God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

What is God's grace?

You are born to subject the Law system in your own country/nation. Similarly if God exists, you are automatically subject to the judgment of His Law system as you are under His sovereignty. It is predicted that by the standard of God's Law system, everyone may fail such a judgment by Law. Jesus' coming brought us a covenant which says that by God's self-sacrifice, humans can be re-deemed by bypassing the judgment of Law.

That's God's Grace through Jesus Christ.

Is it not simply undeserved favor from God?
We need to love our enemies because we don't know who is who. What we judge as enemies could well be the saved in God's eye as we have no way to see the future to judge who are our brothers and sisters in heaven. However, God can see through the future to tell who is His sheep and who is not. Thus, vengeance belongs to God.

Romans 12:19
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Is it not simply undeserved favor from God?

That's an over-simplified statement. If you can refrain from breaking His Law, then there's nothing can be considered as "undeserved favor". Since you can't help but breaking His Law, then it is up to Him to set forth another criteria to save the human kind who can't help but breaking the Law.
What is God's grace?

You are born to subject the Law system in your own country/nation. Similarly if God exists, you are automatically subject to the judgment of His Law system as you are under His sovereignty. It is predicted that by the standard of God's Law system, everyone may fail such a judgment by Law. Jesus' coming brought us a covenant which says that by God's self-sacrifice, humans can be re-deemed by bypassing the judgment of Law.

That's God's Grace through Jesus Christ.

IF God exists? He does and the rest of your definition of grace is based off modern false teachings which Paul warned about. Without holiness no one will see the LORD. God isn't grading on a curve here. You either keep the commandments of Christ or you don't. Before the cross you could not keep Christs commandments. After the cross you not only can you must. If you allow the work of the cross to be done in you - you will keep them. If you don't - you won't. It isn't sinless perfection but neither is it out of our hands. Our part is quite simple. Deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Christ. Note* Jesus didn't say, If you love me I'll keep my commandments for you and you can go do whatever you feel like doing. He said, if you love me, keep my commandments. YOU keep them. YOU....being the operative word here.
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You are born to subject the Law system in your own country/nation. Similarly if God exists, you are automatically subject to the judgment of His Law system as you are under His sovereignty. It is predicted that by the standard of God's Law system, everyone may fail such a judgment by Law. Jesus' coming brought us a covenant which says that by God's self-sacrifice, humans can be re-deemed by bypassing the judgment of Law.

That's God's Grace through Jesus Christ.

IF God exists? He does and the rest of your definition of grace is based off modern false teachings which Paul warned about. Without holiness no one will see the LORD. God isn't grading on a curve here. You either keep the commandments of Christ or you don't. Before the cross you could not keep Christs commandments. After the cross you not only can you must. If you allow the work of the cross to be done in you - you will keep them. If you don't - you won't. It isn't sinless perfection but neither is it out of our hands. Our part is quite simple. Deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Christ.

I trust Paul more you anyway. God is not the source of confusion. That's a reason why He included Paul into His Bible. There's reason why He set up the Church through Peter and Paul. There's a reason why even Peter gave his credit to Paul. The situation is not out of God's control as you try to portray here.
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You are born to subject the Law system in your own country/nation. Similarly if God exists, you are automatically subject to the judgment of His Law system as you are under His sovereignty. It is predicted that by the standard of God's Law system, everyone may fail such a judgment by Law. Jesus' coming brought us a covenant which says that by God's self-sacrifice, humans can be re-deemed by bypassing the judgment of Law.

That's God's Grace through Jesus Christ.

Is it not simply undeserved favor from God?

An open offer of eternal ransom from hell is undeserved favor. There isn't any greater example of undeserved favor if you accept the pardon you accept on Gods terms. What are those terms? Jesus is Lord over your life. Not you.
IF God exists? He does and the rest of your definition of grace is based off modern false teachings which Paul warned about. Without holiness no one will see the LORD. God isn't grading on a curve here. You either keep the commandments of Christ or you don't. Before the cross you could not keep Christs commandments. After the cross you not only can you must. If you allow the work of the cross to be done in you - you will keep them. If you don't - you won't. It isn't sinless perfection but neither is it out of our hands. Our part is quite simple. Deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Christ.

I trust Paul more you anyway. God is not the source of confusion. That's a reason why He included Paul into His Bible. There's reason why He set up the Church through Peter and Paul. There's a reason why even Peter gave his credit to Paul. The situation is not out of God's control as you try to portray here.

How can you trust Paul when you do not even trust the LORD whom Paul served? Got news for you. The first church was Jewish. The RCC has nothing to do with the early church in Israel.. It was the Romans that invaded them or have you forgotten that bit of history? The future is in Gods hands and each mans decision to follow Christ or not is in his or her own hands. God doesn't make those decisions for us. It is a free will choice to follow God or to follow men.
What is God's grace?

You are born to subject the Law system in your own country/nation. Similarly if God exists, you are automatically subject to the judgment of His Law system as you are under His sovereignty. It is predicted that by the standard of God's Law system, everyone may fail such a judgment by Law.


You can see and communicate with the judge in your country.

Can you say that of your God/Judge?

Only if you are :cuckoo:

Is it not simply undeserved favor from God?

An open offer of eternal ransom from hell is undeserved favor. There isn't any greater example of undeserved favor if you accept the pardon you accept on Gods terms. What are those terms? Jesus is Lord over your life. Not you.

"if you accept..."
If there are conditions, then it isn't grace, because it becomes a quid pro quo. Do this for me and I'll do this for you.
It's worse than guid pro quo. It's extortion. It's what the Mafia does. Do what I say or I'll break your legs. Worship me or I'll fuck you up for eternity.

It would be one thing if God freely asked for unconditional love, but the "...or else" attached to the offer makes it something entirely different.
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube

In the ot--God set before each individual to choose -- life( eternal) or death--not only by words or thoughts but by deeds as well. He warned all of what is coming to the earth( which is good news in the long run)
Gods kingdom in reality is mankinds only hope--it is a cure all-forever.
No more false reasonings, wars of hatred, greed, mental diseases. disease, blindness, etc,etc--surely good news for mankind to live lives like God meant it to be and wants it to be. This system is not what God wants--What God wants and will have is all based on Love.
Utter nonsense. Truth is based upon the Word of God. Not your "opinion" of the Word of God, PT. Your opinion won't move Gods hand one iota. It is Gods Word that moves Gods hand. Youre either quoting it or you're not. Your'e not!

Finally in closing there are over 400 references in the Old Testament - The Jewish Torah - referencing hell. From King David, to Isaiah, to Samuel and onward... hell is repeatedly mentioned. To continue to deny the truth in order to implicate a lie is grounds for major consequences. You cannot provoke God to anger and expect nothing from it. What are you doing on this board, PT? You are provoking God to anger. Stop while you can.

As Thomas Jefferson said, "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear."

I don't think Thomas Paine had figured why God doesn't interact, if It exists (revelation or otherwise), but he knew that if God does exist, It mustn't. Thus this very profound quote: “It is only in the CREATION that all our ideas and conceptions of a word of God can unite. The Creation speaketh an universal language.... It is an ever-existing original, which every man can read. It cannot be forged; it cannot be counterfeited; it cannot be lost; it cannot be altered; it cannot be suppressed. It does not depend upon the will of man whether it shall be published or not; it publishes itself from one end of the earth to the other. It preaches to all nations and to all worlds; and this Word of God reveals to man all that is necessary for man to know of God.”

He could also have said, 'It does not need translation.' How many different versions of the Bible alone are there--not to mention the holy scriptures of all the other religions. Hell even the NT was added to the OT, and there are additions to the NT; and both the Old & New Testaments have warnings against adding to or taking away from them. Which is supposed to be THE Word of God? Wasn't the Nicean Council, which was supposed represent all of Christianity (which it most certainly didn't), a council of men? Were they all infallible and free from corruption? I could even write a completely new book and say God told it to me--and some would believe through similar blind faith. Being ancient does not impart authority, again re: all the other holy texts, some a lot older.
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God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube

Why is the idea of eternal damnation so repulsive to many people?

Link for more in depth reading:
Why is the idea of eternal damnation so repulsive to many people?

A flawed view of God’s love. Many who reject the idea of eternal damnation do so because they find it difficult to believe that a loving God could banish people to a place as horrific as hell for all eternity. However, God’s love does not negate His justice, His righteousness, or His holiness. Neither does His justice negate His love. In fact, God’s love has provided the way to escape His wrath: the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16-18).

What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

Link for more in depth reading:
What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

John 3:17
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.


Oh look, another "I hate God that I don't believe in" psycho thread.

I wish the mentally ill would refrain from posting.
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube

Why is the idea of eternal damnation so repulsive to many people?

Link for more in depth reading:
Why is the idea of eternal damnation so repulsive to many people?

A flawed view of God’s love. Many who reject the idea of eternal damnation do so because they find it difficult to believe that a loving God could banish people to a place as horrific as hell for all eternity. However, God’s love does not negate His justice, His righteousness, or His holiness. Neither does His justice negate His love. In fact, God’s love has provided the way to escape His wrath: the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16-18).

What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

Link for more in depth reading:
What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

John 3:17
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.



If grace is the undeserved favor of god, what good is hell?
It makes god's love a quid pro quo, not grace.
There are conditions, and that is not grace.
You've misunderstood the meaning of grace, Bruce. It is understandable because the mainstream evangelical churches have been teaching a false grace message for at least the past 2 decades. Very disturbing stuff and none of it is validated by Scripture. I call it the gospel of hedonism. Another good name for it is the wide is the road gospel.. ( both lead to hell ) Hell is real. Why wouldn't people warn others about it? Concern is what separates Gods love from the worlds love.

The path to heaven is "narrow" not wide. Jesus said so. Picture narrow being a path in which you have to put one foot in front of the other ( as in walking on a plank of wood ) because there isn't room to walk otherwise. That is narrow. Narrow means narrow.
You've misunderstood the meaning of grace, Bruce. It is understandable because the mainstream evangelical churches have been teaching a false grace message for at least the past 2 decades. Very disturbing stuff and none of it is validated by Scripture. I call it the gospel of hedonism. Another good name for it is the wide is the road gospel.. ( both lead to hell ) Hell is real. Why wouldn't people warn others about it? Concern is what separates Gods love from the worlds love.

The path to heaven is "narrow" not wide. Jesus said so. Picture narrow being a path in which you have to put one foot in front of the other ( as in walking on a plank of wood ) because there isn't room to walk otherwise. That is narrow. Narrow means narrow.

Is god's grace undeserved favor?
You haven't refuted what I stated, or even addressed it, but created a strawman that implies I suggest god supports a free-for-all.
You can warn about hell all you like. You simply can't convince thinking people such a mythology actually exists.
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


the only people "condemned to fire" are the one's who've chosen to believe he doesn't exist...

now if I offer people a free trip to Disneyworld and they turn their backs on it, does that mean I hate them?.....

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