God's Holy Days vs Pagan Holidays


Aug 6, 2011
Christmas and Easter are pagan! They are actually ancient pagan celebrations that were "Christianized" by placing Christian symbols over these pagan feasts.

Christ was not born at the time of the winter solstice but rather at the time of late summer and early autumn when the shepherds still had their flocks out at night.

Easter is actually the name of a pagan goddess. The fertility symbols of eggs and rabbits are part of this ancient pagan celebration.

God's Holy Days can be found as you would expect in the Bible. You don't have to go to man to find out what days to worship God on.

Leviticus 23 has the list of days to observe. God says that these are His feasts so don't let someone try to tell you that these are just the Jew's feasts. These are God's Holy Days and Festivals!

The weekly Sabbath is to be kept from Friday at sunset to Saturday night at sunset.

Here are the 7 main Festivals/Observances contained in this chapter.

Christ was the Passover Lamb who died for our sins that we would could be reconciled back to God the Father.

Pictures a Christian's part in putting the spiritual leaven (sin) out of our lives and keeping the Commandments of God. We must put all leaven off our property during the Feast and eat unleavened bread for seven days.

Pictures the giving of the Holy Spirit which was poured out on the early apostles in 31 AD and it pictures the start of the New Testament Church the firstfruits of God. This day is also called the Feast of Firstfruits or Feast of Weeks.

This day is the most important day in the history of this world. It pictures the triumphant return of Jesus Christ who will dramatically take control of the governments of this earth and put down all resistance supernaturally.
The New Testament saints and prophets of old will be resurrected and rule with Christ. This is known as the First Resurrection. These saints will be resurrected or those living at the time of His Return will be changed instanteously to spirit beings.

The fast. This pictures the binding of Satan the Devil picture also in Leviticus 16 and in the scriptures Revelation 20:1-3. With Satan out of the way and no longer broadcasting his evil attitude into all humanity peace will begin for this earth.

Pictures the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ on this earth! We save all year a tenth of our income to go to the place were God chooses to rejoice for seven days and eating and drinking the abundance of what we have and sharing it with others. It truly is a millennial setting.

Or Great White Throne Judgment. It pictures the 2nd and 3rd Resurrections of all those who have lived on this earth and were not in the 1st Resurrection and who were not changed to immortality during the Millennium (1,000 year reign of Christ).

The 2nd Resurrection pictures all those who had never had a chance to receive God's Holy Spirit in their first life and will be shown the way of salvation and for a period of 100 years (Isaiah 65) will be given a chance to be born again into God's Kingdom of God. The great thing about this is that all those who lived and died before Christ even came to this earth and who have never even heard his name will be given their chance to receive God's Holy Spirit and be born again into God's Kingdom.

The 3rd Resurrection is for those who were called by God and who rejected and turned away from God and refused to repent and who had and lost their Holy Spirit. These will be cast into the lake of fire and die the 2nd Death.


Each year a Christian is to go through these Holy Days / Festivals / Memorials of God. They picture the plan of Salvation for all mankind.

Avoid the pagan holidays of this world. These come out of pagan Rome. They are known in the Bible as the Mark of the Beast. The Beast being the Roman Empire. Avoid them, even if it costs you your life, or suffer the consequences you read about in the book of Revelation.
Nothing new here. As religions developed the new would be superimposed on the old. This was especially true of those subjugated into a new religion via conquest.
That's much ado about nothing. Jesus himself told his disciples that what they did in His name was alright. They didn't submit to pagan holidays, they co-opted them. It's a lot easier to go somewhere and say "you can have your festival, it just means this now" than to scrap everything and force a people to start from scratch. That's the way Islam operated, not early Christianity.


Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

...i.e. it's the spirit not the form that's important.
That's much ado about nothing. Jesus himself told his disciples that what they did in His name was alright. They didn't submit to pagan holidays, they co-opted them. It's a lot easier to go somewhere and say "you can have your festival, it just means this now" than to scrap everything and force a people to start from scratch. That's the way Islam operated, not early Christianity.


Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

...i.e. it's the spirit not the form that's important.

Christ kept God's Sabbaths both weekly and annual Holy Days. Even the New Testament Church was founded on the Feast of Firstfruits (Pentecost) -- one of the Holy Days listed in Leviticus 23.

Christ condemned substitutions by men for the true doctrines of God.

Mar 7:6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.

Mar 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Mar 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men...

Mar 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

Mar 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

But the really bad thing about these pagan holidays is that they are a two-edged sword.

1) You are disobeying God by not keeping His Sabbaths holy.

2) You are accepting the Mark of the Beast. These pagan holidays came out of pagan Rome. The Roman Empire is called a beast in the Bible. See Daniel.

The Mark of the Beast is the Mark of the Roman Empire.

Look up the origins of Sunday-worship versus the Sabbath. Look up the origins of the pagan winter solstice celebrations which became Christmas. Look up the name Easter. It is the name of a pagan goddess and it too has a long history that predates Christ. These all came out of pagan Rome and were established by the Church of Rome usurping the authority of God's Word and establishing them upon their ecclesiastical authority alone--in other words established by the commandments of men.

Christ condemned man's substitution of his own doctrines for the commandments of God. Don't hold fast to your traditions. Hold fast to the Commandments and the Word of God!
thanks for the post. My family came out of the Baptist church 6 yrs ago and started observing the 7th day sabbath and the feast and we learn more each yr and it truly is great .
Learning who Israel is and that we're apart of it and the statutes and blessings that come with obedience..
That's much ado about nothing. Jesus himself told his disciples that what they did in His name was alright. They didn't submit to pagan holidays, they co-opted them. It's a lot easier to go somewhere and say "you can have your festival, it just means this now" than to scrap everything and force a people to start from scratch. That's the way Islam operated, not early Christianity.


Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

...i.e. it's the spirit not the form that's important.

Christ kept God's Sabbaths both weekly and annual Holy Days. Even the New Testament Church was founded on the Feast of Firstfruits (Pentecost) -- one of the Holy Days listed in Leviticus 23.

Christ condemned substitutions by men for the true doctrines of God.

Mar 7:6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.

Mar 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Mar 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men...

Mar 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

Mar 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

But the really bad thing about these pagan holidays is that they are a two-edged sword.

1) You are disobeying God by not keeping His Sabbaths holy.

2) You are accepting the Mark of the Beast. These pagan holidays came out of pagan Rome. The Roman Empire is called a beast in the Bible. See Daniel.

The Mark of the Beast is the Mark of the Roman Empire.

Look up the origins of Sunday-worship versus the Sabbath. Look up the origins of the pagan winter solstice celebrations which became Christmas. Look up the name Easter. It is the name of a pagan goddess and it too has a long history that predates Christ. These all came out of pagan Rome and were established by the Church of Rome usurping the authority of God's Word and establishing them upon their ecclesiastical authority alone--in other words established by the commandments of men.

Christ condemned man's substitution of his own doctrines for the commandments of God. Don't hold fast to your traditions. Hold fast to the Commandments and the Word of God!

In the quotes you provide He was talking to the Pharisees, while in mine He was talking to his disciples. BIG DIFFERENCE. I stand by my previous post, as yours is not on point.

re: “Jesus himself told his disciples that what they did in His name was alright. They didn't submit to pagan holidays, they co-opted them.”

What scripture can you point to that says that the disciples to whom the Messiah was speaking did any co-opting of the pagan holidays existing at the time?
Nothing new here. As religions developed the new would be superimposed on the old. This was especially true of those subjugated into a new religion via conquest.

Wrong. Judaic theology has stayed pretty much the same since Moses first received the Torah and the 10 Commandments.

It's when Rome got involved and started trying to sell Christianity to the Pagans (better to rule over them if you've got a religion), THAT is when things started to get messed up.

Incidentally, the Easter Sunrise Service is actually an observance of the Spring solstice, which is a pagan ritual.

Ever since the Catholics messed things up, especially with their editing of the Bible into the KJV, things have gone from bad to worse.
That's much ado about nothing. Jesus himself told his disciples that what they did in His name was alright. They didn't submit to pagan holidays, they co-opted them. It's a lot easier to go somewhere and say "you can have your festival, it just means this now" than to scrap everything and force a people to start from scratch. That's the way Islam operated, not early Christianity.


Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

...i.e. it's the spirit not the form that's important.

Constantine was a disciple? That's the first I have heard of it.
Here's a tip for you lefties, quit worrying about Christianity. Leave it alone or think about it the way you think about global warming. Have faith and don't worry about science.
Earthday is Vladimir Lenins birthday. Yet another example of a religion usurping an existing holiday.

re: “Jesus himself told his disciples that what they did in His name was alright. They didn't submit to pagan holidays, they co-opted them.”

What scripture can you point to that says that the disciples to whom the Messiah was speaking did any co-opting of the pagan holidays existing at the time?

Why would that matter? Jesus was plainly saying that they had a free hand how they were going to build this church. Remember, He had only two commandments and strict adherence to forms that came before wasn't one of them. The exact time they first did it might be historically interseting, but hardly pertinent to my point.
That's much ado about nothing. Jesus himself told his disciples that what they did in His name was alright. They didn't submit to pagan holidays, they co-opted them. It's a lot easier to go somewhere and say "you can have your festival, it just means this now" than to scrap everything and force a people to start from scratch. That's the way Islam operated, not early Christianity.


Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

...i.e. it's the spirit not the form that's important.

Constantine was a disciple? That's the first I have heard of it.

NO he wasn't, but the bishops he assembled were, in the sense of the continuity of the church Jesus spoke of. They're the ones that came up with the basic orthodox creed to which most Christians adhere.
Nothing new here. As religions developed the new would be superimposed on the old. This was especially true of those subjugated into a new religion via conquest.

Wrong. Judaic theology has stayed pretty much the same since Moses first received the Torah and the 10 Commandments.

It's when Rome got involved and started trying to sell Christianity to the Pagans (better to rule over them if you've got a religion), THAT is when things started to get messed up.

Incidentally, the Easter Sunrise Service is actually an observance of the Spring solstice, which is a pagan ritual.

Ever since the Catholics messed things up, especially with their editing of the Bible into the KJV, things have gone from bad to worse.

King James wasn't a Catholic. May have been born so, but was raised and ruled as a Protestant(CofS & CofE). BTW, what exactly is messed up and what has gone from bad to worse?

re: “Why would that matter?

Well, you said that the disciples that the Messiah was talking to co-opted the pagan holidays. I merely was asking what scripture you were using to make that statement about those specific disciples.
Speaking as a Pagan, at this stage of the game we don't mind the borrowing. Christians are welcome to celebrate our holy days under their own names if they want. :cool:

All gods are one God, all goddesses one Goddess, and there is but One Initiator. Jesus the man may not have been born in December (probably wasn't), but now that he's divine his human birthday isn't as important as the symbolic and magical resonance of the Winter Solstice, Birth (or re-birth) of the Lifegiver. Such universal symbolism lifts Christianity out of the realm of comic books and into that of genuine spiritual reality, and that's a Good Thing. :clap2:

re: “Why would that matter?

Well, you said that the disciples that the Messiah was talking to co-opted the pagan holidays. I merely was asking what scripture you were using to make that statement about those specific disciples.

Did you miss it in my O.P.? Matt.18:18-20(KJV)

re: “Matt.18:18-20(KJV)”

I don’t see where Matthew 18: 18-20 says that the disciples (the ones to whom the Messiah was addressing) co-opted any pagan holidays.

re: “Matt.18:18-20(KJV)”

I don’t see where Matthew 18: 18-20 says that the disciples (the ones to whom the Messiah was addressing) co-opted any pagan holidays.

I never said they did, just that they were given permission. The quotation is quite plain in that Jesus was giving them a free hand in how to spread his message.

re: “I never said they did,,,”

But you did. In your post #3 you said: “Jesus himself told his disciples that what they did in His name was alright. They didn't submit to pagan holidays, they co-opted them.”

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