Gold Star Husband; Trump Absolutely Respects Our Service

I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

The pres does not care or even know.
Donald Trump 'had to ask what a Gold Star family was' after he attacked the Muslim-American parents of the solider killed in Iraq
To be fair, before the left started using military families as political weapons i had never even heard the term, gold star, anything.
So Trump not being from a military family or bread in politics it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't know the term, nor would I care that he didn't know it.
So, in your warped distorted mind any mother, father, wife, etc. of a killed in action soldier, sailor, Marine, Coast Guards personnel or airman or airwomen is a weapon of the left when they voice opinions or make comments.
When the left uses them on a public platform specifically to attack a political rival what else am I to call them?
Being in the military is not a free pass to douchbagery
How would some asshole who admits to not knowing what a Gold Star family means know anything worth knowing?
Being critical of your views in your, once again, your warped distorted mind makes even the parents of Killed in Action military personnel. as you call them, "DOUCHBAGERY" (your misspelling preserved). You can't even spell your insults to Gold Star Families. Makes you stupid and an asshole. Congratulations stupid asshole.
I call them like I see them bro. EVERYONE in this nation gets one vote. That's it. Their opinion is no more or less valuable than anyone else's when it comes to politics.
Welcome to reality.
Your voice means almost nothing. You strive for having a few dozen maybe pay attention to your opinions. When a Gold Star parent speaks they are heard by thousands, or in this case, millions. You are a petty little jealous man.
You just don't get it. Like, at all.

You know that father who's daughter was gunned down in that Florida school shooting right? The one who wrote the book and is on tv ALL THE TIME blaming leftist policies for his daughters death. Is his opinion valuable to you? More valuable than the anti gun opinion from the left just because he was a victim?

He preaches the total opposite of what you personally believe so since he's a victim is his opinion more valuable than yours? Bidens? Pelosis?
I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

The pres does not care or even know.
Donald Trump 'had to ask what a Gold Star family was' after he attacked the Muslim-American parents of the solider killed in Iraq
To be fair, before the left started using military families as political weapons i had never even heard the term, gold star, anything.
So Trump not being from a military family or bread in politics it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't know the term, nor would I care that he didn't know it.
So, in your warped distorted mind any mother, father, wife, etc. of a killed in action soldier, sailor, Marine, Coast Guards personnel or airman or airwomen is a weapon of the left when they voice opinions or make comments.
When the left uses them on a public platform specifically to attack a political rival what else am I to call them?
Being in the military is not a free pass to douchbagery
How would some asshole who admits to not knowing what a Gold Star family means know anything worth knowing?
Being critical of your views in your, once again, your warped distorted mind makes even the parents of Killed in Action military personnel. as you call them, "DOUCHBAGERY" (your misspelling preserved). You can't even spell your insults to Gold Star Families. Makes you stupid and an asshole. Congratulations stupid asshole.
I call them like I see them bro. EVERYONE in this nation gets one vote. That's it. Their opinion is no more or less valuable than anyone else's when it comes to politics.
Welcome to reality.
Your voice means almost nothing. You strive for having a few dozen maybe pay attention to your opinions. When a Gold Star parent speaks they are heard by thousands, or in this case, millions. You are a petty little jealous man.

Well said! Bravo!
I just wish Jeffrey Goldberg/The Atlantic had held off publishing this article until November 1.

But that in itself shows the article is not intended to influence the vote towards Biden, because editors and reporters KNOW how fucking short the average attention span is of your average American, re: Hollywood Access tape, fer' instance, which aired just two weeks before the election in 2016.
I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

Our president is an amazing man. Thanks for the post.
No he isn't but lowered expectations by voters sure helps.

Their president is the head of an organized crime family, with 6 former associates either convicted of felonies or serving time in jail with a 7th one on the way (Bannon).

The Manhattan D.A. will be getting Don the Con's tax returns which combined with the documents turned over from Deutsche Bank will show bank and insurance fraud.

But there's MORE: What happened to roughly $48M from the $107M inaugural funds? MISSING.
The Eastern District of VA is investigating that.

Wait, there's more but....but.....Our little Trumplestiltskins don't want to hear the other dozen charges of illegality that will rain down on that fat, bleached blonde head if loses in November.
I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

Our president is an amazing man. Thanks for the post.
No he isn't but lowered expectations by voters sure helps.

Their president is the head of an organized crime family, with 6 former associates either convicted of felonies or serving time in jail with a 7th one on the way (Bannon).

The Manhattan D.A. will be getting Don the Con's tax returns which combined with the documents turned over from Deutsche Bank will show bank and insurance fraud.
I think they are mostly interested in his tax fraud.
Trump is such a girly-man.....

Trump Stopped Going to Dover AFB To Receive Bodies After Getting Berated On First Visit
Vice President Pence attended “dignified transfer” ceremonies for two years by himself after the father of a slain SEAL “rattled” Trump In February 2017.

In the real world, Trump has traveled to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware exactly four times ― fewer than half as many times as his vice president ― and avoided going at all for nearly two years after getting berated for his incompetence by the father of a slain Navy SEAL, according to a former White House aide who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Bill Owens, the father of William “Ryan” Owens, refused to shake Trump’s hand at that Feb. 1, 2017, encounter, the aide said, and then told Trump that he was responsible for his son’s death for approving the disastrous raid in Yemen without bothering to understand the risks......"
I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

Our president is an amazing man. Thanks for the post.
No he isn't but lowered expectations by voters sure helps.

Their president is the head of an organized crime family, with 6 former associates either convicted of felonies or serving time in jail with a 7th one on the way (Bannon).

The Manhattan D.A. will be getting Don the Con's tax returns which combined with the documents turned over from Deutsche Bank will show bank and insurance fraud.
I think they are mostly interested in his tax fraud.

I think the bank fraud is going to lead to money laundering.
I think Cy Vance knows the end of the story and is putting the middle pieces into place, because Deutsche Bank has had a history of money laundering problems with some of the bigger account holders. You know, like Vladimir Putin.....and Donald.....
I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

The pres does not care or even know.
Donald Trump 'had to ask what a Gold Star family was' after he attacked the Muslim-American parents of the solider killed in Iraq
To be fair, before the left started using military families as political weapons i had never even heard the term, gold star, anything.
So Trump not being from a military family or bread in politics it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't know the term, nor would I care that he didn't know it.
So, in your warped distorted mind any mother, father, wife, etc. of a killed in action soldier, sailor, Marine, Coast Guards personnel or airman or airwomen is a weapon of the left when they voice opinions or make comments.
When the left uses them on a public platform specifically to attack a political rival what else am I to call them?
Being in the military is not a free pass to douchbagery
How would some asshole who admits to not knowing what a Gold Star family means know anything worth knowing?
Being critical of your views in your, once again, your warped distorted mind makes even the parents of Killed in Action military personnel. as you call them, "DOUCHBAGERY" (your misspelling preserved). You can't even spell your insults to Gold Star Families. Makes you stupid and an asshole. Congratulations stupid asshole.
I call them like I see them bro. EVERYONE in this nation gets one vote. That's it. Their opinion is no more or less valuable than anyone else's when it comes to politics.
Welcome to reality.
Your voice means almost nothing. You strive for having a few dozen maybe pay attention to your opinions. When a Gold Star parent speaks they are heard by thousands, or in this case, millions. You are a petty little jealous man.
You just don't get it. Like, at all.

You know that father who's daughter was gunned down in that Florida school shooting right? The one who wrote the book and is on tv ALL THE TIME blaming leftist policies for his daughters death. Is his opinion valuable to you? More valuable than the anti gun opinion from the left just because he was a victim?

He preaches the total opposite of what you personally believe so since he's a victim is his opinion more valuable than yours? Bidens? Pelosis?
I get it way more than you ever will. I found a wonderful gift only three days ago buried and hidden in an old box of my grandmother's photographs. Looking at the back of one, I saw written "Bill and Richard 1938" Now, I knew Bill and Richard were both WWII KIA's and had seen old pictures of them and heard stories, but I had never seen a picture of them together standing side by side. Bill was an Army soldier and Richard was a B-17 pilot.
I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

The pres does not care or even know.
Donald Trump 'had to ask what a Gold Star family was' after he attacked the Muslim-American parents of the solider killed in Iraq
To be fair, before the left started using military families as political weapons i had never even heard the term, gold star, anything.
So Trump not being from a military family or bread in politics it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't know the term, nor would I care that he didn't know it.
So, in your warped distorted mind any mother, father, wife, etc. of a killed in action soldier, sailor, Marine, Coast Guards personnel or airman or airwomen is a weapon of the left when they voice opinions or make comments.
When the left uses them on a public platform specifically to attack a political rival what else am I to call them?
Being in the military is not a free pass to douchbagery
How would some asshole who admits to not knowing what a Gold Star family means know anything worth knowing?
Being critical of your views in your, once again, your warped distorted mind makes even the parents of Killed in Action military personnel. as you call them, "DOUCHBAGERY" (your misspelling preserved). You can't even spell your insults to Gold Star Families. Makes you stupid and an asshole. Congratulations stupid asshole.
I call them like I see them bro. EVERYONE in this nation gets one vote. That's it. Their opinion is no more or less valuable than anyone else's when it comes to politics.
Welcome to reality.
Your voice means almost nothing. You strive for having a few dozen maybe pay attention to your opinions. When a Gold Star parent speaks they are heard by thousands, or in this case, millions. You are a petty little jealous man.
You just don't get it. Like, at all.

You know that father who's daughter was gunned down in that Florida school shooting right? The one who wrote the book and is on tv ALL THE TIME blaming leftist policies for his daughters death. Is his opinion valuable to you? More valuable than the anti gun opinion from the left just because he was a victim?

He preaches the total opposite of what you personally believe so since he's a victim is his opinion more valuable than yours? Bidens? Pelosis?
I get it way more than you ever will. I found a wonderful gift only three days ago buried and hidden in an old box of my grandmother's photographs. Looking at the back of one, I saw written "Bill and Richard 1938" Now, I knew Bill and Richard were both WWII KIA's and had seen old pictures of them and heard stories, but I had never seen a picture of them together standing side by side. Bill was an Army soldier and Richard was a B-17 pilot.

My grandfather was a ww2 vet. My dad was in Viet Nam. Doesn't make my opinion anymore valuable than anyone elses.
The pres does not care or even know.
He doesn't give two shits about anyone else, unless they can help or glorify him in some way.

He's proven several times that he'll also use you up and then throw you under the bus.

He had already made his disdain for POWs clear with "I like people who don't get caught".

What a terrible human being this is.
Last edited:
I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

As far as the Gold Star husband, the impeached president trump hit the nail squarely on the head, the man is a sucker to believe the impeached president trump respects military personnel, living or dead.

Any concern he showed during his trip to Dover, was strictly for PR.

I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

The pres does not care or even know.
Donald Trump 'had to ask what a Gold Star family was' after he attacked the Muslim-American parents of the solider killed in Iraq
To be fair, before the left started using military families as political weapons i had never even heard the term, gold star, anything.
So Trump not being from a military family or bread in politics it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't know the term, nor would I care that he didn't know it.

The reason that most Americans in recent years did not know what a Gold Star family was because they were born well after WWII. The term was coined in WWI when families showing a blue star in the window for men serving and a Gold Star for those killed in action.
It appears that the practice of hanging the Blue or Gold star in the window fell out of practice during the Korean War and thereafter.
So IMO, it was no big deal until Democrats made a point of it during the 2016 Presidential election...
I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

As far as the Gold Star husband, the impeached president trump hit the nail squarely on the head, the man is a sucker to believe the impeached president trump respects military personnel, living or dead.

Any concern he showed during his trip to Dover, was strictly for PR.


The same goes for the Obama and Hillary trips to Dover Delaware....
I can't believe NBC published this article.

It's the Democrats and rabid leftists that hate our military and police. We see it every day and they have been spitting on them since the Viet Nam war. JKF and LBJ were the war mongers for profit and they spit on America's finest.

"That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

The pres does not care or even know.
Donald Trump 'had to ask what a Gold Star family was' after he attacked the Muslim-American parents of the solider killed in Iraq
To be fair, before the left started using military families as political weapons i had never even heard the term, gold star, anything.
So Trump not being from a military family or bread in politics it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't know the term, nor would I care that he didn't know it.

He knew enough to call them 'loosers'...

Let that sink in...
If true thats pretty terrible. IF

Lets look at this:
  • He called McCain a looser for getting caught.
  • There is not just the initial report with multiple sources, there is also the other News Agencies (including Fox) having independent confirmation of certain elements each...
  • Trump did not goto the memorial and everyone leader found there way there...
  • He has criticised gold star families in the past
  • He has used military as campaign props and asked for a military parade (something very much against US tradition)
  • He has insulted and demeaned Generals even before he took office.
  • there is more....
It seems Trump doesn't under stand the military or what it takes to serve ones country selflessly... He transactional person, there are winners and loosers and if you are not a winner then you are a looser...

Sorry but Trump looks as guilty here... We have witnesses of other actions and they have been denigrated, they can't be all wrong.

Grampa, This is the simple question:
This Administration has made mistakes,

  • When have they ever acknowledge them?
  • Where is the humility around those mistakes taken?
What we see is doubling down, blanket denials or just out right lies and propganda...

This started with the crowd size and all his supporters were laughing, saying what are you getting all worked up about. We said if he will lie about this (and it was inconsequential) he will lie about anything.

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