Gog/Magog: Nihilism & Pepsi (Dr. Phil?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA vignette about capitalism-patriotism and capitalism-terrorism inspired by the film The Founder.

Since it's political, I didn't feel right posting it in the Writing section, but what do you think?



Ares descended from Heaven and found a brooding American traveler named Leo who was contemplating the 'dark-side' of capitalism and commerce. According to Leo, it was the indulgences of consumerism-consciousness and cholesterol-culture which led to the anti-commerce terrorism trauma of 9/11. Ares was the God of War, so he wanted to discuss with Leo why capitalism was a barter-system and could therefore be used to negotiate peace (and sanity).


ARES: TrumpUSA is a tower of networking!
LEO: Yet, critics feel that capitalism is ambition-flawed.
ARES: Well, 9/11 reminded everyone that globalization is insecure.
LEO: How can commerce forge peace, Ares?
ARES: I think peace-promoting trade reminds us of sanity, Leo!
LEO: Well, it does seem that anti-capitalism terrorists (ISIS) despise Pepsi.
ARES: Marketing Pepsi in Burger King in Kuwait/Afghanistan/Russia is 'risky.'
LEO: Yes, flooding politically sensitive zones with 'candy' can create mad rushes.
ARES: This is where mob psychology can take over and governance can lose touch!
LEO: Why didn't the United Nations control such pedestrian madness after WWII?
ARES: The sensitivity of Israel-Palestine can't be cleaned up with simple lines, Leo.
LEO: There seems to be a 'mob sentiment' that Pepsi-marketing in the Third World is loony.
ARES: Yes, people have become very 'suspicious' of capitalism (e.g., TrumpUSA).
LEO: I think there are two capitalist kingdoms --- Gog (meritocracy) and Magog (piracy).
ARES: Those who espouse piracy cite the competitive 'instincts' of capitalism...
LEO: Those who espouse meritocracy cite the competitive 'honors' of capitalism...
ARES: Which do you prefer, Leo --- the American Dream (Gog) or American Psycho (Magog)?
LEO: I believe American Psycho promotes thrill-symbolism, but I seek the American Dream!
ARES: In that case, maybe psychiatry-oriented sociology programs (e.g., Dr. Phil) are valued.
LEO: I agree; shows like Dr. Phil remind us of the imagination behind media; there's hope.
ARES: Nevertheless, I can concede your partial suggestion that capitalism is bloodthirsty.
LEO: Sure; it's a competitive system that can make piracy seem...clever!
ARES: Well, when I read People Magazine headlines at Acme, I think about fun gossip.
LEO: We have to be careful not to let gossip become like crude candy!
ARES: Maybe Gog/Magog axes reveal the value of capitalism discourse.
LEO: Sure; it's the people themselves that comprise the 'spirit' of capitalism.
ARES: Without a focus on the people themselves, there's no conception of aesthetics.
LEO: Without aesthetics, consumerism can feel only like vanity (e.g. Burger King)!
ARES: Maybe capitalism is like a giant 'communication game.'
LEO: Well, commerce can feel very calculating...and hence nihilistic/emotionless.
ARES: That's the paradox of economics then --- lifestyle plus medicine.
LEO: No one wants to see the doctor while drinking Pepsi.
ARES: That's why capitalism requires great maturity.


After Ares concluded his intriguing discussion with the bright and brooding American traveler Leo, he went back up to Heaven (armed with a TV!) and watched programs such as Dr. Phil and Gotham and Modern Family. He took notes about how pedestrian traffic imagination was 'colored' by capitalism-consciousness and how urbanization created new forms of 'sanity discussions.' Ares concluded that Gog/Magog axes would indeed create psychiatric imagination and that Pepsi-marketing would inspire consumers to think about the human value of Dr. Phil. Perhaps consumerism would therefore become a 'tub' for moral hygiene(!).


Leo meanwhile traveled to Manhattan and began guzzling down chili-dogs at vendor-stands across the area. Leo took notes in his journal about what the Manhattan skyline looked like at sunset and if capitalism-idealism would be secure forever (in some way) from the ever-looming 'eeriness' of anti-Western terrorism (e.g., ISIS). Leo liked how the name 'Man-hat-tan' reminded him of a joke about how man wears hats to avoid suntans but fails to work towards multiculturalism skin-color openness(!). Nevertheless, Leo liked the idea that capitalism would continue to foster fortune discussions/debates.


TRUMP: Are you watching Dr. Phil today with me?
CARTER: Yeah, why not, Mr. President?
TRUMP: I'm a fan of modern TV...
CARTER: There's a lot of commerce-imagination out there!
TRUMP: Let's hope ISIS is not watching American TV...taking notes.
CARTER: Well, Al Jazeera TV offers Muslims their own brand of broadcasting!
TRUMP: Sure; nevertheless, we have to coordinate American pedestrian traffic.
CARTER: This is the age of 'demonstrative knighthood.'



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