today, "For ye are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek (Gentile), there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you all are one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs to the promise." -- Gal. 3:26-29.

The nation calling itself Israel today.....even though it might be somewhat of democracy (and an ally of the US), is factually a poor imitation of Biblical Israel.

Look at the actual comparisons between modern Isarel and Biblical Israel. Where are tribal IDs? Where is the King appointed by God.......modern Isarel is ruled over by a man made government. Where are the priests from the Tribe of Lev.? Where are the annual animal sacrifices?

I do not oppose Israel as its the only nation with a free government and protections for its people surrounded in a sea of 14th century despotism.....and a good ally of the US. I oppose those who falsely claim that modern Israel is the same Israel that was wiped from the face of the earth in 1st century AD because of some poor man made mistranslations of scripture. Its gives a false hope where there is only one path that leads to salvation. Christ Jesus......is the way, the only way to the Father. (John 14:6).
Jews that lean Left today in the US don't perceive socialists in the US as a threat, much like they probably did not perceive the National Socialists as much of a threat either in the 1940's

really -


written in 1925 - the truth is votto - they do know you.

Called God on Trial, the film tells the story of a group of Jewish inmates at Auschwitz who don't understand why God seems indifferent to their suffering. (Because of profanity, disturbing images, and other elements, the film is not suitable for children.) The film begins on the "day of selection," on which some of the prisoners are chosen for extermination to make room for more prisoners. Bing.

The question I'm left with is - Did his Chosen People break their covenant with God by abandoning his promised land to the Palestinians, in search of material wealth in Northern Europe. in 1939 11 million Jews had migrated over the centuries to Europe. A move that brought nothing but pogroms/Holocaust and misery ever since?

They were cut off here in Matthew 23 where Jesus told them off. 23:38--Your house is abandoned to you( cut off of being Gods chosen)--verse39 says-They must bless the one God sent to them-Jesus--They have outright refused for over 1950 years. Its their fault not Gods.

Called God on Trial, the film tells the story of a group of Jewish inmates at Auschwitz who don't understand why God seems indifferent to their suffering. (Because of profanity, disturbing images, and other elements, the film is not suitable for children.) The film begins on the "day of selection," on which some of the prisoners are chosen for extermination to make room for more prisoners. Bing.

The question I'm left with is - Did his Chosen People break their covenant with God by abandoning his promised land to the Palestinians, in search of material wealth in Northern Europe. in 1939 11 million Jews had migrated over the centuries to Europe. A move that brought nothing but pogroms/Holocaust and misery ever since?

Jews were cursed by God as the Satan's tribe


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