Gold star mother banned by Facebook/Instagram for criticizing Joe Biden

Don't bother lying about whether the regime ordered this or not. They did.

This is just the kind of hate shit we get out of the Leftest social media.

They can't stand criticism of the assholes they support.

Of course it is their social media platform so their rules. We don't need to support their hate, do we?

I don't do Facebook or Twitter.
I'm sure being a grieving mother, they'll let most of this pass after they give her some time.
She's angry and has a right to be. However, driving her Toyota to the WH..probably isn't a good idea.
You know?

You sit here on this forum, day after day. . . spouting leftist talking points. But when called on it. . . and when it comes right down to it?

You are exposed as a hypocrite and a fraud. You best just shut up and stop while you are ahead.

You have no fucking clue who you are talking to. Do you think I am a partisan boy?


No longer are you allowed to criticize the president of the United States.

This mom is lucky if she doesn’t end up in jail.

Xiden’s administration is doing a fantastic job of collaborating with Big Tech

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No longer are you allowed to criticize the president of the United States.

This mom is lucky if she doesn’t end up in jail.

Xiden’s administration is doing a fantastic job of collaborating with Big Tech

Not surprised. The Dim Dems don't want you to say anything bad about how the party or Joe are doing.
You're an idiot.

They have already admitted that they are controlling information in tandem with FB, to control thoughts and speech on that platform. If they do it with COVID, you can bet they have them do it with other things as well. Stahp already.

You obviously don't even know what dirigism is.
This is just their excuse to pass the buck for responsibility, but it is transparent as hell. It is what all authoritarian dirigists in history have done. Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet, Franco, w/e. . .

You want to blame it on the corporations that government has let take control of our lives, that it? You really that dumb?

And you are a card carrying alt-right hack. ^Shrug^.
Lies, misinformation, and disinformation are not protected. Sorry.

You don't like it, go to Parler or any one of the other alt-right apps that people
can lie their asses off on. FB is allowed to set its own rules.
And you are a card carrying alt-right hack. ^Shrug^.
Lies, misinformation, and disinformation are not protected. Sorry.

You don't like it, go to Parler or any one of the other alt-right apps that people
can lie their asses off on. FB is allowed to set its own rules.

What did the woman write that is "lies, misinformation, and disinformation"?
What did the woman write that were "lies, misinformation, and disinformation"?
Nothing that I can see. Even calling the President a POS I'm guessing didn't move their needle.
However, threatening to drive your car up and park in front of the WH, calling attention to yourself
and possibly give you single celled organisms of the alt-right any ideas to drum up know
after what happened on January 6th..probably went over the line for them.

Again, my guess is that they'll give her a week to cool down and quietly activate her account again.
Grief can make you say and do things you normally wouldn't.
While her pain is understandable...

It was a deranged rant and highly dis-respective of her son's memory. It just shows you how far the Big Lie has infiltrated some peoples mind...

Just as an example as her son was coming off the plane she was obsessed with how many times the president checked his watch... Think about that, her hatred for Biden over powered her love for her son...

This is very sad.. Heart breaking actually... Trump is just a scumbag at what he did to these people..

You are the only deranged asshole here.

Not passing judgement, just giving you what I thought was the trip for FB to cool her account.
She's a mother that just lost her son.

Why would a citizen exercising their right to visit the public, taxpayer-funded buildings of our capital "trip" Facebook into Nazi mode? They didn't ban anyone who posted about rioting in Portland, Seattle, LA, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Minneapolis, or Kenosha during your "summer of love" last year.
Why would a citizen exercising their right to visit the public, taxpayer-funded buildings of our capital "trip" Facebook into Nazi mode? They didn't ban anyone who posted about rioting in Portland, Seattle, LA, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Minneapolis, or Kenosha during your "summer of love" last year.
Ask them. Again, if you don't like their policies, you are free to go elsewhere.
I did. Never regretted it for a moment.
Sure, the "regime" ordered it. Not a private company that can make its own rules.
Not a brain amongst you members of the alt-right. You're like single celled organisms.
You don't think, you just react. :)

^ Troll meets Iggy and USMB is a better place for me
While her pain is understandable...

It was a deranged rant and highly dis-respective of her son's memory. It just shows you how far the Big Lie has infiltrated some peoples mind...

Just as an example as her son was coming off the plane she was obsessed with how many times the president checked his watch... Think about that, her hatred for Biden over powered her love for her son...

This is very sad.. Heart breaking actually... Trump is just a scumbag at what he did to these people..

^ another one bites the dust

Adios Ahole

The Regime Will Not Allow Any Dissent:​

Instagram Takes Down Gold Star Mother’s Account After She Attacks POS Biden​


Was This Part of Their “Partner Status” Program with Democrats?​

31 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Shana Chappell is the mother of slain US Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui. Lance Cpl. Nikoui was killed last week when a suicide bomber was allowed into the inner perimeter of the Kabul Airport and blew himself up killing 13 American servicemen and women and over 100 Afghans.
Shana Chappell not only lost her Marine son she had her Instagram account deleted after she posted a photo and tribute message to her dead son.
Here is the post that got her Instagram account disabled.
Shana Chappell was angry at Joe Biden and wrote about it on Instagram and for this, she had her account deleted by the tech giant. No dissent against the regime is allowed.
Instagram later reinstated her account saying it “was removed in error.”
Of course, they are lying. This ONLY happens to conservatives.
For years The Gateway Pundit, as one of the largest conservative grassroots websites, has been shadow banned, censored, demonetized and banned by social media.
What we have learned recently is that the tech giants, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, built special portals offered to certain governmental entities so that government officials can flag and delete content they dislike for any reason.
Twitter calls this platform their “Twitter Partner Status.”
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who invented email, ran for US Senate in Massachusetts as a Republican and made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter. These tweets were then deleted by the far-left tech giant. Later it was discovered that they were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office.
Discovering this, Dr. Ayyadurai filed a federal lawsuit by himself, alleging that his federal civil rights were violated when the government silenced his political speech in order to affect an election.
It appears Instagram did something similar this week when they silenced a grieving Gold Star Mother.
Instagram, like Facebook and Twitter, will not all any dissent against the regime.
Maybe someday we will have lawmakers courageous enough to take on these immoral and criminal outfits.

Why is anyone surprised by this?
The Media Control is par for the course for a Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie Police State.
That said... the Internet/Social Media is only as powerful as you make it.
It is long, long, long past time these "Tech Giants" were destroyed for colluding with government to squash the rights of Americans.
Those screaming "IT'S A PRIVATE COMPANY!!!" can screw yourselves. ANY company protected by Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act is NOT a "private" company, and ANY company "partnering with government" is NOT a "private" company.

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