Gee Fucking Wizz!! That's real helpful. What do you mean by "normalize" ? The ability to live openly and be treated with dignity and respect? The ability to marry the person of ones choice? To damned bad if you have a problem that . There is no going back
I don’t treat you people any differently than someone who is normal. Are you now expecting us to bow down and kiss your ass?

You people are ridiculous.
You people? What" people " do you think that I am?
What you do behind closed doors is your business.
Gee thanks but you didn't answerer the question. You seemed to be making an assumption about me. No deal with it.
An assumption that you’re gay?

I believe so

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don’t treat you people any differently than someone who is normal. Are you now expecting us to bow down and kiss your ass?

You people are ridiculous.
You people? What" people " do you think that I am?
What you do behind closed doors is your business.
Gee thanks but you didn't answerer the question. You seemed to be making an assumption about me. No deal with it.
An assumption that you’re gay?

I believe so

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does it matter?
You people? What" people " do you think that I am?
What you do behind closed doors is your business.
Gee thanks but you didn't answerer the question. You seemed to be making an assumption about me. No deal with it.
An assumption that you’re gay?

I believe so

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does it matter?
It should not matter but I think it matters to you. You referred to me as "you people" Obviously you made an assumption about me, and now I think you wish that you hadn't
You know, I've known many gays and lesbians over the course of my life. Hell, I even rented a room from a lesbian couple while I was stationed in Norfolk. Is being gay a choice, or is it something you are born with? Me? I believe that it is something you are born as, because scientists and doctors have discovered that the brains of lesbians is structured pretty much the same way as straight males are, and gay men's brains are structured the same way as a straight females.

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Gay brains structured like those of the opposite sex

And, then, there is the experience I had with a lesbian. We became friends and we would go riding on my motorcycle and shooting pool. Well, one day she and I were talking and she wondered if she really was gay, because she had only been with women and never had been with a dude. She then asked me if I would be willing to have sex with her so she could figure it out, and I agreed, but we also put down some ground rules, and if she felt uncomfortable at any time, we would stop.

Well, we started to have sex, but then she said she didn't feel "right" about what was going on, so we stopped. She asked me a few months later if we could try again, but ended up with the same result, she didn't want to have sex with males, and she knew that she was a bona fide lesbian.

No, sexuality is in the structure of the brain, and the only way to "cure" it is to rewire their brains, but we don't have the science or medical ability to do so yet. And, if you actually did succeed in rewiring a persons brain, would they still be themselves afterwards?
What you do behind closed doors is your business.
Gee thanks but you didn't answerer the question. You seemed to be making an assumption about me. No deal with it.
An assumption that you’re gay?

I believe so

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does it matter?
It should not matter but I think it matters to you. You referred to me as "you people" Obviously you made an assumption about me, and now I think you wish that you hadn't
Are you now saying you aren’t gay?
Some people as you say may not be open to this.
But when immersed in an open environment with others
willing to share and exchange ideas, that has a chance
of encouraging more people to engage on that level.
I see it on this board. The more people like you share corrections
and even voice disagreements with respect, the more others
will try that and find it more effective as well. It's gradual, but it grows.
Keep dreaming . One in a thousand . Most entrenched bigot have no desire to change or to learn anything.
You’ve just described yourself perfectly.
Gee thanks but you didn't answerer the question. You seemed to be making an assumption about me. No deal with it.
An assumption that you’re gay?

I believe so

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does it matter?
It should not matter but I think it matters to you. You referred to me as "you people" Obviously you made an assumption about me, and now I think you wish that you hadn't
Are you now saying you aren’t gay?
I'm not saying a damned thing because to answer that question would be validating your bigotry. However, I will give you a hint. I find it hard to believe that there are people who are so fucking obtuse as to make assumptions about a person's sexuality based on there politics . Could you possibly be so out of touch with reality as to think that only a gay person would passionately defend gay rights? When someone does that they immediately forfeit what ever credibility that they may have had with me. Here is another hint: All of the freedom riders were not black
Gee thanks but you didn't answerer the question. You seemed to be making an assumption about me. No deal with it.
An assumption that you’re gay?

I believe so

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does it matter?
It should not matter but I think it matters to you. You referred to me as "you people" Obviously you made an assumption about me, and now I think you wish that you hadn't
Are you now saying you aren’t gay?

Hey Tycho, not everyone who defends gay rights is gay. I happen to be straight, but also am a supporter of gay rights. One of those reasons is that I don't fear them, nor do I believe that they will "turn" me gay, is because I lived with a lesbian couple for 2 years while I was stationed in Norfolk VA, and I met a lot of gay people during that time. And, none of them ever tried to hit on me either, because everyone knew I was straight and didn't bother me.

And.................I gotta say................if you want to go to a rocking party, go to one that is thrown by gays and lesbians. They know how to throw a shindig, and the food is always excellent.
An assumption that you’re gay?

I believe so

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does it matter?
It should not matter but I think it matters to you. You referred to me as "you people" Obviously you made an assumption about me, and now I think you wish that you hadn't
Are you now saying you aren’t gay?
I'm not saying a damned thing because to answer that question would be validating your bigotry. However, I will give you a hint. I find it hard to believe that there are people who are so fucking obtuse as to make assumptions about a person's sexuality based on there politics . Could you possibly be so out of touch with reality as to think that only a gay person would passionately defend gay rights? When someone does that they immediately forfeit what ever credibility that they may have had with me. Here is another hint: All of the freedom riders were not black
It's looking like you're having a bigger issue with gay people than the Trump supporters.

This might be a good time for you to be honest, TheProgressivePatriot. Just saying.

We won't think less of you for being gay.
This might be a good time for you to be honest, TheProgressivePatriot. Just saying.

We won't think less of you for being gay.
Jesus fucking Christ. You just don't get it I do not give half of a fuck what you think of me and , as I said WILL NOT VALIDATE YOUR BIIGOTRY WITH A DENIAL. Could you really be so stupid as to no understand my last answer to your moronic question?
Just for the record, I do remember that the Progressive Patriot has stated that he is not gay. There wouldn't, and shouldn't be any problem if he was, but he has stated otherwise many times.
Just for the record, I do remember that the Progressive Patriot has stated that he is not gay. There wouldn't, and shouldn't be any problem if he was, but he has stated otherwise many times.

If he's not a homosexual, then it certainly makes it quite odd that he obsessively starts so many threads about homosexuality, and about his desire to force decent people to treat this perversion as if it is somehow acceptable and proper.

More disturbing is his obsession with defending the abusive imposition of this and related sexual perversions on children. This, too, shows up in nearly every one of his pro-pervert threads.

Just what is the basis for his unhealthy obsessions with homosexuality, and with mixing children up into it, if these are not deeply a part of his own diseased, perverted nature?

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