Godless DemNazis Still Trying To Kill God.

Lawlessness is next to Godlessness
Nice how you Trumptards want to ram Religion down everyone's throat as you worship Trump who is about as godless as they come.

When's the last time Trump & his family attended Sunday services?
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

Only theocrats want to FORCE people to say an oath to their so-called god.
This is why people believe you will arrest and kill the Christians. It is their fault though for believing your social justice agendas with the help of the big church's selling out.
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

It is impossible to kill that which does not exist. god does not exist and there is only hope and prayer to keep it going.
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

Only theocrats want to FORCE people to say an oath to their so-called god.
yep, and it's what civilization survives on. Morals, to which the left have zip. I know you all would prefer we swear to the leftist asses. why an oath at all? nothing, fk why even exist?
The reich has no credibility or ethics or morals.
The Lord is the center of me and my husbands life and that won't change with or without an affirmation in an oath for politicians taking office or with or without an affirmation as a quote on money. I think people sometimes lose sight of the fact that God does not need government in order to be praised and worshiped. Just my opinion.
The Lord is the center of me and my husbands life and that won't change with or without an affirmation in an oath for politicians taking office or with or without an affirmation as a quote on money. I think people sometimes lose sight of the fact that God does not need government in order to be praised and worshiped. Just my opinion.
True, but there must be public recognition and acknowledgement of God's authority over the nation. Our political leaders must also recognize Jesus Christ as THEIR Lord and King.
Well now wait a minute hear. Some Democrats think you need it forced on you for your own good
Michelle Cook Con..PNG

Where do they find these people?
Oy, is a wild guess but I think she's probably Catholic.

'The violent take it by force.'
The Lord is the center of me and my husbands life and that won't change with or without an affirmation in an oath for politicians taking office or with or without an affirmation as a quote on money. I think people sometimes lose sight of the fact that God does not need government in order to be praised and worshiped. Just my opinion.
True, but there must be public recognition and acknowledgement of God's authority over the nation. Our political leaders must also recognize Jesus Christ as THEIR Lord and King.

We have freedom of religion that the founders made a point of ensuring in the first amendment. As much as i'd love for people to follow Christ it is their freedom not to, and that goes for politicians as well.
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

Only theocrats want to FORCE people to say an oath to their so-called god.
This is why people believe you will arrest and kill the Christians. It is their fault though for believing your social justice agendas with the help of the big church's selling out.
Those who believe such nonsense are as ignorant as they are wrong.
Well now wait a minute hear. Some Democrats think you need it forced on you for your own good

...so do you agree or not??
Forcing religion bad idea. Swearing an oath in a nation filled with believers?
I don't see a problem with that as long as it is not forced.
If a legislator wants to make up their own let them.
I do have a problem with anti's taking down things such as the Ten Commandments etc. that are in place in areas throughout the country as these are suggestions and reminders but still not forced and if one lies, steals etc. there are measures to deal with those things both in the carnal and spirit.
We have freedom of religion that the founders made a point of ensuring in the first amendment. As much as i'd love for people to follow Christ it is their freedom not to, and that goes for politicians as well
Of course THEY have that freedom..
The problem is with the VOTER.

If you're willing to put someone in authority OVER you who doesn't believe he/she ANSWERS TO GOD in a very real way, then YOU place someone in authority who believes himself to be a god.

THIS is why we have the corruption we have now.

They believe they answer to NO ONE but themselves.
We have freedom of religion that the founders made a point of ensuring in the first amendment. As much as i'd love for people to follow Christ it is their freedom not to, and that goes for politicians as well
Of course THEY have that freedom..
The problem is with the VOTER.

If you're willing to put someone in authority OVER you who doesn't believe he/she ANSWERS TO GOD in a very real way, then YOU place someone in authority who believes himself to be a god.

THIS is why we have the corruption we have now.

They believe they answer to NO ONE but themselves.

Sure absolutely. You should always vote for a candidate that you feel most closely represents your beliefs, both politically and religiously if that's what you want to do. There are also people who believe in God that have very different beliefs from myself for example. If there is a choice between a person that believes in God but maybe has very different beliefs or interpretations that I don't agree with versus someone that may not believe in God but has a good heart and good ideas for the community or state or whatever he/she is running for then I could easily see myself voting for the atheist in that scenario. There are a lot of good people that believe in God that also have bad ideas.

They are just trying to follow the commands of Jesus...

34 But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.
The Lord is the center of me and my husbands life and that won't change with or without an affirmation in an oath for politicians taking office or with or without an affirmation as a quote on money. I think people sometimes lose sight of the fact that God does not need government in order to be praised and worshiped. Just my opinion.
True, but there must be public recognition and acknowledgement of God's authority over the nation. Our political leaders must also recognize Jesus Christ as THEIR Lord and King.

We have freedom of religion that the founders made a point of ensuring in the first amendment. As much as i'd love for people to follow Christ it is their freedom not to, and that goes for politicians as well.

The problem is that far too many on the authoritarian right fear dissent and seek to compel conformity – including those who engage in religious dissent and citizens who are free from religion.

Conservatives who seek to compel office holders to reference ‘god’ when taking their oath of office is an example of the right’s authoritarianism.

That Democrats wish to remove the reference to ‘god’ from the oath of office is perfectly appropriate and warranted, consistent with this Nation’s tradition of religious freedom – particularly given the fact that those who wish to reference ‘god’ remain at liberty to do so.
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

It is impossible to kill that which does not exist. god does not exist and there is only hope and prayer to keep it going.
When the day comes you'll be one of billions saying " Oh fuck ! It's true !

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