Going on the political attack for 2017 for conservatives....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Some good ideas and attitudes expressed for the coming political warfare we are about to face in 2017....

DELINGPOLE: Rules for Righties -- a War-Winning Manifesto for 2017

We will never apologise, never explain, never surrender

See those scalped corpses, littering the plains? These are the guys – and it is, invariably, men – who thought that if only they showed contrition for their confected crimes the enemy would leave them alone. Sir Tim Hunt apologised, the guy from Saatchi apologised, the guy on the Rosetta space programme who wore the “sexist” shirt apologised. A fat lot of good it did them. The vengeful liberal-left doesn’t just want humiliation – it wants total annihilation.

Giving even an inch of ground to an enemy so implacable and vile is not only futile – but it also badly lets the side down by granting them a power that they do not deserve. The most recent sorry example of this was Steve Martin who actually deleted a tweet praising his late friend Carrie Fisher as a “beautiful creature” because a bunch of feminazis on Twitter complained that this was sexist objectification.

Look, I know it’s a scary thing when the SJW witch-hunt mob turns on you. But read Vox Day’s SJW Attack Survival Guide, follow the example of Nigel Farage and fight these people to the very last bullet (keeping the final round for yourself). Do not surrender! (And if you need reminding why not, read this piece I wrote the other day, of which I am very proud)

We will laugh in the face of death

Something I’ve noticed about the liberal-left: they don’t have a sense of humour.

This is odd, given that 99.99 per cent of professional comedians are liberals. But it’s also unfailingly true. Go on social media and see for yourself: all the wittiest banter, all the funniest memes, all the snarkiest jibes – they all come from the right side of the argument, not the left. And this is as it should be for not only is humour a sign of intellectual superiority but it’s also entirely the right attitude for a team that wants to win.

Humour requires a degree of self-knowledge; an ability to recognise your own weaknesses (vital if you are to triumph over them) and not to take yourself too seriously. Also, it’s a sign that you are a happy warrior – in the manner of heroes like Andrew Breitbart.

I always try to keep this in mind when I’m engaged in a vicious tussle with the liberal-left: that witty barbs hurt them much more than anger. When your enemy takes himself so seriously, no weapon is more effective than a cutting quip. Sometimes it’s hard not be to angry because the left has given us so much to be angry about. But we must resist the temptation if we can because it just plays into the left’s caricature of us as angry, blustering conservatives. We should remember at all times that in the culture wars, we are the Greek city states and the enemy are the Persians. If you want to know the significance of this, I recommend you read Victor Davis Hanson’s Carnage and Culture. Basically, free men will always fight better than serfs because they have more to lose…
The true heart of America has awakened to what is Trump and the damage of the far right, alt right, and the pseudo-libertarians are trying to wreak on America.

They are the enemy of America and will be crushed, so don't worry about surrender.

No one gives a flip if they explain anything.
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