Dear TheProgressivePatriot
I INCLUDE your viewpoints and beliefs as valid
and ADD ON to them to include those of others as equally valid.

My approach includes yours.
But yours depends on excluding mine and others.
I'm note sure that I can agree with that. While it is true that I have not been drawn to your point of view, you have certainly not modified your views. You're still bleating about how sexual orientation/ gender identity for one thing.
That my approach explains and covers all others equally and universally.
Including both yours and others who disagree with both you and with me!
So it is more inclusive of diversity.
And therein lies a big part of the problem . You still think that every view point, no matter how hateful and oppressive should be respected and acomadated
You are obviously of good conscience if you find this disturbing.
If you didn't care about the truth, you wouldn't question
and try to change and resolve the conflict here.

Thanks for that TPP
You keep defending and demanding the truth.
I totally support you and cheer you on!
You are one of the few progressive posters on
here I respect for that. I don't have to agree
with all you present in order to defend your equal right
to exercise and express your beliefs and defend them from infringement.

You go!!!
I appreciate your civil approach, kind words and apparent attempt to find common ground
But as determined and principled as TPP is,
a mind and conscience that strong willed will not stop
until truth is established that resolves all conflicts to the contrary.
Thank you again, but I under no delusion that all conflicts can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction. Truth is meaningless to bigots like Blaylock, Pete and Tilly because they are just too invested in spewing hate and bigotry and have no souls.
You are obviously of good conscience if you find this disturbing.
If you didn't care about the truth, you wouldn't question
and try to change and resolve the conflict here.

Thanks for that TPP
You keep defending and demanding the truth.
I totally support you and cheer you on!
You are one of the few progressive posters on
here I respect for that. I don't have to agree
with all you present in order to defend your equal right
to exercise and express your beliefs and defend them from infringement.

You go!!!
I appreciate your civil approach, kind words and apparent attempt to find common ground

I appreciate and thank you, too, TheProgressivePatriot
I agree with you on defending and including LGBT equally,
but just not going too far with this where it imposes on and insults the free choice of others.
Beliefs are never changed by insulting or forcing opponents,
but has created a WORSE backlash against the cause than ever before.

I'm sorry anything I said or miscommunicated insulted your beliefs or intelligence.
If we had perfect communications and clarity, we could avoid this insult that was never intended.

I believe people can learn to accept the other viewpoints by free choice
and eventually come to see that all these cases are possible and out there.
Of course we run into conflicts when any one of us says all cases are the same,
because they're not. We don't have to agree on everything, but it would help
to see that in some cases, one person is right and in another case, another person was.

Thanks for staying on board and presenting as consistently
honestly and transparently as you do. We all need that
so we can understand all the cases and content out there, and it's more diverse
than we might have imagined. We have a ways to go to reach full inclusion
and management of diversity, thanks for pushing us in that direction!

Yours truly, Emily
That my approach explains and covers all others equally and universally.
Including both yours and others who disagree with both you and with me!
So it is more inclusive of diversity.
And therein lies a big part of the problem . You still think that every view point, no matter how hateful and oppressive should be respected and acomadated

Dear TheProgressivePatriot
the process of free choice and working things out
works both ways. If we want to start with where we are, and process proof of new information before we change or expand,
it makes sense to respect the intellectual freedom and free choice of others to receive new input before choosing to change or expand views, too.

If we don't benefit from other people not respecting or accommodating us,
but it obstructs any exchange of information and sharing experiences,
then how can we expect change or growth.

What I find is the more I work with others, they are more willing to open up and work as well.
Any change tends to happen mutually, where it's a dynamic give and take.
You add more information and insights from your experiences
and I share mine, and we work it out freely.

Some people as you say may not be open to this.
But when immersed in an open environment with others
willing to share and exchange ideas, that has a chance
of encouraging more people to engage on that level.
I see it on this board. The more people like you share corrections
and even voice disagreements with respect, the more others
will try that and find it more effective as well. It's gradual, but it grows.

So we encourage change together, it isn't ever forced on one person by another.
We know that rejection and disrespect doesn't change our minds.
Why the heck do we keep doing the same things, over and over, and complain nothing is changing?

TPP may not realize the process of change takes "mutual give and take"
No energy is created or destroyed but converted from one form to another.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
I most certainly do realize that. Unfortunately some others don't

Well TheProgressivePatriot
we can only change ourselves.
The good news is the more we do, it's like a ripple effect.
And indirectly we influence others to change around us.
I appreciate and thank you, too, TheProgressivePatriot
I agree with you on defending and including LGBT equally,
but just not going too far with this where it imposes on and insults the free choice of others.
Beliefs are never changed by insulting or forcing opponents,
but has created a WORSE backlash against the cause than ever before.
You should know my position on that by now. Those who seek to oppress, demean, and marginalize others do not get to make that choice. Bring on the backlash. I could not have been avoided during the civil rights era and I don't suppose that it can be now with people like Pet, Blaylock and Till still breathing. But we will prevail
Some people as you say may not be open to this.
But when immersed in an open environment with others
willing to share and exchange ideas, that has a chance
of encouraging more people to engage on that level.
I see it on this board. The more people like you share corrections
and even voice disagreements with respect, the more others
will try that and find it more effective as well. It's gradual, but it grows.
Keep dreaming . One in a thousand . Most entrenched bigot have no desire to change or to learn anything.
Some people as you say may not be open to this.
But when immersed in an open environment with others
willing to share and exchange ideas, that has a chance
of encouraging more people to engage on that level.
I see it on this board. The more people like you share corrections
and even voice disagreements with respect, the more others
will try that and find it more effective as well. It's gradual, but it grows.
Keep dreaming . One in a thousand . Most entrenched bigot have no desire to change or to learn anything.

It's not about numbers TheProgressivePatriot but content of your message.
Einstein was only one.
So were Buddha and Jesus. And look how their influence
spread over more centuries and continents, because of what they taught.

You can be that next Einstein. It only takes one!

Just because others don't get what you are saying
doesn't affect your ability to master how you say it.

You keep improving yourself, be the best you can be.
And you change your corner of the world to be a better place.
Just as they have been working to water down Roe v. Wade , with restrictions on abortion, they continue to concern themselves with another, more recent decision, Obergfelle v Hodges which made same sex marriage the law of the land.

They are obsessed with people private lives and social issues, while purporting to be the party of freedom and individual responsibility.

While the country is facing numerous threats and problems both foreign and domestic, they can’t keep their noses out of people’s bedrooms. While they are hell bent on allowing Wall Street to run amok, and letting corporations pollute the planet, women, gays and other who they disapprove of must be tightly controlled.

While they are not actively seeking to overturn Obergefell- that know that even with a conservative SCOTUS- it would be a long road to hoe. So as with Roe, they are finding ways to water down the gains that have been made with respect to choice, privacy, and equality. Consider:

Georgia is on its way to creating a law that would allow state-funded adoption agencies to turn away LGBTQ couples ― or, more specifically, to turn away any parents the agencies don’t approve of based on religious beliefs.

Make no mistake: This anti-LGBTQ adoption bill is part of a wide-reaching plan by religious conservatives ― backed by President Donald Trump and his administration ― to turn same-sex marriage into second-class marriage with a longer-term goal of overturning federal marriage rights for gays and lesbians entirely.

Adoption is only one of several fronts on which they are attacking:

By getting courts to rule that wedding-related businesses can turn away gay couples based on the business owners’ religious beliefs, by allowing governments to refuse to give the same benefits to spouses within same-sex marriages as they do to those within opposite-sex marriages, and by allowing adoption agencies to say no to LGBTQ parents.

t is really in those three major areas- adoption, public accommodation, and benefits- that equality is being assailed. I do not believe for a Nano second that this is about religion or religious freedom. It’s about bigotry-plain and simple. It is not about concern for the children either. It is about bigotry.

Furthermore, in the Huston Texas case where the Texas Supreme Court rules that married same sex couples on the city payroll were not necessarily entitle to employee benefits is clearly bigotry because it has nothing to do with religion and clearly is harmful to the children of those couples.

Is that what God would want? These issues, along wth the myriad of so call "bathroom bills " aimed at trans people make it clear that the GOP is hell bent on making life as difficult as possible for LGBT people in order to appease the religious right.
People don’t care about what others are doing behind closed doors. I know I don’t.
The problems start when a small segment of society tries normalizing behavior that’s abnormal.
Just as they have been working to water down Roe v. Wade , with restrictions on abortion, they continue to concern themselves with another, more recent decision, Obergfelle v Hodges which made same sex marriage the law of the land.

They are obsessed with people private lives and social issues, while purporting to be the party of freedom and individual responsibility.

While the country is facing numerous threats and problems both foreign and domestic, they can’t keep their noses out of people’s bedrooms. While they are hell bent on allowing Wall Street to run amok, and letting corporations pollute the planet, women, gays and other who they disapprove of must be tightly controlled.

While they are not actively seeking to overturn Obergefell- that know that even with a conservative SCOTUS- it would be a long road to hoe. So as with Roe, they are finding ways to water down the gains that have been made with respect to choice, privacy, and equality. Consider:

Georgia is on its way to creating a law that would allow state-funded adoption agencies to turn away LGBTQ couples ― or, more specifically, to turn away any parents the agencies don’t approve of based on religious beliefs.

Make no mistake: This anti-LGBTQ adoption bill is part of a wide-reaching plan by religious conservatives ― backed by President Donald Trump and his administration ― to turn same-sex marriage into second-class marriage with a longer-term goal of overturning federal marriage rights for gays and lesbians entirely.

Adoption is only one of several fronts on which they are attacking:

By getting courts to rule that wedding-related businesses can turn away gay couples based on the business owners’ religious beliefs, by allowing governments to refuse to give the same benefits to spouses within same-sex marriages as they do to those within opposite-sex marriages, and by allowing adoption agencies to say no to LGBTQ parents.

t is really in those three major areas- adoption, public accommodation, and benefits- that equality is being assailed. I do not believe for a Nano second that this is about religion or religious freedom. It’s about bigotry-plain and simple. It is not about concern for the children either. It is about bigotry.

Furthermore, in the Huston Texas case where the Texas Supreme Court rules that married same sex couples on the city payroll were not necessarily entitle to employee benefits is clearly bigotry because it has nothing to do with religion and clearly is harmful to the children of those couples.

Is that what God would want? These issues, along wth the myriad of so call "bathroom bills " aimed at trans people make it clear that the GOP is hell bent on making life as difficult as possible for LGBT people in order to appease the religious right.
People don’t care about what others are doing behind closed doors. I know I don’t.
The problems start when a small segment of society tries normalizing behavior that’s abnormal.
Gee Fucking Wizz!! That's real helpful. What do you mean by "normalize" ? The ability to live openly and be treated with dignity and respect? The ability to marry the person of ones choice? To damned bad if you have a problem that . There is no going back
Some people as you say may not be open to this.
But when immersed in an open environment with others
willing to share and exchange ideas, that has a chance
of encouraging more people to engage on that level.
I see it on this board. The more people like you share corrections
and even voice disagreements with respect, the more others
will try that and find it more effective as well. It's gradual, but it grows.
Keep dreaming . One in a thousand . Most entrenched bigot have no desire to change or to learn anything.

It's not about numbers TheProgressivePatriot but content of your message.
Einstein was only one.
So were Buddha and Jesus. And look how their influence
spread over more centuries and continents, because of what they taught.

You can be that next Einstein. It only takes one!

Just because others don't get what you are saying
doesn't affect your ability to master how you say it.

You keep improving yourself, be the best you can be.
And you change your corner of the world to be a better place.
Sorry, I am what I am. I can't walk on water-can't even swim very well LOL
Just as they have been working to water down Roe v. Wade , with restrictions on abortion, they continue to concern themselves with another, more recent decision, Obergfelle v Hodges which made same sex marriage the law of the land.

They are obsessed with people private lives and social issues, while purporting to be the party of freedom and individual responsibility.

While the country is facing numerous threats and problems both foreign and domestic, they can’t keep their noses out of people’s bedrooms. While they are hell bent on allowing Wall Street to run amok, and letting corporations pollute the planet, women, gays and other who they disapprove of must be tightly controlled.

While they are not actively seeking to overturn Obergefell- that know that even with a conservative SCOTUS- it would be a long road to hoe. So as with Roe, they are finding ways to water down the gains that have been made with respect to choice, privacy, and equality. Consider:

Georgia is on its way to creating a law that would allow state-funded adoption agencies to turn away LGBTQ couples ― or, more specifically, to turn away any parents the agencies don’t approve of based on religious beliefs.

Make no mistake: This anti-LGBTQ adoption bill is part of a wide-reaching plan by religious conservatives ― backed by President Donald Trump and his administration ― to turn same-sex marriage into second-class marriage with a longer-term goal of overturning federal marriage rights for gays and lesbians entirely.

Adoption is only one of several fronts on which they are attacking:

By getting courts to rule that wedding-related businesses can turn away gay couples based on the business owners’ religious beliefs, by allowing governments to refuse to give the same benefits to spouses within same-sex marriages as they do to those within opposite-sex marriages, and by allowing adoption agencies to say no to LGBTQ parents.

t is really in those three major areas- adoption, public accommodation, and benefits- that equality is being assailed. I do not believe for a Nano second that this is about religion or religious freedom. It’s about bigotry-plain and simple. It is not about concern for the children either. It is about bigotry.

Furthermore, in the Huston Texas case where the Texas Supreme Court rules that married same sex couples on the city payroll were not necessarily entitle to employee benefits is clearly bigotry because it has nothing to do with religion and clearly is harmful to the children of those couples.

Is that what God would want? These issues, along wth the myriad of so call "bathroom bills " aimed at trans people make it clear that the GOP is hell bent on making life as difficult as possible for LGBT people in order to appease the religious right.
People don’t care about what others are doing behind closed doors. I know I don’t.
The problems start when a small segment of society tries normalizing behavior that’s abnormal.
Gee Fucking Wizz!! That's real helpful. What do you mean by "normalize" ? The ability to live openly and be treated with dignity and respect? The ability to marry the person of ones choice? To damned bad if you have a problem that . There is no going back
I don’t treat you people any differently than someone who is normal. Are you now expecting us to bow down and kiss your ass?

You people are ridiculous.
Just as they have been working to water down Roe v. Wade , with restrictions on abortion, they continue to concern themselves with another, more recent decision, Obergfelle v Hodges which made same sex marriage the law of the land.

They are obsessed with people private lives and social issues, while purporting to be the party of freedom and individual responsibility.

While the country is facing numerous threats and problems both foreign and domestic, they can’t keep their noses out of people’s bedrooms. While they are hell bent on allowing Wall Street to run amok, and letting corporations pollute the planet, women, gays and other who they disapprove of must be tightly controlled.

While they are not actively seeking to overturn Obergefell- that know that even with a conservative SCOTUS- it would be a long road to hoe. So as with Roe, they are finding ways to water down the gains that have been made with respect to choice, privacy, and equality. Consider:

Georgia is on its way to creating a law that would allow state-funded adoption agencies to turn away LGBTQ couples ― or, more specifically, to turn away any parents the agencies don’t approve of based on religious beliefs.

Make no mistake: This anti-LGBTQ adoption bill is part of a wide-reaching plan by religious conservatives ― backed by President Donald Trump and his administration ― to turn same-sex marriage into second-class marriage with a longer-term goal of overturning federal marriage rights for gays and lesbians entirely.

Adoption is only one of several fronts on which they are attacking:

By getting courts to rule that wedding-related businesses can turn away gay couples based on the business owners’ religious beliefs, by allowing governments to refuse to give the same benefits to spouses within same-sex marriages as they do to those within opposite-sex marriages, and by allowing adoption agencies to say no to LGBTQ parents.

t is really in those three major areas- adoption, public accommodation, and benefits- that equality is being assailed. I do not believe for a Nano second that this is about religion or religious freedom. It’s about bigotry-plain and simple. It is not about concern for the children either. It is about bigotry.

Furthermore, in the Huston Texas case where the Texas Supreme Court rules that married same sex couples on the city payroll were not necessarily entitle to employee benefits is clearly bigotry because it has nothing to do with religion and clearly is harmful to the children of those couples.

Is that what God would want? These issues, along wth the myriad of so call "bathroom bills " aimed at trans people make it clear that the GOP is hell bent on making life as difficult as possible for LGBT people in order to appease the religious right.
People don’t care about what others are doing behind closed doors. I know I don’t.
The problems start when a small segment of society tries normalizing behavior that’s abnormal.
Gee Fucking Wizz!! That's real helpful. What do you mean by "normalize" ? The ability to live openly and be treated with dignity and respect? The ability to marry the person of ones choice? To damned bad if you have a problem that . There is no going back
I don’t treat you people any differently than someone who is normal. Are you now expecting us to bow down and kiss your ass?

You people are ridiculous.
You people? What" people " do you think that I am?
Just as they have been working to water down Roe v. Wade , with restrictions on abortion, they continue to concern themselves with another, more recent decision, Obergfelle v Hodges which made same sex marriage the law of the land.

They are obsessed with people private lives and social issues, while purporting to be the party of freedom and individual responsibility.

While the country is facing numerous threats and problems both foreign and domestic, they can’t keep their noses out of people’s bedrooms. While they are hell bent on allowing Wall Street to run amok, and letting corporations pollute the planet, women, gays and other who they disapprove of must be tightly controlled.

While they are not actively seeking to overturn Obergefell- that know that even with a conservative SCOTUS- it would be a long road to hoe. So as with Roe, they are finding ways to water down the gains that have been made with respect to choice, privacy, and equality. Consider:

Georgia is on its way to creating a law that would allow state-funded adoption agencies to turn away LGBTQ couples ― or, more specifically, to turn away any parents the agencies don’t approve of based on religious beliefs.

Make no mistake: This anti-LGBTQ adoption bill is part of a wide-reaching plan by religious conservatives ― backed by President Donald Trump and his administration ― to turn same-sex marriage into second-class marriage with a longer-term goal of overturning federal marriage rights for gays and lesbians entirely.

Adoption is only one of several fronts on which they are attacking:

By getting courts to rule that wedding-related businesses can turn away gay couples based on the business owners’ religious beliefs, by allowing governments to refuse to give the same benefits to spouses within same-sex marriages as they do to those within opposite-sex marriages, and by allowing adoption agencies to say no to LGBTQ parents.

t is really in those three major areas- adoption, public accommodation, and benefits- that equality is being assailed. I do not believe for a Nano second that this is about religion or religious freedom. It’s about bigotry-plain and simple. It is not about concern for the children either. It is about bigotry.

Furthermore, in the Huston Texas case where the Texas Supreme Court rules that married same sex couples on the city payroll were not necessarily entitle to employee benefits is clearly bigotry because it has nothing to do with religion and clearly is harmful to the children of those couples.

Is that what God would want? These issues, along wth the myriad of so call "bathroom bills " aimed at trans people make it clear that the GOP is hell bent on making life as difficult as possible for LGBT people in order to appease the religious right.
People don’t care about what others are doing behind closed doors. I know I don’t.
The problems start when a small segment of society tries normalizing behavior that’s abnormal.
Gee Fucking Wizz!! That's real helpful. What do you mean by "normalize" ? The ability to live openly and be treated with dignity and respect? The ability to marry the person of ones choice? To damned bad if you have a problem that . There is no going back
I don’t treat you people any differently than someone who is normal. Are you now expecting us to bow down and kiss your ass?

You people are ridiculous.
You people? What" people " do you think that I am?
What you do behind closed doors is your business.
Just as they have been working to water down Roe v. Wade , with restrictions on abortion, they continue to concern themselves with another, more recent decision, Obergfelle v Hodges which made same sex marriage the law of the land.

They are obsessed with people private lives and social issues, while purporting to be the party of freedom and individual responsibility.

While the country is facing numerous threats and problems both foreign and domestic, they can’t keep their noses out of people’s bedrooms. While they are hell bent on allowing Wall Street to run amok, and letting corporations pollute the planet, women, gays and other who they disapprove of must be tightly controlled.

While they are not actively seeking to overturn Obergefell- that know that even with a conservative SCOTUS- it would be a long road to hoe. So as with Roe, they are finding ways to water down the gains that have been made with respect to choice, privacy, and equality. Consider:

Adoption is only one of several fronts on which they are attacking:


Is that what God would want? These issues, along wth the myriad of so call "bathroom bills " aimed at trans people make it clear that the GOP is hell bent on making life as difficult as possible for LGBT people in order to appease the religious right.
People don’t care about what others are doing behind closed doors. I know I don’t.
The problems start when a small segment of society tries normalizing behavior that’s abnormal.
Gee Fucking Wizz!! That's real helpful. What do you mean by "normalize" ? The ability to live openly and be treated with dignity and respect? The ability to marry the person of ones choice? To damned bad if you have a problem that . There is no going back
I don’t treat you people any differently than someone who is normal. Are you now expecting us to bow down and kiss your ass?

You people are ridiculous.
You people? What" people " do you think that I am?
What you do behind closed doors is your business.
Gee thanks but you didn't answerer the question. You seemed to be making an assumption about me. No deal with it.
People don’t care about what others are doing behind closed doors. I know I don’t.
The problems start when a small segment of society tries normalizing behavior that’s abnormal.
Gee Fucking Wizz!! That's real helpful. What do you mean by "normalize" ? The ability to live openly and be treated with dignity and respect? The ability to marry the person of ones choice? To damned bad if you have a problem that . There is no going back
I don’t treat you people any differently than someone who is normal. Are you now expecting us to bow down and kiss your ass?

You people are ridiculous.
You people? What" people " do you think that I am?
What you do behind closed doors is your business.
Gee thanks but you didn't answerer the question. You seemed to be making an assumption about me. No deal with it.
An assumption that you’re gay?

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