God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube

Would you prefer having an arranged marriage where your spouse is forced to love you and be yours because you demand it?


It also strikes me that the only attribute or declaration you accept about God is that he will punish some forever. That is the only thing you believe.

Am I to assume that if that were not true then you would become a believer? Or do you simply prefer living your life as you choose? (and ignoring a lot of disturbing facts in the process)

If you wish to compare me to your God then remember that I do not plan to torture, burn and kill those who do not love me. Only a God of hate could do what your God plans.

Enjoy your satanic God.

I always enjoy watching men attempt to rationalize and explain god, ANY god in terms that fit his limited concept or intellect.

God is not God if he/she is limited in respect to man's limited ability to understand such a being.

I enjoy watching men attempting to rationalize order out of chaos. :eusa_angel:
I already gave the link in post #79. You cons trivialize 300,000 deaths of innocent civilians in Iraq.You look the other way about the 6,000 U.S. troops the died in Iraq, but try to make a big deal out of four that died in Benghazi. The other 50,000 troops that came home without arms and legs, you try to take away their medical and disability benefits. And here you are on a tread about God's love trying to justify your murders. You are diseased.

???....nothing in that link about the UN saying 300k Iraqis died in the first week of bombings.....sorry.....

as to the claim you made in post #79, I didn't trivialize any deaths....I merely pointed out you were either ignorant or dishonest....

Nothing in your post said anything about 300,000 dying in "the first week".
true.....that was in the post I had quoted, and I asked for a link supporting the claim.....
I always enjoy watching men attempt to rationalize and explain god, ANY god in terms that fit his limited concept or intellect.

God is not God if he/she is limited in respect to man's limited ability to understand such a being.

I enjoy watching men attempting to rationalize order out of chaos. :eusa_angel:

I see order. Not Chaos.

There is some disorder for sure but generally we are all rule followers. Insanity makes the numbers look larger than they are.

I always enjoy watching men attempt to rationalize and explain god, ANY god in terms that fit his limited concept or intellect.

God is not God if he/she is limited in respect to man's limited ability to understand such a being.

I enjoy watching men attempting to rationalize order out of chaos. :eusa_angel:

I see order. Not Chaos.

There is some disorder for sure but generally we are all rule followers. Insanity makes the numbers look larger than they are.


So do I, you apparently missed my point.:eusa_whistle:
I wonder

Did Jesus invent hell, or did his disciples? Kind of hard to say.

Kind of like how a disciple dreamed that all foods are edible and how they decided that Jesus message is really meant for all. Considering that they(the disciples) wrote the New Testament, .

None of them wrote it.
All writings date around 70 years after the crucifixion, at the earliest, and non of them got that old.
And the Catholics made a severe mistake once they put the bilble together. If I had done that I would not have missed to put in a few sequences where it is explicitly mentioned that this or that disciple did attentively write down notes of the words of their master.

Pure coincidence of course , this was exactly the period when the Romans kicked ass in Palestine and splattered Jews and maybe christian sects all over the Mediterranean..
I wonder

Did Jesus invent hell, or did his disciples? Kind of hard to say.

Kind of like how a disciple dreamed that all foods are edible and how they decided that Jesus message is really meant for all. Considering that they(the disciples) wrote the New Testament, .

None of them wrote it.
All writings date around 70 years after the crucifixion, at the earliest, and non of them got that old.
And the Catholics made a severe mistake once they put the bilble together. If I had done that I would not have missed to put in a few sequences where it is explicitly mentioned that this or that disciple did attentively write down notes of the words of their master.

Pure coincidence of course , this was exactly the period when the Romans kicked ass in Palestine and splattered Jews and maybe christian sects all over the Mediterranean..

actually, since the crucifixion happened around 33AD that would be 25-35 years and all of them got that old....
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube

Would you prefer having an arranged marriage where your spouse is forced to love you and be yours because you demand it?


It also strikes me that the only attribute or declaration you accept about God is that he will punish some forever. That is the only thing you believe.

Am I to assume that if that were not true then you would become a believer? Or do you simply prefer living your life as you choose? (and ignoring a lot of disturbing facts in the process)

If you wish to compare me to your God then remember that I do not plan to torture, burn and kill those who do not love me. Only a God of hate could do what your God plans.

Enjoy your satanic God.


The teaching of an eternal place of suffering is a sadistic lie taught by those who do not know God. Everyone who knows God, knows his set of justice scales have perfect balance--thus making an eternal place of suffering an impossibility.
I explained this to you a couple times but you choose darkness over light so you can complain because for some strange reason think you know more than God. Or you could make better choices than him---
Lemme set things straight.

It's the old time religion's God that smote every living thing in Canaan, which just happens to be the invention of that old time religion.

The inventors of the OT God would change things as necessary to maintain their power, as all purveyors of revealed religion do. And Jesus wasn't that peace-loving. After all he did say, I come not to bring peace, but a sword--and then promptly occupied the Temple for a day at sword point in order to cleanse it so that God would return to "His" house. But God didn't show, Jesus' pissed followers mostly turned on him and, well the rest is not exactly history but we're pretty sure they crucified him and buried him and he's still dead.

Paul, however, not to be deterred, seized the moment, picked up the baton and morphed the Jewish God into a cyborg of the Mithraic God and thus called Jesus God--which was the only real difference between Mithraism and "Christianity"...which should rightly be called Paulism. Oh and Paul invented hell, or perfected it anyway.

The only God that makes any sense (if one exists) is a laissez-faire deist God. It must not interfere lest we loose our free-will--the one and only reason for Creation.

Thank you again. Rare to find someone who knows what they are talking about when discussing Christianity.

Keep looking.
Maybe you are questioning the change in personality of God through out the Bible?

Not really as there is only the one God.

There is a change in God from the O.T. prick to the more loving Jesus but that Jesus also invented hell and his love should be questioned as well because no loving God would create a vile and immoral place like hell.


Read more. You either missed the good stuff, or your just throwing g bombs. This is sunday school 101. You know, the shit they teach in preschooler bible class. Its quite boreing.
I hardly consider God to be a "god of love". God is far more than that. We are not talking about Aphrodite/ Venus or Eros/ Cupid.

We speak of a deity who creates and destroys at will. Look in the Old Testament and read how many ways God chooses to extinguish "precious" human life. God uses fire, lightning, water, ice, and wind. God commands the earth to swallow you whole. God summons creatures and compels animals. God commands angels to slaughter your people and wicked spirits to take life. God poisons the water, causes droughts, inflicts disease. God empowers chosen humans so that they can slay tens of thousands easily. God kills you in an instant, or slowly so that you may suffer. Sometimes for disobeying, other times for gossiping, talking trash, burning the wrong incense, keeping the Ark of the Covenant from falling over, or disrespecting your creator.

Is THIS a God of love?

So God is a destructive God. God can also be loving. God's views towards humans have obviously shifted during God's experiences with humans. Is this a sign of imperfection? No. God is perfect in the sense that God is the strongest life form, the most powerful deity. It is a sign of evolution, even at the highest level.

I view God aka YHWH aka Allah aka Elohim aka Adonai to be a god of spiritual balance. A master of creation and destruction. The ultimate balance of good and evil- and extraordinarily capable of both, to whatever extent that God wills it so.

So go on. Believe whatever the Hell you will to believe. As it should be.
Jesus didn't invent hell. Hell was created for Satan, demons, and fallen angels, not humans. There are fallen angels that are chained there now and have been since they fell.
One thing you can take to the bank is that God never changes. He loves us as much today as He did yesterday and will tomorrow, when He comes back to walk with us again.

The OT God is the God that created Eden for His children, and walked with them in the garden. He created us with mercy in mind regarding our behavior. A small group of men asked for rules and regulations to follow instead. That created a situation of judgment and condemnation and death. None of it sat well with God, but free will and all.........

To save us from ourselves, the same loving God that created Eden, came here and removed sin from our records, for the asking. He's invited all of His children to join Him at His table. Our free will will determine the RSVP's.
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Hell was created for Satan, demons, and fallen angels, not humans. There are fallen angels that are chained there now and have been since they fell.

Why do you believe that? If Satan is "chained there now and has been ever since he fell" than how is it that in the Bible: Job, Chapter 1 to be specific, it says-

"On another day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them to present himself before him. And the Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”

Please explain. :) And don't say astral projection.

The Quran says Iblis aka Satan has been granted freedom until the Last Judgement, during which time Satan will attempt to direct as many souls as possible to Hell. Meaning that Satan is not restricted to Hell but can roam the earth at will, and that Hell is not created only for Satan, fallen angels, and demons.

But... I do consider the possibility that we have the ability to affect the divine cosmology merely with our beliefs and the power our minds, so perhaps when you die, and even while you live, your mind will create its own deities and afterlife based on your perspective of what you think it should be like and what should happen to you! Crazy, or fair? :)
I hardly consider God to be a "god of love". God is far more than that. We are not talking about Aphrodite/ Venus or Eros/ Cupid.

We speak of a deity who creates and destroys at will. Look in the Old Testament and read how many ways God chooses to extinguish "precious" human life. God uses fire, lightning, water, ice, and wind. God commands the earth to swallow you whole. God summons creatures and compels animals. God commands angels to slaughter your people and wicked spirits to take life. God poisons the water, causes droughts, inflicts disease. God empowers chosen humans so that they can slay tens of thousands easily. God kills you in an instant, or slowly so that you may suffer. Sometimes for disobeying, other times for gossiping, talking trash, burning the wrong incense, keeping the Ark of the Covenant from falling over, or disrespecting your creator.

Is THIS a God of love?

So God is a destructive God. God can also be loving. God's views towards humans have
obviously shifted during God's experiences with humans. Is this a sign of imperfection? No. God is perfect in the sense that God is the strongest life form, the most powerful deity. It is a sign of evolution, even at the highest level.

I view God aka YHWH aka Allah aka Elohim aka Adonai to be a god of spiritual balance. A master of creation and destruction. The ultimate balance of good and evil- and extraordinarily capable of both, to whatever extent that God wills it so.

So go on. Believe whatever the Hell you will to believe. As it should be.

God didn't want this world the way it is now--he is angry because of the way it is now--His kingdom will [put an end to the way it is now( new earth) Gods original plan will begin anew. Mortals knowing only good, living forever at a young age, in perfect health. This is Gods will. It will be real within his kingdom.
God usually warned in advance before he destroyed. Same for what is about to occur to this world. God warned for nearly 2000 years.
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Is there any minority Republicans don't hate?

yes--Wealthy billionaires!! Both Republicans and Democrats love em to pieces.

Heck, they will sell us out just for a modest donation from them.
Would you prefer having an arranged marriage where your spouse is forced to love you and be yours because you demand it?


It also strikes me that the only attribute or declaration you accept about God is that he will punish some forever. That is the only thing you believe.

Am I to assume that if that were not true then you would become a believer? Or do you simply prefer living your life as you choose? (and ignoring a lot of disturbing facts in the process)

If you wish to compare me to your God then remember that I do not plan to torture, burn and kill those who do not love me. Only a God of hate could do what your God plans.

Enjoy your satanic God.


The teaching of an eternal place of suffering is a sadistic lie taught by those who do not know God. Everyone who knows God, knows his set of justice scales have perfect balance--thus making an eternal place of suffering an impossibility.
I explained this to you a couple times but you choose darkness over light so you can complain because for some strange reason think you know more than God. Or you could make better choices than him---

I agree that no God would do as the Christians think he would about hell.

Can you offer a guess as to why 60 odd % of Christians do not see the sadism in what they believe and instead think of it as justice?

As to my thoughts about God and his justice.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

The above quote shows this as Gods first actual judgement and shows the setting and accepting of a bribe or human sacrifice to corrupt his justice. That justice usually stated that only the punishment of the guilty was acceptable to justice and that it would be unjust to punish the innocent. That corruption of his usual justice is what the bribe or sacrifice of Jesus bought. Injustice.

This corrupted judge is the judge you would vote for is it?

What is just about the execution of an innocent man?

Maybe "love thy enemies" involve turning them into flaming Shish kabobs?

It may be because God is said to love us all yet scriptures say that the vast majority of us will end as being turned into flaming Shish kabobs.


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