Christianity is just another made up religion for weak people..

Yes. There was actually ONCE a strong person.

Yet it wasn't the Christian's idea of a Messiah...

It? HE!!! And look what they did to the bloke!!


Why are we talking about this shit again. It's the wacked out genetic freaks of natures trying to force us normal people into thinking they are normal when they are not.
Abort all fags.
We're talking about it because the bigots in positions of power are talking about it and trying to roll beck time on gay rights. "Normal people" are the ones who are smart enough, and who have sufficient emotional maturity to accept the fact that times have changed, and to move on.
Suck all the peter you want, God doesn't care how you die.

There's that Christian compassion that I've heard so much about!
Why are we talking about this shit again. It's the wacked out genetic freaks of natures trying to force us normal people into thinking they are normal when they are not.
Abort all fags.
We're talking about it because the bigots in positions of power are talking about it and trying to roll beck time on gay rights. "Normal people" are the ones who are smart enough, and who have sufficient emotional maturity to accept the fact that times have changed, and to move on.
Suck all the peter you want, God doesn't care how you die.

There's that Christian compassion that I've heard so much about!
Mike is a real saint. And well spoken and intelligent too!
Why are we talking about this shit again. It's the wacked out genetic freaks of natures trying to force us normal people into thinking they are normal when they are not.
Abort all fags.
We're talking about it because the bigots in positions of power are talking about it and trying to roll beck time on gay rights. "Normal people" are the ones who are smart enough, and who have sufficient emotional maturity to accept the fact that times have changed, and to move on.
Suck all the peter you want, God doesn't care how you die.

There's that Christian compassion that I've heard so much about!
Knowing nothing about my religious beliefs, the perpetual liar says it well.
Why are we talking about this shit again. It's the wacked out genetic freaks of natures trying to force us normal people into thinking they are normal when they are not.
Abort all fags.
We're talking about it because the bigots in positions of power are talking about it and trying to roll beck time on gay rights. "Normal people" are the ones who are smart enough, and who have sufficient emotional maturity to accept the fact that times have changed, and to move on.
Suck all the peter you want, God doesn't care how you die.

There's that Christian compassion that I've heard so much about!
Knowing nothing about my religious beliefs, the perpetual liar says it well.

Hey, you're the one that said "suck all the peter you want, God doesn't care how you die". If you are an example of a Christian, you sure are a great example of their compassion.
Knowing nothing about my religious beliefs, the perpetual liar repeats his fallacy.
Drink Up Bubba!

You know you're dealing with a total ignoramus when engaging a bed wetter in any circumstance, but when they reference "kool aid drinking" without the knowledge that the basis for the jab stems from the mass suicide of 1000 stupid marxist zealots at "The People's Temple" collective colony it really proves just how hard they work to maintain that ignorance. If they worked that hard to be productive cognizant citizens we might have colonized Mars by now.

The US Supreme Court ruled that according to US law: "marriage" is open to one + one person of either the hetero or same sex variety. In the Obergefell decision: The majority opinion also advised same sex couples that those who value traditional marriage have views that are to be respected. In addition, provisions are offered to have gay/lesbian marriages include benefits of marriage such as parenting, marriage licenses, etc. The only area I see that the rightwingers are blocking is the rights of same sex marriage people to have a family. The leftwingers are losing momentum in their movement by demanding identity privileges that do not exist in law. I would encourage the GLB people to advocate for senator Dianne Feinstein to continue to be a senator. She is a legend and the Dems of CA have an idiot picked out to undermine her.( Feinstein is the longest current-serving female U.S. Senator) If the left leaves Christian wedding vendors alone, then maybe the right will be more open to the rights of same sex marriages to have the benefits of children.
Just be honest Bode and tell me you are FINE with overturning the key provisions of Billy Jeff's masterpiece of protection for married women.. There are ALWAYS "unintended side effects" of something this disruptive. I'm only trying to AVOID decades of court battles and law revisions by handling these side by side and not as the same.

Violence Against Women Act |

Benefits of VAWA
One of the major milestones achieved by VAWA is its highlights on coordinated response of the community on domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This has made it possible for courts; law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, victim services, and private bar associations to work jointly with each other in a coordinated fashion to assist victims as opposed to what existed before enactment at the state and local levels.
VAWA as well provides support for community-based services and organizations engaged in working towards ending domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking; especially organizations engaged in cultural and linguistic services.

Criticisms against the Act
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) initially were concerned that the Act resulted to increased rash penalties which included detention of accused persons before trial which was “repulsive” to the constitution of U.S.

The ACLU, in a 2005 letter to senate, nevertheless, supported reauthorization of VAWA on the ground that unconstitutional DNA provision is not included in the Act.

The letter stated that VAWA is one of the most efficient law enacted against domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and has considerably enhanced the law enforcement response to violence against women.

Programs and services
The programs and services supported by the Violence Against Women laws include the following; the federal rape shield law, prevention of violence, support for evicted victims of domestic violence, provision of funds for victim assistance services such as rape services, establishment and management of crisis centers, hotlines and a lot more.
You know what's ironic with what you posted? Before gay marriage was legal, I was listening to a radio station and they were interviewing the President of the Concerned Women of America....and this president stated that if gay marriage became legal, women would divorce their husbands in droves in order to marry each other. :lol:

Yeah. Real funny.. NOW --- they will lose DECADES of special treatment in the legalities of marriage and favoritism in the eyes of the law. Good luck with OPENING UP the definition of marriage.

All in favor of gay pairings. Need to be called something else because under the law as it is NOW -- it IS something else.. I had said change one letter to Parriage. What I meant to suggest as the proper term for all the legalities is actually PAIR-RIAGE. Actually need TWO letters to change.
Gay marriage is marriage. Legal marriage.

You never answered the question. That means you're willing scuttle ALL of the priorities and special considerations given to women in marriage under current law. Yes or No...

Because that's the consequence of stuffing all these gender-free associations into the same basket..
Gay marriage is just as legal as any other civil marriage. :113:
Just be honest Bode and tell me you are FINE with overturning the key provisions of Billy Jeff's masterpiece of protection for married women.. There are ALWAYS "unintended side effects" of something this disruptive. I'm only trying to AVOID decades of court battles and law revisions by handling these side by side and not as the same.

Violence Against Women Act |

Benefits of VAWA
One of the major milestones achieved by VAWA is its highlights on coordinated response of the community on domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This has made it possible for courts; law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, victim services, and private bar associations to work jointly with each other in a coordinated fashion to assist victims as opposed to what existed before enactment at the state and local levels.
VAWA as well provides support for community-based services and organizations engaged in working towards ending domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking; especially organizations engaged in cultural and linguistic services.

Criticisms against the Act
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) initially were concerned that the Act resulted to increased rash penalties which included detention of accused persons before trial which was “repulsive” to the constitution of U.S.

The ACLU, in a 2005 letter to senate, nevertheless, supported reauthorization of VAWA on the ground that unconstitutional DNA provision is not included in the Act.

The letter stated that VAWA is one of the most efficient law enacted against domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and has considerably enhanced the law enforcement response to violence against women.

Programs and services
The programs and services supported by the Violence Against Women laws include the following; the federal rape shield law, prevention of violence, support for evicted victims of domestic violence, provision of funds for victim assistance services such as rape services, establishment and management of crisis centers, hotlines and a lot more.
You know what's ironic with what you posted? Before gay marriage was legal, I was listening to a radio station and they were interviewing the President of the Concerned Women of America....and this president stated that if gay marriage became legal, women would divorce their husbands in droves in order to marry each other. :lol:

Yeah. Real funny.. NOW --- they will lose DECADES of special treatment in the legalities of marriage and favoritism in the eyes of the law. Good luck with OPENING UP the definition of marriage.

All in favor of gay pairings. Need to be called something else because under the law as it is NOW -- it IS something else.. I had said change one letter to Parriage. What I meant to suggest as the proper term for all the legalities is actually PAIR-RIAGE. Actually need TWO letters to change.
Gay marriage is marriage. Legal marriage.

You never answered the question. That means you're willing scuttle ALL of the priorities and special considerations given to women in marriage under current law. Yes or No...

Because that's the consequence of stuffing all these gender-free associations into the same basket..
Gay marriage is just as legal as any other civil marriage. :113:
But much more repulsive to normal people.
Just be honest Bode and tell me you are FINE with overturning the key provisions of Billy Jeff's masterpiece of protection for married women.. There are ALWAYS "unintended side effects" of something this disruptive. I'm only trying to AVOID decades of court battles and law revisions by handling these side by side and not as the same.

Violence Against Women Act |

Benefits of VAWA
One of the major milestones achieved by VAWA is its highlights on coordinated response of the community on domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This has made it possible for courts; law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, victim services, and private bar associations to work jointly with each other in a coordinated fashion to assist victims as opposed to what existed before enactment at the state and local levels.
VAWA as well provides support for community-based services and organizations engaged in working towards ending domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking; especially organizations engaged in cultural and linguistic services.

Criticisms against the Act
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) initially were concerned that the Act resulted to increased rash penalties which included detention of accused persons before trial which was “repulsive” to the constitution of U.S.

The ACLU, in a 2005 letter to senate, nevertheless, supported reauthorization of VAWA on the ground that unconstitutional DNA provision is not included in the Act.

The letter stated that VAWA is one of the most efficient law enacted against domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and has considerably enhanced the law enforcement response to violence against women.

Programs and services
The programs and services supported by the Violence Against Women laws include the following; the federal rape shield law, prevention of violence, support for evicted victims of domestic violence, provision of funds for victim assistance services such as rape services, establishment and management of crisis centers, hotlines and a lot more.
You know what's ironic with what you posted? Before gay marriage was legal, I was listening to a radio station and they were interviewing the President of the Concerned Women of America....and this president stated that if gay marriage became legal, women would divorce their husbands in droves in order to marry each other. :lol:

Yeah. Real funny.. NOW --- they will lose DECADES of special treatment in the legalities of marriage and favoritism in the eyes of the law. Good luck with OPENING UP the definition of marriage.

All in favor of gay pairings. Need to be called something else because under the law as it is NOW -- it IS something else.. I had said change one letter to Parriage. What I meant to suggest as the proper term for all the legalities is actually PAIR-RIAGE. Actually need TWO letters to change.
Gay marriage is marriage. Legal marriage.

You never answered the question. That means you're willing scuttle ALL of the priorities and special considerations given to women in marriage under current law. Yes or No...

Because that's the consequence of stuffing all these gender-free associations into the same basket..
Gay marriage is just as legal as any other civil marriage. :113:

Its only as "legal" as the actual written law MAKES IT.. That's why gender-free couplings are not really safe under the name of marriage. Because ALL current "marriage law" and court precedents are mostly gender specific. And as delicate as that is for gays -- it's also potentially disastrous for hetero women..

Not only are gays getting slammed for appropriating a sensitive term of law --- But it would be a much stronger legal base if constructed parallel to hetero marriage.

What is this big lefty hissy fit about "CULTURAL APPROPRIATION"??? Well --- you just "culturally appropriated" a legally based GENDER SPECIFIC tradition.

You think a Greek opening a Taco restaurant is bad and insensitive?? You'd be major hypocrites if you didn't understand the blowback about calling it marriage. Just create your OWN CULTURE for crying out loud.

I'd help market it...
The only area I see that the rightwingers are blocking is the rights of same sex marriage people to have a family.
The ONLY area? THE ONLY AREA! Let that sink in THE ONLY AREA. Like that is a small thing. The right is seeking to deny them financial benefits that would make it easier to raise a family. The right is seeking to limit opportunities to adopt children. The right is pursuing Jim Crow type laws that are intended to marginalize and humiliate same sex couples. Taken all together, they are attempting to make same sex couples second class citizens and that is no small thing. Ask yourself? Would YOU stand for that?.
Its only as "legal" as the actual written law MAKES IT.. That's why gender-free couplings are not really safe under the name of marriage. Because ALL current "marriage law" and court precedents are mostly gender specific. And as delicate as that is for gays -- it's also potentially disastrous for hetero women..
OH boy there you go again! Written law? Same sex marriage came about nationally as a result of a Supreme Court decision that carries the force of law as assuredly as any "written law" by which I assume you mean legislation.

That decision effectively overrides an " gender specific" language in existing marriage law, and despite my prior challenges to you have failed to explain what problems have arisen from that.

Disastrous for hetero women? You have been bleating that line for some time now, but despite my challenges to you to explain it, you have woefully failed , and in fact have not even attempted to explain it.
Not only are gays getting slammed for appropriating a sensitive term of law --- But it would be a much stronger legal base if constructed parallel to hetero marriage.
Gays are getting slammed? Really ? Please explain. If you had read the Oberegfell decision, you would know that it is in fact constructed parallel to hetero marriage.
You think a Greek opening a Taco restaurant is bad and insensitive?? You'd be major hypocrites if you didn't understand the blowback about calling it marriage. Just create your OWN CULTURE for crying out loud.
Tell us more about the blow back. 99% of the country has forgotten about it and has moved on. It is only a small pocket of reactionary resistance who is having a hissy fit

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