God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

probably off topic, but it certainly demonstrates you lack math skills....have you ever counted the months between the start of the war in 2003 and the date in 2006 when brainless liberals started claiming that number then calculated to see how many people would have had to have died each month?....do that some day then go somewhere like iraqbodycount and see how far short of that claim reality falls....

On March 19, 2003, a U.S.-led coalition invaded Iraq, beginning a ground war that culminated in the rapid capture of Baghdad and overthrow of the regime led by Saddam Hussein. A coalition-led occupation of Iraq lasted until 2011, marked by repeated bombings, an al Qaeda-linked insurgency, militia warfare, and other bloodshed in the nation of 32.6 million people.

In the new PLOS Medicine journal survey, led by public health expert Amy Hagopian of the University of Washington in Seattle, an international research team polled heads of households and siblings across Iraq. The researchers, including some from the Iraqi Ministry of Health, aimed to update and improve past estimates of the human costs of the war and occupation.

"We think it is roughly around half a million people dead. And that is likely a low estimate," says Hagopian. "People need to know the cost in human lives of the decision to go to war."
Half-Million Iraqis Died in the War, New Study Says

And that's only since 2011. The killing goes on. Civilians die everyday from car bombings ans such, because of the civil war created by the U.S. invasion.

So if it's only a half million, that must make you feel justified? You're one sick puppy.

nothing to do with "justified", just a question of rationality.....in 2006 liberals claimed a million dead in Iraq (though I see you've cut that in half just since your last post, thanks for that concession at least)......if I recall correctly that was after 38 months of war......

one million divided by 38 is 26,316 deaths per month.....statistics from sources like iraqbodycount and AlJazeera news network reported that the worst month of the war caused under 2400 civilian casualties......more typically, when the war was ongoing numbers were under a thousand, many times under 100.....

if there were actually 26k dying, why did no one notice the bodies?......

the actual numbers were closer to 50,000, over 90% of which were caused by terrorist bombing.....if iraqbodycount is correct.....

No, I know how low estimates are...so do you. Still half million or million is still genocide. And you're still dancing around the con guilt.
Half-Million Iraqis Died in the War, New Study Says

And that's only since 2011. The killing goes on. Civilians die everyday from car bombings ans such, because of the civil war created by the U.S. invasion.

So if it's only a half million, that must make you feel justified? You're one sick puppy.

nothing to do with "justified", just a question of rationality.....in 2006 liberals claimed a million dead in Iraq (though I see you've cut that in half just since your last post, thanks for that concession at least)......if I recall correctly that was after 38 months of war......

one million divided by 38 is 26,316 deaths per month.....statistics from sources like iraqbodycount and AlJazeera news network reported that the worst month of the war caused under 2400 civilian casualties......more typically, when the war was ongoing numbers were under a thousand, many times under 100.....

if there were actually 26k dying, why did no one notice the bodies?......

the actual numbers were closer to 50,000, over 90% of which were caused by terrorist bombing.....if iraqbodycount is correct.....

No, I know how low estimates are...so do you. Still half million or million is still genocide. And you're still dancing around the con guilt.

well, actually....even if half a million was true it wouldn't be genocide....genocide is an attempt to eliminate a tribe, race or nation of people, which obviously was not the case here......it would be a horrendous act, in any event.....except that it didn't happen.....

I know how low estimates are...so do you
I know how making shit up works, so do you.....
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I know how making shit up works, so do you.....
Hence the con propaganda machine.

The Sunni tribe was overthrown in the invasion, and the Shiite tribe was installed....You know...the tribe that runs Iran and Syria. Cons sure know how to fix things. Pft! Maybe that's cons loving their enemies.

"It's hard to convince people that you're killing them for their own good."
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Half-Million Iraqis Died in the War, New Study Says

And that's only since 2011. The killing goes on. Civilians die everyday from car bombings ans such, because of the civil war created by the U.S. invasion.

So if it's only a half million, that must make you feel justified? You're one sick puppy.

nothing to do with "justified", just a question of rationality.....in 2006 liberals claimed a million dead in Iraq (though I see you've cut that in half just since your last post, thanks for that concession at least)......if I recall correctly that was after 38 months of war......

one million divided by 38 is 26,316 deaths per month.....statistics from sources like iraqbodycount and AlJazeera news network reported that the worst month of the war caused under 2400 civilian casualties......more typically, when the war was ongoing numbers were under a thousand, many times under 100.....

if there were actually 26k dying, why did no one notice the bodies?......

the actual numbers were closer to 50,000, over 90% of which were caused by terrorist bombing.....if iraqbodycount is correct.....

No, I know how low estimates are...so do you. Still half million or million is still genocide. And you're still dancing around the con guilt.

In the first week of bombings --according to the UN--300,000 IRAQIS DIED---- What did they do to us in order for us to think we had the right to end their lives?????????? the answer is 0. WMD=0-- George Bush and his cronies all oil men--oil went from 30 a barrel to 145.00 a barrel--their wealth went up 5 fold in 1 month. Meanwhile --young men were sent to kill for no reason besides them( bush) getting richer in reality.
nothing to do with "justified", just a question of rationality.....in 2006 liberals claimed a million dead in Iraq (though I see you've cut that in half just since your last post, thanks for that concession at least)......if I recall correctly that was after 38 months of war......

one million divided by 38 is 26,316 deaths per month.....statistics from sources like iraqbodycount and AlJazeera news network reported that the worst month of the war caused under 2400 civilian casualties......more typically, when the war was ongoing numbers were under a thousand, many times under 100.....

if there were actually 26k dying, why did no one notice the bodies?......

the actual numbers were closer to 50,000, over 90% of which were caused by terrorist bombing.....if iraqbodycount is correct.....

No, I know how low estimates are...so do you. Still half million or million is still genocide. And you're still dancing around the con guilt.

In the first week of bombings --according to the UN--300,000 IRAQIS DIED---- What did they do to us in order for us to think we had the right to end their lives?????????? the answer is 0. WMD=0-- George Bush and his cronies all oil men--oil went from 30 a barrel to 145.00 a barrel--their wealth went up 5 fold in 1 month. Meanwhile --young men were sent to kill for no reason besides them( bush) getting richer in reality.

Excellent post.
I know how making shit up works, so do you.....
Hence the con propaganda machine.

The Sunni tribe was overthrown in the invasion, and the Shiite tribe was installed....You know...the tribe that runs Iran and Syria. Cons sure know how to fix things. Pft! Maybe that's cons loving their enemies.

"It's hard to convince people that you're killing them for their own good."
so for that reason you feel justified in increasing the death toll a hundred fold?.....
nothing to do with "justified", just a question of rationality.....in 2006 liberals claimed a million dead in Iraq (though I see you've cut that in half just since your last post, thanks for that concession at least)......if I recall correctly that was after 38 months of war......

one million divided by 38 is 26,316 deaths per month.....statistics from sources like iraqbodycount and AlJazeera news network reported that the worst month of the war caused under 2400 civilian casualties......more typically, when the war was ongoing numbers were under a thousand, many times under 100.....

if there were actually 26k dying, why did no one notice the bodies?......

the actual numbers were closer to 50,000, over 90% of which were caused by terrorist bombing.....if iraqbodycount is correct.....

No, I know how low estimates are...so do you. Still half million or million is still genocide. And you're still dancing around the con guilt.

In the first week of bombings --according to the UN--300,000 IRAQIS DIED----

guess I'm going to have to ask you for a link....the closest thing I can find on Google is a UN statement that says 300,000 Iraqis died during the 91 war.....
An open offer of eternal ransom from hell is undeserved favor. There isn't any greater example of undeserved favor if you accept the pardon you accept on Gods terms. What are those terms? Jesus is Lord over your life. Not you.

"if you accept..."
If there are conditions, then it isn't grace, because it becomes a quid pro quo. Do this for me and I'll do this for you.

Yes and no.

A doctor can offer medical services for free, no conditions before after or ever.

But you have to "agree" to let the doctor in to see you
or go see that doctor before they can help you.
Actually, this argument came up in seminary.
It was never satisfactorily addressed.
So your argument is your faith isn't a service to god, it is all about yourself?
You may have written your first honest post.

Doing it for yourself, to make yourself a better person is the opposite of 'all about yourself', but it doesn't surprise me that you don't understand that concept. It's why you're no longer a pastor, if you ever were. :lol:

Rewording your post make you feel like you didn't blow it again?

What difference does it make if you are doing the right thing?
Lots of people do something, thinking it is for one reason, and it turns out to be another.
So what.

It is not either/or but all of the above:
we are supposed to do ALL these things together:
* love God with all our heart mind and soul
* love our neighbor as ourselves
* love one another as Jesus loves us
which means as unconditionally as God's love

it can be love of God, love of neighbor, love of a friend, love for ourselves.

as long as we love with God's love that is the point.

And even when we FAIL to love with God's love
so let that lesson be learned with love as well. No big deal!
"if you accept..."
If there are conditions, then it isn't grace, because it becomes a quid pro quo. Do this for me and I'll do this for you.

Yes and no.

A doctor can offer medical services for free, no conditions before after or ever.

But you have to "agree" to let the doctor in to see you
or go see that doctor before they can help you.
Does the doctor then torture you if you don't "let him in"?
Do you have to accept he is a qualified physician BEFORE you let him in?
Maybe you are questioning the change in personality of God through out the Bible?

Not really as there is only the one God.

There is a change in God from the O.T. prick to the more loving Jesus but that Jesus also invented hell and his love should be questioned as well because no loving God would create a vile and immoral place like hell.


Maybe, maybe not. But there are dozens of authors.
Yes and no.

A doctor can offer medical services for free, no conditions before after or ever.

But you have to "agree" to let the doctor in to see you
or go see that doctor before they can help you.
Does the doctor then torture you if you don't "let him in"?
Do you have to accept he is a qualified physician BEFORE you let him in?

at the very least you have to believe he has an office before you go there.....
I always enjoy watching men attempt to rationalize and explain god, ANY god in terms that fit his limited concept or intellect.

God is not God if he/she is limited in respect to man's limited ability to understand such a being.
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube

Would you prefer having an arranged marriage where your spouse is forced to love you and be yours because you demand it?


It also strikes me that the only attribute or declaration you accept about God is that he will punish some forever. That is the only thing you believe.

Am I to assume that if that were not true then you would become a believer? Or do you simply prefer living your life as you choose? (and ignoring a lot of disturbing facts in the process)
No, I know how low estimates are...so do you. Still half million or million is still genocide. And you're still dancing around the con guilt.

In the first week of bombings --according to the UN--300,000 IRAQIS DIED----

guess I'm going to have to ask you for a link....the closest thing I can find on Google is a UN statement that says 300,000 Iraqis died during the 91 war.....

I already gave the link in post #79. You cons trivialize 300,000 deaths of innocent civilians in Iraq.You look the other way about the 6,000 U.S. troops the died in Iraq, but try to make a big deal out of four that died in Benghazi. The other 50,000 troops that came home without arms and legs, you try to take away their medical and disability benefits. And here you are on a tread about God's love trying to justify your murders. You are diseased.
I always enjoy watching men attempt to rationalize and explain god, ANY god in terms that fit his limited concept or intellect.

God is not God if he/she is limited in respect to man's limited ability to understand such a being.

You can't even understand how stupid it is to try to declare that God is not God, just because you can't understand the incomprehensible. It's like a fly telling a human, "You can't swat me.".....No, not really...It's too much of an understatement.
In the first week of bombings --according to the UN--300,000 IRAQIS DIED----

guess I'm going to have to ask you for a link....the closest thing I can find on Google is a UN statement that says 300,000 Iraqis died during the 91 war.....

I already gave the link in post #79. You cons trivialize 300,000 deaths of innocent civilians in Iraq.You look the other way about the 6,000 U.S. troops the died in Iraq, but try to make a big deal out of four that died in Benghazi. The other 50,000 troops that came home without arms and legs, you try to take away their medical and disability benefits. And here you are on a tread about God's love trying to justify your murders. You are diseased.

???....nothing in that link about the UN saying 300k Iraqis died in the first week of bombings.....sorry.....

as to the claim you made in post #79, I didn't trivialize any deaths....I merely pointed out you were either ignorant or dishonest....
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guess I'm going to have to ask you for a link....the closest thing I can find on Google is a UN statement that says 300,000 Iraqis died during the 91 war.....

I already gave the link in post #79. You cons trivialize 300,000 deaths of innocent civilians in Iraq.You look the other way about the 6,000 U.S. troops the died in Iraq, but try to make a big deal out of four that died in Benghazi. The other 50,000 troops that came home without arms and legs, you try to take away their medical and disability benefits. And here you are on a tread about God's love trying to justify your murders. You are diseased.

???....nothing in that link about the UN saying 300k Iraqis died in the first week of bombings.....sorry.....

as to the claim you made in post #79, I didn't trivialize any deaths....I merely pointed out you were either ignorant or dishonest....

Nothing in your post said anything about 300,000 dying in "the first week". The link I gave showed that an estimated 500,000 civilians died in Iraq, NOT 300,000. And the link also pointed out that the estimate was low. The way the cons have tried to hide the truth about how many were murdered, it's very possible that there were a million killed.

But your effort to try to make me look ignorant or dishonest, is nothing more than trivializing the civilians killed by your ideology. Your karma is coming.

I could not pick up your quote but yes, there were many authors. Mostly anonymous and likely controlled by Rome.

Scholars do not trust the scriptures and men who do are fools.

I always enjoy watching men attempt to rationalize and explain god, ANY god in terms that fit his limited concept or intellect.

God is not God if he/she is limited in respect to man's limited ability to understand such a being.

Which is why we Gnostic Christians perpetually seek even after suffering an apotheosis.

We raise the bar whenever an excellent is found God is found. To settle for what is found would make us idol worshippers.


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