God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


the only people "condemned to fire" are the one's who've chosen to believe he doesn't exist...

now if I offer people a free trip to Disneyworld and they turn their backs on it, does that mean I hate them?.....
If you then send them to Baghdad on the first day of "shock and awe" for refusing the trip it kind of shows you're a dick.
Wrong analogy, Bruce.

If Postmodern Proph has decided to have a relationship with God and trusts in Him then when he dies we can expect that he will be recieved like a son coming home. Why would God open the door for a stranger he does not know?

It would be like walking into a beautiful neighborhood and selecting the most beautiful home, deciding you want to live there. You go to the door and and the owner answers and says I do not know you. Depart from here and shuts the door. Is the master of the house unjust or just reasonable? I say he is reasonable. Especially when the invitation to join his family was open to all.

Yes, the individual that rejects the LORD, that denies the LORD and wants no part of him would have no right whatsoever to expect admission through heavens gates. This is why God is in no ways responsible for where a soul chooses to spend eternity. He has made the offer and it is up to the individual to accept or reject it.
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

No, that's only what his fanatic followers say that God does. It was one of the passages the priests at Nicaea put in the bible to scare the masses into "christian" servitude to the church. The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and those that commit it condemn themselves.
Wrong analogy, Bruce.

If Postmodern Proph has decided to have a relationship with God and trusts in Him then when he dies we can expect that he will be recieved like a son coming home. Why would God open the door for a stranger he does not know?

It would be like walking into a beautiful neighborhood and selecting the most beautiful home, deciding you want to live there. You go to the door and and the owner answers and says I do not know you. Depart from here and shuts the door. Is the master of the house unjust or just reasonable? I say he is reasonable. Especially when the invitation to join his family was open to all.

Yes, the individual that rejects the LORD, that denies the LORD and wants no part of him would have no right whatsoever to expect admission through heavens gates. This is why God is in no ways responsible for where a soul chooses to spend eternity. He has made the offer and it is up to the individual to accept or reject it.
Once again you leave out the part of where you are sent instead.
So god tells us that not loving our enemies and doing right by only the people that love us is wrong, that even the tax collectors do that. But that is what he is going to do.
Now I understand.
The scales have fallen from my eyes!
Why is the idea of eternal damnation so repulsive to many people?

Because it's obviously an invention of manipulators past. Would God, the heavenly host, or you, want to listen to all that suffering for all eternity? Your hell being "God's love" is downright sadistic. Wouldn't oblivion be better for all concerned, and make more sense.

Oh look, another "I hate God that I don't believe in" psycho thread.

I wish the mentally ill would refrain from posting.

I don't hate God. I believe it's possible that God exists. and hope that It does. What is mental illness? Irrationality. And what is blind faith? Irrationality, by definition.
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


the only people "condemned to fire" are the one's who've chosen to believe he doesn't exist...

now if I offer people a free trip to Disneyworld and they turn their backs on it, does that mean I hate them?.....
If you then send them to Baghdad on the first day of "shock and awe" for refusing the trip it kind of shows you're a dick.

so, you're one of those who thinks bombing government buildings at 2 am was intended to kill lots of innocent civilians?......
the only people "condemned to fire" are the one's who've chosen to believe he doesn't exist...

now if I offer people a free trip to Disneyworld and they turn their backs on it, does that mean I hate them?.....
If you then send them to Baghdad on the first day of "shock and awe" for refusing the trip it kind of shows you're a dick.

so, you're one of those who thinks bombing government buildings at 2 am was intended to kill lots of innocent civilians?......
You think that was avoided? Pathetic.
That isn't the point though, is it?
The point is god doesn't just forbid you to go on Magic Mountain, he then sends you to the worst place you can imagine. You supply the example if you don't like mine.
The point is the post conveniently leaves out this detail in the childlike analogy.
By the way, there was a reason Bush gave a speech before the start of the bombing to evacuate Baghdad. Bombs are not respecters of civilians. Many thousands of them died.
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An open offer of eternal ransom from hell is undeserved favor. There isn't any greater example of undeserved favor if you accept the pardon you accept on Gods terms. What are those terms? Jesus is Lord over your life. Not you.

"if you accept..."
If there are conditions, then it isn't grace, because it becomes a quid pro quo. Do this for me and I'll do this for you.

For someone proclaiming to have been a pastor, you sure missed out on a lot. You're not doing it for Him, you're doing it for yourself. What exactly would you be doing for God? God doesn't need you. In all your time at seminary or Bible college and serving in the church, that realization never came to you?
"if you accept..."
If there are conditions, then it isn't grace, because it becomes a quid pro quo. Do this for me and I'll do this for you.

For someone proclaiming to have been a pastor, you sure missed out on a lot. You're not doing it for Him, you're doing it for yourself. What exactly would you be doing for God? God doesn't need you. In all your time at seminary or Bible college and serving in the church, that realization never came to you?

Actually, this argument came up in seminary.
It was never satisfactorily addressed.
So your argument is your faith isn't a service to god, it is all about yourself?
You may have written your first honest post.
No, there are conditions, and it's still grace because despite the conditions (and there is really only one..that you accept salvation via Christ) we are in no way qualified to stand in the presence of a perfect and righteous God.
GOD is not sending anyone to hell. it is although most often in ignorance that they are choosing to go. most people are very lazy in there seeking of GOD and truth. that is not GODS fault. because they choose to be lazy and simply believe things that are not true which simply means comparing what they are being taught to what GODS word says. most people have this idea that GOD is absolutely sovereign. believing that he can do what ever he wants to do and that would be true if he had not limited his sovereignty to what his word says. hence, heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away. GOD word holds all of creation together. many people sit in pews with no idea who GOD is and the person behind the pulpit has no clue either.
GOD is not sending anyone to hell. it is although most often in ignorance that they are choosing to go. most people are very lazy in there seeking of GOD and truth. that is not GODS fault. because they choose to be lazy and simply believe things that are not true which simply means comparing what they are being taught to what GODS word says. most people have this idea that GOD is absolutely sovereign. believing that he can do what ever he wants to do and that would be true if he had not limited his sovereignty to what his word says. hence, heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away. GOD word holds all of creation together. many people sit in pews with no idea who GOD is and the person behind the pulpit has no clue either.

They aren't being taught Jesus' truths in places called churches. They surely need to know God--Jesus taught at John 17:1-6--to get eternal life( be saved) one must know( Father= only true God) and know Jesus--verse 6 = YHWH(Jehovah)--also psalm 83:18
Dear GIAm:
The clearest explanation I ever heard of this concept of loving our neighbors is to
"care for each other's souls"

It does NOT mean we have to "like" or "be in love with someone."
You can detest someone or what they do, and still care for their soul,
or care for their well being and want them to get help to solve problems so they do not cause suffering to themselves or others.

You can care for someone's soul even if they are suffering consequences of their actions.

God's forgiveness on a divine level is "free given and received" with no conditions. That doesn't void the restitution owed on an earthly level for wrongs committed against people.

People can forgive a murderer, and it doesn't change a govt sentence of the death penalty if that is what gets issued.

The REAL issue is NOT to wish ill, revenge or retribution, but to leave that to God's laws
of justice or "laws of karma" / cause and effect to work out.

Forgiveness means to let go of the emotional burden of holding onto to ill will.
There is still accountability, and debts damages and restitution are still owed
to answer to trespasses, even after we forgive one another.

God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube
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Unforgiveness is what sends us through hell and suffering in a vicious cycle of retribution.
Forgiveness is what lifts us up to heavenly peace and harmony by rising above.

GOD is not sending anyone to hell. it is although most often in ignorance that they are choosing to go. most people are very lazy in there seeking of GOD and truth. that is not GODS fault. because they choose to be lazy and simply believe things that are not true which simply means comparing what they are being taught to what GODS word says. most people have this idea that GOD is absolutely sovereign. believing that he can do what ever he wants to do and that would be true if he had not limited his sovereignty to what his word says. hence, heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away. GOD word holds all of creation together. many people sit in pews with no idea who GOD is and the person behind the pulpit has no clue either.
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube

Why is the idea of eternal damnation so repulsive to many people?

Link for more in depth reading:
Why is the idea of eternal damnation so repulsive to many people?

A flawed view of God’s love. Many who reject the idea of eternal damnation do so because they find it difficult to believe that a loving God could banish people to a place as horrific as hell for all eternity. However, God’s love does not negate His justice, His righteousness, or His holiness. Neither does His justice negate His love. In fact, God’s love has provided the way to escape His wrath: the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16-18).

What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

Link for more in depth reading:
What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

John 3:17
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.



If grace is the undeserved favor of god, what good is hell?
It makes god's love a quid pro quo, not grace.
There are conditions, and that is not grace.

Well, hell doesn't sound "good" at all.

Question? How can someone be with the Lord if they don't believe Him?

We have a relationship with Him, just like we have relationships with one another.
And if we have a relationship with Him, the we believe in Him; we trust in Him.
And if we believe Him, then we believe there is a hell according to the scriptures.
And even if we don't even like the idea of hell - then why even go against Him even though we don't like it? Because when we believe in Him and know He is telling the truth, then we don't have to be concerned about hell anyhow.

Could it be that part of God's Grace is telling us there is a hell and all what He did on the Cross for us; we need not worry about "hell" when we trust and believe Him?

We could go round and round... it's a matter of each of our hearts yielding to Him. That doesn't mean we understand everything while we are here on earth; but who does?

Matthew 1:21
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.

Ike and Tina had a relationship too. He might have helped her get to the top, but it doesn't mean he didn't beat the shit out of her.
your sin does not cause you have a broken,rebellious nature. your broken rebellious nature cause you to sin. you nature aka spirit is the problem. even if you could stop all sin in the flesh, the rebellious spirit that you inherited from adam wants to sin. that is unacceptable to GOD who is spirit. when you accept JESUS as LORD. your entire sin debt is paid in full. past present and future. fact is, the whole worlds sin debt is paid. GOD poured out all his wrath on JESUS for all sin. at the moment you receive JESUS your old nature aka spirit dies and you are given a new spirit. we have not been given a spirit of bondage again to fear,but a spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father. the law was not meant for us to live by but use to restrain us until the promise came. the law was meant to shut you up. to drive you toward the need for a savoir. to help you see the hopeless state you are in. the blood of bulls and goats did not take away one sin. that was just a shadow of what was to come. the only acceptable payment for sin is blood. untainted sinless blood. the fruit of the spirit IS (present tense) peace,joy. patience,gentleness,kindness,long suffering. this is fruit that the born again spirit is ALWAYS producing. most people even those that are born again are still operating by what the old nature taught them. these things are in there minds. many are asking GOD for peace when he has already given them more peace then they need or joy or anything else they need. including all healing. we have to stop asking GOD to do what he has told us to do. the spirit of the life of CHRIST JESUS has made me free from the law of sin and death. look into the ministry of Andrew wommack(AWMI.NET) look into who John G. Lake is.
Ike and Tina had a relationship too. He might have helped her get to the top, but it doesn't mean he didn't beat the shit out of her.

Eternal life with our Loving God has no likeness at all to Ike hurting Tina.

1 Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.

John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My Hand.

And if Tina would have just done what Ike wanted, he wouldn't have had to beat her ass.

And if humanity would have just done what God wanted, He wouldn't have had to beat our asses.

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